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Journeying with kakhef

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The test of patience is easy...the journey to Tao is eternal.

Keep in touch with those very few that share the path. This is simple-all you do is connect with people, along the way, for the service of humanity is a very endurance enriching path. Patience. Please remember that maturing richness, livliness, and essence of what your khef-ka really is. Khef-ka is simple, it is finding YOU. After you've done that, there is very close to nothing in the way of what you can do with the time given to what your really exist for.


Say, that brings me to the original question in mind-

have you found for yourself a final satisfaction with your own company being the




This has probably merged from hundreds or even a thousand parts of you. To what place have you gone? Can you share the experience of this gift if it has befallen you?


I remember that bridge, that very intense passage that pulled me through and made me ask myself...I once felt that all of my life I'd been in hiding...and now what is this that I am discovering? Various parts of myself was making me rethink a massive amount of things over again and at that age, who's to handle this well? So many things. Some rational, some not, while others are unlocking things forgotten, and some that the bells are still not yet ringing for. It's up to you to pay attention to them as they happen.



Few have ever left this imprintation of their lives -of the many- your eternal existence scanning over the ages...its overwhelming, it simple, its the very and the strange we seek the pleasure of the essence of solace. There are many challenging lifetimes in between, in the way, a stretch from the way...dark, horrendous to heartshatteringly beautiful (and only that if you had taken the time given you and applied some appreciation and love to it) ...


-Jessica, the happy

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mmmhh, you have sexy eyebrows



GrandTrinity: Concentrate on your nosetip...!!!

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