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4 hours ago, Cobie said:

dan 丹


Translation to English?

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Nungali said:


I agree .   'Magic'  is the technology of religion,   attributed to 'miracles'  . Under the 'proper authority ' it might be permissible  and you could end up a saint (if you tow the correct  religious political line ) ... practice it by yourself ?  Well then, magic is work of the devil .... and so are you . 


The rituals of religion got adopted from magicians  / shamans .




5 hours ago, Nungali said:

The rituals of religion got adopted from magicians  / shamans .

Yes. But in Hinduism and Buddhism High level meditators ( sages) created Agamas

Edited by Chang dao ling

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:


The heart connects the whole body.


Does the heart chakra connect to the others?  Like a star?

Yes. But heart chakra has 12 petals 

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7 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:

12 petals 


I see 12 petals in a 6 pointed star.  6 inner, and 6 outer.  I am including what most ignore as "negative space".

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Posted (edited)


19 hours ago, Daniel said:

dan 丹 , Translation to English?


丹田 dan1 tian2 - pubic region 

:lol: Just joking,  ‘context is everything’, here 丹 dan1 - medicine 


Edited by Cobie
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Well, there is something in common you have with Christianity ;


'Hide contents of pubic region '




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Scrolling quickly on my phone... I saw



 🐉 pubic dragon 🐉 



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Posted (edited)


20 hours ago, Daniel said:

Scrolling quickly on my phone... I saw

  Hide contents

 🐉 pubic dragon 🐉 







Edited by Cobie
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Dude !   You went to all that trouble to tattoo your nong  so it looks 'awesome' yet you could not even 'get it up' for the photo ? 


You had to hold the end and pull it up  ???




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4 hours ago, Cobie said:



elephant trunk appendage?


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Posted (edited)

The 6point heart chakra is made of 2 triangles, one facing upwards another downwards, symbolizing that this is where heaven and earth meet. All the lower three chakras and upper three chakras meet at that place. It's a chakra that contains all the spiritual possiblities and doors to existence. 


There really isn't any yoga system in christianity. Because Love is not a technique. Nor is there any magical breathing technique to boost its power within you. It's much more like zen. Acceptance of what you already are. Something you allow to flow through you rather than something you try to generate. 


The one who abides in the descending glory of Light by attuning their heart to the will of God by conciously placing their attention on the energy of desire (that's what prayer is btw) will naturally find himself/herself in Christ conciousness. The presence of Light and glory. The Messianic/Prophetic consciousness. 


Because all the possibilities are inside the heart chakra, depending on your inclinations and what the Lord wants to use you for, certain gifts will begin to blossom. Clairvoyance, psychic perception, ability to read the soul of another, ability to leave the body, ability to communicate with angels and disembodied beings, channeling, healing abilities, abilities to do miracles, exorcisms etc. All these abilities and possiblities are inside that one simple practice of prayer and communion with the Lord. 


The fundamental principle in christianity is that what grace can descend upon you is many times more than what you can reach by your own efforts. So any technique becomes children's toys by that point. Because doing nothing is the highest "technique" so to speak. But this doing nothing is slightly different than zen in the way the energies manifest inside the body. And the type of initiation (baptism) that you go through. 


Edited by Salvijus
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Salvijus said:

… grace …

 “by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works”

(Ephesians 2:8-9)  



Edited by Cobie

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11 minutes ago, Cobie said:

it is not from works


I'm feeling to inspired to do a word-study on the original Greek being translated as "works".


Or is that procrastination?  ~chuckles~

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Cobie said:

ἔργων - works,


I'm looking for a connection between this word and anything relating to shells or husks or garments.


Edited by Daniel

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15 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I'm looking for a connection between this word and anything relating to shells or husks or garments.

:blink: I have no idea. 



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13 hours ago, Salvijus said:

The 6point heart chakra is made of 2 triangles, one facing upwards another downwards, symbolizing that this is where heaven and earth meet. All the lower three chakras and upper three chakras meet at that place. It's a chakra that contains all the spiritual possiblities and doors to existence. 


There really isn't any yoga system in christianity. Because Love is not a technique. Nor is there any magical breathing technique to boost its power within you. It's much more like zen. Acceptance of what you already are. Something you allow to flow through you rather than something you try to generate. 


The one who abides in the descending glory of Light by attuning their heart to the will of God by conciously placing their attention on the energy of desire (that's what prayer is btw) will naturally find himself/herself in Christ conciousness. The presence of Light and glory. The Messianic/Prophetic consciousness. 


Because all the possibilities are inside the heart chakra, depending on your inclinations and what the Lord wants to use you for, certain gifts will begin to blossom. Clairvoyance, psychic perception, ability to read the soul of another, ability to leave the body, ability to communicate with angels and disembodied beings, channeling, healing abilities, abilities to do miracles, exorcisms etc. All these abilities and possiblities are inside that one simple practice of prayer and communion with the Lord. 


The fundamental principle in christianity is that what grace can descend upon you is many times more than what you can reach by your own efforts. So any technique becomes children's toys by that point. Because doing nothing is the highest "technique" so to speak. But this doing nothing is slightly different than zen in the way the energies manifest inside the body. And the type of initiation (baptism) that you go through. 



That is similar to another symbolic meaning ;  'Grace descending and aspiration rising   - the active and the receptive . One rises and the other descends to join it .   The descending triangle is a water symbol , and that grace descending can be likened to baptism (or lustration ) . The ascending triangle is a fire symbol and represents  the force of aspiration , it's 'burning ambition.


It can also represent higher and lower aspects of the self ;


When fire and water come together it creates 'air'  ( gas )  ;  a powerful force potentially but if not contained, nothing but 'mist' , when contained and directed ; very powerful .   That is obvious when we look at a physical process like steam .  But here I am looking at it as 'air '   the 'other element '  ( other than the fire and water symbols in the hexagram ) ... 'higher' air ... that is, 'pneuma'  =  spirit , life , etc .

The fourth element missing ; earth ?  Thats the effect this  conjoining brings .

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Daniel said:


I'm looking for a connection between this word and anything relating to shells or husks or garments.



When that concept is used in 'research' its called 'fishing for a specific'  , a very different form of research .... the 'other type' does not put the answer first and then seek any reference that might support it .... it looks at information and facts first and then makes conclusions .


On my history forum ,putting a solution first and then searching for a 'back up' can actually get  you modded or suspended  for such an invalid and biased approach to research  ... but this aint no history forum ... so 


I am going to quote Mathew  7 :  7    at you now ....

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We have to remember , not only was  Jesus  Jewish .....  he had a    Jewish mother 



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2 hours ago, Cobie said:

:blink: I have no idea. 


If the author known as Paul was a Pharisee, I expect there will be a connection. But, it's not important enough for me to spend time on it.

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10 minutes ago, Nungali said:

We have to remember... put you back on ignore.

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Daniel said:

If the author known as Paul was a Pharisee, …

Paul said, “Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees” (Acts 23:6)



… I expect there will be a connection.

Could you pls write a bit about the connection you expect to find? What are these “shells, husks and garments” about?



Edited by Cobie

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