
Rudi Authentic Neigong

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Does anyone know anything about who this guy actually is? 
History, education, training....even just his real name?


He claims to be a doctor. If he wants to brandish the credentials of authority then show them to people. He used to be an ion machine salesman, then tried to delete all traces of that on this site before returning as a neigong guru.


It is very suspicious to conceal one's identity when asking people for money. It is a huge red flag to ask people to trust you with their spiritual health while deliberately concealing who you are. 


Edited by daoboy

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There´s a thread on the board where people have related their experiences working with Rudy, all positive testimonials if memory serves.  At one point he offered a free zoom class on diaphramatic breathing which I took and found very useful.  Nobody is perfect and there are always things to criticize, but personally I find these testimonials persuasive.  As spiritual teacher scandals go, ion machine salesmanship is pretty tame.

Edited by liminal_luke
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Thanks for the reply. The thread you are referring to is why I'm bothering to ask this question. Normally I'd just dismiss an anonymous 'master' out of hand. I can't think of a single reputable trainer who is not up front about their identity and experience. 


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It´s good I think to be cautious, perhaps especially when it comes to spiritual teachers.  I have some trust in that thread because it´s here on the forum and not on one of Rudi´s personal sites.  A lot of times you see testimonials on websites that have been picked and chosen by the seller.  That´s not the case here where anyone can post whatever they like.

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54 minutes ago, daoboy said:

He used to be an ion machine salesman, then tried to delete all traces of that on this site before returning as a neigong guru.

ion machines are electrical, now he zaps peeps with electricity......hmm

coincidence? i think not!

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2 hours ago, daoboy said:

Does anyone know anything about who this guy actually is? 
History, education, training....even just his real name?


He claims to be a doctor. If he wants to brandish the credentials of authority then show them to people. He used to be an ion machine salesman, then tried to delete all traces of that on this site before returning as a neigong guru.


It is very suspicious to conceal one's identity when asking people for money. It is a huge red flag to ask people to trust you with their spiritual health while deliberately concealing who you are. 


There is no conspiracy here.


I go by the name Rudi because I don't want random strangers showing up at my house. Some privacy is nice, I do post quite a lot of pics of my time in china and include pictures of me working in hospitals for my degree during the initial seminar. Anyone who took it can confirm it and I am sure some will.


I graduated from the Shanghai university of traditional chinese medicine, but I am not offering medical consultation on my website, I am teaching neigong so don't see why I should post my degree.


While I was studying in shanghai I needed an income, so set up the company to sell ion generators back in 2016 I believe. I did that for as long as it was needed, then closed the company down in 2021 when I started teaching. I am not going to be paying for a domain or website hosting that I don't use so closed it down.

Also, covid pushed up the cost of international shipping so much that the business just wasn't viable anymore. 


I studied with various teachers, the more well known ones are Master Jiang Feng, after his passing I studied with various other teachers who aren't known in the west so no point mentioning them and now I study with Master Zhou Gan Sheng. 

Anything else you wana know just ask. 




Edited by 小梦想
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I did not presume a conspiracy. As an anon on a forum populated almost entirely by other anons, no one needs to justify why they might want their privacy generally speaking. But you are asking people to trust you and give you money. That changes the equation altogether.


 Virtually everyone who teaches anything on any topic throughout the world manages to use their own names without people showing up on their doorstep. Primary teachers, professors, martial arts instructors and even people teaching internal arts.

So I don't buy a random person taking on the enormous expense and hassle of flying to China (or wherever) to bother you at home is a legitimate concern. This is an area of teaching with a great deal of fraud it seems unfair to label sensible caution as a conspiracy. 


That said, you avoided being super defensive in your response and that's a mark in your favor. I also appreciate that everyone has had all sorts of weird jobs in the past and it is not fair to judge you on that basis. Last, I'll concede that your TCM training isn't directly relevant to what you teach.

Edited by daoboy
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40 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

If you want to ask questions about a practice that actually works, nows your chance.

ah you know me, i will jump at the chance. thank you muchly. but what does constitute "work" in your understanding? for me "work" means results so what are your  results exactly?

2 hours ago, daoboy said:

So I don't buy a random person taking on the enormous expense and hassle of flying to China (or wherever) to bother you at home is a legitimate concern.


a random person would not. but someone who was promised a superpower of electrical zapping, wasted a lot of time and money on it, and did not get it - such person just might. if he is angry  enough. and promises of superpowers do attract seriously angry persons. so it is a legit concern in that line of business. some such entrepreneurs think ahead, you know.

Edited by Taoist Texts
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12 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

Don’t ask me, ask 小梦想. You have an expert here, take this opportunity.

hmm so you cannot answer a very simple question. are you sure you know who is an expert and who is not? i am disappointed amigo. not at you but with you.

as to the Mr small fantasy i dont have to waste his very pricey time. its all here:


no results. and no, "feeling warm" or "my health is improving" is not  a result. 


