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2 minutes ago, Nungali said:


And do you think that  abortion and contraception, 'back then' created the same problems you seem to be attributing to society now because of abortion and contraception ?

No, there was no TikTok for one..

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4 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Ok I see where you are now. Much of the modern abortion situation in public consciousness is more political and about getting votes, particularly the USA at the moment...


I know ... thats part of 'my' clarity . Its happening currently here too ... much to peoples shocked disbelief !


4 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

I'll clear it up a bit, modern problems that effect abortion and birthrate issues involve;

  • Big Food and Big Pharma
  • Parabens and Flouride
  • Chemical and Plastics
  • Lower Sperm Counts
  • Rampant Gender Dysphoria 
  • Maladaptive Porn Use

the list goes on. Tribalism is not proving good for our times, imho. Urban tribalism at its finest is gang culture and mostly problematic for society most agree. A lot of people are too frightened to have kids, in this world..


And they grow too old before they feel its important. Not all but many regret not having children. I thin its very sad , abortion many females regret having them. Role models for our future kids are increasingly cool older single people exhibiting freedom on social media. The family is broken... and crime is rampant.


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2 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

No, there was no TikTok for one..


Okay , so you didnt mention lack of Christian values .


Is it lack of Christian values that create  modern problems around abortion or the other things you mentioned ?

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19 minutes ago, Nungali said:


I know ... thats part of 'my' clarity . Its happening currently here too ... much to peoples shocked disbelief !



fyi , its been on the cards for a while , but Donald Trump for the first time admited that he prayed (TODAY), this is very new to him, especially publicly... (I CONSIDER THIS A WIN FOR THIS THREAD, FAITH AND TRUTH IN GENERAL)


Kamila Harris on the other hand, told a Christian the other day that "you are in the wrong rally"


Christianity is a massive pivot point at the minute for many, including many in the public eye, celebs etc, the divide is growing . That is one of the reasons why I am doing all this on this thread, right here right now. I want to be suffused with the public conciousness in this manner whilst watching this critical time unfold in the USA, I havent missed a beat. Its essential for me to know exactly whats going on each day, in order to temper my practices and messages here, here, here...

Edited by Thrice Daily
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Wtf does abortion, condoms and womens rights have to do with christianity anyway?


Wonder where rape was more common, in palestine or pagan Europe. 

«For this point in history, however, Viking women enjoyed a high degree of social freedom. They could own property, ask for a divorce if not treated properly, and they shared responsibility for running farms and homesteads with their menfolk. They were also protected by law from a range of unwanted male attention.»

find me something similar in the bible, please

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3 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Okay , so you didnt mention lack of Christian values .


Is it lack of Christian values that create  modern problems around abortion or the other things you mentioned ?

We are finally getting to the periphery. 


People are throwing the baby out with the bath water I feel yes. And disrespecting where they came from in the most hypocritical and self destructive way imaginable. Fake empathy is a massive blameworthy phenomena, who knew even Empathy would become weaponised in the way it has of late. We are living in highly deceptive times... as i'm sure you know. 

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Just now, Thrice Daily said:

We are finally getting to the periphery. 


People are throwing the baby out with the bath water I feel yes. And disrespecting where they came from in the most hypocritical and self destructive way imaginable. Fake empathy is a massive blameworthy phenomena, who knew even Empathy would become weaponised in the way it has of late. We are living in highly deceptive times... as i'm sure you know. 

From the king of fake empathy: saying Thank you in every comment while continueing to push your unwanted doctrine on people who very clearly are not interrested, in a thread that you have hijacked

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2 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

From the king of fake empathy: saying Thank you in every comment while continueing to push your unwanted doctrine on people who very clearly are not interrested, in a thread that you have hijacked

Called "Christianity", sorry for not slagging it off and constantly speaking about completely different religions (that was sarcasm but I dont go ther too often, must be because I like you).. I genuinely am thankful for everything though , including the glib comments, oh boy. Gratitude basically constitutes for prayer, it makes up half of my prayer life... 


Perhaps you heard of Examen, its a good practice on its own...


Hello again by the way, nice to hear from you. :) that is genuine as well i'm not being facetious... 


Can I ask what you are interested in , on a thread called Christianity? 



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14 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

Wtf does abortion, condoms and womens rights have to do with christianity anyway?


Wonder where rape was more common, in palestine or pagan Europe. 

