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17 hours ago, Nungali said:


Well, I was  forced to be a Catholic when little ..... they made mine shorter . 


If they're still after you you can join the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Real comfort is when your doors a wide open


Real comfort is love under all conditions. 


Real comfort is not to compromise your heart out of fear. 


Whenever you close your heart to someone you don't like, your world gets smaller. (I'm referring to inquisitors that come to nag people haha.) 


Whenever you turn your back on your brothers and sisters, you are the one seperated from the feast.


A closed door and love doesn’t go together. Fear is the energy that closes your heart and it suffocates the spirit. And where the spirit suffocates, there is no real comfort there. 

Edited by Salvijus
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3 hours ago, old3bob said:


not really congruent with the saying along the lines of be gentle as doves and wise as serpents,  (Which are the ones that protect children that would be mowed over otherwise)


Mmmmm. Sorry I struggle to see the point you're trying to make. Dove and serpent stands for love and wisdom btw. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Salvijus said:


Mmmmm. Sorry I struggle to see the point you're trying to make. Dove and serpent stands for love and wisdom btw. 


Btw, innocent little kids are not exactly wise or all that careful because they lack various kinds of experience and their love is often like "puppy" love, so to speak, which is fine with family and those close to same but being wide open to anyone otherwise is risky.   Do you have kids of your own?

Edited by old3bob
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On 06/06/2024 at 8:46 PM, surrogate corpse said:

 kids agency over their own lives

@surrogate corpse I’d like to draw your attention to this post:

2 hours ago, old3bob said:

… little kids are not exactly wise or all that careful because they lack various kinds of experience …  



Edited by Cobie

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On 8/6/2024 at 11:52 AM, steve said:


There's been a lot of talk by Christians in my country about dick measuring of late. 


There has?  How could I have missed that?  I definitely need to broaden my news sources.

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2 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


There has?  How could I have missed that?  I definitely need to broaden my news sources.

Blessed is he that measureth their own length for they will know the shortness of it and be humble.



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7 minutes ago, Apech said:

Blessed is he that measureth their own length for they will know the shortness of it and be humble.



And so in the land of Israel the pickled gherkin was brought forth.


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2 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


There has?  How could I have missed that?  I definitely need to broaden my news sources.


I’m referring to republican genital checks at bathroom doors. Doubt you missed that…. ?

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Just now, steve said:


I’m referring to republican genital checks at bathroom doors. Doubt you missed that…. ?


Ah...OK, thanks.  Yes, I did read something about that.  What a world!

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57 minutes ago, steve said:


I’m referring to republican genital checks at bathroom doors. Doubt you missed that…. ?


I cant wait to get mine !


I am going to go and cash it in right away at the Genital Bank !

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By the way , I find the comment about loosing  balls /  loosing identity ,  very sexists .


How about  'people'  first ? Seeing people as people , just like us . Maybe they are Man or Woman or whatever . In my book 'one's sex'   does not come 'first' .

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, old3bob said:


Btw, innocent little kids are not exactly wise or all that careful because they lack various kinds of experience and their love is often like "puppy" love, so to speak, which is fine with family and those close to same but being wide open to anyone otherwise is risky.   Do you have kids of your own?


Oh I see your point now. 


Here's a way to make it congruent then.


"If you wish to enter the kingdom of heaven, you have to be like a like a baby, dove and serpent all at once" :D


It just points to the qualities of non judgement eye(innocence) , wisdom and compassion. 


When it says you have to be like a serpent and dove, it doesn't contradict that you have to be like a baby also. Those are just extra good qualities to live a good life. Being like a baby is just one quality to that is necessary to enter the kingdom. 


That's how I would make sense of it. 

Edited by Salvijus
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I feel that that saying or term of "non-judgement" needs to be given lots of context.  For instance don't get in the habit of being judgmental about everything and everyone which in no way means giving up discernment and recognition of relative good and evil in words and actions that we hear or see taking place, and then proceed as best we can from there.   I'd also say don't forget that Jesus was/is also an invincible warrior for truth along with being a "good shepherd".  

Edited by old3bob
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I don't like Christianity because


1. They believe in miracles, done not only by Christ, but of saints as well. Heck, there are miracles being performed by priests every day at mass as they have the power to bless, and transfiguration the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of christ.  This is reason enough not to believe in Christianity,  but then when you tell one of them about something supernatural,  you are met with disbelief. 


2. They don't believe in birth control.


3. They think sex is reserved for man and woman.

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20 hours ago, Cadcam said:

I don't like Christianity because


1. They believe in miracles, done not only by Christ, but of saints as well. Heck, there are miracles being performed by priests every day at mass as they have the power to bless, and transfiguration the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of christ.  This is reason enough not to believe in Christianity,  but then when you tell one of them about something supernatural,  you are met with disbelief. 


:)    Yeah .


It seems magic when  sanctioned by 'he who sanctions it ' as under the operation of 'God' is valid religion but the same acts, outside the church are dangerous and evil . IMO its all about supporting the power of priests and the estates of the church .


2. They don't believe in birth control.


Maybe , but heaps of Christians practice it .   Maybe you are thinking of Catholics  ?

Priest  hearing confession ; "  Yes,  but one must remember  that the Catholic church  does not allow  birth control ."

