
What is your experience with the Six Healing Sounds

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I have recently started doing a bit of the six healing sounds again after over a decade not being able to do much of any cultivation practices because of severe chi deviation issues. I am struck by how incredibly effective this practice is for me at making me emotionally balanced for a period of time after I do it, and at gradually releasing emotional trauma so that it is healed and gone forever. I am also struck by how it seems to never create any issues for me around retraumatisation or emotional overload. With many techniques aimed at trauma healing (such as TRE for example) and with practices that might occasionally release a lot of trauma such as meditation, it is often an issue that too much unprocessed emotions comes to the surface at the same time, people feel overwhelmed and for a while they feel much worse than before. I had several experiences of other practices bringing something to the surface and it felt really painful and like to much for me to handle at once. I then either had to practice equanimity intensively to get through it or use other techniques to manage or just suffer with it for days or weeks until it subsided by itself. 

With the healing sounds when something releases it never feels like too much at the same time. It also feels like when something releases it always releases in a way where it is already in the process of healing and moving from negative emotions to some more neutral or positive state where those emotions are resolved. In therapy and with other practices I have often gotten old stuff to the surface and it is just painful in the beginning. Just the same old stuff in its old painful form with no healing having started yet. I then have to work with the material in various ways to start to make it heal and move. That often eventually works but can be a difficult process and it doesn't always work. Many times I have had to just save those feelings for later and try to just put my mind on other things until it goes back down into the subconscious again. With the healing sounds it feels like when the sounds start pulling something up it is always already on its way out or on its way to be digested. It kind if feels like there is some sort of energetic layer around the feeling that reduces the pain and creates a kind of natural equanimity with it. The only times I had any sort of issues with emotional overload and things becoming worse with the healing sounds was years ago when I did huge amounts of the same sound in one sitting while being desperate to heal and manic in how I was doing it. So I've seen that one can overdo things with the sounds but I really had to do it to obvious excess for any issues to surface while with other practices even small dosages could still create issues. 

Issues around overwhelming and retraumatising the nervous system through too much release and opening at the same time is a big topic in therapy and in trauma healing circles. I am wondering if other peoples experiences with the healing sounds matches mine. If it works the same way for others it is a golden tool for trauma healing. There are a lot of people working on their stuff that can hardly do any sort of emotional work without becoming dysregulated and having it backfire. Many others can do some but are still very limited and are walking a tightrope all the time. If there is a practice that heals effectively without those kinds of issues plaguing them then it would be an incredibly useful tool for many people. So how has the Healing Sounds worked for you? Does your experience match mine? 


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The six healing sounds were one of my early practices that I did a lot for a few years. Unfortunately I can't say I didn't have any experiences with trauma not coming up because it did but that seems to be the case for me with any practice I do for the most part. At the same time however I feel like I did make a lot of progress working on myself with them.

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For chi deviation issues I recommend Flying Phoenix Qigong, a sitting mediation is available on YouTube. 


Some chi deviations are just tension in the body which FP qigong is good at relaxing. 


Also instead of directly attacking the trauma / emotional issue which all kinds of healing modalities do, some times it is better to see that is 'not you'. Listen to Paul Hedderman non duality on YouTube, he points to it really well. 

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On 21/06/2024 at 4:50 PM, Maddie said:

The six healing sounds were one of my early practices that I did a lot for a few years. Unfortunately I can't say I didn't have any experiences with trauma not coming up because it did but that seems to be the case for me with any practice I do for the most part. At the same time however I feel like I did make a lot of progress working on myself with them.


Curious to hear your "source" for 6 healing sounds ( book/video/web page etc ), I trust you used a good one with minimal woo woo, and probably a source grounded on TCM.

If you want to share, I'm happy to copy whichever source you used 😎

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20 hours ago, snowymountains said:


Curious to hear your "source" for 6 healing sounds ( book/video/web page etc ), I trust you used a good one with minimal woo woo, and probably a source grounded on TCM.

If you want to share, I'm happy to copy whichever source you used 😎


My primary source was actually Mantak Chia which probably isn't that reliable, but the practice predates him. 

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2 hours ago, Maddie said:


My primary source was actually Mantak Chia which probably isn't that reliable, but the practice predates him. 


I see, I'll look for another source probably, he's not my type 😁

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48 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


I see, I'll look for another source probably, he's not my type 😁


Same but that was a long time ago when I was new to all of this and didn't know any better. For what its worth, even that I'm not a Chia fan the book about the sounds is pretty solid. 

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I was very into this practice some years ago, never really did the practice but I read a LOT about it, maybe I can be helpful.


I never practiced it because, as I'll explain, there are so so so so much variations that the more you read the more questions you have, so I decided not to practice without a master.


There are a ton of variations for the sounds, different masters use different sounds, in example, I've seen that for the kidneys some say that "chway" is the right pronunciation while others claim that the correct sound is "Huuuu", so you never know.


Some say that for you to get real benefits you should whisper the sound, claiming that this is the original and correct way to practice, others say that you should do the sounds out loud, then one time I read that whispering the sound has some different benefits from saying it out loud and both were correct ways to practice........



The six sounds are depleting, what I mean by this is that they deplete the energy of the organ, so you should NEVER do them alone, that's why some masters, and I can include Mantak Chia here, do the "Inner Smile" after the sound to replenish the energy,

It's been some time since I read it so I can't really confirm that the Inner Smile practice replenishes the organ's energy, what I remember was that you should never do the sounds alone, it was something like: DEPLETING, REPLENISHING and TONIFYING, something like this, I can't remember the exact details and order, but it was a complete practice not just do the sounds and leave. Gilles Marin a student of Mantak Chia has a great book on all of this stuff of working with each organ and a complete practice on each organ which includes not only the organ but working with the colors associated with it and the tissues, nervous system, so when you work with the kidneys you work with your ears, liver the eyes and etc... the name of the book is "Five Elements, Six Conditions", but I don't recommend doing the practice from the book without a teacher.


Once I read from a guy that you should do 6 repetitions of each organ and when you get to the kidneys you should only do 3 repetitions, because the kidneys are already very depleted daily by sexual misconduct and etc... So doing the kidney sound too much can worsen such problems, if you are already depleted this will only make it worse.


There's also a correct order to do the practice and I've seen some discussions about it too, some masters don't say nothing about the order and others say that you should start with your liver, there's a reason for starting with the liver, I can't remember exactly why, but I swear it had a really good explanation based on TCM, I just can't remember to explain it here.


So my conclusion was that there was a lot of different opinions on EVERY aspect of this practice from various different people, so I decided not to do it, but it's up to you, just be careful.


Lately I found out that the best way to practice the "Six Healing Sounds" is by not practicing it at all...

They will happen naturally when you start experiencing Zi Fa Gong(spontaneous movements) in your practice and these will help you to clear out traumas, phobias and etc.. at the right time, no need to force it.


This process can also happen by running around, jumping, kneeling, screaming, crawling on the ground... Your body will produce the correct sound or body movement to help you clear such stagnations, it happens to me and it's really good, also weird if someone who doesn't understand the process sees you practicing hahaha (yes, my sister thinks I'm crazy hahaha)


Damo Mitchell talks about it in his last book "A Comprehensive guide to Daoist NeiGong" and explains this process of Zi Fa Gong with more detail.

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3 hours ago, QiBob SquareGong said:

… They will happen naturally when you start experiencing Zi Fa Gong(spontaneous movements) in your practice and these will help you to clear out traumas, phobias and etc.. at the right time, no need to force it. …




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