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Dear friends,

Some time ago I shared the post below on another thread.

I stumbled upon it again recently, and I felt it could potentially help a lot of people.

That's why I'm reposting it now with some edits, as well as an "update" at the end of the original post.

Here's the original post.



I will share in 4 points:

1) Intro
2) My experiences with evil spirits
3) My experiences with black magic
4) My proposed explanation integrating viewpoints on evil spirits and black magic (Buddhism, Sufism, Martinus, Hinduism etc)

In my opinion, this is an extremely important topic, that is extremely ignored, belittled and misunderstood by the vast majority of cultivators. Especially those with a western background. Also, even by high level masters who simply don't know about this particular area or haven't trained and studied it.

My experiences with evil spirits
I have personally suffered many extreme and terrifying experiences, and no matter where I sought help, I was belittled, ridiculed, ignored or misunderstood.

I have seen books flying out of shelves. I have seen bagpacks and other physical items dragged back and forth on the floor. I have experienced "wind" indoors, even though it was a closed off room with no windows. I have seen shadowy/smoke like figures physically moving around, experienced physical touch even though no physical beings are there and much more.

When I sought help from a hindu monk, he advised me to start japa of my guru mantra when it happened. I did it... Didn't work.

When I sought help from a high level "shamanic" qigong master (you would think spirits would be a walk in the park for a shaman), I was belittled and told "not to pay attention to this illusion I am experiencing". There's nothing illusory about physical objects being thrown around by an unseen force. It's pretty much as concrete as it gets. Almighty God bless him, and bring him to clarity and allow him to actually help people with his powers of qi.

When I sought help from another qigong master specialised in healing, he told me to say a prayer and do a mudra. When it didn't work, he explained it away saying that "you're just not powerful enough to do it yet, you need to cultivate more. Be my one-on-one student for 2-3 years, meet me on on a weekly zoom meeting priced at 1.600 dollars for an hour, and then in a couple of years, you will be able to do it".

This healing qigong master stated that I have a very loving and very spiritual energy, and that's why troubled spirits get attracted to me. They seek help and healing from me. That's why it worsens when I travel to new places or stay overnight at places that are not my house. The troubled spirits in that place see me and come to get help.

I actually believed him, and met him 3 times, wasting thousands of dollars. It didn't work! And on top of that, the clairvoyant things he told me about me and my health were flat out wrong (he said I had weak sexual energy, ejaculated in seconds and drank a lot of alcohol which damaged my liver). I am at a very advanced level of sexual qigong and lovemaking, haven't touched alcohol in more than 10 years and make love for hours daily without ejaculating with very strong erection power.

So after 3 meetings, I realized he was simply a semi-psychic (he did say correctly that I had a spine injury, although there were so many other things wrong about his psychic reading),  yet pretty good healer (I could feel my back getting better when he gave healings), but most of all he was just thirsty for money. So, of course I stopped seeing him. Dear God, bring him to the straight path, let him let go of his greed for money and selfishness, and instead lead him to the straight path, that he may use his gift of healing for good.

I then spoke with a highly clairvoyant sufi master, who did a check on me (for free). He related my entire life story regarding troubles with spirits (without me telling him anything), and he also stated that it's because I have a lot of "light" (noor) inside my soul. This is because of all the prayers and mantras I say each day (since I was a child). He said the spirits are troubled where they are (in "bardo" or "barzakh" as it's called in Islam), and seek my help.

He said I should visualise putting up spiritual sign posts around my aura, my house, or anywhere I go that says "I am sorry, I cannot help you. I myself need help, that's why I pray to the light and get that light into me. Please don't come to me, I am in no position to help you, I myself need help, that's why I pray so much. You should yourself pray to the light, then you will get help".

I tried it for some time, and it helped in my own house. However, when I went to new places, it didn't work. God bless this man, he is extremely loving, knowledgable and powerfully clairvoyant.

When I sought help from another sufi (via the internet), he for free did a "spiritual check" on me. He stated that yes, I have some low level evil spirits around me. He gave me (for free!) a one week program of readings of salawaat (prayers to the prophet), and reciting "bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim" (the bismillah, "in the name of God) many hundreds of times in a day. Then blow on water and drink it.

I did it for 7 days, and it worked! It was from his heart and soul he wished to help me. He did it for free.

I sent him 100 dollars and said that it worked, and asked if I could keep training with him. I must have paid him only a few hundred dollars, yet I spent 6-9 months corresponding with him via email. He would give me different salawaat, dhikr (name of God), verses of the Qur'an and du'a (prayers). Whenever I did a program (e.g. 7 days, 11 days, 21 days), he would tell me how it went. He would give me feedback on the energy, without me telling him anything. He was very good, he helped me a lot, and he didn't ask much in return. However, after 6-9 months, because he wanted to remain anonymous, I felt that to be a bit weird after so long, so when I had completed a big program, I stopped corresponding with him. We haven't been in contact since.

What became my go-to after training with this last sufi guy is 5 verses from the Qur'ran. Ayatul kursi (Verse about the Throne of God), and 4 verses called "the 4 qul". They are the last 4 verses of the Qur'an, and they all start with "qul" which means "say". It's Surah Nas (verse of Man), Surah Ikhlas (verse of Unity), Surah Falaq (verse of the Daybreak / rising sun) and Surah Kafiroon (verse about the Unbelievers).

You recite each 11 times (11x ayatul kursi, 11x surah nas, 11x surah ikhlas, 11x surah falaq and 11x surah kafiroon). Then you blow on your right index finger, and visualise your hand coming down from the sky, and drawing a protective circle around the 4 corners of your home, and then finally around yourself, or the room that needs extra protection (e.g. bedroom, prayer room).

This has been my go-to for more than 6 years. It has been the only thing that worked for me in this area. If you want to keep your house energy pure, you say 21x ayatul kursi, blow on a glass of water, and sprinkle it around your house. The combination of these two readings saved my life.

God bless this man who helped me without demanding anything in return!

Unlike these chinese qigong masters, just wanting money and doing nothing to help.

Lately when I'm learning Sri Vidya, I feel that some of the mantras and rituals from Sri Vidya will eventually be able to give spiritual protection on an even higher level. There are 2 specific "deities" or energies generated from mantras and rituals for the navel chakra (Durga) and third eye chakra (Varahi) which specifically combat negative spiritual energies, including black magic, evil spirits, the evil eye etc.

All of the above are my experiences and solutions for evil spirits so far.

My experiences with black magic
I have worked for the army in my country. One of my functions was as a translator and interpreter. I have been deployed several times to a UN mission in West Africa.

On one of my deployments, there wasn't much work. We only worked from 6 in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The rest of the time we we're pretty much on standby.