«For this point in history, however, Viking women enjoyed a high degree of social freedom. They could own property, ask for a divorce if not treated properly, and they shared responsibility for running farms and homesteads with their menfolk. They were also protected by law from a range of unwanted male attention.»

find me something similar in the bible, please



Id have to go into Zoroastrianism to find that  ;) 

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14 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

We are finally getting to the periphery. 


People are throwing the baby out with the bath water I feel yes. And disrespecting where they came from in the most hypocritical and self destructive way imaginable. Fake empathy is a massive blameworthy phenomena, who knew even Empathy would become weaponised in the way it has of late. We are living in highly deceptive times... as i'm sure you know. 


So was that a yes answer or not ?

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3 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Can I ask what you are interested in , on a thread called Christianity? 


No. I have engaged with the real topic of this thread, now I am arguing about Your increasingly rare rants:


“Thus with their virtue protected they live uncorrupted by the allurements of public shows or the stimulant of feastings. Clandestine correspondence is equally unknown to men and women.”
[Tacitus, Germania, 19


“Almost alone among barbarians they are content with one wife, except a very few among them, and these not from sensuality, but because their noble birth procures for them many offers of alliance.”
[Tacitus, Germania, 18]




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10 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

fake empathy: 

is working hand in hand with Marxism on the far left.  I'm not far left, far from it... It's a bit more complex than saying thankyou fake empathy is.

I really do wish you would do a bit of homework before commenting on my words. Sometimes you jump to conclusions and get pretty hurtful a bit too quickly. I'm tough skinned but i'm just letting you know. It's not very nice.

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@Thrice Daily this forum belongs to Sean. I think you should read the following post by him. 


On 30/07/2019 at 8:21 PM, sean said:

👋 Howdy y'all.


I wanted to tell you that I've decided to:

  • Revoke all existing moderators.
  • Ask all committed right-wing members of the forum to leave.

I realize this may seem extreme and come as a shock to many. I'll do my best to explain where I'm coming from, what this means for the forum moving forward and I'll also request help.




> WTF?


Pas de replâtrage, la structure est pourrie.

No replastering, the structure is rotten.


I made a fundamental mistake in the foundational ethos for this forum: believing that "no insults, be nice" is a powerful enough core virtue to sustain a diverse, healthy community.


The problem with "just be nice" is that it's impotent in the face of organized malice.


In a society where marginalized people often suffer invisibly, taking a clear, assertive stance against the creeping normalization of bigotry and even outright fascism whenever possible is far more important than being "nice" merely to avoid rattling an oppressive status quo.


I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."

— Martin Luther King, Jr.


> This is about Trump, isn't it?


Donald Trump is a menacing buffoon but also mostly a disgusting symptom of a very sick society.


He's also a kind of litmus test for how deranged I find someone's morality. Being anti-Trump is not "partisan" (if being nonpartisan is even possible or noble). One of the lowest ethical bars I can imagine is finding Trump repugnant.


I'm not even going to waste time enumerating Trump's voluminous flaws and demonic policy positions. If you're pro-Trump you almost certainly already know and don't care.


This isn't a debate. We have deeply incompatible values, and I'm drawing a line in the sand.


> What should pro-Trump and other far-right members of the forum do now?


You should leave.


If you're pro-Trump, I'm asking you to leave this forum. You're not welcome here anymore.


If you're right-wing, please leave.


We might need a bullet list. Here we go:

  • If you're pro-Trump, please leave.
  • If you're right-wing, please leave.
  • If you're pro-border wall, pro-ICE, racist, homophobic, transphobic or misogynist, please fuck off and leave.

The web is awash with other far-right friendly dumpsters you can crawl into.


If you think it's unacceptable that I'm booting members with dangerous, disgusting, antisocial politics, you should probably leave too.


(Sidenote: If you're some strange brew of anti-fascist, social anarchist, left-libertarian, or anti-authoritarian, democratic Marxist, socialist or communist infidel, please stay and help me raise hell! ✊ Are there any other leftists here? 👀)


> This is an outrage!! ** shits entire diaper ** You're the real fascist, watch this 4-hour Youtube video, something something ...


I'm unfortunately acutely aware that if you're being asked to leave that you're not going to understand this decision.


I trust that you're going to settle on a self-serving narrative in which I'm a cartoon, totalitarian-communist, "cultural Marxist" suppressor of your patriotic free speech. I'm a hysterical, intolerant "snowflake" that can't stand proximity to your brilliant, hard-truths, lest I be destroyed by sheer "facts and logic".


I don't care. I've made peace with your ignorance.


Allow me to repeat for those in the back: This isn't a debate. We have deeply incompatible values. So much so that I'm asking you to leave my forum without further discussion.


