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1 hour ago, Cobie said:


Christianity is thriving and growing fast globally. :)



Not as much as Islam though .

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1 hour ago, Cobie said:


Enjoy. B) Globally more than half of all people are of an abrahamic religion. 



... and isnt the world going wonderfully  !  

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2 hours ago, Cobie said:


Christianity is thriving and growing fast globally. :)



but not in my spot on the globe,

I've seen it shrink from around 80% in my childhood to now 30% and regard that as a good thing.

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4 hours ago, blue eyed snake said:


but not in my spot on the globe,

I've seen it shrink from around 80% in my childhood to now 30% and regard that as a good thing.

How’s the crime rate?

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6 hours ago, Nungali said:


... and isnt the world going wonderfully  !  

I think so yes. The glass is half full as it were.


There have always been wars. Right now there is basically less war than ever before (unless you zoom in of course, I do have compassion for those in conflict but compared to the past it’s way less)


We are on the precipice of becoming a space faring species. This ticks a good box for me, again I’m a glass half full kinda guy. And also agree it’s a great strategic advantage for us a species .


We have access to more information than ever before. We can learn anything, fact check most things instantly. This is such a bonus. We basically have the power of the worlds libraries at our fingers instantly. I mean wow, yeah we are doing pretty good.


We still have free speech to the most part Globally. As far as I’m concerned this is a modern miracle (if you need clarification on this point please ask)


RE an earlier post talking about the native Indians being killed by Christianity. It wasn’t Christianity, it was Guns and more so Alcohol that did that (I blame the Egyptians partially)


Seriously though blaming religion for everything is pretty silly don’t you think. (Half the world has one, or more, people are still people) Is it not better to try to zoom out and get more of a birds eye view… 


Consider the violence that happened in America in its second most recent history. The Native Americans were pretty serious about violent combat. 

For better or worse the Karma of that land is still pretty similar, Waring factions that respond to threats of life with protection via weapons and all the debauchery that comes with it (some goodness too [lots if you ask me 💦] )


But did Christianity make weapons and whiskey?


(BES I agree with you and the Native Indians though, we should never have started digging things up from the ground, it would only lead to trouble. I’ve held that same belief strongly for 25 years)


Is it (Christianity as a living practice) more likely to keep Evil in check than create it? 

There is so much mixed in. From the old tribal points of the Germanic and Nordic peoples of old,,, how did the children feel when they looked at the spoils of war return. Bag upon bag of blood spattered gold?


Can you imagine seeing the flickering flames of a fire reflecting back of a burnished ornament of Gold, as a teenage boy listening to the cheer of the men that Heroically made it back alive. Can you imagine the thought processes there?


Would that Heroic Victory, be seen as good or bad. Or is it all A LOT more nuanced?


Is there something about unification that just makes sense, under any banner?


I’ll let you ponder that Guys . And hope you get back to the conversation. I have some interesting imagery to share with you about Spoils of War BES if you like..


The migration and survival of language is an important and telling feature when it comes to true conquest as it works.


Will English eventually shrink to a small island somewhere and be preserved and then spring back out into the word , seemingly beginning as a proto language?


Stranger things have happened.

This is certainly how it seems to have been for the Ancient people.

Do you know anything interesting about language migration?


I wonder how many times the Americas have been populated and how peaceful it has all been there. I would hedge a bet that it would be more of what we have seen (violence fractured in-fighting) if we could somehow peer into the distant past. I think that land has this quality attached deeply to it IMHO 


But who knows for sure, if only writing could have survived before even the last ice age. What’s that 12,000 years. 


it’s estimated Human histories have been getting recycled for over 300,000 these days. Did you know…?


imagine how many times this dance of good and evil has reverberated back and forth in this land, between peoples , customs, hearts and religions… To quote Sylvester Stallone, “did you really think it was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows?”


Who is to say anything is really right or wrong about history… what we are really looking at when we look at history is a vast smelting pot of change. Is this more fair and sensible?

History repeats itself over and over again, the only real choice and control we have over anything happens in the heart (love?) is protected by the gut (instinct?) and is rationalised by the head. (Common Sense?)


So how are we going to raise these Birth Rates?

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By Debauchery I mean - excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs.


Moderation may be possible for some which is probably fine… 


I use the word probably with caution. 
Access is more the issue I’d say… whoever thought the word Telegram would become cool again B) 

Edited by Thrice Daily

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35 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

By Debauchery I mean - excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs.


Moderation may be possible for some which is probably fine… 


I use the word probably with caution. 
Access is more the issue I’d say… whoever thought the word Telegram would become cool again B) 

Before you speak badly about indulgence, id like to invite you to a jul/christmas here in the far north. Drink and eat all you want, the finest qaulity food, friends and family and gift giving. Whats not to like? Kind of reminds me of Valhalla in a way, the hall were the mead and meat never ends.


but that is for celebration. Watching porn seven times a day is probally not very healthy.


