
Who or what is "satan"?

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11 hours ago, Cadcam said:

Well yeah, the question is that couldn't a creator control the production of evil, and destroy it when it arises? 


Yes, if a creator wanted to use mind control on their creation .


Personally I think man is a little too lofty in its thoughts that we blame our own evil on God.




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when you understand the rules of polarity, its simple.  The rule is "  in order to have a + there must also be a - . This rule applies to everything and everyone everywhere and there are absolutely positively no exceptions to the rule .


If you flip a coin a trillion times it will land on both sides equally  " ON AVERAGE "


There cant be men without women and vs versa.


there must be both :

Yes +/- no

creator +/- destroyer



God +/- satan

energy +/- matter

space+/- time

white+/-black  ( every white light casts a dark shadow, no exceptions )


Its as simple as that.


There cant be day without night and vs versa

there cant be yes without no and vs versa


there cant be warm without cool or truth without lies or happiness without sadness . me without you , us without them , right without wrong. ( on average )


Am I right  ?


We live in a simulation created by the creator. In order to have theists+ there must be atheists-.


Polarity is a universal law and language. When you understand it fully , you will understand everything and everyone everywhere. It doesn't get better than that . Spiritually of physically . In order to understand the spiritual you must also understand the physical . They are two poles of the same item and are inseparable in the same way men and women are inseparable.


The way to learn polarity is to teach yourself as both the teacher and student. They too are a polarity .

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Posted (edited)
On 07/07/2024 at 12:12 AM, Cobie said:

 time travelling, fair enough  B)



I read half the thread, but didn't see any of my points made so thought I'd chip in. Just my opinions and I could be wrong so feel free to let me know if I fact check badly.


the word Satan in its original meaning simply meant 'to oppose' on page 3 there was a long post and I think I get what the chap was getting at. This whole tale of Angels and Lucifer being cast out, kinda exists outside of time, kinda. But it permeates everything. So we have our duality, so we have our sex and yes, our rape (sorry) 


before I give my opinion on it, I'll state a couple of facts I know to be true about Satanism. In terms of its philosophy, at its core it's in opposition with Christianity, most poignantly so in the case of the 7 deadly sins. In the Satanists book they are more like the 7 friendly sins. 

it's an interesting little intellectual exercise going through each of the sins and basically reframing them as good. To revel in the carnal so to speak. 


back to my opinion about Satan / Lucifer . I believe them to be the complementary forces that hold a mirror up to good, as all else holds a mirror up to what's "bad" . It's like the most immense smattering down of opposites to their very extremes until the very end of time, the fight of light and dark echoing from the very beginning to the end. 

Then somehow at the end all the fallen have to fly back through the whole of existence fact to the start in reverse (kinda) 


So everything is already done the perfect pattern already complete, the story already told but somehow we are also still in the middle of it. Mad isn't it... (Maybe it's multiversing, that could be true too many of us now think, me too)


I've seen people talk a lot on here of old testament, God's , beings etc. Some could be here in this physical plane, might have been Aliens , and beings of other realms, benevolent and malevolent no doubt. But to me all part of this tale of Duality a held fighting if you like, nice picture, two opposing forces running along with each other and counter to each other. Making the pattern ever more perfect.


us as humans choosing what we want to align with, in our own little ways. I'm about consent, having manners etc ... Many people are not, some are dark and controlling, manipulative and pathological. Damaged and damaging. 


You could argue it's all perspective and there's no such thing as right and wrong , I beg to differ . 


But ultimately come from the light to where they will return. In my little theory at least,


as I say, just my opinion... The Satanic Bible, all be it a bit childish makes for an interesting read its probably not what you'd think. It's very rational (but flawed I'd say)


Final Note, Anton Levy who founded the church said on his death bed , his final words, something to the effect of 


 "Oh no what have I done"

Edited by Thrice Daily

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On 04/08/2024 at 1:23 AM, Yang said:

when you understand the rules of polarity, its simple.  The rule is "  in order to have a + there must also be a - . This rule applies to everything and everyone everywhere and there are absolutely positively no exceptions to the rule .


