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Posted (edited)

Yea but it's connected and had to be discussed.


Also that's what happens when status becomes important for people in a discussion where people want to share their perspectives and understanding. You end up talking about dicks :D. That's why i keep saying caring about status is lame. Gets you nowhere. 

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

caring about status is lame

so why you been talking about it for the last two pages?


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Posted (edited)


11 hours ago, Salvijus said:

it wasn't directed at anyone in particular.

this is a typical sealioning tactic. defending an obnoxious behavior by showing how it didn't break any "rules." Following this logic if i walk into a room and smear shit on the wall, that's okay because i didn't put it on anyone in particular? I'm just rightfully exercising my freedom of expression.


Since this is a Christianity thread, i'm reminded of the parable of Jesus flipping the table over (Matthew 21:12-13)


Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 'It is written,' he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.


Often that verse gets used as a way of justifying rebellious troublemaking, or that religion isn't always about being peaceful, or whatever. He was just doing a little housekeeping.


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Nintendao said:

so why you been talking about it for the last two pages?



If that's how long it takes to explain to people why we should stop caring about status because it's meaningless, then what can i do. 


3 hours ago, Nintendao said:

Following this logic if i walk into a room and smear shit on the wall, that's okay because i didn't put it on anyone in particular? I'm just rightfully exercising my freedom of expression.



I mean if you have a desire to smear poo and you do it where it doesn't trouble anyone, where nobody is going to be disturbed by it, and it's not anyone's private property, then i guess it's okay? Like i don't think anyone would be offended if you smeared your own room with poopoo.


But are you sure that's an accurate example of my logic? I struggle to see the connection here. I think my arguments were a bit different. 


Edited by Salvijus
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2 hours ago, Nintendao said:

Often that verse gets used as a way of justifying rebellious troublemaking, or that religion isn't always about being peaceful, or whatever. He was just doing a little housekeeping.


Using cleverness to justify some unhealthy/unconcious behavior. Yea that's very common. If you see such behavior in me let me know, i promise i will reflect on it. And i will apologize if I'm able to see your point. 

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38 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


Using cleverness to justify some unhealthy/unconcious behavior. Yea that's very common. If you see such behavior in me let me know, i promise i will reflect on it. And i will apologize if I'm able to see your point. 


Likewise! How can we continuously sweep the dust from our heart without shedding a little light on it first.


Let's go back to talk about Jesus. While I totally respect Nungali's stance on new-agey make-it-up-as-you-go-ism,  I think there is something to be admired about Salvijus approach of forming connection to Christ by sheer virtue of what's been received experientially. 



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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Nintendao said:


Likewise! How can we continuously sweep the dust from our heart without shedding a little light on it first.


Let's go back to talk about Jesus. While I totally respect Nungali's stance on new-agey make-it-up-as-you-go-ism,  I think there is something to be admired about Salvijus approach of forming connection to Christ by sheer virtue of what's been received experientially. 




Oh, wow. That melted my heart a little bit. Nice comment :)


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7 hours ago, Apech said:

This thread is about Christianity and not dick measuring.


There's been a lot of talk by Christians in my country about dick measuring of late. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, steve said:


There's been a lot of talk by Christians in my country about dick measuring of late. 


It's people's most interesting subject since days immemorial I believe :D

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10 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Yea but it's connected and had to be discussed.


Also that's what happens when status becomes important for people in a discussion where people want to share their perspectives and understanding. You end up talking about dicks :D. That's why i keep saying caring about status is lame. Gets you nowhere. 


Then drop it dude .


This 'status'  BS was your doing .  


maybe get to back to telling us how much you know about Christianity and Christ ..... without reading the Bible .


- and THAT is my point , not your idea to try and turn this towards 'status' .

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4 hours ago, Salvijus said:


If that's how long it takes to explain to people why we should stop caring about status because it's meaningless, then what can i do. 






I mean if you have a desire to smear poo and you do it where it doesn't trouble anyone, where nobody is going to be disturbed by it, and it's not anyone's private property, then i guess it's okay? Like i don't think anyone would be offended if you smeared your own room with poopoo.


