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the quandary of transcendent platitudes

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"everything is perfect",  "there is no good or evil",  "there is no path",  "God loves us", "we create God in our image",  "you are already enlightened you just don't know it yet",  "all is one",  "all is illusion", "all is suffering, "all is bliss" "there is no time, there is only now",  "do nothing and know that you are not the doer"  and on and on....  in the meantime we are mostly human beings with human problems to deal with besides espousing profound or absolute negations or affirmations. 


btw, i do get that's its ultimately "5:00 o'clock somewhere" or everywhere...


Edited by old3bob
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feel free to add some of your own examples or comments:  here are a couple more,  "there is a Self", "there is no self",  "the earth is only 10,00 years or so old",  "the earth is at the center of the solar system",  "there are no aliens",  "we never landed on the moon", "its empty", "its full", unpopular opinions are popular", etc...


and here is a break in the action:



Edited by old3bob

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40 minutes ago, old3bob said:

feel free to add some of your own examples or comments:


5 hours ago, old3bob said:

"everything is perfect",  "there is no good or evil",  "there is no path",  "God loves us", "we create God in our image",  "you are already enlightened you just don't know it yet",  "all is one",  "all is illusion", "all is suffering, "all is bliss" "there is no time, there is only now",  "do nothing and know that you are not the doer"  and on and on....  in the meantime we are mostly human beings with human problems to deal with besides espousing profound or absolute negations or affirmations. 


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2 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:




um, was that just a ditto?

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Posted (edited)
On 6/25/2024 at 3:46 AM, old3bob said:


in the meantime we are mostly human beings with human problems to deal with ...


I sit down first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and I look to experience the activity of the body solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness. As a matter of daily life, just to touch on such experience as occasion demands—for me, that’s enough.


("Take the Backward Step")



Edited by Mark Foote
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