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Anyways the only reason I said anything at all is because people could potentially be harmed. Usually if people discuss shooting lighting out of their fingers like Palpitine I just quietly roll my eyes and go about my business. But as a medical professional I felt like I should say something. 


There is nothing wrong with developing a new system I guess, but it should be done responsibly with trials, testing, and peer reviewed studies first,  before it is used on the general public. 

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18 minutes ago, Maddie said:

There is nothing wrong with developing a new system I guess, but it should be done responsibly with trials, testing, and peer reviewed studies first,  before it is used on the general public.


There weren't scientific trials in classic China in this sense.


The renown masters first attained high level through meditation and preliminary practices, which opens the capability to see how karma works out. They could see directly what helps and what not.

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28 minutes ago, Maddie said:

Anyways the only reason I said anything at all is because people could potentially be harmed. Usually if people discuss shooting lighting out of their fingers like Palpitine I just quietly roll my eyes and go about my business. But as a medical professional I felt like I should say something. 


There is nothing wrong with developing a new system I guess, but it should be done responsibly with trials, testing, and peer reviewed studies first,  before it is used on the general public. 

I agree, 100%. I don’t think any method should be posted on this site. When I first started cultivating I went straight for upper dantien/third eye meditations and ended up with red vision in my left eye after following some Wang Liping pdf I found online. Lucky it went away the next day, but if it didn’t there would be no one to help me fix it. 

If you want to try something, take the risk yourself, don’t post instructions that could get someone else to damage themselves unknowingly. 

Edited by Pak_Satrio
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6 minutes ago, senseless virtue said:


There weren't scientific trials in classic China in this sense.


The renown masters first attained high level through meditation and preliminary practices, which opens the capability to see how karma works out. They could see directly what helps and what not.


I doubt that was the case for everything developed in ancient China, I'm sure it depended on what one was developing.


I assume Sun Tzu obtained his wisdom through military experience.


Confucius probably developed his philosophy by studying philosophy from the scholars.   


The ancient doctors probably did a lot of trial and error.


I don't think everyone that made a system had super powers. 

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2 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

I agree, 100%. I don’t think any method should be posted on this site. When I first started cultivating I went straight for upper dantien/third eye meditations and ended up with red vision in my left eye after following some Wang Liping pdf I found online. Lucky it went away the next day, but if it didn’t there would be no one to help me fix it. 

If you want to try something, take the risk yourself, don’t post instructions that could get someone else to damage themselves unknowingly. 


I've heard more than one monk say that it is typical of westerners to think way too highly of themselves and go immediately to very advanced stuff way before they are ready. The same monks were also commenting on how this is unfortunate because a lot of the westerners that do this go nuts, or develop serious health problems. 

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@Sleepy Bluejay if anything take it as a compliment that you're onto something just hot enough to be considered dangerous B)


Potato plants, eh? I've tried a few times throughout the years to plant vegetable gardens (this is not one of my metaphors; i literally plowed up part of the yard!). Got some pretty nice sprouts going strong, most of the time only to end up getting devoured by wild deer, beetles, or overrun by weeds, burned up in the Florida sun, or just plain crappy yields. Lots of things to watch out for out there. Okay maybe there's metaphor in there somewhere after all. Anyway the 'Bums might seem some harsh critics, but don't take it too personally, they just looking out.

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I am not sure Qi deviations is the right term. I know there is a Chinese term called Qigong deviation(气功偏差).

Here is that explanation of Qigong deviation:



Google English translation:


Qigong deviation refers to the physical and mental disorders that occur during the practice of Qigong, abnormal thinking, emotions, and behavior, which affect normal life and work, and cannot be alleviated on their own. The physical and mental state. It is generally believed that the causes of its occurrence can be roughly divided into two categories. One is caused by improper operation of the three-tone practice of Qigong, and the other is the deviation of qigong in people at high risk of mental illness. The practitioner of such deviation has suffered from mental illness, or has a family history of mental illness, or has personality defects.For Qigong deviations, we should adhere to the principle of prevention first. The general principles and essentials for the prevention of Qigong deviations are: choose people suitable for practicing Qigong; establish a correct understanding of Qigong; dialectical selection of exercises, individualized selection of exercises; accurately grasp the essentials of exercises; teachers take exercises and check exercises; students insist on writing practice diaries; timely report and consultation; early and timely intervention, etc.

However, timely and correct handling after deviations is a necessary condition and key element to ensure the safety of practice.The general principles and methods of correction are: stop practicing, dialectical treatment, psychological counseling, relaxation training, acupuncture and moxibustion guidance, acupuncture and moxibustion, Chinese and Western medicines, etc.

Edited by ChiDragon

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Why most people looking for a lineage and the most authentic original system?  It is not really due to branding effect.  There were no scientific assessments in the past and even now.  And there was no mass schooling, but apprenticeship of limited numbers.   No one knows how a system works out in multiple peoples and environments or having desired effects.  


The only trustworthy way is to see how it works out after a long time.  See how many got injuries, getting psychotic, or commonly - long term illnesses.


New systems and methods are usually treated suspiciously.  


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I don't see how any non-physical practice system could hurt someone. IMO Those practices that could do damage to the physical body are the hard Qigong, iron shirt, iron fist, and etc. 

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8 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

I don't see how any non-physical practice system could hurt someone. IMO Those practices that could do damage to the physical body are the hard Qigong, iron shirt, iron fist, and etc. 


You are not new here.  You should have heard of many stories, like Man*** and others. 

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On 12/23/2023 at 9:05 AM, Maddie said:


I've heard more than one monk say that it is typical of westerners to think way too highly of themselves and go immediately to very advanced stuff way before they are ready. 



That trend applies to politics, science, sports, etc.


Everyone wants to begin at an advanced level. No one wants to learn the basics.


Which is why I try very hard.


To not be like those people.

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