Confessor ;  "  But I thought you recommended the 'rhythm method'? "

Priest ; " Ah yes , but only because it doesnt work . "


3. They think sex is reserved for man and woman.


Where did they think all the other animals came from ?  :unsure:




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Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-27 at 4:27 AM, Cadcam said:

I don't like Christianity because


1. They believe in miracles, done not only by Christ, but of saints as well. Heck, there are miracles being performed by priests every day at mass as they have the power to bless, and transfiguration the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of christ.  This is reason enough not to believe in Christianity,  but then when you tell one of them about something supernatural,  you are met with disbelief. 


2. They don't believe in birth control.


3. They think sex is reserved for man and woman.


There is a way of seeing differences in opinions and not developing animosity towards those with different opinions. 


Those who learn that lesson have embodied the wisdom of Christ. Ironically having more christ in your life is something you would benefit from. 


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The problem with this is  Cadcam seems to be referring to Christianity while you are referring to Christ AND linking that to supporting Christianity .... if you know what I mean .

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Posted (edited)

I was addressing the energy not the words themselves. Nothing wrong with the points he made. Those are actually good discussion opportunities even. But the energy was a breeding ground for darkness and toxicity to go wild and multiply. So I intervened to change currents of venting in the air into something more wholesome and fruitful.


Word is Spirit. The same word can be used to pollute and the same word can be used to bless and restore. Depends on what you infuse it with. I was not defending christianity. I was just clearing the air we all breath from psychic pollution. Good air is good for everyone. You're welcome. 


Edited by Salvijus
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I don't believe my energy was that bad, my language was simply very pointed.


I personally like a lot of Christianty, but under scrutiny, combined with experience,  I become disgusted that it is so popular with all the flaws. 


Yes I suppose a God can do anything but really, wow, what madness

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I'm a Christian but I don't subscribe to the cult  of Jesus Christ. Christ is the father in heaven. He's actually both genders but referring to Christ as he is more appropriate. 

Everyone in heaven has both genders. Everyone in hell has male of female like we do here on earth. It's not a good thing either but it is what it is. 


Heaven is in the 5th dimension and although we have both genders there , some of us lean more towards the feminine than the masculine. It's totally acceptable too. Everyone gets along with everyone else in the 5th. The 5th dimension is a realm of unification and the TORUS. 


The word TORAH and it's 5 books. Originates from the TORUS and the five dimensions of existence. 


All 3 of the Abrahamic faiths are semitic faiths not just Judaism. 


Islam is a spin off of Christianity without Jesus Christ as it's leader.  


The polarity of the 3 are 


Christianity + 

Islam +/- Judaism.


It's a spectrum that flows from the top down in the same way heaven earth and hell do. 


Christ is the creator of everything and everyone everywhere. He didn't have an only begotten son named Jesus nor is Jesus God. These lies are used by the Catholic Church to sell Bibles. The Bible is the number 1 most sold books on earth. Church's, and Bible sales are big business. Tax exemption, cash donations are all part of the scam. 


There is nothing or anyone more real than Christ. Christ is like Allah but Christ doesn't punish. Satan does. The Islamic faith worships a god named Allah who will punish anyone who gets out of line .


Christ doesn't. Just the opposite. Christ and Allah are like day+ and night-. 


Christ is pure unconditional love. Allah gonna take his belt off and administer a whipping like no body's business. Certainly not the " God " I'm gonna have anything to do with. 


Christ is the creator of heaven earth and hell. As well as everyone and everything, everywhere. 

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I'm a Christian but I don't subscribe to the cult  of Jesus Christ. Christ is the father in heaven. He's actually both genders but referring to Christ as he is more appropriate. 

Everyone in heaven has both genders. Everyone in hell has male of female like we do here on earth. It's not a good thing either but it is what it is. 


Heaven is in the 5th dimension and although we have both genders there , some of us lean more towards the feminine than the masculine. It's totally acceptable too. Everyone gets along with everyone else in the 5th. The 5th dimension is a realm of unification and the TORUS. 


The word TORAH and it's 5 books. Originates from the TORUS and the five dimensions of existence. 


All 3 of the Abrahamic faiths are semitic faiths not just Judaism. 


Islam is a spin off of Christianity without Jesus Christ as it's leader.  


The polarity of the 3 are 


Christianity + 

Islam +/- Judaism.


It's a spectrum that flows from the top down in the same way heaven earth and hell do. 


Christ is the creator of everything and everyone everywhere. He didn't have an only begotten son named Jesus nor is Jesus God. These lies are used by the Catholic Church to sell Bibles. The Bible is the number 1 most sold books on earth. Church's, and Bible sales are big business. Tax exemption, cash donations are all part of the scam. 


There is nothing or anyone more real than Christ. Christ is like Allah but Christ doesn't punish. Satan does. The Islamic faith worships a god named Allah who will punish anyone who gets out of line .


Christ doesn't. Just the opposite. Christ and Allah are like day+ and night-. 


Christ is pure unconditional love. Allah gonna take his belt off and administer a whipping like no body's business. Certainly not the " God " I'm gonna have anything to do with. 


Christ is the creator of heaven earth and hell. As well as everyone and everything, everywhere. 

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Atheism - and theism + are a polarity like up+ and down- or in - and out +


Both must exist at the same time and degree of 50%/50% on average. 


I have nothing against atheists any more than I do females as a male. Both are needed for either one to exist. 





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