Being stranded in a war zone, there's not much to do. So I spent all my free time reading, studying and practicing (mantras, meditation and qigong).

I was in a very good spiritual state at the time due to so much practice, so I was seeing auras and energies most of the time.

One time, we were training the local special forces to save hostages. The only building we could use was a big fancy hotel, yet no tourists (because of the war). So to survive, the owner of the hotel rented it out as a brothel.

One day, in a break between exercises, I saw one of the prostitutes sitting on the other side of the courtyard (they just sat around and waited for the 3-4 hours that we and the local soldiers used it as a training compound). When she saw me, she started whispering something, and I saw a small cloud of black energy generating in front of her face. Then she did something with her hands, and started blowing towards me. This sent the small black cloud of energy across the courtyard towards me. It just landed in the outskirts of my aura, it didn't go in (thank God!). So nothing happened to me.

When I was back in my room later that day, I meditated. Then I understood she was trying to do some black magic on me. Maybe she was trying to seduce or attract me. For a prostitute in a war zone, hooking up with a soldier deployed from Europe could be her ticket out of the warzone to a better life. Luckily, the energy wasn't powerful enough to penetrate my energy field (which was pretty charged at the time due to so much spiritual practice). And as I meditated, the cloud was just destroyed and disappeared from my field.

One of the local maids cleaning my place actually put my tooth brush up in her vagina when she was cleaning the bathroom. She thought I didn't know, as I was sitting in the living room. I guess it's a primitive form of African black magic. If you ingest some of the fluids (spit, sweat or sexual fluid) of someone (especially if they say mantras while doing it), you can become more partial to liking that person (becaues you will have some of their energy inside your physical body). 

I bought a new tooth brush!

Another woman working in the restaurant spat in my food and stirred it around to hide it. 

I ordered a new pasta ;)

You need to be very careful in many places of Africa, the Middle East, South America and certain parts of Asia. It's rampant with black magic and desperate people. Luckily they are usually not powerful practitioners, but you can still catch something if you're not protected and observant.

My second experience is with my girlfriend. She comes from the Middle East, i.e. the vast majority of her family still lives there. When we got together, it was made public, her ethnicity in our European country as well as her family and relatives in her home country in the Middle East became aware of it. As soon as this happened, she started to fall sick.

She would get wrist tendonitis, elbow tendonitis, sore knees, sore lower back, her vision would suddenly drastically reduce, she would get nauseous for no reason, got rashes, stomach ache, started to suddenly lose weight and appetite. For no reason!

It just came suddenly out of the blue. She would suffer for some time and recover. Then a new problem came back. This continued for about 6 months. Before we made our relationship public, she wasn't sick even once. After we made it public, she kept continually falling ill again and again.

After 6 months of this story of suffering and disease, once when I was meditating, I saw a cloud of red and black energy entering our house. It went to my girlfriend. Then it went into her wrist.

That same evening, she started complaining that the wrist tendonitis was coming back.

I was very surprised. I was praying and meditating, trying to understand what had happened. A few days later, I got a dream, where I saw planet Earth from above. Then I saw her country in the Middle East (Kurdistan). Then I saw clouds of red and black gathering and forming, and then they travelled to Europe to our country.

When I woke up, I understood that God had heard my prayer, and given me this dream to let me know that someone in her home country was cursing her.

That started an 8 month period of fighting this magic.

First I consulted this qigong healer about it (the psychic one, who told me correctly about my spinal injury, but wrongly about alcohol, sex etc). He to my great surprise said that someone was putting black magic on my girlfriend, and that she should practice his "small universe" meditation to transform the energy.

I was surprised he went straight to Black Magic as an explanation, even though I didn't tell him about my dreams and visions. We tried what he suggested, but it didn't work.

Then I went to a hindu tantric, who has mastery over spirits, done sadhana (spiritual practice) in graveyards, and done many tamasic tantric rituals to control these spirits (e.g. animal sacrifice, bathing in blood, smearing yourself with your own filth and urine etc). When I spoke with him, he asked me to send a photo of my girlfriend.

After 2-3 days, he called me and said that there is black magic on her. We should just worship and pray to God like normal, remain vegetarian, avoid alcohol, and when he visits our country, he will put a kavach (shield/armor) on her. 

From that day we spoke, everything stopped. So he did something remotely. After a few nights, I had a dream where I saw this swami doing something. A beam of energy went to the Middle East, where I saw someone had buried a charm inscribed with mantras and signs under the plot of one of my girlfriend's family's buildings. The beam from the swami went in and neutralized the black/red energy.

I would again highlight that he did all this for free. It seems again that this phenomenon that spirituality costs money and is a business is mostly related to chinese qigong traditions. Sufis and hindus have helped me completely free of charge, just from their heart.

It was about 2-3 weeks where it was completely gone, but then it returned.

I tried many different sufi methods, prayers, Qur'an, tasbih (prayer beads). It was always the same. It would make it go away, but after a certain period of time, it would return.

Later, after I had done a specific reading of a passage from the Qur'an about Moses fighting the black magicians of Farao, the black magic completely stopped. It took me a month, and you have to recite late at night. Then I finally had a dream where I saw this black magician in Kurdistan. Every new moon, or on specific astrological days, he goes to a kind of basement or cellar underground. Here he conducts terrible black magic rituals, involving animals, kidnapped orphans and other terrible things. That's why it's all black and red energy, because it's dirty and bloody what he does. It's someone from my girlfriend's family who's jealous of the part of the family that's gone to Europe.

Then I saw him get hit with my one month program of Qur'an, and he lost all of his powers. All the energy drained from him, he became thin, weak and pale.

After this it was about 6 months where we were completely free from this black magic. I thanked God and actually thought it was over. I felt kind of bad that it seemed my Moses-reading had damaged him, but I didn't mean to hurt him, I just wanted to protect my beloved girlfriend. It hadn't really hurt him, just taken away the energy he had built up and the evil spirits he was working with.

After 6 months, he decided to start to try again, and start from the bottom to build up his energy (he was the most powerful black practitioner I've ever seen). But this time the things he sent were really weak. We just read some Qur'an and du'a, and it stopped.

Finally, after starting Sri Vidya one and a half years ago, and we did a 41 day Varahi tarpana. Now we've been clear of black magic for about 1 year. I feel like we have built our spiritual protection so strong now, that we're mostly safe.

My proposed explanation integrating viewpoints on evil spirits and black magic (Buddhism, Sufism, Martinus, Hinduism etc)
I've highlighted a bunch of my experiences above. Now I'll try to make sense of it and provide an explanation.

I'll use an idea of different dimensions of reality to try and explain why people misunderstand each other when it comes to black magic and evil spirits.

