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10 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Well, they had their way of Life. I am not sure if being turned in to slaves, tortured til they accepted christ and seing their cities burned down made their Life any better

Sorry I was just being ironic for Columbus Day 

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9 hours ago, blue eyed snake said:


most of this is beside my point and some else addressed that adequately.


The point is that "the mother church" did send priests, those who came with the message of peace and turn the other cheek mind you... accompanied by groups of soldiers to convert my people if not peacefully, then by the sword. When we did not want to be converted they crushed us down, repeatedly in the long run, until nothing was left of our religion. All this on direct orders of the church.

When we rightfully came back at them and killed some, we were the barbarians, yeah...


also I never have taken those christian values for granted, I prefer to use my brain to find out what morality I want to live by. Through my life I've seen society over here change form 80% christians to around 30%, although no one knows how many of those 30% are practicing christian, or too lazy to officially quit, or just want to sit in church with christmas as that is such a nice coming together. 

i regard that as a good development.


When I still used the healing quality that goes through me,  often it was to heal former christians from their trauma, the guilt that was burned into them with the ever repeating message of "sin",  the enormous fear of people on their deathbed, because they had "sinned."


as i said: priests, with a mandate form the church


and those religions cannot be 'merged' as the differences are too large, Christians have cut out the female principle.



the hacking down of trees, of forests is criminal. Trees and forests are living entities you can communicate with.  Also the little folk that used to live in the woodlands have been uprooted when humans cut down their homes.


as were now on the brink of collapse of the once balanced systems of our mother earth, the enormity of our misdeeds  becomes all too clear. Most of these misdeeds done by the western countries, those countries that are christian.


That's not progress, but utter destruction, and still humanity goes on.


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Well, that may be so but it came in handy for the church to tap into those fears among the simple folks.

i my country it was civil authorities that were opposing these things, more than elsewhere. It were these mealymouthed priests that were executing these things. As far as I remember the effects of the witchhunt were somewhat smaller here then elsewhere thanks to the opposition of the secular authorities


Read the  hammer of witches aka  Malleus Maleficarum and see how females are made out to be evil and sinful. IMO this is still the rootcause of a lot of twisted ideas and misogyny nowadays, its a horrid book.



and children

so called witches were tortured until they screamed names to stop the pain, ah, that peaceful forgiving christian belief...

Church had much influence and could just as easily have put an end to to it by prohibiting the killing of so called witches.

and they were mostly elderly women living alone, whether you like that or not.




there has been some research on that, i know, but it was meager.

What is clear though that when the witch-hunts ended herbal/medical knowledge was all in the hands of monks, males. Forcing the citizens to go to the monks for help when they were ill or had troubles with pregnancy or delivery.


In my language the translation for the word 'midwife'  literally translates as wise woman.

And i guess it is not an accident we are about the only western country were midwifes still work, delivery at home is still a common  thing although t looks like they are know forced to bend for the male, mechanized look at delivery ( and medicine as a whole) Their numbers are diminishing.


So our wisewomen were gone. And that, i am sure, was an outcome that fitted in right with the intention of the church.


females were seen as foul creatures, full of sin and should be kept as low as possible.


Females are the lifegivers,

in my opinion it is the disbalance between males and females that is partly fed by the christian church that is the rootcause of a lot of evil in the world.




you made that up, it hardly strengthens your already meager post

It fits right in with the idea that females are lowly creatures full sin



about your question, I do not believe in a creator, since i first put my thinking mind on it. It does not add up, when you need a creator, the who created the creator? As a kid that whole god thing reminded me of a sort of super santaclaus, sheer nonsense.

Of course some more thoughts have come to me since I was 10. To me it's hogwash,  I do not do any godding.

I do value the archetypical gods from the old religions as they speak to us in language that is close to our experiences and cover all the ground a human meets down here.


Daoism comes close to my ideas, the Dao that can be spoken of is not the real dao.

but I keep that in the box "ideas" Not in the box "truth" 



see my footnote

The mystery of life is not a problem to solve but a reality to experience.




