
Transgender Q&A

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8 hours ago, Maddie said:


Back when I was a guy, I looked like a guy, I dressed like a guy, and I tried my best to act like a guy. At the time I also dated women because that is what I thought I was supposed to be doing. In spite of me looking like a guy the feedback I got from women that I dated consistently was "you don't act like any other guy I've ever dated" and when I asked further it was always the same answer "its like talking to a woman, you get me". lol. You can't "dress that up" :P


I get that too !   I have been told that many times  .


But in my case I think its becasue I am not an absolute male arsehole    ;) 


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6 hours ago, Salvijus said:

But the second part makes no sense to me still. 


If you feel like a female inside and you changed your body to look like a female. You did not transform your identity. You transformed your body. 


It was a change on the level of the body. On the level of the identity everything remained the same. So it's transappearance, not transidentity. 


So maybe I DID  get you, back there . 


I sorta thought ; maybe he is giving them more cred that they realise themselves !  ?

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5 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

This discussion is like a math problem that doesn´t have an answer.  Genius-level folks instantly see it´s a trap and put down their pencil.  Unfortunately, I´m no genius.  


I try to work it out



 and then break the pencil ! 

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5 hours ago, Apech said:


That’s a nice bit of waffle.




here is some maple syrup to go with it : 


What does the identifying is that aspect of us that is above and apart from those identifying  principles  .  It is, by nature, obscure  and by many unfathomable , yet it resides 'within' .  One may be close to it , far from it or completely unaware of it .  Perhaps some  that study Hindu philosophy realise this  ... as  this realisation  is above the realisation of Buddhism





" Feeling, and thought, and ecstasy

Are but the cerements of Me.
Thrown off like planets from the Sun
Ye are but satellites of the One.
But should your revolution stop
Ye would inevitably drop
Headlong within the central Soul,
And all the parts become the Whole.

Sloth and activity and peace,
When will ye learn that ye must cease?

- Not until these are ended can ye come to the centre of the wheel. "

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1 hour ago, Nungali said:




The source for muslims considering pork sinful.


And pork being labeled an abomination in christianity.


Are identical.


House cats are considered obligate carnivores who get no benefit from eating plants.


Yet we can see plenty of evidence for cats eating it.




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5 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


When I was in college, a fellow student gave me a revealing psychological test.  He asked me to imagine a waterfall and then tell him what it looked like.  I imagined a dry bed of stone where a waterfall used to be.  Turns out the "waterfall" was a stand-in image for our sex life.  Oops!




'Describe your fav body of water '  is the question that reates to how one sees one's sex life .  A waterfall is an option .


Its a game we used to play ; "Whats your fav body of water ?'   My soon to be new  GF at the time .... a supposedly unemotional stalwart  'a-sexual' German  (who knew nothing about the game )  answered a  waterfall . The next question is why ? 


She said 'Because  the pool  at the bottom is calm and placid but with the  waterfall pounding down its strength into the water it disrupts and churns it up, it froths and throws sparkles up into the air that makes rainbows in the sunshine and .....  "


and we are all sitting around     :o



:D   after we told her thats what you are supposed to feel about sex .


One young guy said ' a swamp'    ?   why  ... " Its yucky and sticky and smells bad . "


Oh jeeze !  


Mine was an estuary r ocean rock pools  ... and I certainly ain't gonna say why - here  !

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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Sanity Check said:



The source for muslims considering pork sinful.


I see you are unskilfully trying to avoid my observations about your inveteracies   :)





And pork being labeled an abomination in christianity.


Especially 'cud chewing piggies ' , they be an abomination in anyone's book !


Your funny !



Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Pork is one of those “foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1Timothy 4:3).


Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15).


Paul states in Romans 14:20–21 that “all food is clean.”


The biblical prohibition against eating pork is found only in the Law of Moses, and therefore it was only required for the Jewish people.


You do realise that Jesus  changed some Mosaic Laws  ? meaning they applied to Jews but not to Christians anymore ?  





Are identical.


So ?]

This doesnt change you being wrong about what you said and the way you said it .  


You made beef not kosher !





House cats are considered obligate carnivores who get no benefit from eating plants.


Oh well   then ll, I take it all back then .


if cats eat grass then pigs chew cud and beef is not allowed to Jews or Muslims .


Have you had a 'sanity check' lately  ?






Yet we can see plenty of evidence for cats eating it.





so that makes cats   ruminant cud chewers  !


Hey !  Jews and Muslims !  Dont eat cat ! 

Edited by Nungali

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nungali said:


so that makes cats   ruminant cud chewers  !


Hey !  Jews and Muslims !  Dont eat cat ! 



Ha. Well this is being moved to the abrahamic section.


So as not to interfere with tranny talk.




Edited by Sanity Check
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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, surrogate corpse said:

Fear claims reason as its ally:


I realized I failed to comment on the reason being used to resource fear. And I think it's pretty important point you've made. Indeed I can see how reason can be used to resource fear. But not only that. Reason can be used to bullshit yourself into doing something that is not good for you. Our mind's reasoning abilities will serve what we value the most. If this is underatood. I believe the best option here is to value truth above all else. And then mind's reasoning is going to serve you for your highest best and good in all situations. If you value something else than truth. Your reason will function to serve that something else. And that something else is always bs. 