For simplicity I'll just use the following terms:
1) Physical (shared physical world, objective reality, different beings interact with each other in an objectively verifiable sense).
2) Energetic (shared energetic world, objective albeit non-detectable reality for untrained people, objectively verifiable by people with their energetic senses open)
3) Mind (inner, individual world, unique to you, subjective reality, there's no one else here but you)
4) "Astral" (objective and shared reality with different beings interacting with each other through energy and mind)

A big problem is that many Buddhists will brush these kinds of things off and say "it's all just mind". Someone even told me "spiritual beings viewed with ignorance, are demons", "spiritual beings viewed with wisdom, are devas". That sounds great philosophically, but it's a completely useless viewpoint when shit gets serious. Books are flying around your room, or your girlfriend is falling sick. It's not something mental, it's concrete and physical. You need to do something.

Just like an intruder in your home trying to steal your stuff "it's just mind, it's just illusion". Yes, fine illusion when he slaps you in your face and rapes your family. You need to take practical action and protect yourself and your family.

So all this "it's all mind" is great for a meditator going inwards, but it's not useful if you have a concrete, practical problem. Just like feeling hungry "it's just an illusion in your mind", no, you need to eat something.

I feel like the misunderstanding is because the buddhist meditator is talking about "mind", whereas the person talking about problems with black magic and evil spirits is talking about the astral, energetic and physical dimensions.

It's true that you can meet "darkness" in your own subjective mind, but this is not the same as the objective, shared reality in the astral, energetic and physical dimensions.

Some people who are also generally confused and vague in their life experience will not have the ability to discriminate between "mind" (their own fears) and "astral" (a real, verifiable, shared and objective reality). These are the people that buddhists in general target when they say "it's all in your own mind", because they think it's just imagination. For these meditators getting lost in their own subjective minds, it's a great piece of advice. However, for people truly experiencing objective problems in the astral, energetic or physical domains, it's ridiculing, belittling and just not helpful advice.

Sufism states that there are unseen beings living in an astral, objective dimension. They also differentiate between the subjective mind or ego called "nafs" and the astral world called "malakut" or world of light (angels are called malai'ka, or powerful beings of light).

Also differentiates between your own subjective mind, and the astral world.

Also differentiates between inner subjective world (mind, you and your own mind), and inner objective world (spiritual world, your soul and the soul of others).

I am sure buddhism also discriminates somehow between inner subjective and inner objective world, I just don't know the correct terms. Maybe someone can help me out?

The reason that these qigong masters failed to help and just tried to extract money from me, is simply because even though they're master healers, the just haven't trained in and studied the astral world. They know about the physical, energetic and mind, they just don't know about black magic and evil spirits in the astral.

The sufis who helped me, they knew about energy and astral, so they could easily see what was happening and what I should do. They had trained in this and understood it.

Similarly, the tantric swami had knowledge and power to help us quickly. The black magician was just very powerful, so he could break the spell from the swami and start his black magic again after a couple of weeks by repowering his buried charm through rituals.

Mostly when people belittle or ridicule black magic and evil spirits, it's just because they themselves didn't have karma in this area, so they don't know about it. That's why they brush it off as unimportant and not necessary, because it wasn't important to them in their cultivation. 

However, if you have karma in this area, there's no escaping it. You need to read, study and understand about it, then you need to train in it (mantra, meditation, ritual etc). Then you will master it and be able to go beyond it and continue your cultivation undisturbed.

All traditions have sections of their teachings dealing with this, it's just not all masters who've studied this section of their tradition. Because they didn't need it, they state that no one else needs it (wrong assumption and bias to think everyone is like you and need the same as you did. Wrong. We're all different and unique, we need different things).

God bless you all!

On top of our spiritual cultivation, we've employed some very basic truths in our everyday lives, which is usually taught at the basic level in most traditional spiritual teachings, albeit largely ignored or misunderstood by western people (myself included, that's why I'm emphasising it now):

1) "Conceal your blessings" (this is as to not invoke a feeling of lack in others, which could trigger jealousy, envy, evil eye or black magic - practically it just means not to talk about your succes in love, money or spiritual journey publicly (e.g. insta & fb) and even to your loved ones, close friends and family members. We just share it with each other, me and my girlfriend, celebrate our sucess and give thanks to Almighty God)

2) "Certainty" (Yaqeen in arabic) consisting of 3 points 1) everything is from God, 2) it's for my highest good, 3) it has a message for me, about something I need to change. For me the message was simply to accept that "evil" is indeed a part of God's creation, and evil spirits and black magic is real. I always shunned it off and looked down upon it as mere superstition. Nope, it's real! So take it seriously and take mindful precautions, it's simply a test from God. Don't lose your certainty, your faith, have full trust in God and do your daily spiritual work

3) The best spirituality you will find is free or very low cost - all the people and healers I splurged money on failed to deliver and actually help us. The people who had true love, compassion and heart were the most powerful, they helped us completely for free or at very low cost. All these commercial gurus are simply fitna, illusion, they're a Golden Calf or temptation from the straight path. Truth is hiding in plain sight, simple, yet most profoundly powerful. Be a good human being, trust God, have heart and mercy for your fellow human beings and the animals, and you'll be showered with a tsunami of power and protection directly from the Lord Most High. 


4) The importance of "local" spirits - each place you go to have a Kshetra Palaka (Local Protector) or TuDi (Earth King/God) who are the Spirit Kings of that place. Further, there are also local spirits living in that location. If you do cultivation there without permission/friendship with the local Spirit King, you can start to get into spiritual trouble. This is a big part of traditional Hindu sadhana as well as Daoist cultivation. After each hindu ritual you give Bali Dhana (spirit charity offering) to the local spirits and the Kshetra Palaka, or in the case of Daoist magic or cultivation you say the An Tu Di Shen Zhou (Pacify Earth Spirit Mantra). It's even one of the Daoist Ba Da Zhou (8 Great Mantras) to be said daily. So be aware if you travel to new locations - make sure to include the local Kshetra Palaka or TuDi to be in harmony with the spirits of that place.


5) The importance of spiritual lineage (sampradaya). When you're part of a true, authentic spiritual lineage, you will also have much more spiritual protection and power. If you call upon your guru or master with the appropriate mantra and mudra, it's the combined energy of thousands and thousands of years of people doing spiritual practice coming to help you spiritually. A complete game changer!

Edited by Nuralshamal
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" You recite each 11 times (11x ayatul kursi, 11x surah nas, 11x surah ikhlas, 11x surah falaq and 11x surah kafiroon). Then you blow on your right index finger, and visualise your hand coming down from the sky, and drawing a protective circle around the 4 corners of your home, and then finally around yourself, or the room that needs extra protection (e.g. bedroom, prayer room).

