
Request For Gendao To Be Unbanned After 4 Years.

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Does he have a presence on another forum?  Perhaps we can rally support if there is evidence that he is a good fit.


Send me a DM if so, and I'll check it out.



Edited by Daniel

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57 minutes ago, Daniel said:



Does he have a presence on another forum?  Perhaps we can rally support if there is evidence that he is a good fit.


Send me a DM if so, and I'll check it out.




Not that I am aware of no.



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Gendao, as I remember him, was very mildly tempered but was not the type of person who would let others push too often without a push back.  I am completely unaware of the details of what happened, but I can say with some confidence his positions were usually well-thought out and he typically expressed them with an intent to be effective.  I rarely if ever detected malice or ill-intent in his expressions, and if there ever was it was usually brought upon by another party.


but above all the details (many of which i am ignorant of) I think we can agree that it is a good thing to be open to ideas even if they're not ideas we agree with, particularly from someone who has had a long-standing position during a previous era on this forum.  

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I remember chatting with him, he seemed OK .... I cant remember why he got banned back then ?


Would he not get off Apech's lawn ?  

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4 hours ago, Nungali said:

I remember chatting with him, he seemed OK .... I cant remember why he got banned back then ?


Would he not get off Apech's lawn ?  

I forgive those what trespass against me.  

I have no idea what he did wrong but whatever it was he could simply pay a sizeable tribute in the form of cash and I shall be merciful.


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I remember a ton of posts about Christians being minions of the Annunaki and stuff like that, dude was bonkers and not in a cool way

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2 minutes ago, SirPalomides said:

I remember a ton of posts about Christians being minions of the Annunaki and stuff like that, dude was bonkers and not in a cool way

“Be bonkers in a cool way”


you’ve just invented the DaoBums marketing strategy!



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On 7/10/2024 at 10:20 PM, kakapo said:


Not that I am aware of no.




Ya know what?  That's kinda cool too.  I want to give him a listen now.  See what he has to say. I'm curious.  :)


I'll try to be nice, I promise.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, SirPalomides said:

Christians being...


@kakapo, can you ask him about this?


Might as well ask him about Jews as well.  If the man wants to believe we're not human, that's his business.  If he treats us as inhuman, or starts preaching about my own or others non-humanity... well I think you know my position:  "Please speak for yourself about yourself only."


Edited by Daniel

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11 hours ago, Daniel said:


@kakapo, can you ask him about this?


Might as well ask him about Jews as well.  If the man wants to believe we're not human, that's his business.  If he treats us as inhuman, or starts preaching about my own or others non-humanity... well I think you know my position:  "Please speak for yourself about yourself only."




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Posted (edited)



Thanks for that.  It appears at that time, Mr Gendao ( previously Vortex ) was campaigning in opposition to "colonialism".  I can't tell from this whether or not the man knowingly has ill-will towards Jews, but, it is very common, arguably trendy and cool,  at this time in history to hate me and people like me.  This hatred, though, hides behind proxy terms like colonialist and/or zionist.  Here in America, and world-wide, it has become blatantly obvious that people harbor hate which is hiding in plain sight and presents itself in deceptive ways, avoiding acknowledgment and explicit identification.  I'll not go further out of respect for the forum rules regarding political content.  I am not taking sides, only expressing that there is an observable problem.  I have found that both sides of the current geo-political crisis are accusing each other of unjust hatred.  So, what I am saying should be acceptable to all parties and stake holders.  Because of that, and based on what you presented,  I am not confident that Mr. Gendao is a peaceful gentle fellow in regard to people like me.  I'm not confident, but, so what?  :)


You say he's a good dude?  I trust your judgement.  However, I do hope that they do not start preaching and advocating harmful practices which atrophy the mind, compromise moral judgement, or God forbid, do irreversible physical harm to themself or others.  That's the reason for purging members of your community from this forum, isn't it?  That's a practical matter.  Then there's the ethical and moral compromises inherent when proselytizing for  a group who has potentially stolen an incomplete lineage.  None the less, I am pro-information sharing, if, BIG if, there is no harm done.


For those reasons, you have my vote, if such a thing exists. 


Be well, 


Edited by Daniel

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On 7/12/2024 at 10:35 PM, Daniel said:


@kakapo, can you ask him about this?


Might as well ask him about Jews as well.  If the man wants to believe we're not human, that's his business.  If he treats us as inhuman, or starts preaching about my own or others non-humanity... well I think you know my position:  "Please speak for yourself about yourself only."



