
Who or what is "satan"?

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43 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

When you wear no clothes it's a symbol for being at a low point, without any dignity or purity left in you. "Total trash" so to speak (sorry for the language :D


So.  To be clear, before the sin of the ToK ( Tree of Knowledge of good and evil ), Adam and Eve were total trash?  Before the sin?  Total trash?


45 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

There's an hiarchy of astral beings, each one at different level and development and position.


The highest beings have the most garments?  The most layers separating themselves from all others?  Like a callous? Or many shells?


47 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Sometimes you can look at people and even if they wear clothes, you can still see their nakedness.


I've noticed that, they're like innocent babies? 


48 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Now that same word is being used for a serpant. Why. Maybe because it's the most disconnected animal from the love of God


Yes, now I'm back with you.  Thank you,


49 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

...exhibiting the least amount of virtue. Compared to bees that work hard in service and love to make honey for example until they tire and die in service to their queen. So a serpent becomes the perfect agent/vehicle for dark forces to use for their agenda. 



Love-it!!  Brilliant.


Yes.  Agreed.  100% .  An agent.  ~nods~  


50 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I'm just guessing here. I know there are lots of Naga worship going on aswell in different cultures. Honestly I'm deeply confused about the topic of serpents and what they stand for. 


They're beautiful highly evolved creatures.  Versatile and they serve an important purpose.  They're flexible.  Versatile.  Survivors.

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53 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Honestly I'm deeply confused about the topic of serpents and what they stand for. 


Try this?



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Posted (edited)

Also another quality serpents have is that they are always alone. Whereas in Abrahamic religions being in community (not out of attachment of course), sharing your gifts and working together in the spirit of brotherhood is the true virtue. Which is like the opposite to the ways of a serpant. 

Edited by Salvijus
  • Wow 1

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Daniel said:

So.  To be clear, before the sin of the ToK ( Tree of Knowledge of good and evil ), Adam and Eve were total trash?  Before the sin?  Total trash?


It's about the spiritual nakedness. 


Before the ToK, they were engulfed with the Light of God. Permiated to the bones with glory and love and oneness with God. 


After the tree of knowledge they became disconnected from that grace. They lost their holyness. They became naked so to speak. 

Edited by Salvijus

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6 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Also another quality serpents have is that they are always alone.


Really?  That's interesting.  


8 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Whereas in Abrahamic religions being in community, sharing your gifts is the true virtue. (not out of attachment of course) 


The scripture disagrees with you, friend, regarding attachment.  That's where the east and the west are dividing, if I dare to make a broad generalization.

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

It's about the spiritual nakedness. 


Spiritually naked is closest to the source ( God ).


23 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Before the ToK, they were engulfed with the Light of God. Permiated to the bones with glory and love and oneness with God. 


  1. The husband cleaved ( literally attached ) to his wife.
  2. They were "Aruhm / Arohm" ( Spiritually Naked ) and unashamed
  3. The serpent is the most "Ahrum" of all the beast of the field and says to Eve...


אַ֚ף כִּֽי־אָמַ֣ר אֱלֹהִ֔ים לֹ֣א תֹֽאכְל֔וּ מִכֹּ֖ל עֵ֥ץ הַגָּֽן:


"Ahhhhffffff ?"  "Actually?  Is it true that God said: "WE shall not to eat of any trees of the garden?"



אף - "Ahf" = However / But / Actually


Do you see what I'm seeing?  


אף <---- that looks like a serpent rising getting ready to strike


Check this out:

  • תפף - to join, or to strike
  • נגף - to push, injure, or to strike

  • צלף - to swing (like a whip), or to strike

  • שקף - to knock, to beat, or to strike

  • שסף - to swing a sword, to strike


What do you think of that, Brother Sal?


Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)

Are these two words of the same form but with extremely different valence?


??  Seductive <<<>>> Cunning  ??


The reason I ask, is, there is an important classic question regarding this story:  What is the serpent's motive in this scene?  The answer usually involves 2 co-equal non-dual, for lack of a better word motives:


  1. Rising against Ha-Adam ( Humanity )
  2. Rising against God in the form of YHVH-Elohim


These 2 motives are expressed in action in the story in 3 ways:


  1. The serpent was tempted by to rise up against Adam
  2. The serpent wanted to possess Eve as a wife
  3. The serpent wanted to rise up and replace God


The question is:  Was the serpent seduced by what it saw.  Adam and Eve were together for the first time, they were not afraid.  Immediately after the Serpent says... Eve doesn't go anywhere.  The Serpent was there?  Watching?  Then the serpent attempts to seduce Eve with the promise of becoming a God?  Also, it seduces her with it's own knowledge?  Presumably it has already eaten from the Tree Of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  It probably already ate from the Tree of Life as well.

Edited by Daniel

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

… I'm deeply confused about the topic of serpents and what they stand for. 


serpent = penis.



  • Haha 1

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1 minute ago, Cobie said:


Thank you.


~extracting significant content for the other readers~



”[The Jewish star] is Sat-kona, the symbol of Goloka, the abode of Krsna.”  It has transcendental significance.