Here is one of the underlying Christian precepts that I feel has 'undermined the world '    ; God made the garden the plants and animals FOR man .... to rule over it , have dominion over it .... not to be part of it . And that (like being born in some lesser state that we need saving from ) has  damaged the human psyche for a long time ... we carried that through our development of modern technology .


Now the Christian apologist is going to argue with me and defend against that ...   I already know all the arguments and counters ;  the re translation of terms ... the churches attempts to show its 'green' ..... PFFFT !    I make my judgments also on what I observe .


The brave new Christian Euro  bringing their superiority  complex to 'discover' 'new ' lands   ... where people already lived  !




Christopher Columbus Discovers America .


- trust Dali to 'rub it in'.  ;) 

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8 hours ago, blue eyed snake said:


I think  were you're touched by it will have a relationship with the path you'll be following.


for you its seeing/knowing

for me its compassion


I've known a teeneager who was traumatized by severe bullying in primary school, both by kids and teachers.

One day he told me a beam of light had struck his heart, all kind of stories he told me then, about what happened ( things he had apparently never told anybody) and about that beam, how he had experienced it.


in the end he told me that thanks to the beam he could now forgive his perpetrators and he felt much better, in the weeks after that he regained his balance and to me it looked like that trauma had dissolved.


but 3 persons is not enough data


also i guess, when that white light has had entry long enough all the paths will open up for you







Anyone been 'struck' in  LTD  ?    :D


We both have 'bits' of the other .  Some would say I am 'compassionate and caring ' , thats the  Cancerian side ; love cooking and feeding people  .... a happy full tummy on others makes ME feel good   ( and , at work I used to have an ability to know what others needed to eat  for them to feel good, on a particular day .  Sometimes they would ask me what they should eat  :)  ... and I would make a diagnosis and 'prescription' ).  Also my work in hospital , geriatrics , postmortem *


And you , Blue Eyes , aint exactly a 'dumb bunny' ya know .   ( Sometimes I think she actually gets what I am saying !     :D  ) 


Of course, I am also a hard arse  to wingers  who dont have it tough but think they do  .... but I am used to working with those that are really having difficulty  (in the hospital, in refugee re location - some ex-torture victims , etc ) so I dont have much sympathy unwarranted complainers .


I do have it for kids though .   And to answer the question , no I dont have kids . But I didnt want to get into that as I have 'had; a few times , others kids .  It seemed that if I had my own my opinions would be more compassionate ?


Dont start that up on me .


As I will get into a rant about crap fathers that I had to step up for and take their role as they where pathetic 'not-men' , and give the kids some support attention nurturing and love ... so me 'seeing things differently  if I was  parent' will not fly with me .  I do acknowledge the difference though .... I dont do long term 24 / 7  with them .  But to me , that can make a person less receptive and tolerant to them .




* some might not consider that 'care' ... but it is . I have a friend  who does it too , recently she was commenting on the difficulty many local Aboriginal people have, how many of them are dying , how much grief is in their community , etc .  Someone asked how she knew that ;  " I go and pick up their  bodies , I wash them and make them look nice , I stand beside  their relatives when they view the bodies , I cry and lament with them ... I help them through all the paperwork and bullshit afterwards ."



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53 minutes ago, Apech said:

Sorry I was just being ironic for Columbus Day 


Really ?


I must have 'intuited'   that  :)  


( Good old Dali !  )

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1 minute ago, Nungali said:



Anyone been 'struck' in  LTD  ?    :D


We both have 'bits' of the other .  Some would say I am 'compassionate and caring ' , thats the  Cancerian side ; love cooking and feeding people  .... a happy full tummy on others makes ME feel good   ( and , at work I used to have an ability to know what others needed to eat  for them to feel good, on a particular day .  Sometimes they would ask me what they should eat  :)  ... and I would make a diagnosis and 'prescription' ).  Also my work in hospital , geriatrics , postmortem *


And you , Blue Eyes , aint exactly a 'dumb bunny' ya know .   ( Sometimes I think she actually gets what I am saying !     :D  ) 


Of course, I am also a hard arse  to wingers  who dont have it tough but think they do  .... but I am used to working with those that are really having difficulty  (in the hospital, in refugee re location - some ex-torture victims , etc ) so I dont have much sympathy unwarranted complainers .