If you flip a coin a trillion times it will land on both sides equally  " ON AVERAGE "


There cant be men without women and vs versa.


there must be both :

Yes +/- no

creator +/- destroyer



God +/- satan

energy +/- matter

space+/- time

white+/-black  ( every white light casts a dark shadow, no exceptions )


Its as simple as that.


There cant be day without night and vs versa

there cant be yes without no and vs versa


there cant be warm without cool or truth without lies or happiness without sadness . me without you , us without them , right without wrong. ( on average )


Am I right  ?


We live in a simulation created by the creator. In order to have theists+ there must be atheists-.


Polarity is a universal law and language. When you understand it fully , you will understand everything and everyone everywhere. It doesn't get better than that . Spiritually of physically . In order to understand the spiritual you must also understand the physical . They are two poles of the same item and are inseparable in the same way men and women are inseparable.


The way to learn polarity is to teach yourself as both the teacher and student. They too are a polarity .

And that ☝

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one thing though,  there is Source but no non-source.


As for evil it is in no way to be conflated with yin, for evil is willfully going against Tao to an "x" extent and all of its processes.  Whereas yin in no way can willfully go against Tao which it is a 'natural' permutation of.

Edited by old3bob
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On 10/2/2024 at 5:42 AM, Thrice Daily said:

Wrong quote!

Dear Mod
Please Delete! 

Edited by ChiDragon

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On 8/3/2024 at 4:23 PM, Yang said:

when you understand the rules of polarity, its simple.  The rule is "  in order to have a + there must also be a - . This rule applies to everything and everyone everywhere and there are absolutely positively no exceptions to the rule .

Tao Te Ching
Chapter 2 Relativity


In Terse English
1. Everyone, on earth, knows beauty as beauty,
2. Then, saw ugliness.
3. Everyone knows kindness as kindness,
4. Then, saw evil.
5. Therefore,
6. You(and Wu( )mutually produce each other.
7. Difficulty and easiness mutually succeeded;
8. Long and short mutually formed;
9. High and low mutually encompassed;
10. Melodies and songs mutually harmonized;
11. Front and back mutually trailed;
12. Always the same.
13. Sage handles matters in a natural manner.
14. Gives silent instructions.
15. Let things be with no interference;
16. Grow without possession.
17. Sustain without domination.
18. Success without dwelling.
19. Because of not dwelling alone,
20. Merits do not vanish. 

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8 hours ago, old3bob said:

one thing though,  there is Source but no non-source.


As for evil it is in no way to be conflated with yin, for evil is willfully going against Tao to an "x" extent and all of its processes.  Whereas yin in no way can willfully go against Tao which it is a 'natural' permutation of.

Thanks for that, that really is a great summation , it’s helped me a lot. Thankyou @old3bob


I want to ask you a sort of random question, did you ever watch the movie Groundhog Day? and if so what are your thoughts on it?

Edited by Thrice Daily

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2 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Thanks for that, that really is a great summation , it’s helped me a lot. Thankyou @old3bob


I want to ask you a sort of random question, did you ever watch the movie Groundhog Day? and if so what are your thoughts on it?


glad to hear so Thrice.  I thought that "ground hog day" movie was pretty entertaining but it is said that in most cases suicide is a major setback in one's evolution thus one does not automatically reset to the previous stage of evolution like the guy in the movie did,  but to a lower rung where one then has a lot of work to do to before getting back to the previous stage.

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11 minutes ago, old3bob said:


glad to hear so Thrice.  I thought that "ground hog day" movie was pretty entertaining but it is said that in most cases suicide is a major setback in one's evolution thus one does not automatically reset to the previous stage of evolution like the guy in the movie did,  but to a lower rung where one then has a lot of work to do to before getting back to the previous stage.

Not very Romantic but yes I agree with you on the surface. 

Would you not ponder the idea of the multiverse scenario (not that I’m suggesting it’s triggered by death at all.) 


I have a strong and stirring suspicion that there are far more than one universe and they vary in similarities if I’d too be honest. 

