
Detailed Experiential Overview of Advaita

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I've watched over a thousand hours (or more) of Swami Sarvapriyananda's videos. This is possibly one of the best I have come across. The whole video is great, but the core is probably from 15:00ish-45:00ish. 


Context: he is explaining the mahavakya Tat Tvam Asi: You are That. 



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23 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

Context: he is explaining the mahavakya Tat Tvam Asi: I am that. 


Tat Tvam Asi is You are That (not I am) :D


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Overall, I found this series to be a terrific overview that answers many questions, especially the Advaitic conception of God and how that contrasts with Visistadvaita and even Samkhya. It is also interesting to see how the macrocosm is mapped onto the microcosm from a AV point of view using the pancakosha or 5 sheath model. He has some interesting quips about deity practice as well, and continues to make some daring comparisons with Tibetan Buddhism.


The essential point is that Swami sets out the historical, experiential, metaphysical, and grammatical background for the Brahman = Atman equation. In order to do that, he needs to explain first off what we are, what Brahman is, and what it means to draw an equivalence. It is also fairly brief for a Swami S series (although 10-11 hours is probably not brief for most). 


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Your appreciation is refreshing and kind of contagious but instead saying or implying that someone can explain that (or the term Self) which is beyond categories per "...In order to do that, he needs to explain first off what we are, what Brahman is..." can only be pointed to with say a map if that is what you mean? thus not nailed down by any power of the mind, including by a fine yogi's mind.

Edited by old3bob

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On 5/25/2024 at 3:28 PM, old3bob said:

can only be pointed to with say a map if that is what you mean?


I would say that a proper conceptual understanding can be a precursor to a proper non-conceptual realization, but one is always free to disagree. Typically, we start with conceptual thinking, because that is where most of us are. Next, we replace concepts that are not aligned with the way things are with concepts that are better aligned. Of course, no concept will ever capture it, but some do a better job of leading than others, the same way that using earthly objects can guide one's attention to a faint star in the sky. Finally, we hopefully leap from the proper conceptual to the proper non-conceptual. In other words, leading one from the unreal to the real. 


But feel free to frame it however you want.

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I think that you laid out those steps pretty well,  but again I'd say there can be incomplete or incorrect perception, thus such would be an unreal/untrue conclusion,  for in nonduality (which is big enough for duality and evolution  per some schools besides what only A.V. may be interpreted as or taught as) where or what is a realunreal?  Btw we could also rhetorically ask where does a realunreal begin and end?  Also how can one accept that there is a complete disconnect from all iteration's/permutations starting from the  Source of all... and that then is a realunreal to them?  Anyway connections instead of disconnections are simply stated in the T.T.C. with: "Tao Gave birth to the One" thus starting everything and going on to the "Ten thousand", similarly in many schools of Hinduism there are the various levels of Tattvas and their Source stated as:  "Last is Absolute which does not come in the cycle of tattvas, is called Parama Śiva. Parama Śiva is not only found in Śiva tattva or in Śakti tattva. It is not only here, It is not only there, everywhere It is present -from the lowest tattva to the highest tattva. It is in and through all levels and is everywhere"''.


Edited by old3bob

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