
Up Your Game Son! Real spirituality and real power, no more amateur hour!

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Honestly I believe that everything is possible(or almost everything lol)


Through several testimonies and everything I've read, these things are totally possible.


You are looking at it with the wrong point of view.


Do you think that these great masters and great yogis need to fake it?


They just don't care.

They won't show up at the mall and be like: "Hello everyone I'm a great yogi, look at what I can do!"


They already dissolved their Ego, they won't read a scientific article and go "OMG HOW CAN THEY NOT BELIEVE SIDDHIS ARE REAL, I NEED TO GO THERE AND SHOW THEM THE TRUTH", because they know people aren't ready, they just won't believe anyways.


They know that when YOU are ready to receive the teachings, YOU will find them, it's not the other way around. "When the disciple is ready, the master appears".


The master won't knock on a skeptik door and try to convince him that siddhis are real and why he should start his wonderful journey with him lmao


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Ego and clarity are on opposite sides of the spectrum.  This thread is heavily weighted in one direction. 

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