
Hello and some questions

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Hi, I just joined. I've been practicing Pangu Shengong for a few months now. Before that I practiced Flying Phoenix for a little bit. Am still trying to map out the whole landscape of spiritual and energetic practices, lineages, systems, and teachers. Have read a fair bit of stuff posted on this site and it seems there's a lot of mixed opinions on these things as well. If anyone sees this and wants to respond, I must ask:


What do you practice?

Why do you practice?

What do you trust?

Why do you trust that?

Do you know anyone who you believe to be "enlightened" or very spiritually advanced? If so, what about them makes you think this?


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Hi Turnip. Welcome to the forum. :) There’s a “Flying Phoenix” teacher on the forum with an active thread. 


Edited by Cobie
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On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

What do you practice?

Why do you practice?

What do you trust?

Why do you trust that?

Welcome to TDB, Turnip


I practiced Taiji for more than forty years.

It makes me every healthy is because it improves my breathing problem. Taiji is also known as a form of Qi Gong due to its emphasis in breathing.

I trusted its effectiveness of given me the health benefits and enhanced my physical conditions to perform everything to the best of my ability.

I trusted it is because through my long time practice that gives me nothing but good benefits with no side effects.

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On 7/20/2024 at 3:04 PM, Cobie said:

Hi Turnip. Welcome to the forum. :) There’s a “Flying Phoenix” teacher on the forum with an active thread. 


Thanks Cobie :)

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On 19/7/2024 at 11:37 AM, Turnip said:

1.What do you practice?

2.Why do you practice?

3.What do you trust?

4.Why do you trust that?

5.Do you know anyone who you believe to be "enlightened" or very spiritually advanced? If so, what about them makes you think this?

1.My own thing after 22 years of intensive practice. 
2. Part of life

3. Any system that works you out systematically over a period of time requiring discipline, effort and flows well with the dynamics of change 

4. Because I have changed completely 

5. We all are but most don't know it



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On 7/27/2024 at 6:07 AM, Gerard said:

1.My own thing after 22 years of intensive practice. 
2. Part of life

3. Any system that works you out systematically over a period of time requiring discipline, effort and flows well with the dynamics of change 

4. Because I have changed completely 

5. We all are but most don't know it



Thank you 🙏 

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Not a problem. Just came back to refine point 2 a bit. Part of life meant not as another hobby/activity but as a natural thing to do according to the ever evolving nature of the soul.

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Hi Turnip.  I've been around for a while but I think this is my first post- so thanks for the questions:


1. I practice PanGu Shengong Moving Form 3 times a day. Spring Forest Qigong Level 2 Advanced Energy Breathing daily and Wim Hof breathing upon waking daily. 

2. I practice in an attempt to improve health and internal peace. 

3. I trust (or am learning to do so more) my inner voice and the voice I hear when sitting in the silence. 

4.  Good question- I'm believing more and more that I have to trust myself and have been building the skills and abilities to do so more.  Same with when sitting in the silence. 

5. I personally love observing young children.  There is an innocence, a lack of filter, that I feel reflects life essence at some of its purest.  


Enjoy your time on here. There are many wonderful and extremely knowledgeable people here from whom I have learned! 

Edited by VinC
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On 7/18/2024 at 9:37 PM, Turnip said:

What do you practice?

Why do you practice?

What do you trust?

Why do you trust that?

Do you know anyone who you believe to be "enlightened" or very spiritually advanced? If so, what about them makes you think this?



1. Asceticism


2. Ascetics await the creator and meditate till their boon can be realized. Ascetic corruption is finding pain more pleasurable over time. It is something I have avoided thus far.


3. Yogic culture.


4. I was taught by a Yogic in my own Imagination. It was very uplifting.


5. I do not, even the Yogic who taught me has not convinced me to let go of Asceticism. The most that is here is a beggars bowl, and I do my best to hope I am not caught in its curvature.

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On 11/30/2024 at 10:28 AM, VinC said:

Hi Turnip.  I've been around for a while but I think this is my first post- so thanks for the questions:


1. I practice PanGu Shengong Moving Form 3 times a day. Spring Forest Qigong Level 2 Advanced Energy Breathing daily and Wim Hof breathing upon waking daily. 

2. I practice in an attempt to improve health and internal peace. 

3. I trust (or am learning to do so more) my inner voice and the voice I hear when sitting in the silence. 

4.  Good question- I'm believing more and more that I have to trust myself and have been building the skills and abilities to do so more.  Same with when sitting in the silence. 

5. I personally love observing young children.  There is an innocence, a lack of filter, that I feel reflects life essence at some of its purest.  


Enjoy your time on here. There are many wonderful and extremely knowledgeable people here from whom I have learned! 

Thanks VinC for the thoughtful response, I appreciate it. I totally agree on the wonder of children. I’ve worked as an early childhood educator in the past and I’ve told people that working with or raising children is a whole spiritual practice in and of itself 🤣. They’re like a microcosm of the soul. 

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On 11/30/2024 at 11:21 AM, Ascetic said:


1. Asceticism


2. Ascetics await the creator and meditate till their boon can be realized. Ascetic corruption is finding pain more pleasurable over time. It is something I have avoided thus far.


3. Yogic culture.


4. I was taught by a Yogic in my own Imagination. It was very uplifting.


5. I do not, even the Yogic who taught me has not convinced me to let go of Asceticism. The most that is here is a beggars bowl, and I do my best to hope I am not caught in its curvature.

Thank you for your response Ascetic. That’s really cool that you were taught by a Yogic in your Imagination. 

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On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

What do you practice?


Shikantaza (Soto Zen)/Dzogchen (Vajrayana)


On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

Why do you practice?


It feels good, happens automatically at this point, and deepens insight into emptiness. 


On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

What do you trust?


"Emptiness"/Rigpa/Dao is real, and is everywhere. Allowing it to be the predominate way the world is experienced improves every aspect of "being". 


On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

Why do you trust that?


After learning to meditate in noticed over the first month or so that I was calmer, less reactive and kinder. It was obvious that the practice "did" something, so I persevered.  Larger doses beget greater results in my experience. This is "faith" in Buddhism... trying the technology and finding that it is transformative. 


On 7/18/2024 at 6:37 PM, Turnip said:

Do you know anyone who you believe to be "enlightened" or very spiritually advanced? If so, what about them makes you think this?


Depends on what "enlightened" means to you. What is your definition?


In terms of Buddhism, I myself have completed the path, and have met and known any number of "enlightened" beings. They aren't scarce. There are some on this board, and at least one in most decent sized Buddhist center locations. 

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