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27 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

hmm so you cannot answer a very simple question. are you sure you know who is an expert and who is not? i am disappointed amigo. not at you but with you.

as to the Mr small fantasy i dont have to waste his very pricey time. its all here:


no results. and no, "feeling warm" or "my health is improving" is not  a result. 



Oh I can answer it, don't worry. I just thought as a teacher yourself you would want to hear it from a fellow teacher instead of a mere student. After all from what you've said in the past it seemed like you were an expert on the subject.


From what you've said in previous threads:



1.  people who come to experience it self-select - they are believers already full of nervous tension, coming long way, paying the fee. a non-believer simply would not come.

2. the ritual. taking of shoes, standing  on a towel has absolutely no sense in terms of electrical conductivity. electrical current would not go through the carpet and the floor whether shod or not. but this ritual heightens the tension. (and proves that real electricity has nothing to do with it).

3. in the demanding presence of other believers, being taped, given a lecture beforehand - the tension keeps heightening and finally when the charismatic master makes mysterious gestures - the tension climaxes in an electric feeling.




I dont think there is a device in the majority of these demonstrations. What is going on is a hypnosis.


You seem very sure about these claims. I thought you would be glad for the opportunity to test them with a teacher of these methods. Yet you haven't even asked him anything. Strange. Almost as if you are scared of being proved wrong.


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4 hours ago, daoboy said:

I did not presume a conspiracy. As an anon on a forum populated almost entirely by other anons, no one needs to justify why they might want their privacy generally speaking. But you are asking people to trust you and give you money. That changes the equation altogether.


 Virtually everyone who teaches anything on any topic throughout the world manages to use their own names without people showing up on their doorstep. Primary teachers, professors, martial arts instructors and even people teaching internal arts.

So I don't buy a random person taking on the enormous expense and hassle of flying to China (or wherever) to bother you at home is a legitimate concern. This is an area of teaching with a great deal of fraud it seems unfair to label sensible caution as a conspiracy. 


That said, you avoided being super defensive in your response and that's a mark in your favor. I also appreciate that everyone has had all sorts of weird jobs in the past and it is not fair to judge you on that basis. Last, I'll concede that your TCM training isn't directly relevant to what you teach.


You might be interested in these videos from students and people who have been on the medical and training trips. Some of them have Master Zhou Gan Sheng in them:





Not sure if you've seen the website too as lots of the info you said wasn't available is all there: https://authenticneigong.com/

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9 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

I just thought as a teacher yourself you would want to hear it from a fellow teacher

we are no fellows. when i take money i guarantee exact results.

9 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

Almost as if you are scared of being proved wrong.

words do not prove anything so no, not really quaking in my boots. Please understand that on the interwebs there are different people claiming to change weather, to shoot laser beams out of their eyes; to be inheritors to a million year old "traditions"; to throw people at a mere touch; to have a third eye; to see spirits; and so on and so forth. Who heard one of them - heard them all. Zapping ppl is just wednesday on their planet. I saw thousands of them. All  boring. But thanks.

Edited by Taoist Texts

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1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

we are no fellows. when i take money i guarantee exact results.


So what are these exact results that you guarantee? Show them.


1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

words do not prove anything so no, not really quaking in my boots. Please understand that on the interwebs there are different people claiming to change weather, to shoot laser beams out of their eyes; to be inheritors to a million year old "traditions"; to throw people at a mere touch; to have a third eye; to see spirits; and so on and so forth. Who heard one of them - heard them all. Zapping ppl is just wednesday on their planet. I saw thousands of them. All  boring. But thanks.


So if you have nothing more to say on it, don’t bother commenting on the subject. Either man up and prove your point once and for all, or go away. The ball is in your court, but you would rather sit on the sidelines instead of actually trying to score. 

16 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

ion machines are electrical, now he zaps peeps with electricity......hmm

coincidence? i think not!


You came in guns blazing, but when the guy you were criticising showed up in the thread, you are quiet as a mouse to him and prefer to argue with his student. What happened? Where is all that bravado? Are you even going to ask one simple question?



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24 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

So if you have nothing more to say on it, don’t bother commenting on the subject. Either man up and prove your point once and for all, or go away.

look amigo, i hate to break it to you but you are not the boss of me. my missus is.

27 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

prefer to argue with his student.

you addressed me first on this thread. i only reply because i was not raised in a barn. its a curse, i tell ya.

34 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:


So what are these exact results that you guarantee? Show them.

your zeal rubs me the right way so gladly: the results i guarantee is that i explain the workings of the universe with all and any spiritual teachings in it via alchemy, according to...(drum roll)...taoist texts. Or your money back. Thats it. You see i am very comfortably retired for 20 years now. I dont need your money, it being just a courtesy. Hence i dont need to make clownish claims, as opposed to the shameless "teachers' who are greedy for your money.