I do have it for kids though .   And to answer the question , no I dont have kids . But I didnt want to get into that as I have 'had; a few times , others kids .  It seemed that if I had my own my opinions would be more compassionate ?


Dont start that up on me .


As I will get into a rant about crap fathers that I had to step up for and take their role as they where pathetic 'not-men' , and give the kids some support attention nurturing and love ... so me 'seeing things differently  if I was  parent' will not fly with me .  I do acknowledge the difference though .... I dont do long term 24 / 7  with them .  But to me , that can make a person less receptive and tolerant to them .




* some might not consider that 'care' ... but it is . I have a friend  who does it too , recently she was commenting on the difficulty many local Aboriginal people have, how many of them are dying , how much grief is in their community , etc .  Someone asked how she knew that ;  " I go and pick up their  bodies , I wash them and make them look nice , I stand beside  their relatives when they view the bodies , I cry and lament with them ... I help them through all the paperwork and bullshit afterwards ."



And somehow you still call yourself selfish… thats not how experience you at least, on the contrary 

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51 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

In the name of Christ, I forgive you, fellow brethren.


You forgot to make a cross over him and throw Holy Water in his face .


Wait !  better not  do the water thing ....


Apec :   " Arrrghhhh  !  It burns  .....   "

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2 minutes ago, Nungali said:


You forgot to make a cross over him and throw Holy Water in his face .


Wait !  better not  do the water thing ....


Apec :   " Arrrghhhh  !  It burns  .....   "

wasnt babtism from the greek mysteries?

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5 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

And somehow you still call yourself selfish… thats not how experience you at least, on the contrary 


But that is a conditioned illusion .


I do all that because I want to because it makes  ME feel good .  because it fulfills MY purpose .


Good God Man ! I am a rich affluent westerner  with abundance , living in one of the best places in the world .   I watch a friend 'struggle' want to help him and so loan him a few hundred bucks and I am considered nice good , etc .  he is about to become homeless , will I invite him to live with me ? No , I want to live by myself and every 'reason' I give , no matter if valid  , is also an excuse .


The difficult thing for others is , I own it .   I do realise it makes others uncomfortbale .

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6 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

wasnt babtism from the greek mysteries?




'Lustration'  ..... 1st  Degree . 

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1 minute ago, Nungali said:

I do all that because I want to because it makes  ME feel good .  because it fulfills MY purpose .

Sure, but that is redefining selfishness to the point of being meaningless. Everyone are like that 

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4 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Sure, but that is redefining selfishness to the point of being meaningless. Everyone are like that 


Indeed ... even 'Mother Teresa'.


  If they would admit  it .... I would shut up   ;) 


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8 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

You downvoted me 😡 Thats it, I cant go on any longer


Nah ... I down voted your expressed opinion   ;) 


You, yourself ?    Mhe .... he's okay     ( a little selfish though  )    :D

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1 minute ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I hope they dont, so you keep yapping



Just keep the glass closed ; 



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Right getting back to Christianity for a minute I’d like to ask you to ponder something. With a clear and open mind, trying not to be pulled into past understandings. With a freshness. A beginner’s mind…


I’ve got to share this, just around one point. But first let me give a little backdrop to why? You know when you hear a priest or pastor talking about Bible (again I really don’t mean Old Testament here just New Testament) Anyway people talk, lamb of God, dove of peace, died for sins, perfect blood of Christ and it just comes off as ‘eye roll’ ‘fake’ ‘yeah yea’ ‘here we go again’ ‘deluded’ ‘what nonsense’ etc 


Well I just want to pick one thing, that I decided to look at and picked apart, and since then, I got a trust and respect for that aspect of Christianity that I can’t kick out. 


I had no understanding before and now it’s transformed. I’m comfortable with it. Specifically, the “perfect blood” thing.


Now I know there have been so many sacrifices so many martyrdoms and we could pick any one and pray to it really… if we harkened after the same function,,,  but with Jesus it’s a bit different it seems. 


