Sleepy Bluejay

How do you personally meditate?

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4 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Well .....   :D  


I can assure you Maddie ..... those legs are fine ........... for a fat Russian guy in a Moscow apartment .


But we need to see them in tights .... and from a sideways perspective ... and jump up and down a bit .


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This woman is getting ready for work one morning, she has a shower dies off and looks at herself in the mirror ;

" Wow !  I look pretty good for someone who is 42 ! "  She does her hair and makeup with extra care , puts on he most flattering clothes ... " I think I look about  35 at the most , yeah ! I'm a winner . "  She feels great, so off she goes to work .


On the bus she sits next to another woman commuter she sometimes chats to ; " Tell me " ,  she asks her " How old would you say I am ? "


The other woman looks at her  " Hmmm , I would say , in your early thirties . "


" I'm actually 42 ! "


" Wow !   You dont look it , you look terrific ! "


Now beaming about herself , she decides to  get a coffee when she gets off the bus , she is waiting on line at McDonalds and she realizes she knows the guy in line in front of her , so she starts up a conversation and eventually  " Say, how old would you guess I am ? "


" Oh gosh , I dont know  .....    30  ? "


" I am actually 42 . "


" Whaaaat ?   Really ?    You look terrific . "


"  I know . "  :) 


The she goes to work , very happy , is sitting at her desk and the mail boy comes in , she cant contain herself ;


"  Hey  Billy . How old do you guess I am ?"


" Ha!  I dont have to guess .... I have this unusual ability to KNOW  exactly how old a woman is ? "


" Go on then ."


" Oh , I mean , I cant do  that here !   Its a bit cheeky .... I can tell by looking at their breasts ."


" Go on then " , she stands up .


"Oh no ,  sorry, you dont understand ,  I can do it at the nude beach , I have to look at their breasts , ya cant tell with clothes and push up or padded bras and all that . "


 She thinks  well, I go to that nude beach myself ,  and I do check some of the guys out , he has probably  already seen me there , and he is only the mail guy , so what the hell .


 " Okay ,  give me your opinion " ... she closes the  door to her office , takes her top and bra off and 'Well ?"


" Hmmm ... "  he stands there contemplating ;  " Turn side ways  ..... jiggle them up and down a bit .... now lean forward ... now stand up straight  with your shoulders  back  .....  hmmmm ...... 42 !  "


"Whaaat  ?   How did you do that ?"


" Its just this secret technique and special ability I have ."


" Oh no, you have to tell me , did you see a stretch mark, a blemish , something not pert , what was it ??? I have to know ? "


" Oh no , nothing like that at all, look, you are fine  ...... for 42 ."


" Whaaat ? Look, you have to tell me . "


" I cant, you will get angry with me , and maybe report me and I could loose my job ."


" I'll give you $50 . "


" But after that you might get angry and report me ."


" Look I have to know  how you knew and what you saw , look I will write down that I promise there will be no repercussions , I will not tell anyone or complain. here , I am signing that and here is my promise and the $50 "


he takes both " Promise ? And willnot be angry at me "


" promise ... so, how did you know I was 42 ? "


" I was behind you on the coffee line at McDonalds this morning . "


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 and by the way .... Maddie , Thanks for the leg pics  :) 




As long as they are better than that bitch Becky's lol 

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I have wonderful creative beautiful songwriter singer friend , she is also a .... well, not a student of mine, I dont like that term, let's say a 'fellow traveler along the path' . She rang me the other week very excited , after a ritual invocation she got a good result . a huge angel appeared in her lounge room , held its wings over her  ... and then she felt appreciated and protected . She went on;     "  ...  and then  Jesus appeared ! And he said to me ; ' Babe , you are heaps better than Rhiannon . '. " 


:D   :D    :D  

Edited by Nungali
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22 minutes ago, Nungali said:

. a huge angel appeared in her lounge room , held its wings over her  ... and then she felt appreciated and protected . She went on;     "  ...  and then  Jesus appeared !

:D   :D    :D  


That happened to me once after eating some bad potato salad.

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We probably have experience of changing method  if they don't seem to work or don't feel right.   I think a periodic change of methods is also an option.   Some of the methods are quite "active" , like contemplation, counting, staring, concentrate in a certain point/s.   All these engage the normal consciousness in different extents.   In the longer term, the person would be too ingrained and hamper their progress to more passive or emptiness meditation.


While a more passive approach tends to stray, day dreaming, or fallen asleep.  A periodic back to the fundamental approaches is beneficial.



Apart from periodic changes, there are stipulated rotation of methods within a system.  In traditional orbiting, normally the upward movement of Chi is encouraged by the "fire"  or fanning the fire i.e. more using of the concentration.  While in certain points, especially the downward journey back to the dantien, a passive or "bathing" approach is necessary to gather the Chi, resting and may be opening some points.