This has been my go-to for more than 6 years. It has been the only thing that worked for me in this area. I"


This is pretty much the basis of the pentagram banishing ritual .   This ritual  exercise (or as I would say - some relevant { to you } version of it is the  basic framework for the beginner in ritual magic , its where you start and nothing should be attempted without  learning this first . otherwise you might end up .... well, where you where .


You note the spirits might be seeking your help ?   Good .   A  trained magician should be able to help them, but remember that to get to that level ; 'trained' is a fair way beyond pentagram and protection rituals  , i n any case ; I offer  Levi's 'Hymn to Honorius ' or




O Lord, deliver me from hell's great fear and gloom!
Loose thou my spirit from the larvæ of the tomb!
I seek them in their dread abodes without affright:
On them will I impose my will, the law of light.


I bid the night conceive the glittering hemisphere.
Arise, O sun, arise! O moon, shine white and clear!
I seek them in their dread abodes without affright:
On them will I impose my will, the law of light.


Their faces and their shapes are terrible and strange.
These devils by my might to angels I will change.
These nameless horrors I address without affright:
On them will I impose my will, the law of light.


These are the phantoms pale of mine astonied view,
Yet none but I their blasted beauty can renew;
For to the abyss of hell I plunge without affright:
On them will I impose my will, the law of light.

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Regarding magic , many traditions think they know it , but .....


thats why sometimes you did not get any success  with their 'remedies' .


I would say that with a few exceptions  ( eg . some types of Tibetan Buddhism )  if one wants to know magic, study magic,  not some person's view on it who claims knowledge  to boost their main preoccupation ( like religion or making money ) .


Its like , yeah , I built a great 'wet room'  , beautiful design , windows , wood work .... very exceptional, people are very impressed when they see it .  Then they ask  ' WOW  !  Did YOU do that amazing tiling  !?"


" No , I got a professional tiler in to do that bit ."


Sometimes a 'specialist' is needed , no matter how expert a builder may be in the other fields of building .

Edited by Nungali
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9 hours ago, Nuralshamal said:

Dear friends,
Some time ago I shared the post below on another thread.
I stumbled upon it again recently, and I felt it could potentially help a lot of people.
That's why I'm reposting it now with some edits, as well as an "update" at the end of the original post.



Not in my realm of experience, but very interesting. Thanks for posting that!


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No comments as to the OP's specific experiences, they're his after all and for him to discuss - But on flying books ..


There's an anecdotal incident of books flying off a library with two very interesting witnesses.


The two witnesses were ...Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. They were also the only witnesses.


It happened on the day of their famous argument and is documented in their ( now published ) private letters.


The core of the argument was that Freud was accusing Jung that he was turning his field of psychoanalysis into a hocus-pocus field. Then, ironically, Freud in his letter blames Jung that he (Jung) did something metaphysical and caused the books to fly.

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23 hours ago, Maddie said:

I need some magic to make my business successful lol.


Did you mean 'black magic'  ? 



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9 hours ago, silent thunder said:

I wonder which books leapt...


' How to Make Money through Acupuncture and Magic '  by Maddie Madperson .

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13 hours ago, Nungali said:


Did you mean 'black magic'  ? 




At this point I would take any color of the rainbow magic LOL 🤭😂

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Unfortunately things happen that can't be explained, and unless it happens to a person, they can't accept it, and disbelief and ridicule follow.

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On 19.4.2024 at 10:42 PM, Cadcam said:

Unfortunately things happen that can't be explained, and unless it happens to a person, they can't accept it, and disbelief and ridicule follow.

Yes, it's very true.

I too didn't believe in any of this... until it happened to me!

Thanks for chiming in :D

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On 4/20/2024 at 6:42 AM, Cadcam said:

Unfortunately things happen that can't be explained, and unless it happens to a person, they can't accept it, and disbelief and ridicule follow.



Did you actually read the  first 4 responses ?

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On 3/6/2024 at 12:38 AM, Nuralshamal said:

Dear friends,

Some time ago I shared the post below on another thread.

I stumbled upon it again recently, and I felt it could potentially help a lot of people.

That's why I'm reposting it now with some edits, as well as an "update" at the end of the original post.

Here's the original post.



I will share in 4 points:

1) Intro
2) My experiences with evil spirits
3) My experiences with black magic
4) My proposed explanation integrating viewpoints on evil spirits and black magic (Buddhism, Sufism, Martinus, Hinduism etc)

In my opinion, this is an extremely important topic, that is extremely ignored, belittled and misunderstood by the vast majority of cultivators. Especially those with a western background. Also, even by high level masters who simply don't know about this particular area or haven't trained and studied it.

My experiences with evil spirits
I have personally suffered many extreme and terrifying experiences, and no matter where I sought help, I was belittled, ridiculed, ignored or misunderstood.

I have seen books flying out of shelves. I have seen bagpacks and other physical items dragged back and forth on the floor. I have experienced "wind" indoors, even though it was a closed off room with no windows. I have seen shadowy/smoke like figures physically moving around, experienced physical touch even though no physical beings are there and much more.

When I sought help from a hindu monk, he advised me to start japa of my guru mantra when it happened. I did it... Didn't work.

When I sought help from a high level "shamanic" qigong master (you would think spirits would be a walk in the park for a shaman), I was belittled and told "not to pay attention to this illusion I am experiencing". There's nothing illusory about physical objects being thrown around by an unseen force. It's pretty much as concrete as it gets. Almighty God bless him, and bring him to clarity and allow him to actually help people with his powers of qi.

When I sought help from another qigong master specialised in healing, he told me to say a prayer and do a mudra. When it didn't work, he explained it away saying that "you're just not powerful enough to do it yet, you need to cultivate more. Be my one-on-one student for 2-3 years, meet me on on a weekly zoom meeting priced at 1.600 dollars for an hour, and then in a couple of years, you will be able to do it".

This healing qigong master stated that I have a very loving and very spiritual energy, and that's why troubled spirits get attracted to me. They seek help and healing from me. That's why it worsens when I travel to new places or stay overnight at places that are not my house. The troubled spirits in that place see me and come to get help.

I actually believed him, and met him 3 times, wasting thousands of dollars. It didn't work! And on top of that, the clairvoyant things he told me about me and my health were flat out wrong (he said I had weak sexual energy, ejaculated in seconds and drank a lot of alcohol which damaged my liver). I am at a very advanced level of sexual qigong and lovemaking, haven't touched alcohol in more than 10 years and make love for hours daily without ejaculating with very strong erection power.

So after 3 meetings, I realized he was simply a semi-psychic (he did say correctly that I had a spine injury, although there were so many other things wrong about his psychic reading),  yet pretty good healer (I could feel my back getting better when he gave healings), but most of all he was just thirsty for money. So, of course I stopped seeing him. Dear God, bring him to the straight path, let him let go of his greed for money and selfishness, and instead lead him to the straight path, that he may use his gift of healing for good.

