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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .





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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .





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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .





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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .




10 hours ago, Cobie said:

The ‘best jokes’ award goes to Nungali! :)





Knock knock  ....

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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .




10 hours ago, Cobie said:

The ‘best jokes’ award goes to Nungali! :)





Knock knock  ....

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10 hours ago, Daniel said:








Knock knock .




10 hours ago, Cobie said:

The ‘best jokes’ award goes to Nungali! :)





Knock knock  ....

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10 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Btw Daniel, at this point im not really reading Your posts anymore, just skimming trough them for the laughs. It is interresting from an antropological standpoint


Dont  forget the psychological content s well .... VERY telling   .

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4 hours ago, Daniel said:


Yes, my Rabbi says you weren't chosen to be born from my mother's womb.


Wll thank goodness you have a Rabbi !  It was kind of him to have to explain that too you and loose his patience !


4 hours ago, Daniel said:


You were chosen to be born from your mother's womb.


Really !?   Why thanks you for explaining that to me Daniel .


I wonder if your Rabbi even asked you if my mother was Jewish ?  Hmmmmmm   ?


4 hours ago, Daniel said:


Assuming that not being chosen to be Jewish precludes other divine purpose is stupid.


And who would assume that ?

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3 hours ago, Daniel said:




Please name one thing you cannot do because you're not born Jewish, because you aren't a chosen person?


Well, those not born Jewish are not the special chosen people by God , are they ?



3 hours ago, Daniel said:


One thing from which you are excluded?  Can you name anything?  Anything at all?


Ooooo .... ummmmmm ...... being a Rabbi  ? 




Daniel ...... at least I get laugh  from you .




3 hours ago, Daniel said:


The point is, your objection is meaningless.


I objected did I  ... objected to being 'left out ' .  I wonder where I said that .



3 hours ago, Daniel said:



  Not "Chosen" by God is phrase with no practical limitations at all. You can do whatever you want.  Just don't lie about your heritage.  Is that too much to ask?



I dot need me to tell you I can do whatever I want .   But I will still insist , if I am not a Jew , I am not 'chosen people ' by God .


Now go on, muddy the issue and 'prove' something again ... that I never said in the first place .


I hope you can massage backs as well as conversation ....  I would even put my hand up for one , as you would be so thorough  and spend so much time on it . ... especially the neck area ... somehow I got a real 'pain in the neck '  



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my computer went nuts and started spitting out repeats of posts above .


cant be bothered to delete it .


just ignore them .

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@Nungali, is that vomit or diarrhea?  Either way, you should probably change your diet.   You are what you eat.  :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, Nungali said:

Knock knock  ....


who's there

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Posted (edited)
On 7/6/2024 at 10:00 PM, Nungali said:

And who would assume that ?


Nungali, your objection to the notion of the Jew being chosen assumes that no one else can be chosen for their own unique relationship with the God of Abraham.   Jewish plurality asserts that others have their own relationship.  I brought Hebrew scripture to confirm that I am not making this up.  I also brought wikipedia to further support this.  And you're still ignoring the elephant in the room:  Jews are chosen for what?   613 commandments.  Do you want that?   Does anyone but a Jew want that?  However it is not only 613, we also are promised a great reward when all of us, all together, do what we are duty-bound to complete.  That's the full-story.


In summary:

  1. Your position is illogical
  2. Your position is incomplete
  3. Your position is short sighted
  4. Your position is in conflict with Jewish scripture
  5. You have nothing but anger and jealousy and spam posts to make your case



Edited by Daniel

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On 7/7/2024 at 3:47 PM, Nungali said:




Bumblebee who?

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

…  613 commandments …

:o That’s a lot! How do the 10 commandments relate to these 631?


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44 minutes ago, Cobie said:

:o That’s a lot! How do the 10 commandments relate to these 631?



I think they're numbers 8-17.  But basically the 10 are included in the 613.

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I think they're numbers 8-17.  But basically the 10 are included in the 613.

Mozes received the 10 commandments. Are these older than the other 603? Where did the other ones come from? 


Edited by Cobie

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Cobie said:

Mozes received the 10 commandments. Are these older than the other 603? Where did the other ones come from? 


Where did they come from?  There's many theories and very little concrete answers on this one.  But this much we know:  Abraham had an "Eternal-Torah" before the written Torah was rec'd at Sinai.


