
Who or what is "satan"?

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, old3bob said:

um, I quoted instead of saying that myself,  (see quotation marks) Anyway anyone can make what they want of it.


Did you quote a kabalist?


It would be good to hear from an insider, a kabalist, whether or not the 6 pointed star is a "seal" of solomon.  Lots of people talk about kabalah without practicing it or being taught.  


Edited by Daniel

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19 minutes ago, Daniel said:


Did you quote a kabalist?


It would be good to hear from an insider, a kabalist, whether or not the 6 pointed star is a "seal" of solomon.  Lots of people talk about kabalah without practicing it or being taught.  



again make what you want of it,  btw we could have the best text or an "insider" and argue about that  but that does not guarantee we will understand meaning.

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3 minutes ago, old3bob said:


again make what you want of it,  btw we could have the best text or an "insider" and argue about that  but that does not guarantee we will understand meaning.


Sure.  It would still be better to have both sides represented.

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Posted (edited)


7 hours ago, Daniel said:

… the hexagram was in use in the Hindu religion …


correct extraction. :)


… mystical traditions.

(imo) superficially very different; at the core the same truth. 


Edited by Cobie
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Posted (edited)


On 06/07/2024 at 11:55 PM, Daniel said:

… The flaccid penis …

= Ganesha’s elephant trunk. 




Edited by Cobie

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Posted (edited)


On 06/07/2024 at 11:55 PM, Daniel said:

rising penis … flaccid penis …


= lucky cat (maneki-neko)

Shohuku Lucky Cat geel solar (10cm)




Edited by Cobie
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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Cobie said:

(imo) superficially very different; at the core the same truth. 


Well.  I agree, to an extent.  But there's a problem.


It's like we're both climbing up the same mountain.  And we're climbing higher and higher.  As we are going, the terrain gets steeper and more precarious.  As the two traditions are approaching the summit, one of us slips and falls... Alllllllllllll the way down.


The conclusion of the mystical tradition in Hinduism is the realization that all is Brahma including the Hindu adherent.

The conclusion of the mystical tradition in Judaism, is completely opposite.  I'm not God and neither are you.


There's a corresponding similar conflict between pantheism and panentheism.  On paper they look like they should be similar.  Panentheism is just an extension of Pantheism?  No.  Not at all.  Panthesim is a closed system.  Panentheism is an open system.


The point is, this isn't a linear progression where the two paths can walk along together and then their points of departure are superficial.  The point of departure is taking a step off the cliff.  Not that I'm right and they're falling off the cliff.  I'm not evaluating them as wrong, at all.  I'm just saying they are very different where it counts.  And that's the destination.  The two mystical traditions are going to two totally different places but are taking the same road to get there.

Edited by Daniel

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9 minutes ago, Cobie said:


= Ganesha’s elephant trunk. 





It's beautiful.   No body mods needed.  Natural.

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Posted (edited)


On 06/07/2024 at 11:55 PM, Daniel said:




( There's a little star up there...)


So there is, nice one. :) 


Edited by Cobie

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Posted (edited)

@Nungali in case you didn’t see

20 hours ago, Cobie said:

Do you have a picture?

otherwise please ignore this post



Edited by Cobie

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Daniel said:


It's beautiful.   No body mods needed.  Natural.


um, not familar with that picture being that Lord Ganesha is normally depicted as riding a mouse. (unless that picture is supposed to be of a mouse with a bull looking head?)



Edited by old3bob

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28 minutes ago, Cobie said:

rising penis = lucky cat (maneki-neko)

Shohuku Lucky Cat geel solar (10cm)




Perky.  I see the resemblance.  "Ready to serve you, madame."

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3 minutes ago, old3bob said:

Lord Ganesha


Please remind me?  Lord Ganehsa is happy?  Unusually?  Friendly?


Please share what's significant *for you* about Lord Ganesha?

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Daniel said:

… Hermetics …




Words change meaning over time. Words get used by different people for different things. The word “Hermetics”was first used for some Greek stuff, and later on also used for some Egyptian stuff.




Edited by Cobie

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5 hours ago, Daniel said:


Please remind me?  Lord Ganehsa is happy?  Unusually?  Friendly?


Please share what's significant *for you* about Lord Ganesha?


feel free to search the internet, for your own take.

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2 minutes ago, old3bob said:


feel free to search the internet, for your own take.




45 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Words change meaning over time. Words get used by different people for different things. The word “Hermetics”was first used for some Greek stuff, and later on also used for some Egyptian stuff.


You seem to have missed the point.

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"boring" is a boring presumption.  (about a very important Hindu deity!)

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Salvijus said:

What kind of satanist are you then? :Djoking...


I am not a satanist , I am a cultural anthropologist . We study all aspects of human culture , belief, ritual religion, etc .  This requires one  to have a clear viewpoint and not come from the perspective of one of the belief systems  within the fields of study as that would lead to bias .


In this field of study one needs to observe things like the practice of satanism and see it like any other belief . To me, personally, worshiping Satan would be as silly pointless and confused as worshiping some Old  testament deity  from thousands of years ago mixed up with the teachings of a Jewish revolutionary and the later politicizing and control of various power mongers ,


I guess we're just exposed to different things then. But I would say, if one does a little bit of investigation into it and not just listen to what wikipedia says at face value, you will come across some really thought provoking and disturbing accounts/storis that would challenge any skeptic's mind. At least that's my experience. Everyone will have their own view on this matter and that's fine. 


I agree with that regarding African witchcraft - horrible news stories  well, documented , have come out regarding children .


