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18 minutes ago, Nungali said:

One company I worked for (film production) handed out warm woolies to keep, rain wear , and the nurse came around every morning with vit C , B and an herbal  pills  (all free )  'How come " I asked . Answer ; 'healthy happy workers are good workers '   Thats an intelligent approach .   friends son did the same , known him since he was a baby , now he has his own kids and a very successful plumbing business , at an early stage he confided in me ; If you work hard and honest and are truthful and nice to people , you get more work and they pay you better .'  ... smart kid !

If my own business ever gets off the ground, this is how I want to run it too! Such an inspiration in these dreary times, in my eyes. 


19 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Yep, thats why I find Zoroastrianism different . Part of their philosophy seems to have been an experiment in not only allowing diversity but encouraging it ;   well, yes, we have taken over your country , but we can help you rebuild your temples and re install your Gods there .


I don't know enough to comment on Zoroastrianism specifically, but this does sound a lot nicer than other systems out there; they still take over places though, which rubs me a bit wrong. I suppose just like the victims, war and conquest never grow old...

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Nungali said:

Cool . Could you explain to me the difference between being a Zarathustrian. and a Zoroastrian  ? 


What do you like about that religion ?


My knowledge about Zarathustra comes from reading the Oahspe Bible. For some reason, as I was reading his biography and his teachings and ways of living, I was so touched, I was bawling. His name causes waves of energy through my body go up and down. I have a really strange resonance and connection with him for some reason. In essence his teachings are the same as in Christianity about Light and Love. Just without all the bs and distortions. 


Zarathustrian is just one label of out many I could go with. You could label me as an Essene aswell. Or theosophist. I'm many things actually. They are all teaching the same thing in my view. I just take what I like from every religion. Carrying the gifts and blessings and empowerments, initiations from many different traditions and teachers. Ranging from shivaism, taoiam, buddhism, essene lineages. Etc. But I'm most comfortable when I'm not carrying any labels. Just your friend :)


I feel the value or validity of what I say should stand on its own, indipendant of the status, background or number of spiritual badges one has. Only then a discussion becomes a genuine discussion imo. The interest that people have in sniffing another person's crotch is usually just an ego driven game to compare itself and place value on things said based on that rather than looking at the things said, haha. (Sorry for the visual :D) 

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I was watching a video about 2 souls living in 1 body and it made me think about the yidam practice. Deity worship practices. 


The idea of a deity worship practice is to let your ego be replaced by the energy entity and gain all the wisdom, powers, boons that are attributed to that deity/God/guru. I wonder if people realize that the same thing can be done in christianity with J or any other ascended master. That all the knowledge, wisdom, abilities, miracles, guidence and way of living, states of consciousness can just be poured into you if you but open your heart to it. 


The practice of prayer plays a crucial role in order to open the heart and makes you susceptible to the influence of other forces. The opening of the heart is key element to all channeling/trance states, taking to angels, deity yoga, healing, and having astral friends who share your body with you. That's literally what christianity (and all heart based traditions) stands for in essence. 


"Drink my blood, eat my flesh and become me" ~J. I believe that is the essence of a christian path and practice.


A video I was talking about. This is an example of an yidam practice done in perfection. 



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I actually know one guy who has experienced being sucked out of his body by another entity that he calls Jeshua (another name for Jesus). There is a video of him describing the events that took place during and after the process. Really mind blowing. 




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20 hours ago, Paradoxal said:

If my own business ever gets off the ground, this is how I want to run it too! Such an inspiration in these dreary times, in my eyes. 


I don't know enough to comment on Zoroastrianism specifically, but this does sound a lot nicer than other systems out there; they still take over places though, which rubs me a bit wrong. I suppose just like the victims, war and conquest never grow old...


It seems an intrinsic part of human nature .... for some of us .    :( 

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21 hours ago, Paradoxal said:

If my own business ever gets off the ground, this is how I want to run it too! Such an inspiration in these dreary times, in my eyes. 


As a fellow struggling entrepreneur I recommend lots of Zhunti mantra recitation. My business has picked up since I got back into it.  

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17 hours ago, Salvijus said:


My knowledge about Zarathustra comes from reading the Oahspe Bible. For some reason, as I was reading his biography and his teachings and ways of living, I was so touched, I was bawling. His name causes waves of energy through my body go up and down. I have a really strange resonance and connection with him for some reason. In essence his teachings are the same as in Christianity about Light and Love. Just without all the bs and distortions. 


This is what I find curious  with 'modern searchers '  ; the above is all good and fine , but then , did you go to Zarathustras writings he wrote himself, did you then go to the Avestas  ?  Why is all this modern new age stuff nearly always about someone else who did ( know about the Avestas and Zoroaster , for example )  but not go there themselves .