I then spoke with a highly clairvoyant sufi master, who did a check on me (for free). He related my entire life story regarding troubles with spirits (without me telling him anything), and he also stated that it's because I have a lot of "light" (noor) inside my soul. This is because of all the prayers and mantras I say each day (since I was a child). He said the spirits are troubled where they are (in "bardo" or "barzakh" as it's called in Islam), and seek my help.

He said I should visualise putting up spiritual sign posts around my aura, my house, or anywhere I go that says "I am sorry, I cannot help you. I myself need help, that's why I pray to the light and get that light into me. Please don't come to me, I am in no position to help you, I myself need help, that's why I pray so much. You should yourself pray to the light, then you will get help".

I tried it for some time, and it helped in my own house. However, when I went to new places, it didn't work. God bless this man, he is extremely loving, knowledgable and powerfully clairvoyant.

When I sought help from another sufi (via the internet), he for free did a "spiritual check" on me. He stated that yes, I have some low level evil spirits around me. He gave me (for free!) a one week program of readings of salawaat (prayers to the prophet), and reciting "bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim" (the bismillah, "in the name of God) many hundreds of times in a day. Then blow on water and drink it.

I did it for 7 days, and it worked! It was from his heart and soul he wished to help me. He did it for free.

I sent him 100 dollars and said that it worked, and asked if I could keep training with him. I must have paid him only a few hundred dollars, yet I spent 6-9 months corresponding with him via email. He would give me different salawaat, dhikr (name of God), verses of the Qur'an and du'a (prayers). Whenever I did a program (e.g. 7 days, 11 days, 21 days), he would tell me how it went. He would give me feedback on the energy, without me telling him anything. He was very good, he helped me a lot, and he didn't ask much in return. However, after 6-9 months, because he wanted to remain anonymous, I felt that to be a bit weird after so long, so when I had completed a big program, I stopped corresponding with him. We haven't been in contact since.

What became my go-to after training with this last sufi guy is 5 verses from the Qur'ran. Ayatul kursi (Verse about the Throne of God), and 4 verses called "the 4 qul". They are the last 4 verses of the Qur'an, and they all start with "qul" which means "say". It's Surah Nas (verse of Man), Surah Ikhlas (verse of Unity), Surah Falaq (verse of the Daybreak / rising sun) and Surah Kafiroon (verse about the Unbelievers).

You recite each 11 times (11x ayatul kursi, 11x surah nas, 11x surah ikhlas, 11x surah falaq and 11x surah kafiroon). Then you blow on your right index finger, and visualise your hand coming down from the sky, and drawing a protective circle around the 4 corners of your home, and then finally around yourself, or the room that needs extra protection (e.g. bedroom, prayer room).

This has been my go-to for more than 6 years. It has been the only thing that worked for me in this area. If you want to keep your house energy pure, you say 21x ayatul kursi, blow on a glass of water, and sprinkle it around your house. The combination of these two readings saved my life.

God bless this man who helped me without demanding anything in return!

Unlike these chinese qigong masters, just wanting money and doing nothing to help.

Lately when I'm learning Sri Vidya, I feel that some of the mantras and rituals from Sri Vidya will eventually be able to give spiritual protection on an even higher level. There are 2 specific "deities" or energies generated from mantras and rituals for the navel chakra (Durga) and third eye chakra (Varahi) which specifically combat negative spiritual energies, including black magic, evil spirits, the evil eye etc.

All of the above are my experiences and solutions for evil spirits so far.

My experiences with black magic
I have worked for the army in my country. One of my functions was as a translator and interpreter. I have been deployed several times to a UN mission in West Africa.

On one of my deployments, there wasn't much work. We only worked from 6 in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The rest of the time we we're pretty much on standby.

Being stranded in a war zone, there's not much to do. So I spent all my free time reading, studying and practicing (mantras, meditation and qigong).

I was in a very good spiritual state at the time due to so much practice, so I was seeing auras and energies most of the time.

One time, we were training the local special forces to save hostages. The only building we could use was a big fancy hotel, yet no tourists (because of the war). So to survive, the owner of the hotel rented it out as a brothel.

One day, in a break between exercises, I saw one of the prostitutes sitting on the other side of the courtyard (they just sat around and waited for the 3-4 hours that we and the local soldiers used it as a training compound). When she saw me, she started whispering something, and I saw a small cloud of black energy generating in front of her face. Then she did something with her hands, and started blowing towards me. This sent the small black cloud of energy across the courtyard towards me. It just landed in the outskirts of my aura, it didn't go in (thank God!). So nothing happened to me.

When I was back in my room later that day, I meditated. Then I understood she was trying to do some black magic on me. Maybe she was trying to seduce or attract me. For a prostitute in a war zone, hooking up with a soldier deployed from Europe could be her ticket out of the warzone to a better life. Luckily, the energy wasn't powerful enough to penetrate my energy field (which was pretty charged at the time due to so much spiritual practice). And as I meditated, the cloud was just destroyed and disappeared from my field.

One of the local maids cleaning my place actually put my tooth brush up in her vagina when she was cleaning the bathroom. She thought I didn't know, as I was sitting in the living room. I guess it's a primitive form of African black magic. If you ingest some of the fluids (spit, sweat or sexual fluid) of someone (especially if they say mantras while doing it), you can become more partial to liking that person (becaues you will have some of their energy inside your physical body). 

I bought a new tooth brush!

Another woman working in the restaurant spat in my food and stirred it around to hide it. 

I ordered a new pasta ;)

You need to be very careful in many places of Africa, the Middle East, South America and certain parts of Asia. It's rampant with black magic and desperate people. Luckily they are usually not powerful practitioners, but you can still catch something if you're not protected and observant.

My second experience is with my girlfriend. She comes from the Middle East, i.e. the vast majority of her family still lives there. When we got together, it was made public, her ethnicity in our European country as well as her family and relatives in her home country in the Middle East became aware of it. As soon as this happened, she started to fall sick.

She would get wrist tendonitis, elbow tendonitis, sore knees, sore lower back, her vision would suddenly drastically reduce, she would get nauseous for no reason, got rashes, stomach ache, started to suddenly lose weight and appetite. For no reason!

It just came suddenly out of the blue. She would suffer for some time and recover. Then a new problem came back. This continued for about 6 months. Before we made our relationship public, she wasn't sick even once. After we made it public, she kept continually falling ill again and again.

After 6 months of this story of suffering and disease, once when I was meditating, I saw a cloud of red and black energy entering our house. It went to my girlfriend. Then it went into her wrist.

That same evening, she started complaining that the wrist tendonitis was coming back.

