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Hi everyone,


I'm a big time lurker (and big fan of this place, so many knowledgeable folks in here!) and I decided to register as I encountered an issue in my practice and I wanted to ask for guidance to you guys. I swear I used the "seach" function thoroughly before deciding to create a new topic :D


Well, my question will arrive in a separate thread, but here's a short intro. I'm an Italian 42M, living in Barcelona Spain, and my interest in these topics probably started when I read (and loved) the book on Hara, by Durckheim. Since then I read and watched much more content, and found The Way of Energy by Lam Kam Chuen particularly useful, as it provides many practical details for the Wuji posture (my go-to stance so far).


Thanks to Wuji, I was able to basically get rid of some back chronic pain I had for years. Doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists (and so on) weren't really able to help, but thanks to Wuji I now probably have only 5% of the pain I used to have. I know chronic pain is only a little part of these practices, but as you can imagine, it was my first priority :) I gotta say I noticed incredible psychological/trauma release benefits with it. Until something happened...(more about in the separate thread, eheh).

Well, I guess that's it for a first quick intro. Thanks for having me!

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Hi Branza. Wow that’s great, that the Wuji helped to get rid of some chronic back pain. Welcome to the forum. :)


Edited by Cobie
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