On the other hand check the exposes I linked to for you .  I also study psychology and a form of 'para-psychology ' which deals with the spread of strange claims, beliefs and 'occurrences '   throughout various societies and social groups . I have done extensive research (not just scan wikipedia )  especially on claims of ritual abuse and the sad effects it has had . It is a form of 'divergent diamonic reality ' *


I will give you an example ; kids abducted from homes by government agencies in a dawn raid , kept away from their parents , held in an institution, given 'treatment' and 'counseling' about satanism and abuse that actually abused the children .  Image what the parents went through !   later it all came out in court ; with this one family (and there many of them )  That they where reported abusing their kids in a satanic ritual by a neighbor ; evidence ? The guy had a hot air balloon that he took his kids for rides in . The defense asked this ;witness' how he knew what happened up in the balloon ; the statement  back was ' Well, what else would they have been doing up there ! "


-  I understand this is outrageously hard to believe  , but I can supply all the documentary evidence and post it right here .


The judge threw the case out (and all the others ) , people and children got compensation , there was an investigation into the why the government department acted like that and who their 'ritual abuse' advisors where  - they where people on the run from USA that did the same thing there ! But they absconded before court settlements .


I looked into all this as some came to Australia and tried to start a 'satanic panic' here .  I tracked their fake news and how it spread through local newspapers across the state , using the same story and changing it to suit locals . It came to my local area  claiming local pagans where  involved in child sacrifice and ritual abuse . I took all my info to the newspaper that published it , the local police station and  Sargent  and found out it had been generated by the local christian ' life center' ... that later retracted it after  consultations with me  .  ( which started out with the minister assuming I was  a  'satanist ', being angry at me  and ended up with him inviting me around to dinner at his house and to see their new baby !  . - yeah, I can 'sweet talk'  ;) ( and to think the local pagans where discouraging me not to take up the cause , they wanted to ignore it until; it 'went away '   :o )


* in the above cases it was the authorities that where  some of the victims in this episode of 'daimonic reality'  . The spread of the satanic panic into otherwise sensible parts of the community is typical of such D.R. episodes ;  Patric Harpur in his book documents several other types  , they seem to follow a pattern ; one or two weird or strange events are reported , they rapidly increase at a rate that is very unusual and sometimes unexplainable . Seemingly normal and rational people get involved . Then some of these people do 'copycat crime' or juts copycat the  behavior of the strange event  - later they dont know why or cant explain why they did it, got caught up in it or believed it  ...(events seem to be in a trance like state ) Then  it all goes away like it never happened ... poof !






I'd be warry of satanism regardless of what continent it comes from.


I think it is a silly strange concept .


Maybe tibetans are an exception because of how much the spirit of bodhidharma has infiltrated the whole tradition. The dark spirits that were roaming that land and the land itself was subdued by the Padmasambhava to serve dharma. Everything there is done in the spirit of service and love all the time. And somehow they made it work. But any witchcraft done without the spirit of bodidharma as the foundation, without the spirit of Christ, is almost guaranteed to go south eventually and corrupt your soul. 


Really ?  How do you then feel about the Chod Rite ? I have chanted it in  Tibetan temple with others under the direction of lama  ... I am sure the 'visitors' chanting had no idea of the English translation ... its rather 'radical' 


If one looks at old European 'magic' , like that generated by grimoires  and the import of hermetics , any magic, demonology or otherwise is first accomplished by devotions, prayers and similar to God .   The Abremalin system is a good example ; a long period of  isolation, fasting, praying etc .  then you might have 'power over' a demon to summon it and  command  it .


Its all very sus , as one  of the powers granted after all this 'holy devotion '   is to 'see a maiden naked '  . 


Errrrrmmmmmmmm   ......



Edited by Nungali
repeated text posted
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(sorry about double posting ... computer doing weird things again )

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9 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Daniel, stop tagging me. In done. If you continue ill report a lot of Your posts. I basically never report, but this is madness


 ... and near harassment .

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9 hours ago, Daniel said:


Did you quote a kabalist?


It would be good to hear from an insider, a kabalist, whether or not the 6 pointed star is a "seal" of solomon.  Lots of people talk about kabalah without practicing it or being taught.  



A Jewish 'Kabalist' or an hermetic 'Kaballist' ?


Old3bob was  quoting from an hermetic one . That was bleedin' obvious !


Unless one does not know the difference between the Jewish religion's mystical system  and that of the Theosophical Society !

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:


= Ganesha’s elephant trunk. 





You are seeing them everywhere aren't you        :D 


City woman  during a trip to a tourists 'Dude Ranch'   :


Guide :   " No Ma'am , the reason we call them ;long horns' is up here at the head end ."

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:

@Nungali in case you didn’t see

otherwise please ignore this post




of what ? The whole process , both snakes together , an image of rainbow serpent  ?


For the first, there is my own painting of it , but I cant post that here , I gave it away as a present .  Both together , I could not find , but there might be one where I saw that story first published ,  from ; 'The Way of the Animal Powers '  , but that book is in storage atm .

The last; there are many pics online from the modern to 'trad / modern'  to  old rock art ....' take you pic/k ' .

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, old3bob said:


um, not familar with that picture being that Lord Ganesha is normally depicted as riding a mouse. (unless that picture is supposed to be of a mouse with a bull looking head?)




 I wasnt going to point it out  .... as my pointing finger might have been mistaken as a penis ! 






Ganesha ;



he can ride a mouse  (poor mouse ! ), another elephant , an eagle  .....

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1 hour ago, old3bob said:

"boring" is a boring presumption.  (about a very important Hindu deity!)


The termite god  ?

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