
Transgender Q&A

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4 minutes ago, Maddie said:


This is why I do think that if a child does express that they feel that their gender is different than the one assigned to them at birth they should be made to see a licensed therapist. 


Yes, and hopefully a therapist who is not invested in a particular outcome but only wants what is best for the particular child.  And of course sometimes the people most in need of therapy -- perhaps this was true in your case? -- are the parents.

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1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:


Yes, and hopefully a therapist who is not invested in a particular outcome but only wants what is best for the particular child.  And of course sometimes the people most in need of therapy -- perhaps this was true in your case? -- are the parents.


lol that was absolutely the case. When I was a teenager my parents took me to several councilors wanting to "fix" me. Every time the therapist would tell my parents that I was not the only issue and they needed to work on themselves, we moved onto the next councilor. 

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I went to a pediatrician as a kid who ended up wanting to talk to my dad about how his anger was effecting me.  Last time I saw that pediatrician.  Guess it´s not just a Texas thing.

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Posted (edited)
On 06/06/2024 at 8:46 PM, surrogate corpse said:

… children, who haven't yet learned to replace the actual world with their caretakers' preferred fantasy, are therefore dangerous

… most of what adults discuss in the name of "protecting children" is really about protecting adults from this danger


Yes, I remember it being so for me as a child with my parents. But I think only emotionally abusive adults are like this. 


Edited by Cobie

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On 7-6-2024 at 1:44 AM, liminal_luke said:

I went to a pediatrician as a kid who ended up wanting to talk to my dad about how his anger was effecting me.  Last time I saw that pediatrician.  Guess it´s not just a Texas thing.


samesies, although not anger and father but neglect and mother

same age, different continent

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2 hours ago, Cobie said:


Yes, I remember it being so for me as a child with my parents. But I think only emotionally abusive adults are like this. 



I don't think its necessarily only abusive parents that react not well to a child proclaiming a gender different than that which they were assigned at birth. There are often well meaning parents that for one reason or another do not react in the most supportive way in these situations. 

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Posted (edited)

According to google:

"The percentage of people who detransition, discontinue, or regret gender transition is not well known outside of specific study populations. However, some studies suggest that detransition rates can range from less than 1% to up to 25%."



"The rate of organ transplant rejection varies by the type of transplant and can range from 5–30% of patients"



Edited by Nintendao
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2 hours ago, Nintendao said:

According to google:

"The percentage of people who detransition, discontinue, or regret gender transition is not well known outside of specific study populations. However, some studies suggest that detransition rates can range from less than 1% to up to 25%."



"The rate of organ transplant rejection varies by the type of transplant and can range from 5–30% of patients"




No it's actually not very common at all but the far right is trying to make a very small percentage of ancedotal examples into their primary argument against transitioning.

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For those who question if a child can know if they're trans this should be seen.



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1 hour ago, Maddie said:


For those who question if a child can know if they're trans this should be seen.



Apologies, I didnt Watch, but If you dont mind me asking:

1. So lets assume that kids can know that they are born in the wrong body. Still, would you agree that some could be manipulated to belive it, as well?

2. how do you feel about irreversible biological change to kids?

3. why not wait anyway? I mean, this is a far more serious choice then most we are allowed to take before reaching adulthood?

4. I think youd agree that some ones Life would be ruined by this (and some improved). How do you balance these up against each other?

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1 hour ago, Maddie said:


For those who question if a child can know if they're trans this should be seen.



Apologies, I didnt Watch, but If you dont mind me asking:

1. So lets assume that kids can know that they are born in the wrong body. Still, would you agree that some could be manipulated to belive it, as well?

2. how do you feel about irreversible biological change to kids?

3. why not wait anyway? I mean, this is a far more serious choice then most we are allowed to take before reaching adulthood?

4. I think youd agree that some ones Life would be ruined by this (and some improved). How do you balance these up against each other?



Have you seen «what is a woman?» by Matt Walsh? Thoughts?

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Apologies, I didnt Watch, but If you dont mind me asking:

1. So lets assume that kids can know that they are born in the wrong body. Still, would you agree that some could be manipulated to belive it, as well?

2. how do you feel about irreversible biological change to kids?

3. why not wait anyway? I mean, this is a far more serious choice then most we are allowed to take before reaching adulthood?

4. I think youd agree that some ones Life would be ruined by this (and some improved). How do you balance these up against each other?


1. I would really suggest watching these videos that I post because in almost every case it's the kids are telling the parents that's how they feel and initially the parents are usually resistant. 


2. I can say that I wish I had had the opportunity to transition as a child and avoid male puberty because it would have made things so much easier. 


3. Again it comes down to the timing of puberty and the permanent changes that it causes that can lead to gender dysphoria. 


4. It's not just my opinion but all medical science and experts agree that if someone truly is transgendered and has gender dysphoria that they always benefit from transitioning. Again I recommend watching these videos I post because they address a lot of your questions.

