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Bernadette Roberts on the experience of no-self

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Bernadette Roberts is a former Carmelite nun and contemplate in the Catholic tradition. In this article she talks about her experience of enlightenment , and how the study of Hinduism, Buddhism and the psychology of Carl Jung later on helped her to understand her transformation and state of consciousness.




"If the content and purpose of this writing seems to be in total contradiction to the reader's beliefs and expectations regarding self and the journey, then he or she is advised to read no further. Those who do read further are advised to keep in mind that the Christian path is the only one I ever lived; thus what I know of other religious traditions and psychological paradigms is solely by way of reading and discussion with others.


So, although I speak of Hinduism, Buddhism and the psychology of Carl Jung, I have never had their particular experiences or shared their perspectives. I trust readers will allow for this just as they allow for those who, never having lived the Christian contemplative path, nevertheless continue to give us their views on it." ~ Bernadette Roberts (former Carmelite nun and contemplative in the Catholic tradition. )





Edited by Ajay0

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