Also the concept of time travel is not lost on me entirely.


I love what you did with the SATAN and threw the Yin-Yang in. I agree with you I think Satan is just a pretty word to say Opposing Forces Of Creation. And going against the way… 


Let me ask a question , how do you think the story of the Angels (good angels, bad angels, fallen angels) plays into your framework. If indeed you accept it?


I try to see the Angel story as existing outside of time. But also permeating all of it. And that the tale of good and evil in needed here in duality until the end when eventually everything will return , including lucifer to the light from which it was made. 

All the lessons of the human heart playing in both directions of time and in each individual moment to a perfect beat and perfect pattern. That is completed existence itself. 
material at least, what do you think?


I’d love to hear your viewpoint if you have one?

Edited by Thrice Daily

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11 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Not very Romantic but yes I agree with you on the surface. 

Would you not ponder the idea of the multiverse scenario (not that I’m suggesting it’s triggered by death at all.) 


I have a strong and stirring suspicion that there are far more than one universe and they vary in similarities if I’d too be honest. 

Also the concept of time travel is not lost on me entirely.


I love what you did with the SATAN and threw the Yin-Yang in. I agree with you I think Satan is just a pretty word to say Opposing Forces Of Creation. And going against the way… 


Let me ask a question , how do you think the story of the Angels (good angels, bad angels, fallen angels) plays into your framework. If indeed you accept it?


I try to see the Angel story as existing outside of time. But also permeating all of it. And that the tale of good and evil in needed here in duality until the end when eventually everything will return , including lucifer to the light from which it was made. 

All the lessons of the human heart playing in both directions of time and in each individual moment to a perfect beat and perfect pattern. That is completed existence itself. 
material at least, what do you think?


I’d love to hear your viewpoint if you have one?


1. Not much interested in multiverse stuff since this one is enough to deal with...

2. Time theory's are interesting, for instance in the Bible there is the cryptic sounding mention of time and half times...

3. P.D. Ouspenky got into dimensions and time stuff if you want to blow your mind on it.

4. Evil as a willful manipulation is not of what I would  call the natural or elemental forces in opposition. (for instance naturally occurring alkaline and acidic compounds being opposite in PH to each other)

5.  the rest is out there to ponder on, btw. "to whom much is given much is expected"...so we should be careful about what we ask for.  (since we might get it and then be responsible to act on it and if we don't  then end up worse off)

Edited by old3bob
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I was responding to your final point 5/.

Sometimes we do ask for more than we perhaps should.


And we find ourselves in unknown territory.


With new found powers may come fresh responsibilities 


Then we either Fail or succeed, or more fatalistically in the case of the flipping fish,  we either Die or Adapt. 


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23 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

6. You(and Wu( )mutually produce each other.

Does Wu here translate as “myself”

Wu is one of the seeds of Wing Chun, I was told Wu also means 12 o’clock?


Can you tell us more about Wu?

Edited by Thrice Daily

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2 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

6. You(and Wu( )mutually produce each other.

Does Wu here translate as “myself”

Wu is one of the seeds of Wing Chun, I was told Wu also means 12 o’clock?


Can you tell us more about Wu?

You(and Wu( ) are defined in Chapter 1 of the TTC. Since the phrase is from the TTC, thus the definitions of the two characters must be confined within the context of the TTC.
3. 無,名天地之始。
3. Invisible(), was a name given to Tao at the origin of sky and earth.

4. 有,名萬物之母。

4. Visible(), was a name given to Tao as the mother of all things.


我(wo) :
I; me; myself
(wu): noon.

Edited by ChiDragon
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14 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

I was responding to your final point 5/.

Sometimes we do ask for more than we perhaps should.


And we find ourselves in unknown territory.


With new found powers may come fresh responsibilities 


Then we either Fail or succeed, or more fatalistically in the case of the flipping fish,  we either Die or Adapt. 



there is another one,  a humble and major re-set and or start over after a hard lesson. (so such could also be said to be an "adaptation")


Edited by old3bob
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