Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

From seeker to seeker: On wholeness and eternity by Ken wilber

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imageproxy.php?img=&key=373c63a6ac94c4d3A YouTube channel (from seeker to seeker) i follow posted the following:


‘Eternity does not mean everlasting time; it means a point without time, timelessness… all of eternity can fully and completely fit into every moment of time.

‘And because eternity is timelessness, there is no conflict or tension between eternity and time—all of timeless eternity is fully present at every moment of time. That means that eternity is ever-present…

‘[Ludwig Wittgenstein says] “If we take eternity to mean, not everlasting temporal duration, but a point without time, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.”

‘Exactly. And this means that eternal life is fully available to you, right now—in fact, it’s available to you at no other time except right now…

‘Falling into the timeless Now is what happens with an authentic Waking Up—which therefore does indeed include a discovery of eternal life—your eternal life…


‘[V]irtually all of the Paths of Liberation maintain that the Enlightened Mind is absolutely impossible to achieve or attain. The Christian mystics claim that in reality you don’t have to do a single thing to reach complete salvation—by the grace of God, you are already fully saved. Zen says that “everyday mind, just that is the Tao”—which means that the everyday state of consciousness that you have right now is indeed the Enlightened Mind, just as it is. The Prajnaparamita Sutras—the core of virtually all of Mahayana Buddhism—make one point over and over again: “If you could just realize that the Enlightened Mind is not attainable, you would be Enlightened.”

‘The Enlightened Mind is not attainable because you already have it, all of it. You can no more attain Enlightenment than you can attain your kidneys or acquire your feet…

‘You are already living fully in the present, in the timeless Now, but you probably don’t recognize this. Correlated to this lack of recognition of the timeless Now is the belief that time itself is real.


‘We seem not to live in the Present because we take the past and the future to be real, and thoughts about those realities keep us so absorbed and distracted that we miss the timeless Present and the Enlightened Mind. And according to the Paths of Liberation, the stream of time is no more than an illusion—it’s not really there—it’s just part of the “dream world” that we are supposed to awaken from, even though, in reality, we actually don’t have to do anything but recognize the ever-present, timeless, eternal Now that is always already the case…

‘This Now-moment doesn’t move through time; time moves through it… As Erwin Schrödinger, the cofounder of modern quantum mechanics, put it, “The present is the only thing that has no end.” …

‘Many of the Paths of Liberation therefore refer to the Enlightened Mind as “the Unborn”—it’s unborn because it never enters time; it is never born in the temporal stream. And this means that, in your direct awareness right now, your own Enlightened Mind is Unborn. You can never give birth to it because it is already fully present in its entirety and thus is indeed unattainable—just like the timeless Now.


‘But notice that the Paths of Liberation also call the Enlightened Mind “the Undying.” It never dies because, having never entered the stream of time (it’s Unborn), it never leaves the stream of time…

‘This means that you are not living in the narrow, passing present, which is brutally squished in between a huge past and a seemingly endless future. You are not crammed and wedged into a temporal sequence running from the past to the passing present to the future.

‘Rather, you are living in the limitless Spaciousness of an all-embracing timeless Now, through which all past, present, and future events arise within the vast openness of this boundless, borderless Presence. You are not in the entire past-present-future sequence, but it is within you. You embrace it all…

‘[V]irtually everybody who has a genuine Waking Up experience feels that they are directly and profoundly connected to an eternal, absolute, all-pervading, all-inclusive Reality, which is felt not only as a Waking Up to Reality but also as a “Coming Home,” since this is where they truly belong and always have belonged.


‘This Reality is a supreme Identity that is always already the case, timeless, ever-present, eternal…

‘Of course, while it is definitely true that you are perfectly one with the Ground of All Being just as you are, right now, you still need to recognize that fact… it takes a satori to see that you don’t need a satori.

(Ken Wilber, Finding Radical Wholeness)

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Eternity is now.

Edited by NaturaNaturans

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