( nice find, Cobie )


"been at the heart of spirituality in India"  <---Connects to the entire body?  The Heart connects to the whole body thru the circulatory system.


"one pointing upward signifying Purusa and the other pointing downward signifying Prakrti." <--- Spirit and Not-Spirit?




karnikaram mahad-yantram sat-konam vajra-kilakam
sadanga-satpadi-sthanam prakrtya purusena ca
premananda-mahananda-rasenavasthitam hi vat

“The center of the divine lotus is the core — Krsna's residence. It is presided over by the Predominated and Predominating Moiety. It is mapped as a hexagonal mystic symbol [sat-konam]. Like a diamond, the effulgent Supreme Entity of Krsna, the Fountainhead of all divine potencies, presides as the central pivot. The great mantra of eighteen syllables [Gopala-mantra], which is formed of six integral parts, is manifest as a hexagonal place with six-fold divisions.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-3]


tat-kinjalkam tad-amsanam tat-patrani sriyam api


“The core of that eternal holy abode which is called Gokula is the hexagonal land of Krsna's abode. The stamens or petals are the residences of the cowherds or Gopas, who are Krsna's own, His dear most friends and high loving devotees that are a part of His own self. Those abodes appear like many walls, all beautifully effulgent. The extensive foliage of that lotus constitutes the sub-forests that are the abodes of the loving damsels of Krsna, headed by Sri Radhika.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-4]"



Cobie, I see very few words in sanskrit, and a great many words in translated into English.  That is a red-flag for me.  I'll need to run this past my hindu friends who are not members here.  It might be a perfectly valid translation.  But I have seen too many, bring unethical translations to validate their own religious beliefs from almost all the various faiths including my own.  I'll contact my friends and hopefully hear back soon.


Wow, though.  This is a wonderful collection of the hexagram in various cultural settings.  The pictures are priceless alone.  But there's so much detail here and a profound secret on display, hiding in plain sight:




^^ That ^^ is simultaneously a 6 and a 7 pointed star.  People neglect the center point.  If one considers the circle surrounding, the 6 points simultaneously with the central dot and then, simply considers it as it is, from a top down perspective, it's a cone, oriented pointing up.  ( or more accurately, pointing out ).  Transcendence. 


The traditional Jewish Stars have the central point.  I see that is reflected cross culture.  Including the dot is more effort for the craft's person, the jewelry maker, the artisan, the mason, etc...  It was included intentionally.  This is the mystery of 42, the 6 and the 7, simultaneously.  I could write a multi-paragraph essay on it.  



Many thanks for the contribution,



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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Cobie said:

serpent = penis.


Cobie, please.  it's a rising penis... please... details, details.


The flaccid penis comes later.  That's Abe's DIY circumcision scene.  And, let's give some respect.  The man playing the part of Abe has agreed to do it himself.  No stunt body double for that one  He's a real trooper.  Method actors.  Special breed.




( There's a little star up there...)


Edited by Daniel

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2 minutes ago, Cobie said:

:lol:#42, that’s from the Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy :P


We got it from there.

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Daniel said:

We got it from there.

 time travelling, fair enough  B)



Edited by Cobie

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13 minutes ago, Cobie said:

....time travelling, fair enough  B)


Hey.  Let's look at the facts:


  1. 7 days of creation
  2. man from dirt
  3. a tree of eternal life
  4. woman from his side ( rib? )
  5. talking snake
  6. tower to heaven
  7. world-wide flood
  8. jacob's striped stick breeding program
  9. ... lots of other weird stuff in egypt ...
  10. the mt. sinai event
  11. the bronze serpent rod curing snake venom
  12. a talking donkey???

:D time travel?  why not? :D

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:


serpent = penis.





Honesty that makes so much sense..... 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Salvijus said:


I would speculate it means disgraceful or unholy, unvirtuous, disconnected from God. 


Your spiritual status is sometimes reflected in the type of clothes you wear. There's an hiarchy of astral beings, each one at different level and development and position. When you wear no clothes it's a symbol for being at a low point, without any dignity or purity left in you. "Total trash" so to speak (sorry for the language :D


Do you mean naked 'on the astral'  or on the physical  ?







Sometimes you can look at people and even if they wear clothes, you can still see their nakedness.









Their spiritual nakedness. That means that person is living an unholy life. Is living in sin and iniquity. Not in alignment with the will and glory, virtue and purity of God. 



Now that same word is being used for a serpant. Why. Maybe because it's the most disconnected animal from the love of God. Completely cold-hearted. Exhibiting the least amount of virtue. Compared to bees that work hard in service and love to make honey for example until they tire and die in service to their queen. So a serpent becomes the perfect agent/vehicle for dark forces to use for their agenda. 


Bees give me honey .  Snakes control the vermin .   Not enough snakes  and this could happen ;




Now ... lets move on to 'Africanised  bees'  ...







I'm just guessing here. I know there are lots of Naga worship going on aswell in different cultures. Honestly I'm deeply confused about the topic of serpents and what they stand for. 