> Did the moderators do anything wrong?


I sincerely appreciate the time and energy the previous team put into tending to the forum. If they made mistakes in terms of moderating, I'd hedge they were mostly a result of inheriting the laissez-faire, lazy-white-guy ethos that I unfortunately fostered and encouraged.


If you were a part of the previous team and are not being asked to leave and you still want to help out, please PM me.


> But this is a spiritual forum!


Spirituality without material roots is a dead tree, my friend.


The notion that spiritual cultivation, of all things, should somehow be categorically divorced from moral maturation and praxis is a "bad take".


This forum has always strived to be a big tent for all manner of weirdos from diverse spiritual and sociopolitical backgrounds.


But there have also been times when new boundaries needed to be set. This is one of them.


> But what about the terrible things that Obama, Hillary, etc. have done?


As I said, I'm not going to debate, and this isn't a political 101 education forum.


For what it's worth, here are some of my recent thoughts on the center-right led Democratic party and the rise of Trumpism:

If the grotesque insincerity of center-right Democrats (e.g. Clinton and Obama) are the reason that anyone reading this has hitched to the neoreactionary Trump dump-truck, please find a local shaman to unbind this rotten hex. There's a better and much more magical way forward. ✨


> I'm not right or left, I'm a truth-seeker, you're being unreasonable.


I've found that people who claim they're "neither right nor left," especially U.S. citizens, are usually center-right at best. (And often worse, e.g., right-wing libertarians or crypto-antisemitic conspiracy-theorists.)


The political terms "left" and "right" have ideological meaning. Likewise "centrism" is not defined via an attempt to locate a compromised middle ground somewhere between right-wing Republican monsters and diet-right-wing corporatist Democrats.


I've written more about this here: This is what passes for "reasonable" politics.


> What about free speech?


There's a popular notion that the only civilized approach to social disagreement is to always hear out "all sides" in the "free marketplace of ideas", an imaginary immaterial abstraction. That opinions, no matter how brain-dead stupid or toxic, should always be honored and meticulously ironed out via public "intellectual" debate.


But this kind of free speech absolutism is often a pretentious stance weaponized to platform memetic bigotry and silence already marginalized views.


By extreme analogy, imagine if there were pro-slavery members on this forum. My stance is that it's a complete waste of time to argue with these people. It would pollute our space with the delusion that both sides of this "debate" are legitimate.


I think most of us would agree that bans of racist and violent speech are appropriate. I'm drawing a new, firmer line in the sand.


No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, climate change denial, fascism, crypto-fascism, antisocial bigotry, or far-right bullshit in general (including QAnon and Pizzagate lunacy).


There are plenty of other reactionary ashcans on the Internet for these "very fine folks" to brigade.


Speech is not harmless. Speech has real, immediate, direct, material consequences on other human beings. Implicitly allowing socially toxic rhetoric to continue platforming itself unchecked in a space, poisons that space, and disproportionately harms the least powerful.


> This is a slippery slope, where will it end?


Fully automated luxury gay space communism, obviously. You should probably leave now before the communism and gay-stuff starts happening. 🍆💦


> This seems exclusionary and mean.


It's exclusionary and not nice, but I don't think it's mean, at least not senselessly.


Ask yourself, how many thoughtful, gracious members of this forum have quietly left after seeing relatively uncontested right-wing bullshit plastered across the forums here? I'm aware of several personally.


And I don't think the bullshit here is undisputed because of implicit support. I think it's merely sidestepped for the same reason most reasonable people avoid challenging someone screaming evangelical diatribes on the subway. It's literally just not worth the effort. i.e., "the amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it."


There's plenty of other subways on the internet to scream inside. This one is no longer tolerating right-wing bullshit.


> Are we abandoning confused people who maybe need this forum the most?


Meh. I think this question comes from a decent place. But this isn't a political education forum. My stance is that we need to reestablish a bare minimum baseline of shared values.


> Are you still with me?


If so, that must mean:

  1. You weren't asked to leave.
  2. You think it's okay and even very good that I've gone full heruka.

Welcome! I'm delighted to have you here. I hope you'll stay. ❤️


And I hope you'll stand in solidarity with me as I perch precariously on this fraught limb I've now climbed out on. It's my sincere hope that we can reclaim and reenchant The Dao Bums as a weird-left-friendly space again.


> Will you help me?


I do need your help. In fact I won't be able to do this without you. Please PM me if you're interested in helping our community. There will be free snacks. 🙃


With Love,




Edited by Cobie
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5 minutes ago, Nungali said:


So was that a yes answer or not ?

