Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

Unmasking thought viruses

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Thought Virus!


That is the title of a Norwegian program I recently completed. It translates to "thought virus" and draws parallels between our mental immune system and the body's defenses. Just as our bodies can be infected, our minds can too, and similarly, it possesses a defense system that can be weakened or strengthened.


During a typical day, 95% of us experience depressive or anxious thoughts, often due to our skill in imagining various outcomes. Consider a scenario where an attractive stranger looks at you – interpretations could be positive (intrigued), neutral, or negative.

Some fear flying, yet statistically, you're twice as likely to win the lottery than crash on a flight. Flying for 6300 years straight? Statistically, you'd crash once!


Think about drinking lemon juice – you probably get a bodily reaction, feeling it almost as vividly as if you were actually drinking it. Your mind can't distinguish between imagined and real experiences.


Now, the "cure":


Vitamin A(cceptance): Simply acknowledge the thought.

Presence: Most problems reside in the past or future, not in the present.


Similar to a plane crash, it probably isn't in the future either. This brings to mind meditation – once viewed as a specific practice, now seen as being present or engaged in what you're doing, anywhere, anytime.


That odd shadow you see in bed may seem like a serial killer, but I dare say it probably isn't.

There's no monster under the bed.



The minatour

Somethings are probally left unsaid, but i did DMT ones, and in during the trip i was inside my brain and was trying to navigate it like a labyrinth. It was not fun.

Edited by NaturaNaturans
Asked AI to clean up the language
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5 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Thought Virus!


That is the title of a Norwegian program I recently completed. It translates to "thought virus" and draws parallels between our mental immune system and the body's defenses. Just as our bodies can be infected, our minds can too, and similarly, it possesses a defense system that can be weakened or strengthened.


During a typical day, 95% of us experience depressive or anxious thoughts, often due to our skill in imagining various outcomes. Consider a scenario where an attractive stranger looks at you – interpretations could be positive (intrigued), neutral, or negative.

Some fear flying, yet statistically, you're twice as likely to win the lottery than crash on a flight. Flying for 6300 years straight? Statistically, you'd crash once!


Think about drinking lemon juice – you probably get a bodily reaction, feeling it almost as vividly as if you were actually drinking it. Your mind can't distinguish between imagined and real experiences.


Now, the "cure":


Vitamin A(cceptance): Simply acknowledge the thought.

Presence: Most problems reside in the past or future, not in the present.


Similar to a plane crash, it probably isn't in the future either. This brings to mind meditation – once viewed as a specific practice, now seen as being present or engaged in what you're doing, anywhere, anytime.


That odd shadow you see in bed may seem like a serial killer, but I dare say it probably isn't.

There's no monster under the bed.



The minatour

Somethings are probally left unsaid, but i did DMT ones, and in during the trip i was inside my brain and was trying to navigate it like a labyrinth. It was not fun.




Memory has its good and bad sides. Given that people learn - as they mature - about the need to be socially accepted, they tend to develop an anxious mind. Anxiety and every other unpleasant state of mind is essentially based on Fear. Mainly fear of being inadequate. So, for most people, the mind matures in a sort of urge to ‘not fail’ instead of ‘constructing’. Thus, they suffer when they remember their mistakes, unless they learn how to live in the present disregarding the past, which is a challenge.


The good side is that memory underpins imagination. Imagination is only possible due to Memory, because thinking is - ultimately - the association of ideas. One can only ratiocinate by associating past experiences. And considering that imagination is the key to building a pleasant life, and that Memory is the basis of Imagination, we can conclude that Memory is a blessing.


I’d suggest you watching anything that Sadhguru has to say regarding Memory. It really opened my mind. He is a very wise mystic and has legitimate credentials in the Yogic Tradition.

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@Apoostrophe Thank you, my friend. For me, the main take away of the series was that 95% have these thoughts on a daily basis. In one way, not suprising, but it is «healing» to know that your human, all to human. 

Memory has its function, for sure. You made your intro post about rediscovering the child mind (is that a fair description?), and I think memory plays a cruicial role in that. It is that witch hinders you in becoming an infant, grounds you in a sense.


