
Who or what is "satan"?

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35 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


Maybe it would've been more correct to say. Snakes are not very social and most of the time prefer solitude. According to google at least. I'm definitely no expert on snakes. 


lets go further ... and remembering the original context of the comments .


Yes, snakes do not 'herd' like many animals they are MOSTLY off on their own .


Humans are primates , primates dont thrive well 'off on their own' and they do not 'herd' . Their preference is in extended family groups - however , like snakes, thay may congregate in larger groups than the extended family , for 'special purposes ' .


Thats why the people you cited 'grouped' and why you thought snakes are always alone .


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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Daniel said:


Spiritually naked is closest to the source ( God ).



  1. The husband cleaved ( literally attached ) to his wife.
  2. They were "Aruhm / Arohm" ( Spiritually Naked ) and unashamed
  3. The serpent is the most "Ahrum" of all the beast of the field and says to Eve...


אַ֚ף כִּֽי־אָמַ֣ר אֱלֹהִ֔ים לֹ֣א תֹֽאכְל֔וּ מִכֹּ֖ל עֵ֥ץ הַגָּֽן:


"Ahhhhffffff ?"  "Actually?  Is it true that God said: "WE shall not to eat of any trees of the garden?"



אף - "Ahf" = However / But / Actually


Do you see what I'm seeing?  


אף <---- that looks like a serpent rising getting ready to strike


Check this out:

  • תפף - to join, or to strike
  • נגף - to push, injure, or to strike

  • צלף - to swing (like a whip), or to strike

  • שקף - to knock, to beat, or to strike

  • שסף - to swing a sword, to strike


What do you think of that, Brother Sal?



That's too deep for me, Brother. Looks interesting tho. 


10 hours ago, Daniel said:

The scripture disagrees with you, friend, regarding attachment.


The husband cleaved ( literally attached ) to his wife


This line can be interpreted as "they were of one will, of one heart, functioning as one spirit, mind and purpose" . That would be different than attachment imo. 


Edited by Salvijus

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6 minutes ago, Nungali said:


lets go further ... and remembering the original context of the comments .


Yes, snakes do not 'herd' like many animals they are MOSTLY off on their own .


Humans are primates , primates dont thrive well 'off on their own' and they do not 'herd' . Their preference is in extended family groups - however , like snakes, thay may congregate in larger groups than the extended family , for 'special purposes ' .


Thats why the people you cited 'grouped' and why you thought snakes are always alone .



The spirit of brotherhood and service is still missing in snakes imo. And those are the fundamental qualities of god that Abrahamic religions try to align themselves with. So a snake would be the most distant example of god in that case. 

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Brotherhood and service relate to primates and extended family groups . God , in 'Abrahamic religions' is based on a primate . .. or visa versa if you like .


But outside such religions , many people have a divine association with snakes .   here in Oz , the creation spirit is a snake .... well, two snakes coming together  .... so much for being a 'loner'  ... he (Ungud) actually got lonely, being 'all alone down here ' ... while 'sky snake '  ( Wallenganda ) was up there with all her children ( stars )  , not alone . . . . so she gave him some 'life' to share  for himself .


How nice and sharing - Thats 'brotherhood' for ya !

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nungali said:

Brotherhood and service relate to primates and extended family groups . God , in 'Abrahamic religions' is based on a primate . .. or visa versa if you like .

Yea but it's about making the entire world your family. And then the entire creation. 


1 hour ago, Nungali said:

But outside such religions , many people have a divine association with snakes .


I'm aware of that. But also there's a lot of snake worship in satanism. 


Edited by Salvijus

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

Yea but it's about making the entire world your family. And then the entire creation. 


Thus is the destiny of Man .


Or to put it in a 'primitive ' perspective   ; 'Man' ( how he is in his peak balanced function )  is 'dancing animal master ' :






1 hour ago, Salvijus said:



I'm aware of that. But also there's a lot of snake worship in satanism. 




Is there ?  I have never encountered it in Satanism .   I have in other religions , but we didnt really 'worship' the snake . For example , I have a close affinity with 'Simbi la Flambaeu '  from Voudon . 


It depends what you mean by 'worship' I suppose ?

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Posted (edited)

I'm having some insights here at the moment based on what Cobie said snake being a penis. 


2 hours ago, Nungali said:

here in Oz , the creation spirit is a snake 


The creative sexual energy is indeed inside the penis and sexual energy is the creative energy. 


Now I believe if people are invoking the Spirit of a serpant in order to transcend and transmute their lower sexual energies into higher energies, then snake related practices make sense. But if the snake takes over you, you've succumbed into darkness. You're supposed to transcend your penis(lower nature) , not to become one. That's what Magdalene standing on a snake symbolizes perhaps. 

Edited by Salvijus
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11 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Is there ?  I have never encountered it in Satanism


That's why we have different opinions on this matter. 

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4 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

You're supposed to transcend your penis, not to become one. 

😂 thats a qoute for the history books : )

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Posted (edited)

Probably nobody has the patience to watch a 3h long video. But it's the related to this topic so I thought I would share it.