Smearing your own room with excrement , measuring dick sizes ,  sniffing crotches  . . .    Oh dear ! 


But are you sure that's an accurate example of my logic? I struggle to see the connection here. I think my arguments were a bit different. 





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3 hours ago, steve said:


There's been a lot of talk by Christians in my country about dick measuring of late. 


Well, I was  forced to be a Catholic when little ..... they made mine shorter . 

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3 hours ago, Nintendao said:


Likewise! How can we continuously sweep the dust from our heart without shedding a little light on it first.


Let's go back to talk about Jesus. While I totally respect Nungali's stance on new-agey make-it-up-as-you-go-ism,  I think there is something to be admired about Salvijus approach of forming connection to Christ by sheer virtue of what's been received experientially. 





I think we have had pretty good examples of that here ( what cartoon Christ is saying )  in esoteric section with a series of posters ... or multiple ID posters , doing exactly this in regard to Thelema , Crowley and 'Do what Thou Wilt ' .

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Salvijus said:



Edit. Nevermind... 

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Posted (edited)

Before the father we appear all similar in our appearance, no? 
I don’t get the reroute around status in this topic, maybe I‘ve missed something happening for someone? Could it be that you’re overthinking, @Salvijus? Maybe you have given something too much weight, that never was meant this way?


Why people ask strangers for their job, is because often that gives a good account where someone’s values and talents are. People spent a lot of their time and it often transforms them in a special way, so for a stranger it helps to understand another stranger and his behavior better. It’s also a less personal question than religion, for example, where you don’t want to intrude or provoke different opinions and a fight following. 
As to men’s testicles… well… there’s been some interesting empirical data for apes, about what the size, form and feel can represent to their female partner. I won’t go into detail here, as it seems inconsiderate, but it’s easy to find. In the end it seems to represent not only the potential of the offspring, but an underlying energy of the carrier as well, e.g. how loyal the carrier is or how often he approaches other women than that he had chosen for offspring and a life together. 

To Jesus, status seemed irrelevant, indeed. I remember the tax collector, a rich guy but unpopular. Even he was treated good or even better, because he had an interest in his teaching and worldview. There’s the famous line of a rich guy going into heaven as probably as a camel through the hole of a needle. Maybe that settles the whole of the status issue? 

In your opinion, are Christ and Jesus to be seen separately? Was Mary pregnant twice, one with the Holy Spirit and then with Jesus as the offspring? The lines in the evangelists book leave that open to interpretation for me… 

edit: maybe marriage originally was something different than today?


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, S:C said:

Why people ask strangers for their job, is because often that gives a good account where someone’s values and talents are. 


Well there's more than one reason to inquire into people's lives of course. But there's always an element of comparing yourself with others imo. That's why i said "dick measuring" is the famous game since time immemorial. 


As one wise quote goes: "when two enlightenment people meet, there's nothing left to do but smile". Or dance, sing and play. Works just as well. 


1 hour ago, S:C said:

As to men’s testicles…  it seems to represent not only the potential of the offspring, but an underlying energy of the carrier as well, e.g. how loyal the carrier is or how often he approaches other women than that he had chosen for offspring and a life together. 


I know. The core of person's identity is in their genitals. I didn't chose that word by accident. Cut the balls and all your pride and sense of specialness flies out the window. You could say enlightenment, is just a clever mataphysical castration of your balls (ego) :D (guys don't get offended by my language, I think it's funny) 


1 hour ago, S:C said:

To Jesus, status seemed irrelevant, indeed. I remember the tax collector, a rich guy but unpopular. Even he was treated good or even better, because he had an interest in his teaching and worldview. There’s the famous line of a rich guy going into heaven as probably as a camel through the hole of a needle. Maybe that settles the whole of the status issue? 


This is really good. 


1 hour ago, S:C said:

In your opinion, are Christ and Jesus to be seen separately?