Edited by Maddie
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Posted (edited)

According to human psychology. Age 0-12 is when your physical and emotional body is developing. This is the age where children are like sponges and are susceptible to any kind of influence you put on them. If you tell them Santa Claus is real, they will believe it. If you tell them, there are elfs that watch you sleep and sing songs to you, they will believe that. They will believe anything you say to them at that age.  Because they have no critical thinking yet. At this age it is very important to expose them to nature and wild life. Give them good healthy food and allow them to play, dance and have a good time. So that they would grow up healthy and strong. 


Next is the age 12-24 where your critical thinking begins to develop. At this period it is important not to impose any idealogy on them aswell. Trying to impose any belief system or ideology on a child (even if it's true) is actually a disservice to them because it inhibits them from cultivating their own intelligence and their own indipendant thinking and thirst for knowledge and truth. 12-24 is the age where you should inspire them to think deeply and be an indipendant thinker, to be a seeker of truth rather than a blind believer in what others say.  Such is the way to bring up strong, healthy, wise, intelligent, indipendant, curious truth seekers in the world. And that's the best thing you can offer to younger generations as a caretaker imo. 


Edited by Salvijus
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4 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

@Maddie You might find this substack post interesting, Perhaps If You're a "Of Course Trans People Can Be Trans, But...." Type, You Should Front the "Of Course" A Little More (  Admittedly, I´m a bit of a "yes, of course, but..." type myself, but I think Freddie Deboer makes some intelligent points that might apply at this point in the thread.


Yeah I heard about the Lia Thomas decision yesterday. My official position on is it fair for a trans woman to compete in women's swimming is "I don't know".  I can only hope that the Olympic committee made its decision based upon actually scientific medical facts and research and was not simply being reactionary but I don't know. I can definitely empathize with her since I quit my jujitsu gym based on being discriminated against for being trans and remembering how awful that felt, but on the other hand I wasn't competing. I'm honestly not even sure if it would be fair for me to compete against cis women or not. I'm pretty sure if I sucked at competitions most people would probably not care but god help me if I won, which is what happened to Lia.  

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Whether or not those words had something to do with transgenderism is revealed in your emotional response. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Whether or not those words had something to do with transgenderism is revealed in your emotional response. 


no not really I asked because this is the transgendered thread and that seemed to have no relevance to the topic at all, so I was asking you for clarification. 


If I posted on an internet discussion about auto transmissions, a pancake recipe they might be a bit confused about the relevance of my post. 

Edited by Maddie
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3 minutes ago, Maddie said:


no not really I asked because this is the transgendered thread and that seemed to have no relevance to the topic at all, so I was asking you for clarification. 


I have a feeling if i clarify more, things will explode again. Maybe i'll just leave it at that and be gone. 


Bye 🙏

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3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


I have a feeling if i clarify more, things will explode again. Maybe i'll just leave it at that and be gone. 


Bye 🙏


That sounds like a splendid idea ;)

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I am thinking that the most important thing is the truth of the situation. Children having issues with being the gender or sex that they were born with, this puts an onus on the adults on what is the best thing to do. It is a heavy burden due to social norms and pressures. No one wants to hurt children. But at the same time, no one wants the children to suffer. So, parental judgement depends upon how one grew up. What values one holds.


I was a believer that children should not go thru chemical disruption of their bodies natural cycle. Cuz once on this road, there is no return path. A decision made later in life has the idea that the person is of a mature enough mind to accept what changes and pains may come. Children may not know or have any idea. But, as I said in the beginning, it is the truth of the matter that is important. So, how does one know the truth?


I understand that there are people who believe they need to change their bodies to reflect their gender identity. What I do not understand is this movement to embrace all the people who decide that they do not want to identify as their gender without the very real need to do so. There are some who are offended by being called a woman or man. And are forcing others to use they, them, it  or whatever. If they do have the need to be something or do something then that is fine as long as it does not impact the freedom and lives of other people. Your need to transition should not necessitate me treating you as special. I should be able to treat you as I would treat anyone. If I know you then I treat you as a friend. If I do not know you then I treat you as a stranger. Human.


My post here may be a bit self centered. But, it can be applied to anyone. So, should children be treated with chemicals and made or be able to transition early? I truly do not know. It would have to be a case by case judgement. But, who am I to judge? When I see a screw, I think righty tighty and lefty loosey. The problem comes when I get a left hand threaded screw. Things that do not conform befuddles me.

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3 minutes ago, Tommy said:

Your need to transition should not necessitate me treating you as special. I should be able to treat you as I would treat anyone.


We don't want special treatment, just to be the gender that we really are. 

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9 hours ago, Maddie said:


We don't want special treatment, just to be the gender that we really are. 

Out of curiosity, while a person transitions, does the person use the men's restroom or the lady's rest room?

Is this special treatment? Just to be the gender that you really are? Now a days there are gender neutral bathrooms.

Special treatment??


Special treatment because some women do not want to be in the same bathroom as a person with male genitalia. I know it sounds bias and may offend some. That is not my reason for asking. I bring this up because sometimes situations come up which is beyond our control. And special treatments are needed. Gender neutral bathrooms.

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