
Who or what is "satan"?

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11 hours ago, Cadcam said:

Well yeah, the question is that couldn't a creator control the production of evil, and destroy it when it arises? 


Yes, if a creator wanted to use mind control on their creation .


Personally I think man is a little too lofty in its thoughts that we blame our own evil on God.




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when you understand the rules of polarity, its simple.  The rule is "  in order to have a + there must also be a - . This rule applies to everything and everyone everywhere and there are absolutely positively no exceptions to the rule .


If you flip a coin a trillion times it will land on both sides equally  " ON AVERAGE "


There cant be men without women and vs versa.


there must be both :

Yes +/- no

creator +/- destroyer



God +/- satan

energy +/- matter

space+/- time

white+/-black  ( every white light casts a dark shadow, no exceptions )


Its as simple as that.


There cant be day without night and vs versa

there cant be yes without no and vs versa


there cant be warm without cool or truth without lies or happiness without sadness . me without you , us without them , right without wrong. ( on average )


Am I right  ?


We live in a simulation created by the creator. In order to have theists+ there must be atheists-.


Polarity is a universal law and language. When you understand it fully , you will understand everything and everyone everywhere. It doesn't get better than that . Spiritually of physically . In order to understand the spiritual you must also understand the physical . They are two poles of the same item and are inseparable in the same way men and women are inseparable.


The way to learn polarity is to teach yourself as both the teacher and student. They too are a polarity .

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