There is so much mixed in. From the old tribal points of the Germanic and Nordic peoples of old,,, how did the children feel when they looked at the spoils of war return. Bag upon bag of blood spattered gold?


Can you imagine seeing the flickering flames of a fire reflecting back of a burnished ornament of Gold, as a teenage boy listening to the cheer of the men that Heroically made it back alive. Can you imagine the thought processes there?»


Very much so. The sagas are full of them. How that relates to christianity tho, I do not comprehend. In fact, sounds very, very pagan to me. The kings who converted didnt acctually belive all that jass, that much is clear. They did it for power, money or under force.


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10 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

Before you speak badly about indulgence,

I didn’t speak badly you did that…


No it’s a more modern problem I think that comes down to access (porn at fingertips, drugs in the mail, etc) and too much idle time.


No I agree, I think the ancients had much more in the right place with regards to indulgence. 

Sex is an interesting topic re Christianity, old times, mono/poly, and all the ramifications of the times and places) that may be a good aspect to open up later, but maybe we should save the best till last with that one. I’ve got some cracking viewpoints brewing…


Hey Thankyou for the invitation by the way. I really appreciate it ❤️ and one day who knows. Thanks, you’re great..🙏 

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Here is how it happened in Orkney:


According to the Orkneyinga saga, the Northern Isles had been Christianised by King Olaf Tryggvasson in 995 when he stopped at South Walls on his way from Ireland to Norway. The King summoned jarl Sigurd and said "I order you and all your subjects to be baptised. If you refuse, I'll have you killed on the spot and I swear I will ravage every island with fire and steel." Unsurprisingly, Sigurd agreed and the islands became Christian at a stroke.[42]However, when the sagas were written down Orkney had been Christian for 200 years or more[43] and the conversion tale itself has been described as "blatantly unhistorical".[44]Some have argued that when the Norse arrived in the Northern Isles they would have found organised Christianity already thriving there, although there is no mention of this at all in the sagas.[44]

As I am not an historian, I should probally refrain from commentig on the the second half, but I do not buy it. Paganism survived a long time after the offical (read: kings) conversation.


Additional note: the version of christ that was sold to the germanic people was not the Christ of the bible. It was more akin to some warrior god… «white-christ.»

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3 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

I didn’t speak badly you did that…


No it’s a more modern problem I think that comes down to access (porn at fingertips, drugs in the mail, etc) and too much idle time.


No I agree, I think the ancients had much more in the right place with regards to indulgence. 

Sex is an interesting topic re Christianity, old times, mono/poly, and all the ramifications of the times and places) that may be a good aspect to open up later, but maybe we should save the best till last with that one. I’ve got some cracking viewpoints brewing…


Hey Thankyou for the invitation by the way. I really appreciate it ❤️ and one day who knows. Thanks, you’re great..🙏 

You seem like a good guy, Ill give you that.

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Tell me people, here in Norway, for basically every appropiated pagan holyday, we light a huge bond fire. It strikes me as very pagan. Is this the custom in your countries too?IMG_3330.jpeg.1fffaec6d78aa8837fe3b4cef42989c2.jpeg


not to mention how we were taught in elementary school that the christmas tree was an invention in 1800s germany… good lord we have been brain washed.

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10 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

You seem like a good guy, Ill give you that.

Well I’m a work in progress.


You know I read what you said about the accounts. Hmm yeah I understand how Christianity was sold to your people was dodgy. (And sounds like the King was in a hurry, wow he really used ‘short code’ if that quote is accurate didn't he) Life was rough back then in that part of the world, I’m not saying it wasn’t beautiful, but that of course takes so many forms… God It was Rough.


I hear when early Christianity was received in China very early on, it was received well, the Nestorians took it over.

From what I understand it was recognised as


 “the Religion of Bright Light” 


They carved the first meetings of it into a stone from that early time. (Somewhen in years 500s AD)


And much later when missionaries turned up they said, yeah we know that, that’s that religion of light 😂 


Funny the Chinese, I like them almost as much as the French. As perculiar as they may seem to us Brits, I like them all the same…

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2 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Well I’m a work in progress.

Arent we all? Or maybe we are already great, just have to wash away the layers of dirt…


on another note, did you know that christmas was banned in England somewhere in the 1600s for being to pagan?


funny how men dressed in the colour of the red and white mushroom, the goat and the evergreen plants keep popping up…


«Funny the Chinese, I like them almost as much as the French. As perculiar as they may seem to us Brits, I like them all the same…»


I spent some time with this japanese girl this summer. She showed me this:


With every step we take, Kyoto to the bay
Strollin' so casually
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries

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@Thrice Daily


Another curious thing to consider. What happened when the anglo saxons arrived in England? They abbandonded Christ in a heart beat in favour for the old gods. Something similar happened when the Vikings arrived in Ireland. 

Curiously, the most remote part of Europe didnt accept Christ until they were burned on alive somewhere in the 15/1600s. Arguebly not even then. Åsatro (Ås = aesir/gods, tro = faith) remains the largest faith in Iceland to this very day. Wonder why.

