
Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nungali said:


I will not only say it, I will post the evidence of it, as I have many times .


Go ahead.  Let's see how convoluted it is.  If it isn't I'll apologize and make a commitment and take action to prevent it.  In the past it was utter nonsense.


But I sincerely do not want to be dishonest, deceptive, anything like that.  To the contrary I enjoy being in your face, loud, proud, and honest. 


I am not subtle.  I would do well to learn to be subtle.  But the benefit is:  I am not a sneaky little rat.  You know how I feel.  You know my thoughts.   I do not hide them even though, I probably should.


But liars, they're subtle.  I am not that.


Edited by Daniel

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2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

But my friend, cant help those you dont want help, my mother told me


You're making false assumptions.

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2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:


allow me to share mine pets


Nice to meet you, Master Matt's Cats

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2 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


If this is true, is he really worth the effort you´re putting forth to craft replies back?  This is not my dog fight (God fight?) but it´s a slow afternoon and thought I´d weigh in.  But don´t be like me: there are so many other more productive things to do than opine on the internet.


It's not effort.  It's fun.  And, if I may be so bold, hatred is not what you think it is.  It's just a very very strong aversion.  Very very.  But that can flip in a heart beat. There's a very close relationship between love and hate.  It's similar, in some ways to the relationship between terror and excitement.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Nungali said:

He cruises certain forums


Oh I do not.  That is all in your mind.


What I do is simple.  I check the "activity" on the forum.  If I see a comment that sparks my curiosity I check out the thread.


I'm "watching" the Abrahamic sub-forum cause I want to be on top of that one.  That's my process.  In general though, I'm looking for posts that are asking for help.  I help when I can if I can.

Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nungali said:

I think he needs exposing


Nungali?  What possible harm am I causing?  Think about it.


I'll leave now and see if you can reply to this simple question.


 It's insane dude.  You feel threatened by me cause I know things you don't.  That's all it is.  It makes you uncomfortable that I know more than you do in the areas of my expertise.  It just so happens that you've convinced yourself that you're an expert on matters that are in my wheelhouse.  But you're not.  So now you're on a mission to discredit me.


It won't work.  I've already proven myself.


Edited by Daniel
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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Daniel said:


It's not effort.  It's fun.  And, if I may be so bold, hatred is not what you think it is. 


It´s possible that you know more about hatred and other emotions than I do but it is bold of you to say so.  In any case, far be it for me to get in the way of fun.  I rather enjoy internet sparring from time to time myself.

Edited by liminal_luke

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9 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

I rather enjoy internet sparring from time to time myself.




...oof  I missed. 

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6 hours ago, Salvijus said:



Speaking for myself:  I really like your style.  Never seen anything like it.  Seriously.  No one in my community speaks like you.  And I don't know if I've ever seen anyone on the internet speak like you do.  You're a positive role model.  I appreciate you.

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6 hours ago, Daniel said:


Speaking for myself:  I really like your style.  Never seen anything like it.  Seriously.  No one in my community speaks like you.  And I don't know if I've ever seen anyone on the internet speak like you do.  You're a positive role model.  I appreciate you.


🤧 Thank you

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22 hours ago, Daniel said:


Go ahead.  Let's see how convoluted it is.  If it isn't I'll apologize and make a commitment and take action to prevent it.  In the past it was utter nonsense.


But I sincerely do not want to be dishonest, deceptive, anything like that.  To the contrary I enjoy being in your face, loud, proud, and honest. 


I am not subtle.  I would do well to learn to be subtle.  But the benefit is:  I am not a sneaky little rat.  You know how I feel.  You know my thoughts.   I do not hide them even though, I probably should.


But liars, they're subtle.  I am not that.



Any sensible converse with you is useless .  You quote me saying   I have posted it many times , then you say " Go on then "


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31 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Any sensible converse with you is useless .  You quote me saying   I have posted it many times , then you say " Go on then "



Nungali, you said you could prove it.  And now you refuse to do it.  This is why I don't take your accusations seriously.   Yes, You say you have posted it many times.  What you say doesn't matter.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/15/2024 at 2:52 PM, Nungali said:

I will post the evidence of it,


Nungali, here is your offer.  You said:  "I will post the evidence".  That was just a little over 24 hours ago.  You have already forgotten.