Remember he was on a ministry and working with the spirit to heal. He was looking after a big group of people 12 is an awesome number for a group, so he had this balance of personal relationship and group responsibility, 


But more than that, he had this wish that his ministry continue after his death. And I’m not sure for how long he carried it in his mind and plan, but he knew in his mind he would be dying with that wish in mind (that’s the story anyway) to be this conduit between us and the creator (or just being a better person)…


The public pain and suffering was extreme (but you could say that happened to loads of people then sure) but it’s the Wish he made, to save others (to some extent at least) through his sacrifice. 


Sorry I have to speak from my truth here I hope you are still with me. The blood when it’s going through stress of this magnitude completely changes in its composition, I am positive Jesus was an accomplished and powerful mystic and what he was doing in that condition was bizarre, powerful and beyond the comprehension of most people that have ever been tortured…


But more than that, his wish actually paid off. People actually told his story, and managed to keep respecting it for 2000 years 


Listen it could have happened to anyone 

Wish to save all souls - massive sacrifice - remember me through rituals and prayers


But it didn’t happen to anyone did it. In our immediate history and understanding it happened with him…


I personally believe that there was a lot more magick formula and understanding Jesus had in what he was doing on this sacrifice. It wasn’t just intense pain and moaning to him, it was his job, it was his work…. And filled with intention.


And people still pray to it. I trust this aspect, it’s pretty rare that an opportunity like that would happen and catch on. I know there are others, immaculate conception and resurrection but we can’t talk about it all in one post adequately. And just fire everything off like a machine gun then move on with humour.


Now it was just this blood thing that got me. Perfect blood,, scary I had to pick it apart. I thought of sacrifices people made for different purposes, the adrenalin, blood drinking, earthly power all this… the rituals over time in various cults and systems. And tribes. What do you make of this kind of ritual @Nungali?


What Christ did was an inversion of this it seems [I'm still young in my understanding probably],

The sacrifice wasn’t about gaining earthly power and victory over your enemies etc, I believe he had such an understanding of it , his experience and formula as a teacher in life and death could be held up to the very highest light and still not be destroyed, the very closest to the source. 


(Some say Jesus is the central point of the angels, perhaps like the still point at the centre of a wheel…) have you ever heard that @NaturaNaturans?


Something to do with this perfect blood and the operations of his mind that melded to the experience, his intentions proper…


There is a devotion we can create with any  material things, forces, gods imagined or real. I get it… We can create a relationship with anything , for a result, or just for the sake of it I guess, social norms, family pressure etc


But genuinely this perfect blood thing, and the effectiveness of holding up his sacrifice the way he did, It’s powerful. (I think, do you?)


That’s why I believe people refer to Jesus as still being living, why so many still claim to communicate to him and why so many cast out dark forces in his name successfully. 


The perfect blood for him at the time, was a combination of mind body and spirit in a unified focus with a single goal in mind. (I’m quite sure)


It’s humbling to say to least. But I would say that because I trust and respect this aspect so dearly. 


Why to answer the question @Apech why it’s so important that Christians believe this stuff, 


“I don’t think it is so important… , I don’t think many bother and they still call themselves Christian”


It’s only important when the individual attaches importance to it, otherwise it’s just dumb moment of obedience in saying ‘yeah I believe course I do I’m Christian’ when in that moment Christ is just another guy that died ages ago, big deal…


The only way to have a meaningful relationship with anyone is to delve more deeply into it, with trust and respect.


But I can try to understand more. I’d love to hear others opinions on the self sacrifice of Jesus, his intentions and the formula intended in what he did. 


Not just regurgitating old arguments and counter arguments, but picking it apart with their own understanding and a sincerity to the act, perhaps even attaching new meanings and understandings to it that can be communicated and bring us closer to more truths about it. Fresh insights..


And if people know more about the nature and usefulness of blood when it’s in this extreme condition… Those with a deeper understanding of biochemistry, metaphysics and magick than me I’d love to hear from them… 


I’m sure there is still a lot that modern science has to figure out. 


Edited by Thrice Daily

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If you look at a wheel while it is spinning and look at the very centre, the very centre is still. It is the stillness within the movement. 


I think this is a part of the power of the crucifixion, although this is just my hypothesis...


I've been tortured myself, it was extremely difficult to stay calm within the intensity of the experience... 



