
Is Buddhism a complete path?

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...and without a certain variation of faith who would get in their car and drive anywhere if they had lost faith in a high percentage of other drivers to follow the driving laws  and thus put them in excessive danger?   Similar variations of faith are needed when it comes to living our daily lives that for a long time have often been taken for granted.   Many have lost faith (for good reason) in millions of "fellow Americans" including their own family members who are voting for and supporting a proven violent pathological fascist and self described wana-be dictator, along with his dozens of other decades long  criminal actions and malicious words of hate!  


As for the right and privilege, bought with bloody sacrifice in wars and with other types of effort so that people could also  practice various "eastern" ways like Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism, Skihism, etc.,  along with Jewish,  Muslim and native American ways are finding their rights and ways of life are in increasing danger from fanatical Christians,  which there are many of in positions of power;  (like the speaker of the house and his ilk) who in their own words say they want to do away with such teachings, thus take away our religious freedoms and make all of America into a land of hard core, non-Christian,  Christian fanatics without there being a separation of church and state!  


Edited by old3bob

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It seems to me that the concept of faith includes expectations.  Faith that someone is going to do something?  I think the whole point of the DDJ is to live without expectation, accepting what is.  The whole concept of faith seems to have left me - that was something I used to span the gap between what I was being instructed, and what my adult brain told me was true.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, manitou said:

It seems to me that the concept of faith includes expectations.  Faith that someone is going to do something?  I think the whole point of the DDJ is to live without expectation, accepting what is.  The whole concept of faith seems to have left me - that was something I used to span the gap between what I was being instructed, and what my adult brain told me was true.


or it could be keeping quiet and listening in good faith for what higher forces may be saying...

Edited by old3bob
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Posted (edited)

There are no complete paths.


Each path was forged by a laymen whose innovations and insights are shunned by the institutions, because they defy the foundations of the institutions.


The institutions, such as Buddhism and Daoism are man made systems.


Buddhism is lacking; Buddha's teachings were complete at that time and for a time after, but after the teachings are completely diffused they lose their potency, they have become, and what they became is impermanent and passing.


A complete path will not be devoid of the masters, but at this stage in the new era and paradigm there are no complete systems that live up to the claims made by the due to their success in the past while diffusing into to the earths populations where needed, but will be an innovation requiring a new system of thinking, new perspective; it will expound on the old traditions and illuminate our ignorance in n them while shining a light exposing a new doctrine.


Due to lack of potency the modern master likes to down play things like meditation proclaiming that meditation only does this or that and not to expect greatness. This is due to their own ignorance and that their mastery is the myth.


They will be the first to mock, hurl stones, dismiss and avoid the truth and the complete path when it is revealed.


When it is revealed it will rise from the street, from the muck and the myre, not from the institutions, not from the modern masters or their regurgitations, not from the lofty, not from the penthouses, mansion, or suburbs or from anyone or any place where clinging to worldways/attachments through a system of living that through interdependence all are guilty of oppression and pushing the earth and our species to the brunk of destruction because they think that is how one eats, drunks, relieves themselves and sleeps; not from a system that exalts the greedy amd oppresses those not in pursuit of accumulating materiel things; light is divided from the darkness- the lotus is dormant in the muck and more from where it will rise, the lowest point.



Edited by molecule

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1 hour ago, molecule said:

There are no complete paths.


Each path was forged by a laymen whose innovations and insights are shunned by the institutions, because they defy the foundations of the institutions.


The institutions, such as Buddhism and Daoism are man made systems.


Buddhism is lacking; Buddha's teachings were complete at that time and for a time after, but after the teachings are completely diffused they lose their potency, they have become, and what they became is impermanent and passing.


A complete path will not be devoid of the masters, but at this stage in the new era and paradigm there are no complete systems that live up to the claims made by the due to their success in the past while diffusing into to the earths populations where needed, but will be an innovation requiring a new system of thinking, new perspective; it will expound on the old traditions and illuminate our ignorance in n them while shining a light exposing a new doctrine.


Due to lack of potency the modern master likes to down play things like meditation proclaiming that meditation only does this or that and not to expect greatness. This is due to their own ignorance and that their mastery is the myth.


They will be the first to mock, hurl stones, dismiss and avoid the truth and the complete path when it is revealed.


When it is revealed it will rise from the street, from the muck and the myre, not from the institutions, not from the modern masters or their regurgitations, not from the lofty, not from the penthouses, mansion, or suburbs or from anyone or any place where clinging to worldways/attachments through a system of living that through interdependence all are guilty of oppression and pushing the earth and our species to the brunk of destruction because they think that is how one eats, drunks, relieves themselves and sleeps; not from a system that exalts the greedy amd oppresses those not in pursuit of accumulating materiel things; light is divided from the darkness- the lotus is dormant in the muck and more from where it will rise, the lowest point.




keep looking you might have to refute yourself...