I used to have a bookstall at markets , I also obeserved this curious phenomena there ; sold out of Books by Osho about Rumi .... still had the books by Rumi  ?????  - curious .


So, I would really like to know , if you are so inspired by him, why not go to the source ?  


17 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Zarathustrian is just one label of out many I could go with. You could label me as an Essene aswell. Or theosophist. I'm many things actually. They are all teaching the same thing in my view. I just take what I like from every religion. Carrying the gifts and blessings and empowerments, initiations from many different traditions and teachers. Ranging from shivaism, taoiam, buddhism, essene lineages. Etc. But I'm most comfortable when I'm not carrying any labels. Just your friend :)


You 'carry initiations' from different teachers ?  Whatever could that mean ?    here we are entering a rather large problem area - see below .


I feel the value or validity of what I say should stand on its own, independent of the status, background or number of spiritual badges one has. Only then a discussion becomes a genuine discussion imo.


I think this is incredibly lame and  smacks of the modernist  approach, no study, no background, no reference material .... just what I am supposin and what I like .   No challenges to my unbalances .... I will just negate them as unessential or something 'I dont like'  And not only that , I will get all uppity if I am asked to validate my knowledge or opinions .   IMO ... highly suspect and signaling  a decline in society  ( since it a  view that is spreading all the time .  It seems all about justifying one's own lack of all round information taking in and  developing from it . 


The interest that people have in sniffing another person's crotch is usually just an ego driven game to compare itself and place value on things said based on that rather than looking at the things said, haha. (Sorry for the visual :D) 


And this  combined with what I just said, to me , indicates an ego at work , it seems completely ego driven . Especially the part about claiming some type of  multiple systems initiation ... if thats what you meant  ( its hard to tell ) ..


and by the way , this all started from looking at the things you said . 


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Nungali said:

I think this is incredibly lame and  smacks of the modernist  approach, no study, no background, no reference material .... just what I am supposin and what I like .   No challenges to my unbalances .... I will just negate them as unessential or something 'I dont like'  And not only that , I will get all uppity if I am asked to validate my knowledge or opinions .   IMO ... highly suspect and signaling  a decline in society  ( since it a  view that is spreading all the time .  It seems all about justifying one's own lack of all round information taking in and  developing from it . 


This idea that status determines the validity of what you say is cringe to me. 


You could be pope of all religions and still be damn wrong about everything. And you can be illiterate bum on the streets. And know the existence inside out. 


The only genuine way to decide the validity of what someone is saying is to simply look at things said with an open mind. And then see for yourself if it makes sense or not.


Even buddha said: "don't accept anything I say because I have a fancy ass status and fame" He's basicly saying: "status means shit bruh"  



P. S sorry about the bragging and ego thing. I got sucked into it the moment the validity of what I said got questioned on the basis on my status. That was not the most concious way to handle that situation. My apologies 🙏


Regarding Zarathustra. Same thing. There were different answers I could've given and I chose the cheeky one (on purpose) , haha :D I actually plan on reading his material directly after I finish the books I currently read. 

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I felt like saying one more thing. 


The bottom line is. Even if my status/label was someone who's illiterate, blind, unexperienced, uneducated, deluded, lunatic, arrogant, close minded troll (you can make the list endless). My writings are still yet to be invalided. 


So based on that I would say, Only in a genuine discussion where people are pointing out the limits and inconsistencies in each other's writings and logic, only then can writings can be invalidated. No amount of crotch sniffing and background information is going to get you anywhere if you want to use someone's status as an argument for anything. (pardon my language, but that's what it is.)

This is worth understanding imo. So that people would begin to engage in discussions like normal humans. With an open mind and heart. Like best friends forever eh? :D joking. But you get the point I hope. 


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'Status "  is  'a position relative to others' .  You seem to be saying that people having  position relative to others is invalid .  And specifically if that status  relationship is about learning and practice .


I hope you never need to go to a doctor    ( for the doctors sake !  ) 


I suppose if you didnt agree with his diagnosis  you would get a 2nd or 3rd opinion ?


Then abuse the other two doctors of 'cheer leading' .



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When you have to make a decision based on blind faith and trusting people, it makes sense to rely on their reputation and status. Like in a case of going to a doctor (but even then you can get fooled by someone's reputation and end up with a horrible doctor)


However when it comes to seeking truth or figuring out what makes sense and what doesn't, then you must look beyond the status directly into what was said. And use your own brain. You have to validate everything for yourself regardless of what status someone may have. There's no room for taking things on faith anymore. All your status becomes meaningless.


Even if I told you I'm the galactic incarnation of hanuman, shiva, lao tzu, buddha and all the rest. What will you do with that information? It's useless. All of them could be full of shit for all you know :D


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Nungali said:

Then abuse the other two doctors of 'cheer leading' .