I was very surprised. I was praying and meditating, trying to understand what had happened. A few days later, I got a dream, where I saw planet Earth from above. Then I saw her country in the Middle East (Kurdistan). Then I saw clouds of red and black gathering and forming, and then they travelled to Europe to our country.

When I woke up, I understood that God had heard my prayer, and given me this dream to let me know that someone in her home country was cursing her.

That started an 8 month period of fighting this magic.

First I consulted this qigong healer about it (the psychic one, who told me correctly about my spinal injury, but wrongly about alcohol, sex etc). He to my great surprise said that someone was putting black magic on my girlfriend, and that she should practice his "small universe" meditation to transform the energy.

I was surprised he went straight to Black Magic as an explanation, even though I didn't tell him about my dreams and visions. We tried what he suggested, but it didn't work.

Then I went to a hindu tantric, who has mastery over spirits, done sadhana (spiritual practice) in graveyards, and done many tamasic tantric rituals to control these spirits (e.g. animal sacrifice, bathing in blood, smearing yourself with your own filth and urine etc). When I spoke with him, he asked me to send a photo of my girlfriend.

After 2-3 days, he called me and said that there is black magic on her. We should just worship and pray to God like normal, remain vegetarian, avoid alcohol, and when he visits our country, he will put a kavach (shield/armor) on her. 

From that day we spoke, everything stopped. So he did something remotely. After a few nights, I had a dream where I saw this swami doing something. A beam of energy went to the Middle East, where I saw someone had buried a charm inscribed with mantras and signs under the plot of one of my girlfriend's family's buildings. The beam from the swami went in and neutralized the black/red energy.

I would again highlight that he did all this for free. It seems again that this phenomenon that spirituality costs money and is a business is mostly related to chinese qigong traditions. Sufis and hindus have helped me completely free of charge, just from their heart.

It was about 2-3 weeks where it was completely gone, but then it returned.

I tried many different sufi methods, prayers, Qur'an, tasbih (prayer beads). It was always the same. It would make it go away, but after a certain period of time, it would return.

Later, after I had done a specific reading of a passage from the Qur'an about Moses fighting the black magicians of Farao, the black magic completely stopped. It took me a month, and you have to recite late at night. Then I finally had a dream where I saw this black magician in Kurdistan. Every new moon, or on specific astrological days, he goes to a kind of basement or cellar underground. Here he conducts terrible black magic rituals, involving animals, kidnapped orphans and other terrible things. That's why it's all black and red energy, because it's dirty and bloody what he does. It's someone from my girlfriend's family who's jealous of the part of the family that's gone to Europe.

Then I saw him get hit with my one month program of Qur'an, and he lost all of his powers. All the energy drained from him, he became thin, weak and pale.

After this it was about 6 months where we were completely free from this black magic. I thanked God and actually thought it was over. I felt kind of bad that it seemed my Moses-reading had damaged him, but I didn't mean to hurt him, I just wanted to protect my beloved girlfriend. It hadn't really hurt him, just taken away the energy he had built up and the evil spirits he was working with.

After 6 months, he decided to start to try again, and start from the bottom to build up his energy (he was the most powerful black practitioner I've ever seen). But this time the things he sent were really weak. We just read some Qur'an and du'a, and it stopped.

Finally, after starting Sri Vidya one and a half years ago, and we did a 41 day Varahi tarpana. Now we've been clear of black magic for about 1 year. I feel like we have built our spiritual protection so strong now, that we're mostly safe.

My proposed explanation integrating viewpoints on evil spirits and black magic (Buddhism, Sufism, Martinus, Hinduism etc)
I've highlighted a bunch of my experiences above. Now I'll try to make sense of it and provide an explanation.

I'll use an idea of different dimensions of reality to try and explain why people misunderstand each other when it comes to black magic and evil spirits.

For simplicity I'll just use the following terms:
1) Physical (shared physical world, objective reality, different beings interact with each other in an objectively verifiable sense).
2) Energetic (shared energetic world, objective albeit non-detectable reality for untrained people, objectively verifiable by people with their energetic senses open)
3) Mind (inner, individual world, unique to you, subjective reality, there's no one else here but you)
4) "Astral" (objective and shared reality with different beings interacting with each other through energy and mind)

A big problem is that many Buddhists will brush these kinds of things off and say "it's all just mind". Someone even told me "spiritual beings viewed with ignorance, are demons", "spiritual beings viewed with wisdom, are devas". That sounds great philosophically, but it's a completely useless viewpoint when shit gets serious. Books are flying around your room, or your girlfriend is falling sick. It's not something mental, it's concrete and physical. You need to do something.

Just like an intruder in your home trying to steal your stuff "it's just mind, it's just illusion". Yes, fine illusion when he slaps you in your face and rapes your family. You need to take practical action and protect yourself and your family.

So all this "it's all mind" is great for a meditator going inwards, but it's not useful if you have a concrete, practical problem. Just like feeling hungry "it's just an illusion in your mind", no, you need to eat something.

I feel like the misunderstanding is because the buddhist meditator is talking about "mind", whereas the person talking about problems with black magic and evil spirits is talking about the astral, energetic and physical dimensions.

It's true that you can meet "darkness" in your own subjective mind, but this is not the same as the objective, shared reality in the astral, energetic and physical dimensions.

Some people who are also generally confused and vague in their life experience will not have the ability to discriminate between "mind" (their own fears) and "astral" (a real, verifiable, shared and objective reality). These are the people that buddhists in general target when they say "it's all in your own mind", because they think it's just imagination. For these meditators getting lost in their own subjective minds, it's a great piece of advice. However, for people truly experiencing objective problems in the astral, energetic or physical domains, it's ridiculing, belittling and just not helpful advice.

Sufism states that there are unseen beings living in an astral, objective dimension. They also differentiate between the subjective mind or ego called "nafs" and the astral world called "malakut" or world of light (angels are called malai'ka, or powerful beings of light).

Also differentiates between your own subjective mind, and the astral world.

Also differentiates between inner subjective world (mind, you and your own mind), and inner objective world (spiritual world, your soul and the soul of others).

I am sure buddhism also discriminates somehow between inner subjective and inner objective world, I just don't know the correct terms. Maybe someone can help me out?

The reason that these qigong masters failed to help and just tried to extract money from me, is simply because even though they're master healers, the just haven't trained in and studied the astral world. They know about the physical, energetic and mind, they just don't know about black magic and evil spirits in the astral.

The sufis who helped me, they knew about energy and astral, so they could easily see what was happening and what I should do. They had trained in this and understood it.

Similarly, the tantric swami had knowledge and power to help us quickly. The black magician was just very powerful, so he could break the spell from the swami and start his black magic again after a couple of weeks by repowering his buried charm through rituals.

