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6 hours ago, blue eyed snake said:




I seem to remember that before the romans became christian they did conquer people but did not wipe out their gods? but instead those gods were assimilated ?

That the attitude to convert conquered people  started by one of their emperors taking on the new religion with only one god?



As I mentioned above they deliberately destroyed the Druid sancturies and sacred groves in Britain and elsewhere.  I think for them it was more about political authority and rival power than anything to do with the actual religion.  For instance Octavian (Augustus) subjugated Egypt but did not destroy the culture/religion.  


Pagan thought persisted to more or less the fall of the Western Roman Empire (eg. Proclus) - the growth and gradual supremacy of the Christian church through the 'dark ages' is quite a complicated story.  One important factor was the Frankish adoption of Catholicism over other forms of heretic Christianity (eg. Arianism) and that the Frankish Kings especially of course Charlemagne became defenders of the faith and Holy Roman Emperors because apart from anything they had success against the Caliphate spreading up through Spain.  I would say that this period Charlemagne and what happened after his death shaped European History ever since - and with it the domination of Catholicism up till the reformation (and beyond).  It's a big story and a fascinating one.



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11 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

The contrast to how the mods deal with people compared to you know where.


The post from the 'concierge '  ?


Well he isnt a MOD ... he is a concierge ... the guy that opens the door for you ... relatively harmless   


and yes .... you can get away with just about anything here ..... take this for example  : 



I made you all look 






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11 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

@Apech In your opinion, why was the church do hell bent on destroyign all other versions of christianity? The pnly reason I can see, is money and power.

Good question and an interesting one. I’m pretty interested in learning about the earlier Christian Sects and their various beliefs and practices. It seems there were many…

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Being led to believe Jesus Risen from the dead was a tricky one for me. And I’m not sure how literally it should be taken, physically or otherwise. 

Perhaps you heard this theory on it that I’m about to outline. When I was around 15 an older guy explained it to me in the back of a car as we were heading back from a gig. He was cooked after drinking a load of wine, but I always remembered his story.


Here are the key points 🔑 


1/Judas was a good guy and sold Jesus on a specific day so he would be Crucified on Friday.


2/.The whole thing was planned meticulously so Jesus could be taken down on the sabbath and it was being banked on he would survive till then and those in charge would be respectful and give the body back in time to the community.


3/.The community Jesus lived were experts with herbs etc and added a special blend to a flannel, so when Jesus was offered the water on the cloth it was also laced with some herbal concoction to slow the heart beat and mimic death.


4/.Jesus (possibly had the experience of dying and descending into hell) but in the literal sense. While his body was wrapped in the shroud he was able to call on his skills and accelerate the healing process via prayer and his methods…


5/.The reason people reported that they seen Jesus show the holes in his hands when he was resurrected was because that was the legit flesh and blood version of Jesus. He was physically recovered to a large degree…  

[Totally think that’s possible…]


6/The reason he was legit risen was because his Astral body wouldn’t have had holes in the hands and feet.


7/.He also visited many people in his Astral body possibly even while he was in the Tomb… 


Love to hear peoples thoughts on these key points, or more detail on the theory?

Edited by Thrice Daily
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@Thrice Daily


I've heard similar things. A surgeon once told me he believed that the slice to Jesus' side was sterile, and that when Thomas stuck his fingers in the wound for proof, the wound became infected and he [Jesus] died.


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