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On 14-10-2024 at 4:03 PM, Thrice Daily said:


You obviously feel very strongly about the persecution of your religion over the years by the church.

it’s hard to answer to it to be honest.


well, i mentioned a host of other things too


On 14-10-2024 at 4:03 PM, Thrice Daily said:


For me I don’t know so much, as it spans so many hundreds of years and I really don’t have to insight to comment on it much further. From what I gathered a lot of the persecution happened a long time after true Paganism was not so well known in its pure form (probably a lot down to the church by the sounds I know)


I’ll try to understand more. It was more the first few hundred years of Christianity that interested me. Before it become the Roman Catholic Church..  


I know a lot of sects sprang up that all had their own ideas about the whole Christ thing and it was a long while after before it became unified as one church and they decided which books to include or leave out etc (human history eh:/)


And how dedicated the early Christian’s were, being prepared to die for it. 

But yes I’d love to comment more on it from more info from your perspective, until then I can’t see it really helping conversing with you directly on the subject… 


My understanding of Tribes and pre Christian Paganism is vastly limited.


I only really understand a little through looking at the migration of Slavic language from Poland way all the way down through the old soviet block and even into Croatia. Like around the time, just bc and just ad so pretty close to Jesus Time.


I hear the Slavs even managed to sac a Roman City there in Croatia by dressing up as Roman soldiers to get into the city past the outer wall defences… That must have been a laugh and ballsy.


The Language in Croatia still has some Slavic roots, I could understand a bit, I live in Poland for 8 years now, formally a Brit :)  
As a result of this conquest I guess the Croatians still have some Slavic speech,  but they never advanced on Italy… Just got to Croatia… 


The Slavs must have had a serious Maraud to get that far… Changing all the language as they went..


So. Hmm. Yeah I’ll have to learn more about the Tribes their origins, migrations, histories and demises to really be able to comment more in a way I would like to with you. 

I was much more concentrated on what Christianity had to do to stop from being wiped out than what it actually did to get established (my bad) and what the competing forces were at the time, post 600 ad ish. 


no comment


On 14-10-2024 at 4:03 PM, Thrice Daily said:

So please excuse my ignorance. I’ll get there. Bit by bit…


that is a good intention

On 14-10-2024 at 4:03 PM, Thrice Daily said:


regarding the white light you talk off and the paths, sounds very much like the Kabbalah idea of Ain Soph Aur. Is that a place where you have ever put any of your focus in study? 
it’s a bit too old school for me these days… 

I have never studied much, although saying this send my son into a fit of laughter as he was helping me to cut down on the amount of books and looking trhough 2 yards of more or less esoteric books.

I have never read anything about kabbalah 


On 14-10-2024 at 4:03 PM, Thrice Daily said:

One thing you might help me clarify although I might be slightly off with it, the old pagan ways and understandings names, cycles colours, paths… were they not kinda integrated into mystery schools and secret societies over the years are preserved as parts of magical rituals and rites. I believe at a certain level the church people were into that were they not, in the form of Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry and the like, they guided guided things from behind the scenes , many nestled into the church. I might be wrong here but if you know more about the preservation of paganism perhaps you could shed some light?


no idea, I go by experience 

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On 14-10-2024 at 8:52 PM, Thrice Daily said:

additionally re it being about 50/50 violent/non violent,,, 

1. Western Europe (Franks, Gauls, etc.)

  • Mostly peaceful, though some military influence was present, particularly with leaders like Charlemagne, who used force to convert the Saxons in modern-day Germany. Overall, Christianity spread largely through alliances and royal conversions.

2. Scandinavia (Vikings: Norway, Sweden, Denmark)

  • Mostly violent. The Viking kingdoms often resisted Christianity, and force was used to convert them, particularly by Christian kings like Olaf Tryggvason and Harald Bluetooth. Pagan temples were destroyed, and Christian monarchs imposed the new faith.

3. Ireland

  • Mostly peaceful. The spread of Christianity in Ireland is one of the few examples of relatively peaceful conversion. St. Patrick and later missionaries worked through preaching and establishing monasteries, and Irish kings gradually accepted the new faith.

4. Eastern Europe (Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc.)

  • Mostly peaceful, though some coercion occurred. Conversion of Kievan Rus under Vladimir the Great involved a top-down approach, with royal decree rather than mass violence. In some cases, however, resistance led to conflict.