Yes, I think so, it's a lack of Christian values, those that push those agendas, are often willing to kill to protect their interests and keep the machine going... So basically Christianity Inverted.. Ideologically speaking..

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1 minute ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:

Please do, would be very interresting.


and very off topic . However , its mostly what you referred to ;


" .. women enjoyed a high degree of social freedom. They could own property, ask for a divorce if not treated properly, and they shared responsibility for running farms and homesteads with their menfolk. They were also protected by law from a range of unwanted male attention... I could add a lot more , including famous military women and leaders


This section is dedicated to some of the most powerful women of Persia that never received the historical recognition they deserve due to passage of time and accidents of history. Women in Persia were very honored and revered, they often held very important & influential positions in the Courthouse, Ministries, Military, State and Treasury Department, and other official administrations. The significant role of women in Ancient Persia both horrified and fascinated the ancient Greek and Roman male-dominated societies. The fortification tablets at the Ruins of Persepolis also reveals that men and women were represented in identical professions and that they received equal payments as skilled laborers and that gender was not a criterion at all (unlike our modern world). New mothers and pregnant women even received wages far above those of their male co-workers in order to show appreciation. Women enjoyed a high level of gender equality before the imposition of the dark, backward, and pernicious Abrahamic ideologies (Judaism, Christianity, and especially Islam) after the barbaric Arab invasion upon Persia which destroyed our Equal rights, Freedom of speech and Freedom of religion and replaced those factors with central primitive brutal government, prejudice and slavery. There is much evidence that the principles of Zoroastrianism lay the core foundation to the first Declaration of Human Rights in the Persian Empire set by Cyrus the Great since the rulers of Persia were Zoroastrians and relatively liberal and progressive.


1 minute ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:





anyhow, wasnt virgin just a mistranstlation for young women or something anyhow?


free woman - independent, autonomous, untied, unattached to a man .. it changed around 14th C. AD to ore of the modern meaning .

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8 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

if only Jesus had listened to them...


then we would not need him, we could listen to them ourselves .


Your comments seem to be growing in obscurity .

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5 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Yes, I think so, it's a lack of Christian values, those that push those agendas, are often willing to kill to protect their interests and keep the machine going... So basically Christianity Inverted.. Ideologically speaking..


So then;


why did not those lack of Christian values back in re Christian tribal times  where they practised abortion and contraception  not cause the same problems ?


Would one not have to agree it isnt lack of Christian values but different modern problems


ergo ... lack of Christian values are not the problem ... they can not keep up with what is needed as a religious regulator for modern times , ie old and out of date with current social issues and problems .

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10 minutes ago, Cobie said:

@Thrice Daily this forum belongs to Sean. I think you should read the following post by him. 



Cool thanks for that, I believe in the middle way, Madhyamaka, and as such I'm a centrist and luckily will not be having to vote in the USA elections so I think it's cool. As long as I can still believe in Jesus, I'm alright. 

R (5).jpeg

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13 minutes ago, Nungali said:


then we would not need him, we could listen to them ourselves .


Your comments seem to be growing in obscurity .

I was referring to this story for a bit of levity, 

  • St. Issa is said to have traveled widely across the East during the years that the New Testament does not account for (ages 12 to 30). He visited several religious and philosophical centers, learning from and debating with priests, scholars, and sages of different traditions.

  • In Persia (Zoroastrian Land): The legend suggests that during his travels, Issa encountered the followers of Zoroastrianism, a major religious tradition in Persia that worshipped the god Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism, founded by the prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster), was one of the most powerful religious systems in the ancient world, emphasizing the cosmic battle between good (Ahura Mazda) and evil (Angra Mainyu).


  • In this story, Issa engaged with the Zoroastrians and attempted to correct what he believed were misunderstandings in their worship. The narrative says that he tried to convince them that their rituals and focus on fire worship and intermediary divine beings (like the Amesha Spentas) were misguided. Instead, he preached about the worship of one true God, and tried to steer them away from the dualism central to Zoroastrian belief, where good and evil are seen as two opposing forces.


Edited by Thrice Daily

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19 minutes ago, Sir Darius the Clairvoyent said:


I'm not suggesting you guys do. I don't think I've mentioned sin once either. I'm just blasting the thread to get all the Christianity stuff off my chest.


I think its really cool that you try to stick with your roots. Really apologies if I've come off as trying to change people, (i'll re-read my stuff, maybe its the tone that's reading wrong)


No , I really dig the meaning you find, particularly in language and the roots and migration of words. It's very interesting..