Edited by Salvijus

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Nungali said:


So maybe I DID  get you, back there . 


I sorta thought ; maybe he is giving them more cred that they realise themselves !  ?

I don’t understand what is so hard to understand that the changing of appearace is technically called transappearance not transidentity lol. But I think it got through eventually. So that's good. 


Unfortunately people missed my most important insight. If you want to be transgender. Become enlightened. Because that's where a massive shift in identity actually happens haha. 

Edited by Salvijus

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Posted (edited)

I have one more insight to share but it's so brutal I fear you guys will go completly nuts over this. But on behalf of exploring truth with an open mind I will share this. 


It's based on the previous insight that to change your identity you need to become enlightened. That's what would actually cause the shift in identity. And then it got me thinking... What else can cause the shift in identity? And then I realized something scary.....


There are only two ways to transidentity. To become enlightened or, pardon my language, to become delusional....


That was hard pill to swollow for me. 

Edited by Salvijus
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Posted (edited)
On 2024-05-09 at 9:26 AM, surrogate corpse said:

You can't hurt me(scare me) because I have long since let go of the fear you are aiding


Maybe this is worth addressing aswell. 


Call it projection if you wish. But I believe there's still fear in you because those who are not afraid do not make "I'm not afraid" slogans. People who say that say that precisely to embrace themselves against fear. 


And I'm not saying this to furnish fear further but to let you know. The only solution against fear is truth. Truth will set you free as they say. Simply trying to turn a blind eye to reason is not a solution for fear. 


Reason is not an ally to fear. Reason serves and protects whatever you think is most valuable to you. And what you value most in life is a choice. 

Edited by Salvijus

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8 hours ago, Sanity Check said:



So as not to interfere with tranny talk.



That's actually an offensive word.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Unfortunately people missed my most important insight. If you want to be transgender. Become enlightened. Because that's where a massive shift in identity actually happens haha. 


You seem to act like becoming enlightened is a rather cavalier thing to accomplish. Friends asking you how your weekend was and you're like well I really had nothing going on so I became enlightened.


I could be wrong but I'm getting the sense that transgenderism makes you uncomfortable and that you're trying to use enlightenment as a way to avoid the topic. Maybe that's just my perspective because that's exactly what I did for years hoping I could spiritual away being trans until I realized that this was a form of control and suppression which is the opposite of enlightenment.

Edited by Maddie
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This thread has long been turned from a QnA to one guy arguing with everyone. I am guessing now he is gonna argue about how he wasn't arguing so. 🥴

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2 hours ago, Maddie said:


That's actually an offensive word.



Is it?


What is the appropriate term?


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10 minutes ago, Sanity Check said:



Is it?


What is the appropriate term?



For trans women you can call them that or transgender women and for trans men you can call them that or transgendered men. Or you can just call them women and men.

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1 hour ago, Elysium said:

This thread has long been turned from a QnA to one guy arguing with everyone. I am guessing now he is gonna argue about how he wasn't arguing so. 🥴

For the record this is totally still open for questions and answers which I would much rather prefer than having the same guy ask me the same question 15 times until I say fine call it whatever you want lol.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Maddie said:

the same guy ask me the same question 15 times until I say fine call it whatever you want lol.

That's because it took you 15 times to realize and admit that it actually makes sense. 

Edited by Salvijus

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Elysium said:

This thread has long been turned from a QnA to one guy arguing with everyone. I am guessing now he is gonna argue about how he wasn't arguing so. 🥴

That's because egos tend to group up for its power grows in numbers. And truth is sovergn and seeks no comrades but stands on its own feet. 


For the record, I wish people would stop taking sides and would start thinking for themselves. Then the whole thread would look very different. 

Edited by Salvijus

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2 hours ago, Maddie said:


You seem to act like becoming enlightened is a rather cavalier thing to accomplish. Friends asking you how your weekend was and you're like well I really had nothing going on so I became enlightened.


I could be wrong but I'm getting the sense that transgenderism makes you uncomfortable and that you're trying to use enlightenment as a way to avoid the topic. Maybe that's just my perspective because that's exactly what I did for years hoping I could spiritual away being trans until I realized that this was a form of control and suppression which is the opposite of enlightenment.

I didn't get any of it. At least you could've commented how beautiful my insight was. 

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Elysium said:

Here we go :lol:

 Here we go indeed 😎

Edited by Salvijus

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13 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

For the record, I wish people would stop taking sides and would start thinking for themselves. 

Man I couldn't care less, I am a college student not a representator of LGBT community or last line of defense about traditional stuff. Its just dumb y'all are going on circles about whether somethings form is its nature or not. How many pages has it been the same argument?


I don't know about gender stuff but this threads form isn't its nature anymore. If there is a way to mute it please let me know.

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4 minutes ago, Elysium said:

Man I couldn't care less, I am a college student not a representator of LGBT community or last line of defense about traditional stuff. Its just dumb y'all are going on circles about whether somethings form is its nature or not. How many pages has it been the same argument?


I don't know about gender stuff but this threads form isn't its nature anymore. If there is a way to mute it please let me know.


Lol. It's not that bad haha. Perhaps it's even enjoyable if you know how to dance. 

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