Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

Do you belive in ESP?

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So, first ill let ChatGPT define the term:



ESP, or Extrasensory Perception, refers to the claimed ability to obtain information without the use of the known five senses. It is often considered a part of parapsychology. Types of ESP include telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (gaining information about distant or unseen objects), and precognition (foreknowledge of events). While some people believe in the existence of ESP, it remains a controversial and scientifically unproven concept. Most scientific studies have not found credible evidence to support ESP, and it is often regarded as pseudoscience.

So yeah, remote viewing, manifestation, Sheldrakes morphic ressonance, telepathy etc. 


From what i have gathered, there has been some solid research showing that these phenonema are real. I also do not like the term super natural (defying the laws of nature?), as i belive they are a part of the «natural laws.» Probally because my personal world view is that it is all mind, and i reject a mechanistic/newtonian world view. 

Whats your take, my dear bums?

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6 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

So, first ill let ChatGPT define the term:


So yeah, remote viewing, manifestation, Sheldrakes morphic ressonance, telepathy etc. 


From what i have gathered, there has been some solid research showing that these phenonema are real. I also do not like the term super natural (defying the laws of nature?), as i belive they are a part of the «natural laws.» Probally because my personal world view is that it is all mind, and i reject a mechanistic/newtonian world view. 

Whats your take, my dear bums?


I knew you were going to ask this question before you did........ lol :P

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First off I want to stay


I DO NOT AGREE WITH  CHAT GPT    thats a wrong definition !      And furthermore  what  would some device that has never had the experience of ESP itself know about it ?  Talk about 'unqualified opinion !


And furthermore ...






Right, now that that is out of the way ...


I dont specifically believe in ESP , thats like asking if I believe that I own a car .... I know I own a car .


Sometimes I would assume that I am reading signs visually ,  noting other things that others do not and come to the right conclusions  but others would think its ESP or  am psychic .  Some times I dont bother explaining how I did it as if I do I get a weird look . But if I shrug and just say :" I am psychic "   that seems more acceptable to them .


That was until a dog psychically communicated 2 things to me ; a word and an image ... and both where exactly spot on !   That convinced me something else is going on .

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I listened to a philospher yesterday. Cant recall his name right now unfortunatley, but ill do If it comes back. I think it was based on nietzches and heidegger, and something called perspectivism. Basically, Reality with capital r doesnt exist, and even if it did, we would never be able to see it. So we got to «choose» and be able to switch between different paradimes (ideally), depending on how usefull it is. 
Was a great talk for me as, as ive recently struggled with a destruction of my old, life long perfection of reality (lower case r) and has been struggling building a new one. But maybe i dont have to build, but can pick and choose and adapt instead.

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5 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I listened to a philospher yesterday. Cant recall his name right now unfortunatley, but ill do If it comes back. I think it was based on nietzches and heidegger, and something called perspectivism. Basically, Reality with capital r doesnt exist, and even if it did, we would never be able to see it. So we got to «choose» and be able to switch between different paradimes (ideally), depending on how usefull it is. 
Was a great talk for me as, as ive recently struggled with a destruction of my old, life long perfection of reality (lower case r) and has been struggling building a new one. But maybe i dont have to build, but can pick and choose and adapt instead.


We don't see the world the way it is.

We see the world the way we are.

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9 minutes ago, Neirong said:

Do you believe in phones, internet, radio waves, Li-Fi and other things?

That's random lol 

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:blink: 2+2 = ?

We are living in one world, not in two separate worlds, where you have computers, video calls and other technology in one and "spirituality" in another.

The only reason people don't have abilities is because they are lazy or dumb. Imagine an ape grabs a smartphone, but has no idea how to turn it on, how to charge it, and so on.

There are hundreds of abilities we can develop as species, which normal (untrained) individual does not have. It takes time, It takes effort.

You can see energy fields (more that regular visible spectrum), you can develop internal screen and watch movies on it or review memories of the past, you can even space travel by accelerating your energy body e.t.c.

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3 minutes ago, Neirong said:

The only reason people don't have abilities is because they are lazy or dumb. 


Seems a bit judgmental don't you think?

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8 minutes ago, Neirong said:

:blink: 2+2 = ?

We are living in one world, not in two separate worlds, where you have computers, video calls and other technology in one and "spirituality" in another.

The only reason people don't have abilities is because they are lazy or dumb. Imagine an ape grabs a smartphone, but has no idea how to turn it on, how to charge it, and so on.

There are hundreds of abilities we can develop as species, which normal (untrained) individual does not have. It takes time, It takes effort.

You can see energy fields (more that regular visible spectrum), you can develop internal screen and watch movies on it or review memories of the past, you can even space travel by accelerating your energy body e.t.c.

Some (in fact, most modern people) would say that your reality is so out of touch with the objective Reality, that there is no evidence for it and that it is possibly psychosis. It could be. I am not in that camp myself, buuuut… i dont think your argument (im not even sure what it is) is very convincing.
I to had experience where i saw colors around me that seemed to represent various forces or auroas or whatever, that others around did not percieve. It felt very meaningful, and it was just as real as anything other i experience….

BUT i can not say conclusivley that it was not madness (by that i mean, a break with Reality).

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I'm open to it, but have doubts about its reliability, ie the ability to do it consistently or on demand.  Almost like it's a percentage thing, some people will have a higher percentage of hits, but nowhere close to 100% reliability.  

Such inconsistency makes study maddening.


I was hoping by now we'd have greater proofs in the astral or dream state fields, not that I've researched it lately, in the past, there were amazing clues but nothing consistent.  Certainly lucid dreams, dreaming while knowing your dreaming and gaining control is considered possible and learnable.  Astral projection kinds of stuff, has tantalizing anecdotes but as far as I know, no easily lab reproducible on demand, proof.  

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16 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I think it was based on nietzches and heidegger, and something called perspectivism.

Show mercy @Nungali, but ChatGPT can bring a more precise perspective here:


Perspectivism is a philosophical view that stems from the belief that all perceptions, interpretations, and perspectives are subjective. Rooted in the idea that there is no single objective viewpoint, it suggests that different perspectives can provide different insights, each with its own validity. This concept is often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher.

In Nietzsche's philosophy, perspectivism posits that knowledge is always from a particular perspective and that there are many possible conceptual schemes, or perspectives, in which judgment of truth or value can be made. This contrasts with the notion of an absolute, objective truth. Nietzsche argued that realities are interpretive constructs, arising from a particular perspective.

This view is influential in various fields, including in the study of ethics, epistemology, and the philosophy of science. It encourages an understanding that different perspectives can lead to different insights and truths, depending on the context and the interpretive framework of the observer. Perspectivism challenges the idea of universal truths and emphasizes the importance of context in shaping understanding and knowledge.


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