Personally I don't throw my old ways out because of Christianity, I just ask when I put my hands tigether that any skills or talents I have please let me use them for the benefit of others. then I let wu wei do it's thing.


No I don't judge differences like that personally, I do like playing devils advocate though within the scope of my ability and education level. I like it hear, its intellectually challenging to keep up with...



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3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

I was referring to this story for a bit of levity, 

  • St. Issa is said to have traveled widely across the East during the years that the New Testament does not account for (ages 12 to 30). He visited several religious and philosophical centers, learning from and debating with priests, scholars, and sages of different traditions.

  • In Persia (Zoroastrian Land): The legend suggests that during his travels, Issa encountered the followers of Zoroastrianism, a major religious tradition in Persia that worshipped the god Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism, founded by the prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster), was one of the most powerful religious systems in the ancient world, emphasizing the cosmic battle between good (Ahura Mazda) and evil (Angra Mainyu).


  • In this story, Issa engaged with the Zoroastrians and attempted to correct what he believed were misunderstandings in their worship. The narrative says that he tried to convince them that their rituals and focus on fire worship and intermediary divine beings (like the Amesha Spentas) were misguided. Instead, he preached about the worship of one true God, and tried to steer them away from the dualism central to Zoroastrian belief, where good and evil are seen as two opposing forces.



Then if Jesus / Issa    ? (one assumes you are suggesting they are the same person ? ) thought and taught that, we woud have a 'great miss' ... again , just like the Zoroastrian 'redaction' made .


EG .  The cosmic battle between good (Ahura Mazda) and evil (Angra Mainyu) is a false comparison  ;   'mainyu' is not paired with or against Ahura Mazda ,  Angra Mainyu is paired against 'Spenta Mainyu' and 'mainyu' is 'mind.  We all have the potential for our minds to go good or bad ... thats in us , they are not Gods or deities. Of course, later, they where transformed into all sorts of things ; friends and enemies of the state ( read Shamaneh )  , mythological /socio / cultural appropriations ,  'sort of Gods' but not because 'monotheism', etc .


Fire 'worship' is often explained , even by modern Zoroastrians ; they dont 'worship' fire . It is a central symbol that represents spirit, light and 'good bright mind ' , amongst other things .



" Zoroastrians are not fire-worshippers, as some Westerners wrongly believe. Zoroastrians believe that the elements are pure and that fire represents God's light or wisdom. "


The Amesha Spentas also where not worshipped  as  ' intermediary divine being'  they are the qualities of good mind ;


The Amesha Spentas (amesha meaning eternal or ageless & spenta meaning brilliance, enlightenment and beneficence) are also ideals to which humans can aspire.  Possessing Amesha Spenta qualities does not make humans god-like. Possessing these qualities means being in harmony with God's work.

  • Vohu Mano in human beings is the good mind.
  • Asha is principled, honest, beneficent, ordered, lawful living - for some, righteousness and piety.
  • Khshathra is having dominion and sovereignty over one's life.
  • Armaiti is serenity.
  • Haurvatat is being holistic and healthy. It is also seeking excellence in all we do.
  • Ameretat is transcending mortal limitations through good health, by handing down the spiritual flame or mainyu athra, and by building an enduring, undying spirit, the united fravashi.

In a way 'old Zoroastrianism is a 'science of the mind' ,  a bit like Buddhism can be 


[ since the 19th century, numerous modern figures have argued that Buddhism is rational and uniquely compatible with science. Some have even argued that Buddhism is "scientific" (a kind of "science of the mind" or an "inner science").[8][9][2][10][11] Those who argue that Buddhism is aligned with science point out certain commonalities between the scientific method and Buddhist thought. The 14th Dalai Lama, for example, in a speech to the Society for Neuroscience,[12] listed a "suspicion of absolutes" and a reliance on causality and empiricism as common philosophical principles shared by Buddhism and science ]


But for a variety of reasons , things get changed and some of 'need' deities  ;



^  'gaming characters '   :rolleyes:





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Right that’s it, I’m becoming Zoroastrian.

Im only half kidding :)  when researching Christianity I bumped into Zoroastrian and almost said “sign me up.”


Very sensible way of doing earthly business so it seems. Thanks for the detailed answer, I’m going to return to that and pull at it.


It seems a pity we couldn’t have access to this. That’s the problem, the more sophisticated the system the less likely it will scale worldwide.


Unless our collective Karma be ripe enough, I guess some might posit.

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