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On 25.11.2023 at 9:25 PM, Sleepy Bluejay said:

Like, what do you do or what do you focus on?

How does it feel? What is your experience with it?


Also I would like to know what you personally do doing Tai Chi, etc. and how/where do you move the "energies" within your meridians?


My experience is that there is no single "right" technique for meditation, nor is there a single "right" purpose for it either.  There are as many different techniques as there are people with opinions on the subject. There are focused techniques, unfocused techniques, moving techniques, etc.  To figure out what works, trial and error is all I've come up with, though my own experience is that dzogchen training works best for what I am trying to accomplish. 


You might also give some thought as to what your purpose for meditating is and what you are trying to accomplish.  Some meditate to train their minds, others for spiritual purposes, others to accumulate martial power, some to for emotional stress,  etc.  This is also something that might change over time as you practice. 


The Zazen technique is always a good starting technique.  The book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryū Suzuki is a good reference.  Another reference on dzogchen that helped me is in the video link below.


Most important, however, is just to practice, even if you are not confident you are doing things right. 

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1. Be willing to feel everything that you feel. 


2. This opens the heart and initiates an alchemical process of transformation through prayer. 


3. Abide in the and presence of Light, and Glory and Love of God 


4. Bless the world


5. Amen

Edited by Salvijus
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Depends, in my steady daily practice each day it's usually 2 of Metta, Karuna, breathing meditation ( first four steps of Anapanasati ), 4 elements, insight, maranasati, their Zen equivalents plus some other Zen meditations ( ie Koans, unborn ).


I also chant and do walking meditation/kinhin.


There's also quite a bit of time devoted in meeting with my teachers both in the context of a class lesson as well as 1-1s & private interviews, then creating notes etc, beyond the meditation sessions done in-class.


When I have time for longer sessions, eg to meditate 10 hours per day it's a different story.

But the most important thing is to maintain practice every day during the week.

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One thing that kind of surprises me is how little people talk about working with the five elements as opposed to Dan Tien breathing and MCO. When I used to be big into Qigong that was my emphasis but I don't see it spoken about much.

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I started out meditating only focusing on breath, usually somewhere secluded and sitting in silence. Then I started practicing visualizations. But now, as Old3bob says, I often meditate doing whatever it is that I am doing. I still do the first two, when there is something in particular that is troubling me and where nothing else will help. Focusing on breath helps me calm myself, and the visualization techniques can help me with memory and concentration. When there is something physical wrong, like tension or joint weakness, I do yoga or qigong. Ahh, sometimes that is not enough, though...I wish I could get a good massage. My shoulder is so tight that stretches and yoga are not enough. I would pay someone to punch me even. Loosen it up a little bit. Like a steak tenderizer?...What were we talking about? Well. That is just me. My only personal goal in mind, though, is only to have a good day, haha. Fixing things that prevent me from doing so. I hope you find what you need. Be kind to yourself.

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1 hour ago, Unota said:

My shoulder is so tight that stretches and yoga are not enough. I would pay someone to punch me even. Loosen it up a little bit. Like a steak tenderizer?...What were we talking about? Well. That is just me. My only personal goal in mind, though, is only to have a good day, haha. Fixing things that prevent me from doing so. I hope you find what you need. Be kind to yourself.


I'm doing physio for this atm, do massages if you can.


In any case during the day what my physiotherapist said I should do is ...belly breathing as much as possible (how appropriate an advice to pass on in Daoist forums 😁), as it helps the shoulders relax.

Also check posture , height of screen etc when working with a computer.

Edited by snowymountains
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3 hours ago, Unota said:

I started out meditating only focusing on breath, usually somewhere secluded and sitting in silence. Then I started practicing visualizations. But now, as Old3bob says, I often meditate doing whatever it is that I am doing. I still do the first two, when there is something in particular that is troubling me and where nothing else will help. Focusing on breath helps me calm myself, and the visualization techniques can help me with memory and concentration. When there is something physical wrong, like tension or joint weakness, I do yoga or qigong. Ahh, sometimes that is not enough, though...I wish I could get a good massage. My shoulder is so tight that stretches and yoga are not enough. I would pay someone to punch me even. Loosen it up a little bit. Like a steak tenderizer?...What were we talking about? Well. That is just me. My only personal goal in mind, though, is only to have a good day, haha. Fixing things that prevent me from doing so. I hope you find what you need. Be kind to yourself.


Acupuncture could do a lot for that.

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6 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

What tradition would that be, my friend?