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@Nungali, here is a picture of the post where you said you would post the evidence.  It is one sentence long.  There is no reason for you to have forgotten so soon, unless your memory is not very good.



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21 hours ago, Daniel said:


Nungali?  What possible harm am I causing?  Think about it.


I have already outlined that ,  but framing the question with 'harm'  is a diversion


I'll leave now and see if you can reply to this simple question.


No you will not, you will immediately follow it with more , like this  below ;


 It's insane dude.  You feel threatened by me cause I know things you don't. 


Threatened by your vast amount of knowledge am I  ?    of course there are things you know a HEAP about that I know virtually nothing of. This is a really silly claim .  And another red herring . Part of your plan seems to be to leave so many red  herrings on your path behind you, no one can follow  what you mean .


That's all it is.  It makes you uncomfortable that I know more than you do in the areas of my expertise.


Thats silly . Its clear to me and everyone here that in your area of expertise - a certain interpretation of Judaism and Hebrew you are well educated, well versed and innovative  and I clearly am not . You are clutching at straws again .


Its boring to have to repeat this over and over , but this is due to the claims you make like this.  A long time back I made comments about  Qabbalah and  qualified it by saying 'I am talking about  Hermetic Qabbalah " . You popped in to say  something like 'Just as well you made the distinction . '  So the difference should have been clear . But then you came back and started acting like that never happened and started arguing against what I was saying from the perspective of  Judaism .


But even so, you get that wrong, sometimes .  Like the 'Jewish pentagram thing ' You claimed it was  on Solomon's ring seal and then showed  , as your demonstration, an image that was modern and an hermetic interpretation  and it looked like it was from a modern magical evocation supplies site .  It wasnt Jewish or traditional at all .  Then you still claimed the  pentagram was on the ring originally . I pointed all this out , you didnt want to address it . I went to the source , the book where  the story of Solomon and his MAGIC appear and the source says it was a not  a pentagram but a pentalpha  - 5 alphas . I posted this and asked you to show me how 5 pentalphas can be arranged to make a star .  You ignored the whole thing and went on with your usual 'tactics', red herrings, some abuse , some insults, etc .  Its all there in the record for anyone to see .


So how does this go along with you above claims ?  IN THIS CASE it appears  ( I did not know but ) I found out, simply and quickly something 'from your area of expertise' that contradicted what you saying . And as I said It took about 4 mins to do an internet search . If I could do that , why didnt you look it up instead of arguing from what you assume was your knowledge base ? I mean you must have looked something up to get that picture of the 'Solomon's ring' you posted .


And what happened ? You didnt address Any of that , you diverted  and tried to ignore it all .


So, what is one to think Daniel ?   Particularly now you have made this above claim .  So WHO felt 'uncomfortable '  hmmmmm ?



  It just so happens that you've convinced yourself that you're an expert on matters that are in my wheelhouse. 


I am not , I know virtually nothing about Hebrew beyond some basic words and some associations with the letters . Stop feeling so threatened .... just because once , I 'caught you out' on a technical matter. All the other stuff was you arguing against hermetics and other stuff .  I think I got up your nose due top my historical beliefs about the relatively modern construction of Judaism and it being projected back to the past . This isnt just my view, something I made up nor any personal attack on you . As you should know and probably do, even some  Rabbis ascribe to this view , and I even wrote , when I wrote about this that they say ( and I agree ) 'So what if it is a story rather than history, its a great story and it has helped hold the Jewish people together over the centuries against all types of attack oppression and attempts to wipe us out , but we are still here ! "  ...


But you're not.  So now you're on a mission to discredit me.


No, I am on a mission to discredit any bullshit you say , about the magical tradition as you are obviously trying to discredit that .


It won't work.  I've already proven myself.


Yes, you have    in your areas of expertise ( except for the Solomon's 'pentagram issue '  ) ... but that is not  within hermetics and western magical tradition .  I suggest your area of expertise is in  threads like    your Zohar thread , you should discuss those matters there . 