Those who play the game of taking sides mock themselves. For they missed the whole point of life itself. 

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On 16.5.2024 at 1:14 AM, Apech said:

- there is a supreme being who created the universe

- this being impregnated a virgin 

- the child grew up to perform miracles and so on

- he was crucified, died and then rose from the dead

1. a supreme, singular creator is what makes the Most sense for me.

2. Common mythological theme in western Eurasia. Also, dont think of it as the creator penetrering Mary, it is figurative. «Our heavenly father.» Trinity - tree in one - the father, the son(s) and the holy spirit

3. Again, I think it is symbolism. Much of it is lost on me tho. He is in many ways «the perfect man incarneted.» The ideal. Christians means followers of Christ. As far as I am concerned, the only requirement to being a Christian is attempting to follow his example.

4. Another common mythological theme in west Eurasia. One theory I like is that its Linked to the solar cicle. The sun «dies» at the winter solstice before being «reforn.» I dont think this birthday being set to christmas is a coincidence.

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4 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

As far as I am concerned, the only requirement to being a Christian is attempting to follow his example.

As a non-Christian, I would love to agree with this requirement; if even *half* of proclaimed Christians attempted to follow his example, our world would be a wonderful place! Unfortunately, at least within the American versions of Christianity, I see many people systematically following the exact inverse of everything Jesus stood for. 


I'd really like to hear other opinions on why it has developed this way over history; why do you think this has happened?  

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43 minutes ago, Paradoxal said:

As a non-Christian, I would love to agree with this requirement; if even *half* of proclaimed Christians attempted to follow his example, our world would be a wonderful place! Unfortunately, at least within the American versions of Christianity, I see many people systematically following the exact inverse of everything Jesus stood for. 


I'd really like to hear other opinions on why it has developed this way over history; why do you think this has happened?  

Yes the main thing that holds me back from Christianity is Christianity itself.

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Something I've noticed, while looking around the average suburban roadway, either with my own eyeballs or searching on Google Maps, there's damn near the same number of churches as there are gas stations. Gas stations serve an obvious purpose, to help people get to where they need to go in their cars. But you know what else goes on in those places? Look inside and they are wall-to-wall  filled with addictive substances! Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, salt, fat, even gambling. Way back in the day they had porn there, too, but that is mostly free now, so anyway. All of that is even besides the point. You know how many thousands of people die in car crashes every year? I am not even going to mention the environmental and political issues with fossil fuels etc.


Now, according to Google: "Around 233 million people held valid driving licenses in the United States in 2021."


Also: "As of 2021, estimates suggest that in the US, about 210 million people identify as Christian."


Hopefully you can see where I'm going with this, so I'll go ahead and shut up :D


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Apech said:

Yes the main thing that holds me back from Christianity is Christianity itself.


Yea, the mainstream christianity is not very appealing at all. However there are places where those who are more developed and are thirsty for something deeper can find a proper place for them. 


Like there's one place founded by Master Hamid Bey who was trained in Egyptian mystery school since he was a little boy. Eventually he attained a very high level of mastery and  spiritual cultivation and ventured off to establish Coptic Christianity based on universal truths.


Apparently during one of his communications in astral realm with the Masters of ancient wisdom he was given this role to establish these teachings and that it would play an important role in the new age of the world and yeshua's (jesus's) plan for salvation. 


He was writing books full of esoteric knowledge and techniques that look very similar to Kundalini yoga, involving breathing techniques, concentration, meditation practices. Books filled with very deep and profound wisdom based on Christian, Essene, White Brotherhood way of living. And historical accounts on many topics like the pyramids, life of Jesus etc. 


I thought I would use this opportunity to mention and anchor him here in case someone who's thirsty, someone's who's searching for something deeper will perhaps find it refreshing and rejuvenating :)



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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

... Hamid Bey … ventured off to establish Coptic Christianity …

“establish”? Lol.

Hamid Bey was trained by Coptic Masters in Egypt during the early 1900s 

The Coptic Orthodox Church was established during the middle of the 1st century 



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Hamid Bey, haven't heard that name in decades, went to one of his public presentations in the early 70's

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1 minute ago, Cobie said:


Hamid Bey was trained by Coptic Masters in Egypt during the early 1900s 

The Coptic Orthodox Church was established during the middle of the 1st century 



That's true. Sorry I'm sometimes loose with the words I choose. I meant he established a community and gave series of teachings of profound esoteric knowledge and techniques which I believe was his unique contribution. But honestly I don't know what other coptic churches preach. I never looked into it. 

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3 minutes ago, old3bob said:

Hamid Bey, haven't heard that name in decades, went to one of his public presentations in the early 70's




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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, old3bob said:


like around 5 decades!


That's more than I can count :D


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