The person talking here was involved in satanism since birth for 24 years. Initiated and offered into satanism before he was even born. From the age of 7 he already was anointed as a master to thousands of witches, giving them instructions, empowerments, elite people would come to him for powers and boons. He was basicly worshiped by all the people in the dark arts as some kind of great incarnation and sorcerer. Deeply involved in many secret societies projects aswell. 


The point of sharing this video is that he talks about his relationship with snakes among many other topics related to spirituality and dark arts. I should probably make a disclaimer that the video is so provoking that it can challenge your perception of snakes and dark arts like never before, especially if you have an affinity towards it. How much you want your world view to be challenged is up to you. 



Edited by Salvijus

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nungali said:


Thus is the destiny of Man .


Or to put it in a 'primitive ' perspective   ; 'Man' ( how he is in his peak balanced function )  is 'dancing animal master ' 



I have no idea how you made that connection that  aligning yourself with unconditional infinite love of God makes you like a dancing animal master. 

Edited by Salvijus
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Posted (edited)



My friend in India replied.


The first thing he said is:  "Brahma Samhita was discovered/written in 16th Century. "  It's not an ancient text.


Here's his translation:


karnikaram mahad-yantram sat-konam vajra-kilakam
sadanga-satpadi-sthanam prakrtya purusena ca
premananda-mahananda-rasenavasthitam hi vat


"The great plate's figure is a hexagon and the central six part support is strong and is certainly the place of manifestation of the absolute person and the mellow juice of bliss of love, great bliss, existing like a light, like a kāma-bīja* in a mantra."

* kāma-bīja: a magic word, like Om.


tat-kinjalkam tad-amsanam tat-patrani sriyam api

"Of that lotus, the petals (devotees) also are part of his glory"


From this we can compare to what was written on the web-page provided and see if the *meaning* of the literal translation is faithfully rendered there.


Although, it is concerning that the reader is being lead to believe ( the assumption is encouraged ) that the hindu text and the spiritual significance  of the hexagram was written in an ancient text.  Unless, of course, I missed the qualification.


This happens all the time, Cobie.  People like to attribute Jewish concepts and symbols to others which are assumed to be older than Judaism.  But, on closer examination, the texts that are referenced are not ancient at all.



Edited by Daniel

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19 minutes ago, Daniel said:


This happens all the time, Cobie.  People like to attribute Jewish concepts and symbols to others which are assumed to be older than Judaism.  But, on closer examination, the texts that are referenced are not ancient at all.

Can you show us the eldest example of the star of David (Shatkona) please? No need for an essay, just concrete evidence

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2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Can you show us the eldest example of the star of David (Shatkona) please?




2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

No need for an essay, just concrete evidence


Your loss

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

No need for an essay, just concrete evidence


^^ intellectual laziness, or atrophy, or exhaustion ^^ 


Books are written about this topic.  Reading them requires time, effort, motivation.   All of those are compromised by your tunnel vision and the rewards of self-validating your prejudices.  Literally pre-judging and assuming your limited view contains enough data to produce an informed conclusion.  But like I mentioned above, dude, you could be simply exhausted.  It's what happens.  It's natural.  It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, as @Cobie is assuming of my words.  It means you're human.  But even this might be considered an insult if you have decided that you are a god or god-like.


Here, you need this.  It's excellent.  I'll send it you.  For free.  But you'd have to read much more than an essay.  Maybe you don't actually care UNLESS it's anti-Jewish.  And that's fine.  I don't judge you harshly for it.  It's only natural.  Strong and wrong but natural.



Edited by Daniel

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15 minutes ago, Daniel said:

^^ intellectual laziness, or atrophy, or exhaustion ^^ 

Exhaustion. I am fairly straight forward by nature. When about does the pentagram show up in the record, and where?

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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Exhaustion. I am fairly straight forward by nature. When about does the pentagram show up in the record, and where?


In the Jewish record?  King Solomon.  It is literally, Solomon's seal.  Probably Silver.  He had contact with many cultures including the very beautiful Queen Sheba, of Egypt.

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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:



Bro, can we all stop bickering?  It's not helping, it can't be.  

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Nungali said:

So ... when Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a serpent .... that symbolises  .......    ?  

Yes, it was a dick-measuring contest. :D



Edited by Cobie
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Daniel said:


In the Jewish record?  King Solomon.  It is literally, Solomon's seal.  Probably Silver.  He had contact with many cultures including the very beautiful Queen Sheba, of Egypt.


wrong, pentagram means five points,  Solomons seal was /is of two interlaced rectangles making 6 points.  



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Posted (edited)


7 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Can you show us the eldest example of the star of David (Shatkona) please? No need for an essay, just concrete evidence


“… the legendary … Solomon's seal or signet … is first mentioned by the first-century Jewish historian Josephus” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Solomon  



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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, old3bob said:

… pentagram means five points,  Solomons seal was /is of two rectangles making 6 points.  

“often depicted in the shape of either a pentagram or a hexagram” 




Edited by Cobie

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