It varies according to culture .



Edited by Nungali

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7 hours ago, Daniel said:


Awesome.  Thank you,


The little dot in Arohm is above the vav.  "vav-oh" = ascending. So the Adam-Eve encounter is some form of an ascension?


The little dot in Aruhm is in the center of the vav.  "vav-oo" - descending.  But, point of clairification: descending in Jewish mysticism is not down, it's inner.  The 6 cardinal directions, are left, right, forward, backward, inner, outer. 


Inner and outer  ???? 


what happened to up and down ????








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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Also another quality serpents have is that they are always alone. Whereas in Abrahamic religions being in community (not out of attachment of course), sharing your gifts and working together in the spirit of brotherhood is the true virtue. Which is like the opposite to the ways of a serpant. 


Its getting so I cant stand this  !




You seem to nothing about the natural world, but keep citing it wrongly as some example of what you think is going on spiritually


As I said previously, I used to be the 'snake guy' here , when people didnt like them in their house, chicken run, kids play area etc . I would move them . A few times I have had a call about numerous snakes all together writing , one woman woke up one morning to find her kitchen sink full of writhing diamond pythons . I suggest she go out for a few hours   :D  .




Now stop it  .  or I pick the whole bunch up with a stick and put em in your bed ! 



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6 hours ago, Cobie said:


serpent = penis.




So ... when Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a serpent .... that symbolises  .......    ?  

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6 hours ago, Daniel said:


Thank you.


~extracting significant content for the other readers~




”[The Jewish star] is Sat-kona, the symbol of Goloka, the abode of Krsna.”  It has transcendental significance.


( nice find, Cobie )


"been at the heart of spirituality in India"  <---Connects to the entire body?  The Heart connects to the whole body thru the circulatory system.


"one pointing upward signifying Purusa and the other pointing downward signifying Prakrti." <--- Spirit and Not-Spirit?





karnikaram mahad-yantram sat-konam vajra-kilakam
sadanga-satpadi-sthanam prakrtya purusena ca
premananda-mahananda-rasenavasthitam hi vat

“The center of the divine lotus is the core — Krsna's residence. It is presided over by the Predominated and Predominating Moiety. It is mapped as a hexagonal mystic symbol [sat-konam]. Like a diamond, the effulgent Supreme Entity of Krsna, the Fountainhead of all divine potencies, presides as the central pivot. The great mantra of eighteen syllables [Gopala-mantra], which is formed of six integral parts, is manifest as a hexagonal place with six-fold divisions.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-3]


tat-kinjalkam tad-amsanam tat-patrani sriyam api


“The core of that eternal holy abode which is called Gokula is the hexagonal land of Krsna's abode. The stamens or petals are the residences of the cowherds or Gopas, who are Krsna's own, His dear most friends and high loving devotees that are a part of His own self. Those abodes appear like many walls, all beautifully effulgent. The extensive foliage of that lotus constitutes the sub-forests that are the abodes of the loving damsels of Krsna, headed by Sri Radhika.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-4]"




Cobie, I see very few words in sanskrit, and a great many words in translated into English.  That is a red-flag for me.  I'll need to run this past my hindu friends who are not members here.  It might be a perfectly valid translation.  But I have seen too many, bring unethical translations to validate their own religious beliefs from almost all the various faiths including my own.  I'll contact my friends and hopefully hear back soon.


Wow, though.  This is a wonderful collection of the hexagram in various cultural settings.  The pictures are priceless alone.  But there's so much detail here and a profound secret on display, hiding in plain sight:




^^ That ^^ is simultaneously a 6 and a 7 pointed star.  People neglect the center point.  If one considers the circle surrounding, the 6 points simultaneously with the central dot and then, simply considers it as it is, from a top down perspective, it's a cone, oriented pointing up.  ( or more accurately, pointing out ).  Transcendence. 


The traditional Jewish Stars have the central point.  I see that is reflected cross culture.  Including the dot is more effort for the craft's person, the jewelry maker, the artisan, the mason, etc...  It was included intentionally.  This is the mystery of 42, the 6 and the 7, simultaneously.  I could write a multi-paragraph essay on it.  




Many thanks for the contribution,




well that is 'curious' . I just looked through pages of images of 'traditional jewish stars .... all  6 pointed made of two triangles and none of them have a point in the middle .

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:


serpent = penis.




Must be just the girls ? 


Little Olive to me : " Are you a boy or a girl ?

Me : " What do you think Olive ?"

Her; "  Hmmmm ..... a boy ! "

Me : " Yes . "

Her ( thinks ) ..... " Why do boys have snakes between their legs . "

Me ; " That is one of those questions ......  you should ask your mother about . "  

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17 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Its getting so I cant stand this  !




You seem to nothing about the natural world, but keep citing it wrongly as some example of what you think is going on spiritually


Maybe it would've been more correct to say. Snakes are not very social and most of the time prefer solitude. According to google at least. I'm definitely no expert on snakes. 

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