
Transgender Q&A

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Tommy said:

Out of curiosity, while a person transitions, does the person use the men's restroom or the lady's rest room?

Is this special treatment? Just to be the gender that you really are? Now a days there are gender neutral bathrooms.

Special treatment??


Special treatment because some women do not want to be in the same bathroom as a person with male genitalia. I know it sounds bias and may offend some. That is not my reason for asking. I bring this up because sometimes situations come up which is beyond our control. And special treatments are needed. Gender neutral bathrooms.


Let´s say that some bathrooms are designated as "gender neutral" in order to give nonpassing transgender people a comfortable place to do their business while out in public.  Is this special treatment?  I think not.  People vary in all sorts of ways and it´s a universal value of government (or should be anyways) to accomodate those differences in reasonable, fiscally responsible ways.  On the tram in San Diego stops are announced in both English and Spanish.  Is this special treatment for non-English speaking people?  How about schools that have "gifted programs" for abnormally smart kids who need accelerated learning schedules? Some libraries provide step stools so that patrons can take down books from the highest shelves -- special treatment for those under six foot three?  No.  These are reasonable accomodations that caring societies make because we recognize that different people have different needs and try to make public life workable for all.  


Arguments about bathrooms and "special treatment" obscure the larger emotional truth that the vast majority of transgender people would like nothing more than to be left alone to live their lives in peace. Very few if any transgendered people delight in making the cisgendered uncomfortable.  All to the contrary.

Edited by liminal_luke
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10 hours ago, Tommy said:

Out of curiosity, while a person transitions, does the person use the men's restroom or the lady's rest room?

Is this special treatment? Just to be the gender that you really are? Now a days there are gender neutral bathrooms.

Special treatment??


Special treatment because some women do not want to be in the same bathroom as a person with male genitalia. I know it sounds bias and may offend some. That is not my reason for asking. I bring this up because sometimes situations come up which is beyond our control. And special treatments are needed. Gender neutral bathrooms.


When I first began my transition and I looked more like a man I used the men's restroom because I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. At the point that while using the men's restroom I saw that I was clearly making men uncomfortable with my presence I then began to use the women's restroom. While I am not going to comment on my genitalia I can say that believe it or not no one in the women's restroom has stood on the toilet seat to peek over and inspect my genitalia so far. :-)

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It's been a little quiet here so why not a gratuitous selfie for no reason LOL.


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On 6/13/2024 at 10:17 AM, Salvijus said:


I have a feeling if i clarify more, things will explode again. Maybe i'll just leave it at that and be gone. 


Bye 🙏




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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, silent thunder said:
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🤧 I'm sorrrryyyy


Seriously tho, try writing something positive instead. Comments like that can only inflame and create conflict. And there was no reason for you to do that imo. 


Edited by Salvijus

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if you people understand how toxic it is to laugh at the expense of others. It's never genuine and there's always an attempt to "kill", belittle beneath that sort of laugher. It's the worst use of laughter ever. 


Sigh....... The world.... 


Edited by Salvijus

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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I wonder if you people understand how toxic it is to laugh at the expense of others. It's never genuine and there's always an attempt to "kill", belittle beneath that sort of laugher. It's the worst use of laughter ever. 


Sigh....... The world.... 



I think all you have to do is become enlightened and transcend the ego and this kind of stuff won't bother you. 😉🩷😇

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Maddie said:


I think all you have to do is become enlightened and transcend the ego and this kind of stuff won't bother you. 😉🩷😇


I didn't say those words just on my personal behalf but on the behalf of everyone. I felt writing that message will cause at least someone to reflect on their behavior and improve or grow. And that gives me joy. 


Becoming enlightened was good advice btw. 


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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

Becoming enlightened was good advice btw. 


You can do it! 😀 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/17/2024 at 4:09 AM, Maddie said:


I think all you have to do is become enlightened and transcend the ego and this kind of stuff won't bother you. 😉🩷😇



Gautama was not always nice.

“[Gautama] spoke thus to the monk Sati, a fisherman’s son, as he was sitting down at a respectful distance:

‘Is it true, as is said, that a pernicious view like this has accrued to you, Sati: “In so far as I understand [the truth] taught by [Gautama], it is that this consciousness itself runs on, fares on, not another”?’