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9 hours ago, molecule said:

There are no complete paths.


Each path was forged by a laymen whose innovations and insights are shunned by the institutions, because they defy the foundations of the institutions.


The institutions, such as Buddhism and Daoism are man made systems.


Buddhism is lacking; Buddha's teachings were complete at that time and for a time after, but after the teachings are completely diffused they lose their potency, they have become, and what they became is impermanent and passing.


A complete path will not be devoid of the masters, but at this stage in the new era and paradigm there are no complete systems that live up to the claims made by the due to their success in the past while diffusing into to the earths populations where needed, but will be an innovation requiring a new system of thinking, new perspective; it will expound on the old traditions and illuminate our ignorance in n them while shining a light exposing a new doctrine.


Due to lack of potency the modern master likes to down play things like meditation proclaiming that meditation only does this or that and not to expect greatness. This is due to their own ignorance and that their mastery is the myth.


They will be the first to mock, hurl stones, dismiss and avoid the truth and the complete path when it is revealed.


When it is revealed it will rise from the street, from the muck and the myre, not from the institutions, not from the modern masters or their regurgitations, not from the lofty, not from the penthouses, mansion, or suburbs or from anyone or any place where clinging to worldways/attachments through a system of living that through interdependence all are guilty of oppression and pushing the earth and our species to the brunk of destruction because they think that is how one eats, drunks, relieves themselves and sleeps; not from a system that exalts the greedy amd oppresses those not in pursuit of accumulating materiel things; light is divided from the darkness- the lotus is dormant in the muck and more from where it will rise, the lowest point.


There is a complete path tailored just for you available to anyone who is truly ready to do whatever it takes to finish it. It always begins in this moment. Awakening is happening all of the time. The entire fabric of reality is awakening to itself over and over and over again, moment by moment, day by day, and always has. 


There are Buddhists using pointers that are 2500, 1000, 500, 100, 50, or even 1 year old. It doesn't have to be Buddhism, or Daoism or Hinduism, or any of the legitimate paths, though. Something someone says to you at the supermarket, a song on the radio, or a stone you step on today could cause awakening if you are paying attention. 


There are enlightened "beings" everywhere. A few here actually, some in your local Buddhist centers, probably some amongst your homeless, if you knew what you were looking for. The chance of liberation could happen to you RIGHT NOW, if you are ready to give up your concreted ideas about the world and how it is. 


Since we are on the topic of Buddhism specifically, I'll share this document which I can wholeheartedly attest to:



A Message to Human Beings - Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche


A German film crew once asked Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche to say something that would be heard by people all over the world. Here is his response.


First I would like to tell you that an enlightened essence is present in everyone. It is present in every state, both samsara and nirvana, and in all sentient beings; there is no exception. Experience your buddha nature, make it your constant practice, and you will reach enlightenment. In my lifetime I have known many, many people who attained such an enlightened state, both male and female. Awakening to enlightenment is not an ancient fable. It is not mythology. It actually does happen. Bring the oral instructions into your own practical experience and enlightenment is indeed possible; it is not just a fairy tale.


To realize our buddha nature, we need the support of three principles. First is the precious Buddha, the primal teacher who showed the enlightened essence to others. Next is the precious dharma, the teachings on how to train in experiencing the enlightened essence. Lastly, there is the precious sangha, the people who uphold and spread the teachings. Additionally, there are
three roots: there is the guru, the root of blessings; the yidam, the root of accomplishment; and the dakini, the root of activities. They possess all-knowing wakefulness, all-embracing compassion, the activity of deeds for the benefit of beings, and the capacity to protect and save others.


Sometimes we may have doubts and hesitation when relating to the Buddha’s teachings, but do not leave it with that. It is very important to validate what is trustworthy and what is not. My teachers mentioned four kinds of validation. First are the words of a perfectly enlightened being, such as the Buddha, whose statements are never unwise. Then there are the teachings by the great masters of the lineage, passed from one to the other until today. Third are the instructions we receive from our own personal
teacher. Finally, to decide with certainty, we need the validation of our own intelligence. Do not leave anything to blind faith or conventional belief.


Examine for yourself what is really the truth.


What is the reason for the misery and pain every living being undergoes?


What is the cause of samsara’s delusion?