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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Nungali said:

I have already outlined that


Nungali, you said you would post the evidence of my lies.  You have forgotten that already.  It was just yesterday.  You are probably remembering this wrong as well.


Edited by Daniel
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6 minutes ago, Daniel said:


Nungali, you said you could prove it.  And now you refuse to do it.  This is why I don't take your accusations seriously.   Yes, You say you have posted it many times.  What you say doesn't matter.


Of course


Which is why when I SAID what I did about the pentagram ring seal, I posted the original source reference  material I got the info from  .



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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

@Nungali, here is a picture of the post where you said you would post the evidence.  It is one sentence long.  There is no reason for you to have forgotten so soon, unless your memory is not very good.




Try reading it as past tense ,  with a future tense as a possibility , and with what I just posted above , also a present tense .


Clutching at straws again Daniel .  or do you really want me to collate all the past evidence and re post it here ?  :D   Nah, besides its on record  already  and very clear to see .


And when I have before you merely chose to ignore it  or argue against what it wasnt saying and using all the usual 'internet forum discussion tricks '  ... you want to drag all that up again and do it over again ?  if so I have to ask what is wrong with you ?   I guess, as you admitted earlier  that you  find this 'fun'  ? 

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12 minutes ago, Daniel said:


Nungali, here is your offer.  You said:  "I will post the evidence".  That was just a little over 24 hours ago.  You have already forgotten.



Here is a a typical internet discussion tactic ... you chopped the end of the sentence off  to  make it seem like I was saying something else .


" I will post the evidence of it, as I have many times . "

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2 minutes ago, Nungali said:

your areas of expertise but that is not  within hermetics and western magical tradition


Anytime you use a Hebrew or Aramaic word that is in the area of my expertise.  Anytime you use a diagram which includes 10 circles and 22 paths linking them, that is in the area of my expertise.  Judaism, all of it, its history, its rules, the philosophy of the varying Jewish sages and philosophers is in the area of my expertise.  Hermetics and Western Magical Tradition borrows a great deal from these subjects.  And that is where our conflict generally arises. 


If you were to remain in Greek and Egyptian mythology without using anything Jewish at all, then, I would never cross you. But that is very difficult to do.  Your understanding of Hermetics and Western Occult practices use Hebrew and Aramaic words, and concepts borrowed from Judaism.  Even simple pathworking cannot occur without borrowing from Judaism.  You would never have 10 "angels" and 22 "paths".  And the angel names are in Hebrew.  Everyone wants the Hebrew names. 


I just answered a question last week from a frustrated student who paid for a kabalah course but the teacher didn't give them a list of the angels or the  pronunciation of the angel's names.  Of course I provided them.  Not that the names do them any good.  But, I helped them none the less and let them know I was available if they needed more help.

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10 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Of course


Nungali, you said you would post the evidence.  That was yesterday.  You are refusing to do it now.  I needed to remind you, and show you what you said yesterday.  You had already forgotten.   This is your last chance.  Then you will be going on ignore.  This is what happened last time.  Anyone reading the thread will agree.  The time has come to cut you off.  Post the evidence or drop it.

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4 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Here is a a typical internet discussion tactic


The last part doesn't change the first.  Nungali.  You said you would post the evidence and now you won't.  Everyone can see.  This does not look good for you.  The time has come to drop this.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Which is why when I SAID what I did about the pentagram ring seal, I posted the original source reference  material I got the info from  .


1)  Even if this is true, It doesn't show that I lied. 


2)  Nungali.  If I am remembering properly, that comment, the one you are referring to?  I was not talking to you.  I was talking to someone else.  


Posting the evidence means:  You provide a link or a screenshot of the lie.  Then you provide a link or a screenshot of the truth.  Then you would need to show that I did not make a simple mistake.  A simple mistake is not a lie.  Showing that I lied is a very difficult thing to do.  But it begins with showing what I actually said, and then showing the truth.


You need to show that I made a false statement, at the very least.


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You two fight like a married couple (questioning the usefulness of this back and forth for the rest of the shopping mall)

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