‘Even so do I… understand [the teaching] ….’


‘What is this consciousness, Sati?’


‘It is this… that speaks, that feels, that experiences now here, now there, the fruition of deeds that are lovely and that are depraved.’


[Gautama rebukes Sati for his misrepresentation of Gautama’s teaching, and continues:] It is because… an appropriate condition arises that consciousness is known by this or that name: if consciousness arises because of eye and material shapes, it is known as visual consciousness; if consciousness arises because of ear and sounds, it is known as auditory consciousness;  [so for the nose/smells/olfactory consciousness, tongue/tastes/gustatory consciousness, body/touches/tactile consciousness, mind/mental objects/mental consciousness]. …As a fire burns because of this or that appropriate condition, by that it is known: if a fire burns because of sticks, it is known as a stick-fire; and if a fire burns because of chips, it is known as a chip-fire; … and so with regard to grass, cow-dung, chaff, and rubbish.”


(Pali Text Soceity MN I 258-259, Vol I p 313-315)



"... a pernicious view like this has accrued to you, Sati"--not nice, Mr. G!


Meanwhile, Sati is thinking:

It's good to be enlightened, if just for a while
To be there in velvet, yeah, to give 'em a smile
It's good to get high and never come down
It's good to be the enlightened one in your own little town

Yeah, the world would brighten, oh, if I were enlightened
Can I help it if I still dream time to time


(Tom Petty, "It's Good to be King", slightly modified)



Edited by Mark Foote

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I’ve moved the Trump post to a new thread in Current Events if anyone wants to go there. Let’s keep politics where it belongs please.


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On 6/16/2024 at 12:58 PM, Maddie said:

It's been a little quiet here so why not a gratuitous selfie for no reason LOL.



well if you don't mind me saying so, and going by this picture, its probable that the saying, "you don't have a mean bone in your body" is applicable.  :)

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On 4/12/2024 at 8:24 AM, Maddie said:

there may be those out there that are questioning for themselves, know someone that is transgendered, or just want to understand this topic better. 


My very best friend in the entire world is a trans-man.  We were friends before, during, and after the transition.  He is so so much happier now.  It's beautiful.

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On 4/12/2024 at 10:21 AM, Maddie said:

While many years of cultivation has made me sexually indifferent


Do you miss it?

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On 4/12/2024 at 2:16 PM, Maddie said:

Gender is an identity


My friend tells me:  Gender is "role" that is assigned, like a casting director would assign a "role".  But the casting director is not an individual. The casting director is more like a hive-mind.  It's the social norms and expectations which are flooding each and every individual's experiences as they walk around and live their life day to day in society.


If we need evidence, look at how a new born baby is treated.  The clothes, the toys, the room decor.... it's all setting the "stage" for the "role" which has been assigned to the baby.



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On 4/13/2024 at 9:41 AM, Maddie said:

I think the reason the topic of transgenderism brings out so many feelings in people is because it gets into the question of "what am I actually" which is relevant to everyone. 


Also, the "stirring" of curiosity, which as an asexual, you may not appreciate?  But it can be very alarming and frightening for people if they are not prepared for it and have been indoctrinated with all sort of harmful ... um ... ideas.

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On 4/13/2024 at 10:45 AM, Maddie said:

let go of the control and embraced the knowing



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35 minutes ago, Daniel said:


Do you miss it?


Not at all. To me its like asking "do you miss being hungry and thirsty?". 

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28 minutes ago, Daniel said:


My friend tells me:  Gender is "role" that is assigned, like a casting director would assign a "role".  But the casting director is not an individual. The casting director is more like a hive-mind.  It's the social norms and expectations which are flooding each and every individual's experiences as they walk around and live their life day to day in society.


If we need evidence, look at how a new born baby is treated.  The clothes, the toys, the room decor.... it's all setting the "stage" for the "role" which has been assigned to the baby.




The last video I posted talks about this. Gender has a biological component in the brain. Gender roles however are a total social construct. All one has to do is to look at how gender roles have changed over time and vary from place to place. 

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