Sadghuru i have only listened to on Joe Rogan. Likeable fellow, no doubt. He told a joke about god and science and earth, ill look it up later. You got anything in particular to reccomend from him?


Again, on becoming whole, maybe this will interrest you: 


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On the origin of the word memory, i present to you Mimir, the wisest being in all the realms:


If interrested you could also take a look at Odins ravens, Hugin (minne, there is no exact english word for it but remind works) and Munin (thought).

Edited by NaturaNaturans
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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

@Apoostrophe Thank you, my friend. For me, the main take away of the series was that 95% have these thoughts on a daily basis. In one way, not suprising, but it is «healing» to know that your human, all to human. 

Memory has its function, for sure. You made your intro post about rediscovering the child mind (is that a fair description?), and I think memory plays a cruicial role in that. It is that witch hinders you in becoming an infant, grounds you in a sense.


Sadghuru i have only listened to on Joe Rogan. Likeable fellow, no doubt. He told a joke about god and science and earth, ill look it up later. You got anything in particular to reccomend from him?


Again, on becoming whole, maybe this will interrest you: 



Yes, that is a very fair description of the intro post! The ideal scenario would be being as open-hearted and pure as children are but still grounded in reality with the pertinent abilities of an adult, just as you stated. An equilibrium. And for that we are learning and evolving :).


Regarding Sadhguru, he has his own Foundation, called Isha, for people who want to practice Yoga. He has also a channel in Youtube, which has some of his very insightful speeches, and I suggest you watching some of them, maybe it will interest you. People who are fond of the Psychological Sciences tend to like what he says about human psychology. Although I’m not initiated in his tradition yet, I know people who are, and they are very down to earth and inspirational people. He has one ‘open to the public’ guided Kriya Yoga practice (akin to meditation) on Youtube called Isha Kriya, it’s a very good practice.


Thank you very much for the links, I’ll access them all :).

Edited by Apotheose
Clarification and spelling
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On 1/25/2024 at 9:11 PM, NaturaNaturans said:

Thought Virus!


That is the title of a Norwegian program I recently completed. It translates to "thought virus" and draws parallels between our mental immune system and the body's defenses. Just as our bodies can be infected, our minds can too, and similarly, it possesses a defense system that can be weakened or strengthened.


What is this 'mental immune system '  ?


During a typical day, 95% of us experience depressive or anxious thoughts, often due to our skill in imagining various outcomes. Consider a scenario where an attractive stranger looks at you – interpretations could be positive (intrigued), neutral, or negative.

Some fear flying, yet statistically, you're twice as likely to win the lottery than crash on a flight. Flying for 6300 years straight? Statistically, you'd crash once!


Think about drinking lemon juice – you probably get a bodily reaction, feeling it almost as vividly as if you were actually drinking it. Your mind can't distinguish between imagined and real experiences.


Now, the "cure":


Vitamin A(cceptance): Simply acknowledge the thought.

Presence: Most problems reside in the past or future, not in the present.


Is this 'cure' the ' mental immune system '  ?


Similar to a plane crash, it probably isn't in the future either. This brings to mind meditation – once viewed as a specific practice, now seen as being present or engaged in what you're doing, anywhere, anytime.


That odd shadow you see in bed may seem like a serial killer, but I dare say it probably isn't.

There's no monster under the bed.



I had a possum  under mine the other night .... not a monster , just got confused by somehow getting inside .  We had  a little game of chasing around the cabin  :)

Somethings are probably left unsaid, but i did DMT ones, and in during the trip i was inside my brain and was trying to navigate it like a labyrinth. It was not fun.


Did you encounter your Minotaur  in there ?


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1 hour ago, Nungali said:

What is this 'mental immune system '  ?

A metaphor, likening our mental strength or health with that of the bodies immune system. Like how you are quicker to anger with less sleep.


Cure? Maybe not, but there Are strategies to become healthier, think more clearly.


A minatour? No, something much worse: myself haha

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