5. France (Franks, Gauls)

  • Mostly peaceful, though political motives played a role. Clovis I's conversion was pivotal, and he used his Christian faith to unify the Franks. Charlemagne’s campaigns against the Saxons, however, were more violent in nature.

6. Germanic Tribes (Saxons, Lombards, Goths, etc.)

  • Mostly violent. Tribes like the Saxons resisted Christianity, and conversions were often forced through campaigns by Charlemagne and others. Resistance to Christianization led to wars and mass executions, such as the Massacre of Verden.

7. Celtic Tribes (Scotland, Wales, Ireland)

  • Mostly peaceful. Celtic Christianity spread through missionary work, particularly in Ireland and Scotland, where monasteries played a large role. There was less violent resistance compared to other regions.

8. Spain and Portugal

  • Mostly peaceful, though later tied to violence during the Reconquista. Early conversions were more peaceful, driven by kings and monks. However, the Reconquista involved both religious and political conflict between Christians and Muslims.

It seems the more violent conversions were with the tribes that typically historically were already the most warlike and er violent... So it makes sense really doesn't it that there was more fighting, just directed at in coming forces rather than neighbouring lands they were trying to take a piece of land or in-fighting within the same tribe itself or factions of it, very normal stuff by the looks of it for these guys, until later...less afterwards as stated above, would like to hear your thoughts... 


No shit sherlock, so you found out that the most violent tribes were the most aggressive countering the unwanted invasion of christian soldiers and priests. What a surprise, it took em 3 centuries to "convert" my people ( i am from Frisian descent)


also, that lists substantiates my claim that it was fixed policy to convert everybody.


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28 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:
4 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:


No shit sherlock, so you found out that the most violent tribes were the most aggressive countering the unwanted invasion of christian soldiers and priests. What a surprise, it took em 3 centuries to "convert" my people ( i am from Frisian descent)


also, that lists substantiates my claim that it was fixed policy to convert everybody.




28 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:


And then they suggest that their faith is somehow superior, that they saved you from barbarism. Its disgusting

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22 hours ago, Nungali said:


Here is one of the underlying Christian precepts that I feel has 'undermined the world '    ; God made the garden the plants and animals FOR man .... to rule over it , have dominion over it .... not to be part of it . And that (like being born in some lesser state that we need saving from ) has  damaged the human psyche for a long time ... we carried that through our development of modern technology .

yes, thats a big one


22 hours ago, Nungali said:


Now the Christian apologist is going to argue with me and defend against that ...   I already know all the arguments and counters ;  the re translation of terms ... the churches attempts to show its 'green' ..... PFFFT !    I make my judgments also on what I observe .



22 hours ago, Nungali said:


The brave new Christian Euro  bringing their superiority  complex to 'discover' 'new ' lands   ... where people already lived  !




Christopher Columbus Discovers America .


- trust Dali to 'rub it in'.  ;) 


wow, did not know this one, goodie

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I hope I'm not annoying all you guys by commenting on this thread and trying to develop it answering best I can. You'll notice I keep the Christianity stuff purely in the thread named Christianity...


4 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:
22 hours ago, Nungali said:


Here is one of the underlying Christian precepts that I feel has 'undermined the world '    ; God made the garden the plants and animals FOR man .... to rule over it , have dominion over it .... not to be part of it . And that (like being born in some lesser state that we need saving from ) has  damaged the human psyche for a long time ... we carried that through our development of modern technology .

Is this bit from the old Testament? I think its all nonsense to be honest in that and totally out of date. I agree with you there.. 

It's quite ridiculous to think God gave us everything to rule over, quite sad...


Its not Christianity though really the old testament is it? I don't even think the new testament should be bundled in with it. The Jews basically killed Jesus didn't they. 


Doesn't get much more sad and ironic than that. 


If you don't mind though guys, can we return to the original question of the thread for inspiration to the posts, otherwise it just kind of trails off into banter. Feel free to disagree I wont get offended but I do feel I have a valid point here... 


Christianity, the good the bad and the ugly sure, but still trying to answer the question posed? 


What you reckon?

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