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1 minute ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

@Thrice Daily


Another curious thing to consider. What happened when the anglo saxons arrived in England? They abbandonded Christ in a heart beat in favour for the old gods. Something similar happened when the Vikings arrived in Ireland. 

Curiously, the most remote part of Europe didnt accept Christ until they were burned on alive somewhere in the 15/1600s. Arguebly not even then. Åsatro (Ås = aesir, tro = faith) remains the largest faith in Iceland to this very day. Wonder why.

It’s all very interesting. I’m with you in many many ways…


I think small pockets of people anywhere in the world with naturally develop ways that support them and resonate with their environment, landscapes and seasons in very very unique ways…


But… I still say Christianity AT ITS VERY CORE, is totally compatible with every single other “way” of being on the planet. At any time period.


And it is, whether called Christian nature or by another name. I can’t let go of that… 


But the way it was spread, interpreted and adapted to push power is about as unchristian as it gets. 

I’ve said for a long time, the true value in any local place is to deep deep into local customer try to re discover it (it shouldn’t have been smashed I agree with you) 

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22 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

With every step we take, Kyoto to the bay
Strollin' so casually

I’ve been to Kyoto, it was my favourite city , and Osaka close by.


I think they thought me a little crazy doing my Qigong everywhere I went. Luckily I didn’t end up fighting, although I did have the opportunity presented to me… Cor that may have triggered an adventure or an early death. Hehe… 


I was there in Japan for only one month, I wish it were longer. 

You know a women left the train, because she got confused when she was talking to me. I asked her a question and she misunderstood and walked off.


I head off down some steps, and she came running after me to give me the right information. She realised and came smiling with her hands in prayer fashion and bowing as she continued to answer my question… 


it was very important to her…


She was only the Train Driver!!! or head conductor!!! wasn't she, and it was that important that she left the train to finish giving my help.


I’ll never forget that 💜 

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5 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

It’s all very interesting. I’m with you in many many ways…


I think small pockets of people anywhere in the world with naturally develop ways that support them and resonate with their environment, landscapes and seasons in very very unique ways…


But… I still say Christianity AT ITS VERY CORE, is totally compatible with every single other “way” of being on the planet. At any time period.


And it is, whether called Christian nature or by another name. I can’t let go of that… 


But the way it was spread, interpreted and adapted to push power is about as unchristian as it gets. 

I’ve said for a long time, the true value in any local place is to deep deep into local customer try to re discover it (it shouldn’t have been smashed I agree with you) 

Possibly. It is hard to hate on christ. I am looking forward to taking a deeper look into gnosticism.

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3 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

I’ve been to Kyoto, it was my favourite city , and Osaka close by.


I think they thought me a little crazy doing my Qigong everywhere I went. Luckily I didn’t end up fighting, although I did have the opportunity presented to me… Cor that may have triggered an adventure or an early death. Hehe… 


I was there in Japan for only one month, I wish it were longer. 

You know a women left the train, because she got confused when she was talking to me. I asked her a question and she misunderstood and walked off.


I head off down some steps, and she came running after me to give me the right information. She realised and came smiling with her hands in prayer fashion and bowing as she continued to answer my question… 


it was very important to her…


She was only the Train Driver!!! or head conductor!!! wasn't she, and it was that important that she left the train to finish giving my help.


I’ll never forget that 💜 

Haha it is so alien to me. I didnt react because i couldnt decide between 😂 and ❤️. I guess its both haha


edit: the japanese person told me that Norway and Japan was very similar, only that Japan took it to the extreme. I think it has to do with how we behave in public etc. trust and so on., cleanliness..

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12 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

that Norway and Japan was very similar, only that Japan took it to the extreme. I think it has to do with how we behave in public etc. trust and so on., cleanliness..

It sounds really Nice, you guys are in the EU aren’t you? How close are you to Sweden?


About the spoils of war before. It was more for BES really sorry if you took it the wrong way. I do, believe the precious metals should have been left in the ground.


However I do have a strange respect for gold. Perhaps it’s my history, personal and national. But so much blood has been spilled over it.


I think the Native Indians were very wise in this… 


Can you tell me, do you still preserve the practice of burying people in wooden boats, and sometimes doing natural cremations outside. Was that part of your history too?

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11 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

you guys are in the EU aren’t you? 

No, to rich for that shit 😎;)


»how close are you to sweden»

identical. Norway, sweden and denmark decided to unite but germany threathened war, so we backed down. 1800s something. Scandinavianism it is called.

Gold you say?

Scandinavia is overflowing with sacrifised gold pieces and weapons. Like this one, depicting Odin sacrifising his eye for wisdom:


(all the germanic tribes originate here, so when they returned from rome they brought it back here. And thew it in the ocean haha).

i like native americans as well. Been in a relationship with one as well as lived with a tribe in the Amazon.


boat burials, funeral fires and burial mounds? All over the place, but long ago now. Google osaberg ship burial for one of the more spectacular one. The osaberg Buddha is also very curious.






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