The first 7 commandments can be found early in Genesis, before the Abraham story begins.  Then, a few are included in the Abraham narrative, for example:  bridal consent laws come from the story of Eliazer seeking Rebecca for Isaac.   And, we know that there was some form of dietary laws based on the flood story.  In the Abraham narrative there is a curious verse which specifies that Abraham followed the  laws, judgements, and precepts of YHVH and transmitted those to Isaac.  That is Gen 26:5.  It's a very important verse.  Without a single bit of word study it is a peculiar statement.  However, the word choice at the end?  That's the most important.  It's Torosai.  Ending in a yud.  That is an "Eternal-Torah".  Literally.  It is translated as "laws", but that is not what it means to conjugate the noun including a final yud.  


Here's an inter-linear of the verse Gen 26:5:  LINK


Then later after the Torah was rec'd at Sinai just as the Israelites were entering Canaan, there's another curious verse which points back to Gen 26:5.  Deuteronomy 6:1.  It's not an exact match, but, it suggests that the Eternal torah referenced in Gen 26:5 is the same Torah that was rec'd at Sinai and delivered to the Israelites via Moses and the designated officers and judges who were disseminating the teachings ( Exo 18:25 - LINK ) while they were in the wilderness. 


Here's an inter-linear of that verse Deuteronomy 6:1:  LINK


If you look at both verses, the word they both have in common is mitzvosai.  Again terminating in a yud.  These two prophets of God are stating that they are giving the mitzvosai, Eternal-Commandments.  Logically, there cannot be two sets of Eternal commandments.  If there were one of them is not Eternal.  That's the connection.  That's the theory.  Then we once these two verses are linked in that manner, we can point to the Torosai, the Eternal-Torah which Abraham transmitted to Isaac as the one and only set of Eternal-law.  And that Eternal-law predates the written Torah.  It included a whole lot of stuff, precepts ,judgements, statutes, principles, as well as the Eternal-commandments, the "mitzvosai".


Here's the problem.  We don't know exactly what those commandments are.  We know the written ones, but we do not know the others in a way which is concrete, we have to derive them.  And that's where the list comes from.


4 hours ago, Cobie said:

Where did the other ones come from? 


It's a hodge-podge collection.


1)  Some of them are oral tradition only:  So and so said that so and so said that... it would be good to do this and bad to do that.


2) Some of them are oral tradition, but, that oral tradition is theoretically coming from Sinai but wasn't written down at the time: So and so said that so and so said that Moses received a law from Sinai ... this is good and that is bad.


3)  Some of it is derived based on the story:  We know that a man and woman should not be alone together if they are single adults because of the story of Tamar. 


4)  Some of them are "fences" to ensure that people don't accidentally break the law:  the prohibition on mixing poultry and dairy, for example.


Here's a list for you to review.  Many of these are only applicable for certain people at certain times.  I think I'm obligated to a little over 100, I can't remember.  I'm not a Cohein or a Levi, so there are quite a few of these which are never applicable to me.  I don't live in Israel, so there's quite a few that don't apply to me.  I am always in the state of impurity because we don't have the mayim-niddah anymore, so the laws of purity are basically impossible for me to follow.  But since we don't have an operating temple, it doesn't matter.  Non Jews are not obligated for any except the first 7.  Those the commandments taught, I think, going from memory, I'm straining, Acts 15?  Anyways.  The point is, no one is obligated to all 613.  But originally, when the word "chosen" was used, to be a light to the nations, etc, etc... according to the story the Jewish people in unison as a nation were expected to do them all.  All together, all the time.


This is another good resource, just in case you're curious.


Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)

The first 7 commandments can be found early in Genesis …

a few are included in the Abraham narrative …
Then later after the Torah was rec'd at Sinai … verse which points back to Gen 26:5.  Deuteronomy 6:1.  …

the Eternal torah referenced in Gen 26:5 is the same Torah that was rec'd at Sinai …

derive them [:] … oral tradition … coming from Sinai but wasn't written down … the story:  … "fences" … 


That answers my question.  :)
Thank you very much for your extensive reply. Very interesting. I admire your expertise on this stuff.



… I think I'm obligated to a little over 100  …




… Acts 15?  …

I don’t know. :ph34r:



… to be a light to the nations …

Yes, intended to help the people.


I had a quick look at the links. Some of these rules seemed very alien to me, I guess the living religion adjusts them to modern life. Definitely you weren’t joking when you said somewhere Judaism really is no sinecure. :huh: 


Edited by Cobie
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1 hour ago, Cobie said:

I don’t know. :ph34r:



Yes. Acts 15:28


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On 7/17/2024 at 12:47 AM, Daniel said:


Bumblebee who?


Your bumblebee kicked when your Rabbi realizes what you have written  here .

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19 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Your bumblebee kicked when your Rabbi realizes what you have written  here .


I have no idea what you're trying to say here, sorry.

  • Haha 1

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18 hours ago, Nungali said:






Reported as Spam:  off-topic unproductive unsolicited rubbish.

  • Haha 1

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