43 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

What happened? Where is all that bravado? Are you even going to ask one simple question?

hehe no, thank you, i will not be baited into harassing a forumer. Do you see me questioning the guy who directs hurricanes with his magic? No, despite that being so much more thrilling than puny zapping. Now when you can knock a galaxy from its axis come back and let me know. Seriously though: i dont ask questions of the hurricane wizard or the  zapping maestro because i know every word they say in advance. Seriously, i do. I admit i am guilty of occasionally cracking  a good-natured joke at their expense.

56 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

You came in guns blazing

dont you mean ion machines fulminating? hehe;)

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44 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

look amigo, i hate to break it to you but you are not the boss of me. my missus is.

you addressed me first on this thread. i only reply because i was not raised in a barn. its a curse, i tell ya.

your zeal rubs me the right way so gladly: the results i guarantee is that i explain the workings of the universe with all and any spiritual teachings in it via alchemy, according to...(drum roll)...taoist texts. Or your money back. Thats it. You see i am very comfortably retired for 20 years now. I dont need your money, it being just a courtesy. Hence i dont need to make clownish claims, as opposed to the shameless "teachers' who are greedy for your money.

hehe no, thank you, i will not be baited into harassing a forumer. Do you see me questioning the guy who directs hurricanes with his magic? No, despite that being so much more thrilling than puny zapping. Now when you can knock a galaxy from its axis come back and let me know. Seriously though: i dont ask questions of the hurricane wizard or the  zapping maestro because i know every word they say in advance. Seriously, i do. I admit i am guilty of occasionally cracking  a good-natured joke at their expense.

dont you mean ion machines fulminating? hehe;)

Ok, so you have nothing that you can show us. I understand clearly now. I just think that as a teacher you should be put under the same scrutiny that you show towards other teachers. Especially since you’ve been so vocal about Rudi and many other teachers in many other threads. You came into this thread first. didn’t force you to come in here and post.


So since you are here, either make your case since you finally have a teacher of these methods to talk to, or get out. Anything else is quite cowardly, really.

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I don’t know what you actually expect Taoist Texts to do here. Meet some unverifiable claims with questions to get unverifiable answers? He’s right, there’s a lot of wizards running around and not enough time in the world to listen to them explain themselves. If we want to talk about results, though, what’s it say about a teaching when the disciple responds to some gentle ribbing with belligerence?

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21 minutes ago, SirPalomides said:

gentle ribbing

No at this point it’s trolling. Every single thread this guy pops up, so I’m calling him out on it. What becomes an opportunity for people to learn always descends into a shit show when he’s around, and I’m tired of it, so are many others. 

21 hours ago, daoboy said:

Does anyone know anything about who this guy actually is? 
History, education, training....even just his real name?


It is very suspicious to conceal one's identity when asking people for money. It is a huge red flag to ask people to trust you with their spiritual health while deliberately concealing who you are. 


@daoboy makes a very good point here that can also be applied to Taoist Texts. I’m not even convinced he’s even a teacher or has any students, every time he’s asked about it we get nothing from him except vague non answers. Are there any students of his on Daobums? Do we know his background? If someone chooses to spend their time going to every thread of a practice they don’t follow, they better be able to back up what they say. In this case we’ve had nothing from him in multiple threads. As far as I’m concerned he’s just fantasist using google translate on old documents who is larping as a teacher. 

5 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

we are no fellows. when i take money i guarantee exact results.

This is a very bold claim, I don’t think I’ve seen any other teacher say this on Daobums before, so again, if he is so sure that what he does is correct and every other teacher is a scammer, show us those exact guaranteed results or stop posting.

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Taoist Texts says he explains cosmological principles based on texts. Pretty modest. He's not saying you can summon rain clouds or fly after hearing this explanation. I'm in no real position to judge but from the little I've seen of his contributions on this forum, he does seem to know what he's talking about. As for "trolling," well, someone's got to keep this place from being a wizard echo chamber. 

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14 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

I dont think there is a device in the majority of these demonstrations. What is going on is a hypnosis.



There actually is a device to create electric shocks, and it requires someone to be wearing long pants and leather shoes.


As for the hypnosis stuff, I am able to achieve pretty much all phenomena related to Qi demonstrations typically presented, via hypnosis.


Maybe there is "genuine" external Qi phenomena out there, but I'm yet to see it.

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8 minutes ago, Partez said:


There actually is a device to create electric shocks, and it requires someone to be wearing long pants and leather shoes.


As for the hypnosis stuff, I am able to achieve pretty much all phenomena related to Qi demonstrations typically presented, via hypnosis.


Maybe there is "genuine" external Qi phenomena out there, but I'm yet to see it.

It’s something that you should really experience in person to be convinced. Quite an amazing feeling. 

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