That one you wrote about  ;  


"  .....   He did made me join his cult with help of black magic, where we harras people for their faith and for their faith only of course, (because we are biased and accademics can be wrong (but fictonal Moses cannot)). " 



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3 minutes ago, Nungali said:


That one you wrote about  ;  


"  .....   He did made me join his cult with help of black magic, where we harras people for their faith and for their faith only of course, (because we are biased and accademics can be wrong (but fictonal Moses cannot)). " 



Haha yess, id love to learn more. Maybe with time

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... but have you buried the shoe box with the money in it in your back yard yet ?

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3 minutes ago, Nungali said:

... but have you buried the shoe box with the money in it in your back yard yet ?

My doubts overcame me:( any alternatives?

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57 minutes ago, Maddie said:


Acupuncture could do a lot for that.

Probably yes, my physiotherapist is doing some form of accupressure btw, though the one he does is not TCM 

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9 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

Probably yes, my physiotherapist is doing some form of accupressure btw, though the one he does is not TCM 


This is a pet topic of mine. There is a HUGE difference between a non-acupuncturist doing "acupuncture" and an actually LAc. (licensed acupuncturist) doing acupuncture. 


My degree took four years of year round graduate school and two years to pass grueling state medical board exams. So it makes me feel funny feelings when a therapist, or chiropractor, or MD or what ever have you takes a hundred hour course and think they know how to do acupuncture. 


Sorry for the rant, I'm sure your physiotherapist does a good job, just made me think of this topic. 

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On 11/25/2023 at 11:25 AM, Sleepy Bluejay said:

Like, what do you do or what do you focus on?

How does it feel? What is your experience with it?


Also I would like to know what you personally do doing Tai Chi, etc. and how/where do you move the "energies" within your meridians?

I like to refer meditation as Zazen. It is because it's more meaningful to me. Either in the lotus position or sitting on a chair, I do mainly focus on my breathing. I do it in open space with plenty of fresh air. My mind is empty with no distraction but I do aware what's around the environment. I hear every little sound, like birds, the wind moves and the siren of a fire truck or ambulance. I don't think about them but just aware of them do exist. I do feel that I am oneself inspired with my slow, deep, and long breathing. Spiritually, I felt there is nothing but space all around me. All the distractions seems to have nothing to do with me. I am just in the center of space.

In doing Taiji, I focus on breathing and movements. I sink chi to my dantian meaning breathing slow, long and deep down to my abdomen. I coordinate the breathing with the movements and coordinate the movements with the breathing. One move I inhale and exhale on the next move. That is the purpose of exercising in Taiji. Hence, breathing gives the biological effect inside the body; and the movements give the physical effect of the body.

How/where the energies move within the meridians? Well, the body will take care by itself. In your terms, the energy will move, spontaneously, in the meridians. What took place inside the body is ineffable but only by self intuition. 

Edited by ChiDragon

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22 minutes ago, Maddie said:


This is a pet topic of mine. There is a HUGE difference between a non-acupuncturist doing "acupuncture" and an actually LAc. (licensed acupuncturist) doing acupuncture. 


My degree took four years of year round graduate school and two years to pass grueling state medical board exams. So it makes me feel funny feelings when a therapist, or chiropractor, or MD or what ever have you takes a hundred hour course and think they know how to do acupuncture. 


Sorry for the rant, I'm sure your physiotherapist does a good job, just made me think of this topic. 


Easy 🙂 he does acupressure, not acupuncture, he's also not doing TCM acupressure.

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1 hour ago, snowymountains said:

..... my physiotherapist is doing some form of accupressure btw, though the one he does is not TCM 

Come to think of it, most or all Chinese martial artists hurt themselves doing practice. Most of them do have some knowledge on massage and acupressure to cure their pain. It doesn't need special skill to perform acupressure. Besides, if it does no good, then, it does no harm either. The basic treatment to not the treat the area in pain but the reflexopoint. The reflxopoint is a sore spot that is related to the pain spot. One massage the sore spot with a little pressure until the soreness is gone. Then, the pain should have gone away. It works for me every time. I have cured my neck pain that had have been bothering me for two years. IMO By applying acupressure to the reflexopoint, it covers more area than with an acupuncture needle does.

In another case, I was working on an experiment in my workshop that involves with lots of screwing and unscrewing. It caused lots of pain on the muscle below the thumb. There is sore spot on wrist where the radial nerve is located. I applied acupressure on it the pain had gone instantly. As a matter of fact, I had just done it in the last moment as I type.

Edited by ChiDragon
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11 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


Easy 🙂 he does acupressure, not acupuncture, he's also not doing TCM acupressure.

Do you think that there is a difference between acupressure and TCM acupressure? FYI There is no difference. Anyone can apply pressure to any spot on the body.

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6 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Come to think of it, most or all Chinese martial artists hurt themselves doing practice. Some they do know have some knowledge on massage and acupressure to cure their pain.


omg yes! I am always sore after every BJJ class. I always do acupuncture on myself after class to work out the soreness. 

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