I think i shared my perspective on it already. Christ just means love and light. Whoever comes in alignment with their true desire, comes in alignment with love. Whoever is in alignment with love is in alignment with the whole universe. Whoever is in alignment with the whole universe, knows infinite love of God pouring through his body vessel into the world. That one becomes a messiah. A prophet. A messenger of God's light. 


1 hour ago, S:C said:

Was Mary pregnant twice, one with the Holy Spirit and then with Jesus as the offspring?


I don’t know this. There're many different theories surrounding his birth. I don't put much emphasis on these things. 


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, S:C said:

maybe marriage originally was something different than today?


If I had to guess, and from I know. Love is stronger when it's shared. In that context marriage would be a certain union between two souls that empowers them to peak levels of christ conciousness.


I don't want to be a conspiracy theoriest but it makes sense if the wedding of Cana was Jesus's wedding with Mary Magdalene. You need to combine those male and female energies to reach full potential of God conciousness. 

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5 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

there's nothing left to do but smile". Or dance, sing and play. Works just as well. 


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

wedding of Cana

It’s comforting to discuss this without having to expect the inquisition knocking at your door, thanks! 


Then again, if paranoia is allowed to strike deep, agents of inquisition nowadays might just be going round offering payed jobs… and status. Much subtler methods are being used: Weird twist in times, eh? :) Please take care! Stay clear, free and connected and may the light and love be with you all through! ;) 

Honestly, I ain’t sure if I understand that bible chapter you mentioned fully @Salvijus… but maybe that isn’t necessary.



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It’s really odd, how violence was used to help the hierarchy of state and church to gain souverainty over the claimed objective interpretation of the words of the Nazarene! Considering this, I wonder how one should ever utter a word and not expect to be misunderstood and turned into the opposite of the intended meaning? Which could be: Love, but without force. Well maybe I am wrong too, but alas I never claimed objectivity to begin with.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, S:C said:

It’s comforting to discuss this without having to expect the inquisition knocking at your door, thanks! 


I think inquisitors are my best buddies as of late haha. You gotta love them too bro, you gotta love them too... Real comfort is when your doors a wide open. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, S:C said:

It’s really odd, how violence was used to help the hierarchy of state and church to gain souverainty over the claimed objective interpretation of the words of the Nazarene! Considering this, I wonder how one should ever utter a word and not expect to be misunderstood and turned into the opposite of the intended meaning? Which could be: Love, but without force. Well maybe I am wrong too, but alas I never claimed objectivity to begin with.


There isn't an objective all agreed upon interpretation of the words of Bible as far as I know. All the priests disagree with each other over the correct interpretation. There're plenty of different dominions of that religion as well and they all have their own views and opinions. 


People who are too attached to their interpretation will inevitably resolve to aggressiveness to be right. Any other interpretation would threatening their sense of reality so your interpretation becomes an "enemy" that needs to be "rid of". Otherwise they can't be at peace. 


If there's ever going to be a day when people have a concensus over which interpretation is most true, it will be the day when people see things with a single eye. The eye that does not discriminate between good and evil. The eye which is innocent of judgement. Like that of a new born baby. 


Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”



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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Salvijus said:


Real comfort is when your doors a wide open. 

Not sure I understand what you’re suggesting.

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:


There isn't an objective all agreed upon interpretation of the words of Bible as far as I know. All the priests disagree with each other over the correct interpretation. There're plenty of different dominions of that religion as well and they all have their own views and opinions. 


People who are too attached to their interpretation will inevitably resolve to aggressiveness to be right. Any other interpretation would threatening their sense of reality so your interpretation becomes an "enemy" that needs to be "rid of". Otherwise they can't be at peace. 


If there's ever going to be a day when people have a concensus over which interpretation is most true, it will be the day when people see things with a single eye. The eye that does not discriminate between good and evil. The eye which is innocent of judgement. Like that of a new born baby. 


Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”




not really congruent with the saying along the lines of be gentle as doves and wise as serpents,  (Which are the ones that protect children that would be mowed over otherwise)

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