So, you would have a conversation here with a person that isnt here on the forum  through a person that is so you can 'put them right ' ... wherever they are  ? 




Hey Kakapo , you can start like this :


" Hi Gendao , I know you have nothing to do with Daobums anymore but there is a Jewish guy there that wants to know what you think of ( even though he has nothing to do with you ) ' Jews  not being human either '   ( even though you or I  never suggested that in the first place     :D  )  .  And he requests you speak to yourself  ( even though you have never spoken to him ) .   So, if you do come back, that is what you can expect , this guy putting words in your mouth you or I never said , then he will go on a continual stalking harassment of you  with a denial  ( 'Daniel Denial ' ) that he never said that in the first place .   Whats that ?  You dont want to come back  now ?      " 

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On 7/12/2024 at 8:39 PM, Apech said:

“Be bonkers in a cool way”


you’ve just invented the DaoBums marketing strategy!




Yeah .... cool bonkers   are  ..... cool .


But I prefer  


inspired bonkers  !



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On 7/13/2024 at 1:02 AM, liminal_luke said:

Oops -- mixed up my V Bums.  Apologies.



Then use this handy reference chart ;



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18 hours ago, Daniel said:



...  I'll not go further out of respect for the forum rules regarding political content.    I have found that both sides of the current geo-political crisis are accusing each other of unjust hatred.  ...






Daniel is talking about the current political crisis  in the wrong forum again ! 

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... and has self generated some idea that gebdao might be a threat to Jews   ( and seems to think people dont like him because he is a Jew or 'not human' or some other stuff he made up himself, that is no where in what was stated . )





Its like this ;   there was a Mexican guy at work, that was hopeless, incompetent, an idiot , inconsiderate and caused trou8ble for the whole crew .  he would say to me ' Dont come down on me because I am Mexican .'


I would reply ; " Its not because you are Mexican ,  its all the other stuff  "

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5 hours ago, Nungali said:

Daniel is talking about the current political crisis 


Political comments, talking politics, requires taking sides.  Since I didn't.  I'm not.

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5 hours ago, Nungali said:

stuff he made up himself


Your oblivion is not my problem.  Go back to sleep, Nungers.  I'll wake you at snack time.

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:


Political comments, talking politics, requires taking sides.  Since I didn't.  I'm not.



COBY  ! 

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:


Your oblivion is not my problem.  Go back to sleep, Nungers.  I'll wake you at snack time.


Right ... it never happened  .   :D 


On 13/07/2024 at 1:55 PM, Daniel said:

.....  I can't tell from this whether or not the man knowingly has ill-will towards Jews, but, it is very common, arguably trendy and cool,  at this time in history to hate me and people like me.  This hatred, though, hides behind proxy terms like colonialist and/or zionist.  Here in America, and world-wide .......





7 hours ago, Nungali said:

... and has self generated some idea that gebdao might be a threat to Jews   ( and seems to think people dont like him because he is a Jew or 'not human' or some other stuff he made up himself, that is no where in what was stated . )



Another 'Danielism' . 


What WAS stated   (before Daniel 'reinterpreted'   it  ;


On 12/07/2024 at 8:35 PM, SirPalomides said:

I remember a ton of posts about Christians being minions of the Annunaki and stuff like that, dude was bonkers and not in a cool way



Like I keep saying  Daniel , you make a claim ... well then,  show it by quoting the direct words ... instead of your version of what supposedly occurred, in your changed words

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On 11-7-2024 at 4:37 AM, kakapo said:



Gendao is very sorry for the problems he caused discussing aliens.


It has been more than 4 years since he was banned. 


He is asking if he could please be allowed back on the forum.


Thank you for your consideration.



hm... at the time we had a sweep to clean up a lot.

I would want to know what the current mods think of it.

tbh, i do not remember what misbehaviors got him banned, but i would give him a chance to come back. 

 4 years is a long time and a lot of growth can happen in such a timespan, if he wants to be part of the bums again i guess we  can give him a chance.


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Posted (edited)
On 7/14/2024 at 8:34 AM, blue eyed snake said:


hm... at the time we had a sweep to clean up a lot.

I would want to know what the current mods think of it.

tbh, i do not remember what misbehaviors got him banned, but i would give him a chance to come back. 

 4 years is a long time and a lot of growth can happen in such a timespan, if he wants to be part of the bums again i guess we  can give him a chance.



If I recall correctly he was spamming things about Aliens, and they banned him for that.  


I don't think he was calling anyone names or anything, but I could be wrong.


Edited by kakapo
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