It is nothing other than lacking the experience of our enlightened essence. We ignore what is primordially present within us: our buddha nature. Instead, immersed in confused emotions, we chase illusory aims that endlessly result in more deluded experience. That’s called samsara. We have already done that for countless lifetimes, life after life, death following rebirth. Unless you now take this opportunity, while you are still a human being, to realize what is fully possible, you will continue in the future in the same deluded way.Please understand that the buddha nature is present within everyone.Nobody lacks this potential, not even a single person in this world. Unless you learn how to bring it into your personal experience, train in that and realize it, you remain deluded. Delusion never disappears by itself. Spinning around on the rim of samsara’s vicious wheel, on the twelve links of dependent origination, you will continue life after life. We all die, are reborn, and die again, countless times.But, in this present life, you can learn to experience your enlightened essence, and if you do that, you can, before passing away, attain the perfectly and fully awakened state of a buddha. The method to transform this human body into rainbow light at the moment of death is only through recognizing and realizing our buddha nature; there is no other possible way. The instruction for how to do that is still available. Place your trust in the three jewels: the precious Buddha, dharma and sangha. Receive this teaching from someone who holds an unbroken lineage; this lineage is still intact. Otherwise, everyone dies; there is no exception. In the past, everyone who lived in this world died. Right now everyone alive will die. Everyone born int he future will also die. Everything in the world changes; nothing remains the same, nothing is permanent, nothing lasts. If you want to be successful, if you really want to take care of yourself recognize your enlightened essence.


- Extracted with permission from Rangjung Yeshe Publications, from "Repeating the Words of the Buddha", by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche


Of course, you can go about this many ways, this is simply to say that Buddhism in particular CAN be one of those routes.


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Even the Buddha said it likely that the next Buddha would be a laymen, so no, we don't need a Buddha like the person said, and that person was not an Arahant.


Secondly, like you said since we are talking about Buddhism;


Dependent origination, the doctrine that is the core foundation and reasoning behind:

*No self


*The middle way

*The 4 truths

*Emptiness and



Also sYs there is no essence. If there is no essence how can one of the three principles be an essence?

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On 7/21/2024 at 10:38 AM, old3bob said:


keep looking you might have to refute yourself...

Unfortunately the statement carries no meaning, provides no evidence, refutes nothing and is intended to establish a superiority of understanding between you and I with you as the knowledgeable one when I am the Arahant speaking the truth about the nature of reality, Soni. Fact it's a direct indication of cognitive dissonance and nothing but a statement of arrogance and an act of aggression, but thank you for chiming in and taking up bandwidth with nothing useful or expedient.


Maybe you have developed the persona of a character that belongs to the fictional atmosphere that arises in the minds of the people who use the space for years and years without having come close to teaching the goal?



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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, molecule said:

Even the Buddha said it likely that the next Buddha would be a laymen, so no, we don't need a Buddha like the person said, and that person was not an Arahant.


Would you mind clarifying what are you trying to say in the second part of this sentence? Which person was not an Arhat?



Dependent origination, the doctrine that is the core foundation and reasoning behind:

*No self


*The middle way

*The 4 truths

*Emptiness and



Also sYs there is no essence. If there is no essence how can one of the three principles be an essence?


I think I can help with your confusion - you have your cases mixed up. An easy lens to use to make this clear is the "Two Truths" doctrine.


A relative truth exists in the realm of duality as a teaching mechanism. An absolute teaching points directly at non-dual reality.


Dependent Origination is a relative scaffolding, as are Nagarjuna's teachings on emptiness. They are intellectual constructs to give you some idea about what is being pointed toward, they are not the complete understanding themselves. The absolute truth of enlightenment cannot be adequately expressed in language, because it does not exist in a subject/object frame.


Emptiness and Nirvana are absolute truths, but can be demonstrated effectively to an unenlightened person by a teacher that has actual knowledge of them. 


The 3 Characteristics are relative truths and exist in unenlightened mind as concepts only. To enlightened mind they can be seen both as a relative truth, and as having no essence. Anyone can come to an intellectual understanding of no-self, but it takes insight to realize it.

Edited by stirling

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Posted (edited)
On 7/22/2024 at 12:23 PM, molecule said:

Unfortunately the statement carries no meaning, provides no evidence, refutes nothing and is intended to establish a superiority of understanding between you and I with you as the knowledgeable one when I am the Arahant speaking the truth about the nature of reality, Soni. Fact it's a direct indication of cognitive dissonance and nothing but a statement of arrogance and an act of aggression, but thank you for chiming in and taking up bandwidth with nothing useful or expedient.


Maybe you have developed the persona of a character that belongs to the fictional atmosphere that arises in the minds of the people who use the space for years and years without having come close to teaching the goal?



interesting that you prove everything and more that my short post said

Edited by old3bob

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