Mostly when people belittle or ridicule black magic and evil spirits, it's just because they themselves didn't have karma in this area, so they don't know about it. That's why they brush it off as unimportant and not necessary, because it wasn't important to them in their cultivation. 

However, if you have karma in this area, there's no escaping it. You need to read, study and understand about it, then you need to train in it (mantra, meditation, ritual etc). Then you will master it and be able to go beyond it and continue your cultivation undisturbed.

All traditions have sections of their teachings dealing with this, it's just not all masters who've studied this section of their tradition. Because they didn't need it, they state that no one else needs it (wrong assumption and bias to think everyone is like you and need the same as you did. Wrong. We're all different and unique, we need different things).

God bless you all!

On top of our spiritual cultivation, we've employed some very basic truths in our everyday lives, which is usually taught at the basic level in most traditional spiritual teachings, albeit largely ignored or misunderstood by western people (myself included, that's why I'm emphasising it now):

1) "Conceal your blessings" (this is as to not invoke a feeling of lack in others, which could trigger jealousy, envy, evil eye or black magic - practically it just means not to talk about your succes in love, money or spiritual journey publicly (e.g. insta & fb) and even to your loved ones, close friends and family members. We just share it with each other, me and my girlfriend, celebrate our sucess and give thanks to Almighty God)

2) "Certainty" (Yaqeen in arabic) consisting of 3 points 1) everything is from God, 2) it's for my highest good, 3) it has a message for me, about something I need to change. For me the message was simply to accept that "evil" is indeed a part of God's creation, and evil spirits and black magic is real. I always shunned it off and looked down upon it as mere superstition. Nope, it's real! So take it seriously and take mindful precautions, it's simply a test from God. Don't lose your certainty, your faith, have full trust in God and do your daily spiritual work

3) The best spirituality you will find is free or very low cost - all the people and healers I splurged money on failed to deliver and actually help us. The people who had true love, compassion and heart were the most powerful, they helped us completely for free or at very low cost. All these commercial gurus are simply fitna, illusion, they're a Golden Calf or temptation from the straight path. Truth is hiding in plain sight, simple, yet most profoundly powerful. Be a good human being, trust God, have heart and mercy for your fellow human beings and the animals, and you'll be showered with a tsunami of power and protection directly from the Lord Most High. 


4) The importance of "local" spirits - each place you go to have a Kshetra Palaka (Local Protector) or TuDi (Earth King/God) who are the Spirit Kings of that place. Further, there are also local spirits living in that location. If you do cultivation there without permission/friendship with the local Spirit King, you can start to get into spiritual trouble. This is a big part of traditional Hindu sadhana as well as Daoist cultivation. After each hindu ritual you give Bali Dhana (spirit charity offering) to the local spirits and the Kshetra Palaka, or in the case of Daoist magic or cultivation you say the An Tu Di Shen Zhou (Pacify Earth Spirit Mantra). It's even one of the Daoist Ba Da Zhou (8 Great Mantras) to be said daily. So be aware if you travel to new locations - make sure to include the local Kshetra Palaka or TuDi to be in harmony with the spirits of that place.


5) The importance of spiritual lineage (sampradaya). When you're part of a true, authentic spiritual lineage, you will also have much more spiritual protection and power. If you call upon your guru or master with the appropriate mantra and mudra, it's the combined energy of thousands and thousands of years of people doing spiritual practice coming to help you spiritually. A complete game changer!

1) Why does not reciting bible versus work? I have not seen anyone do that to spirits or black magic.


2) I believe 'concealing your blessing' may help you keep evil eye and jealousy/envy away, however many influencers who like to show off they million dollar cars are still making great profits. So which is true?


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41 minutes ago, Pyramidalcow said:

1) Why does not reciting bible versus work? I have not seen anyone do that to spirits or black magic.


2) I believe 'concealing your blessing' may help you keep evil eye and jealousy/envy away, however many influencers who like to show off they million dollar cars are still making great profits. So which is true?


Hey @Pyramidalcow, thanks for sharing your interesting perspective and curiosity.

1) There are indeed living traditions of exorcisms being done among the different Christian denominations. However, simply being religious or reading from a holy book is one thing, seeing and dealing effectively with the unseen world is completely different. It requires specific training over a long period of time to be effective.

Just like knowing how to drive a car and having your driver's license is great, but rally racing is a completely different level. If a normal untrained person attempted to do a rally race at similar speed to the others, at best he would fail, at worst he would severely hurt himself or even die.

2) Yes, it's true that celebrities and influencers have a lot of people focusing on them, including negative attention. Many of them are also incredibly rich, just like you mentioned.

However, interestingly, many celebrites are also incredibly miserable. They kill themselves, self-isolate, have severe drug and alcohol addictions, in and out of rehab, divorce here and there, affairs, marriage-hopping etc.

Will Smith was seen to be a happy, healthy and well-liked celebrity for many years - then he slapped Chris Rock. A normal person wouldn't do that, it showcases a lack of inner stability.

Similarly if you look at Ariana Grande, she's incredibly beautiful and has had success since a young age. However, I saw her at some evening talk-show, where she was incredibly anxious and talked in depth about her anxiety and about panic attacks and not being able to breathe.

Those were just 2 quick examples. Look at sport-stars - even though they make more money in their 20s and 30s than a normal person could spend in their entire lifetime, many are broke, fat, injured, worn-down and miserable at 40.

Of course I'm not saying that this is all due to evil eye or black magic, however I'm simply trying to nuance your perspective. You mentioned celebrities as a kind of argument against the dangers of drawing attention to oneself, citing their financial success as the main argument.

I agree that many are financially succesful, however finances is just one domain of a succesful life. Love, relationships, meaning, happiness and inner wellness are some examples of other important domains, where being a celebrity doesn't necessarily guarantee sucess.


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1 hour ago, Nuralshamal said:

Hey @Pyramidalcow, thanks for sharing your interesting perspective and curiosity.

1) There are indeed living traditions of exorcisms being done among the different Christian denominations. However, simply being religious or reading from a holy book is one thing, seeing and dealing effectively with the unseen world is completely different. It requires specific training over a long period of time to be effective.

Just like knowing how to drive a car and having your driver's license is great, but rally racing is a completely different level. If a normal untrained person attempted to do a rally race at similar speed to the others, at best he would fail, at worst he would severely hurt himself or even die.


What's interesting is that ego state therapy, at an extreme level ( by no means the usual or desired course of events ) can bear some similarities to exorcism processes.

I'm aware of one psychotherapist who, during ego state therapy, has come across a personality that reminded a lot from the movie the exorcist. This included an insane amount of vomit, much more than normal vomit, just like the exorcist movie.


