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The Zohar: The Kabalalah of the Rashbi

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Posted (edited)

@Salvijus writes:  "for those who are interested exploring Judaism in its most profound form. 'Zohar' is the book. "


Couldn't agree more.


What are your favorites?


I'm partial to parsha Bo and Bilaam.



Friends, fellow ( and feline ) Daobums.  You're all invited to discuss the Zohar with Salvjus and I.  Attached is a document with a great place to start, in my opinion.  It's a famous story from the very beginning of the book ( 1:2b ).  It is available for free reading on sefaria.  It is a community edition  with a few very minor translation errors that I found which needed correcting.  ( I think there were 3 changes made, because the commentary obscured the literal meaning. )


Here's a link to the sefaria free edition for those who are interested.  It's a somewhat long story.  Not all of it is needed.  The important part is at the end.





Letters Of Creation.pdf

Edited by Daniel

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