
Quest for Longevity

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If you like life to the point of wanting more of it; if you’ve found a way that keeps life’s struggles, disappointments, heartbreaks, horrifics, calamities, from beating you down, if you’ve reached the golden years



And still yearn for more, platinum or palladium years,,, it’s not that you dread a physical death, far from it, as that is the next fantastical adventure,,,

yet, for whatever personal reasons you may have,, continuing your current adventures in the physical realm remain attractive for you,,,

this thread is for you.




I started here in 2009, when 90+% of my breath had died.


Time for me to do a re-read and I wholeheartedly recommend ya’ll take a look at it.

Da Liu never once visited a doctor and lived in good health ninety six years. 

Different strokes for different folks.

There are a few that lived to 108+ while smoking cigars and drinking whisky; this method won’t work for everyone. Get in where you fit in.


There are meditations and qigong that enable  those in their seventies to feel like they’re seventeen. These gifts are bestowed, rarely, you don’t  order them off google.




The movie, The Green Mile touched upon some drawbacks of extended longevity. 
Always be careful what you wish for.


I like the YouTube  channel Physionic

Here’s a sample episode 



I like Baguazhang with it’s Limitless potentials






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At this point I'm no longer clinging to extending life and I'm no longer concerned with avoiding death.


It's a bit like Wei Wu Along The Way

or now and then....? 




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