
2024 - Year of the Green Dragon

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Welcome Wood Dragon. You are in full charge now. What a dynamic change here in Australia. I was moving fast this morning didn't want to stop!


Love this new animal/energy. :)



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The sky this morning nearing the new Moon.




Celestial Dragon!' 

I'm about to brew some Yi Wu Mountain Raw Puerh to celebrate the view of the Dragon in the sky. Yin & Yang are in balance. Enjoying the movement of Qi this year. Very energising :)





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Posted (edited)

Very interesting. Had no idea that this year is of a green dragon. 


I actually did active imagination with my psychoterapist that I visit just couple times per year. 

And early after starging there was a green snake throughout my spine up till the point between the yebrows. 


The dragon/snake was very nice green and he was talking to me about the need to increase the good energy, and give the death to the earth for it to transform it. With his eyes things like smoking or eating ultra processed (ultra dead food) felt like a very bad idea. 


Conserve life force, do inner smile, microcosmic orbit is what I am doing daily and it is enhanced by this guys help. 


Also when he got into me, I felt the spine being very hot and full of energy at that moment. I did sent the energy to the larger microcosmis orbit including the feet, after that I did not felt any in my lower dan tien, as it was first time sending it to this big orbit. When I changed the flow just to basic orbit, I had the energy there back again. 


The snake has its own will, I think consuming the highest life force food is what he wants me to do, but of course I can tell him to get lost. But I think he is absolutely right. 


And there was also the aspect of the black (total black) snakes that emerged at the time the green dragon emerged, but the earth (after "talking with her") took these inside itself and transformers them into the full green life force. 


I think that our society did stray from high chi/ high life-force foods. 


One I know about is wheat grass that I would like to prepare in the future. 

But overall fresh stuff is the best in this regard.  

Edited by oatisnottao

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I have never seen the tree right in front of my balcony like this before. An explosion of yellow colour. Spring is just around the corner.



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