The guy was quite scared to recite the event, it gave him chills still nothing supernatural happened.


So indeed there's a process that needs some training ( perhaps the Christian priests found it empirically?) and a personality that's detached from the ego can behave similarly to popular accounts of demons.

This doesn't mean it is a demon though.

Also applying an exorcism process to anything less than a fully detached and malevolent personality will cause severe damage, which is probably why a psychiatrist needs to be present these days for a priest to legally perform an exorcism.


This can be scary stuff, the therapist I have in mind is a PsyD with decades of experience. Still there's nothing indicating anything metaphysical .


Edit: to offer an account in the opposite direction, a psychiatrist one told me he was convinced he had encountered something transcendental that was pure evil, "demonic". That guy was a tenured professor at a relatively well known university.

The thing is that because he was shit scared, he didn't want to recount the story, he just mentioned his conclusion. So can't really vouch for it as I don't even know the background story.

Perhaps it was nothing or perhaps he had a point, I'll never know.


Edited by snowymountains

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2 hours ago, snowymountains said:


What's interesting is that ego state therapy, at an extreme level ( by no means the usual or desired course of events ) can bear some similarities to exorcism processes.

I'm aware of one psychotherapist who, during ego state therapy, has come across a personality that reminded a lot from the movie the exorcist. This included an insane amount of vomit, much more than normal vomit, just like the exorcist movie.


The guy was quite scared to recite the event, it gave him chills still nothing supernatural happened.


So indeed there's a process that needs some training ( perhaps the Christian priests found it empirically?) and a personality that's detached from the ego can behave similarly to popular accounts of demons.

This doesn't mean it is a demon though.

Also applying an exorcism process to anything less than a fully detached and malevolent personality will cause severe damage, which is probably why a psychiatrist needs to be present these days for a priest to legally perform an exorcism.


This can be scary stuff, the therapist I have in mind is a PsyD with decades of experience. Still there's nothing indicating anything metaphysical .


Edit: to offer an account in the opposite direction, a psychiatrist one told me he was convinced he had encountered something transcendental that was pure evil, "demonic". That guy was a tenured professor at a relatively well known university.

The thing is that because he was shit scared, he didn't want to recount the story, he just mentioned his conclusion. So can't really vouch for it as I don't even know the background story.

Perhaps it was nothing or perhaps he had a point, I'll never know.


Hey @snowymountains, thanks for sharing :D

Very interesting stories indeed!

I deeply appreciate the nuance, one story from "each side" of the question (it's psychological vs it's demonical). Super interesting.

Seeing is believing! I didn't believe in any of these things and viewed it as complete superstition until it all happened to me.

Luckily most of us don't have to go through these kind of dark experiences, hallelujah :D

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Hey @Nuralshamal super interesting stories! Please could you recommend someone for Black Magic removal? I’m quite sure someone is subjecting my sister and her family to it right now. (Am based in the UK)



Edited by Luharj
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Thank you - I’m a Hindu born and raised in the UK. 


P.S. Learnt a lot from your other posts too 😊  

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Thanks for your response and positive feedback! :)

There were 3 major milestones in my own journey, that gave me a lot of relief:

Purify And Protect Yourself and Your Home (sufi method)
1) Sufi mantras (11x ayatul kursi, 11x surah nas, 11x surah ikhlas, 11x surah falaq, 11x surah kafiroon to form protective circle around the home, then 11x ayatul kursi to form protective circle around particular person, 21x ayatul kursi blow on water and sprinkle in house). Do daily.

Protect Yourself, Strike Back (sufi method)
2) Sufi amal/wazifa (like a prayoga or kriya), Surah Ta-Ha ayat 68-69 "qulna la takhaf innaka anta'l a'laa...." said 100x each night before sleep, blow on the affected person 3x then make du'a for healing and protection, continue for at least 21 days in row without fail.

Complete Self Healing, Self Protection and Stoppage (stambhanam) (hindu method, Varahi Devi)
3) Varahi Tarpanam, Puja and Homam complete stopped everything for us. The 41 day mandala invited some real challenges, especially around the 21 day and 29 day mark (negative energy try to stop you), but we kept going and suceeded in the end and found great relief. After this everything stopped permanently.

Help from the outside is awesome, but for me I felt the universe gave me a big signal that I should also increase my own spiritual practice to always keep my protection strong.

First step, work with yourself practically (do good deeds, avoid anything negative)
So first tips would be for both you and your sister and her family to make sure you avoid all kind of sin that could attract negative energy; e.g. conceal your blessings to avoid jealousy, abstain from meat and alcohol, don't commit any sin, respect elders, don't backbite, do any kind of negative thoughts, words or deeds, make sure all your affairs are 100% in order, nothing illegal, concealed etc. forgive each other in family, maintain family harmony, be good to each other and so on.

Second Step, daily spiritual work, personal connection with the Divine
When that's done second tip is for all involved to level up their daily spiritual practice ; ideally we should all set aside some time daily to connect with our Creator, be grateful, pray, and also cry when we're helpless and ask for help and protection, cultivate that personal connection, love and humility as much as possible.

Third step, help from outside
Then third tip is to get extra help from the outside when faced with grave spiritual issue. In that regard I give some suggestions below:

If you're open to sufism, you can contact - he's very heartful and sweet, very helpful, give you a lot of rituals for free on his site, gives free advice via email. If you study with him, he really helps you and does rituals and mantras for you. Depending on your budget he can be both very economical all the way to quite costly. Sometimes he has a bit of mood swings, temper and can be a bit grumpy, but it's usually just 2-3 days, but no matter what he always helps.

Otherwise for Varahi, I didn't get anyone to do homa or anything, we did on our own (after we got sri vidya mantra diksha from Karunamaya at the time, later Devipuram also)

I know Karunamaya is in UK right now, but I don't think he really does things like that (help individuals out), he's mostly about getting followers who complete all his modules, work for his organisation and build his peetham in India. You can give it a go, but he's usually quite inflexible and not that easy to talk to person-to-person.

Lastly there is a very expensive guru in India, he has solid energy, if you pay, he gives (e.g. give mantra diksha, do yagnya or puja for you etc), but as soon as he has done the thing you paid for, he's still very quick to respond on whats'app, but he's very slow to do any related task (e.g. send yantras, malas, kavach etc).

But you will feel his energy, he has done very solid sadhana, even quite non-trained people here in Europe felt energy 2-3 days before his yagnya, on the day of his yagnya, and were pretty spiritually impacted for months after. So he has a lot of powerful energy.

I can share his contact privately with you if you want, just be warned he's pretty expensive.

Let me know:
1) What makes you think they're suffering from black magic? 
2) How would you like to proceed from here? (vis-a-vis all I wrote above)

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