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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Daniel said: put you back on ignore.


(You seem to have a bad memory in that regard  ... what' s this .... my  4th  time on ignore  ?  )



Seek and Ye shall find  O Daniel ! 



"I am sure the 'evidence' is around here somewhere ."






Edited by Nungali

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Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Nungali said:

When that concept is used in 'research' its called 'fishing for a specific'


It's called a hypothesis. 

  1. First there is observation, then there is a theory, then there is background research, which produces a hypothesis. 
  2. Then a test is designed.  The test is reviewed to ensure it will produce falsifiable evidence. 
  3. The test is executed. 
  4. The evidence is collected and evaluated.
  5. The actual test procedure, as executed, is reviewed to ensure that nothing unexpected occurred which will compromise the results. 
  6. Then a conclusion is produced
  7. The conclusion is posted for peer review.


This is the standard scientific process.  It happens every day, all around the world.  Lacking a hypothesis, what you are calling "fishing", scientific research would be nothing but chaotic nonsense.



Edited by Daniel

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7 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Look at you,  Nungali!  You're attempting to be productive.  Good for you!  Let's see... in 52 minutes you went from criticizing to trying to help.  

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17 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Paul said, “Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees” (Acts 23:6)


The author of Acts claims to be a Pharisee.


18 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Could you pls write a bit about the connection you expect to find? What are these “shells, husks and garments” about?



Certainly.  But not now.  I'll try to get to it tomorrow.

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Posted (edited)

@Daniel Paul said he’s a Pharisee, see Philippians 3:5 



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22 hours ago, Daniel said:


It's called a hypothesis. 

  1. First there is observation, then there is a theory, then there is background research, which produces a hypothesis. 
  2. Then a test is designed.  The test is reviewed to ensure it will produce falsifiable evidence. 
  3. The test is executed. 
  4. The evidence is collected and evaluated.
  5. The actual test procedure, as executed, is reviewed to ensure that nothing unexpected occurred which will compromise the results. 
  6. Then a conclusion is produced
  7. The conclusion is posted for peer review.


This is the standard scientific process.  It happens every day, all around the world.  Lacking a hypothesis, what you are calling "fishing", scientific research would be nothing but chaotic nonsense.





Right , that it ! You are going on ignore !   :angry:





  • Haha 1

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22 hours ago, Daniel said:


Look at you,  Nungali!  You're attempting to be productive.  Good for you!  Let's see... in 52 minutes you went from criticizing to trying to help.  


Hey .... I only did that as you claimed you put me on ignore and I thought you would not be able to see it .



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41 minutes ago, Nungali said:



  Reveal hidden contents




I'm not clicking that.

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42 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Hey .... I only did that as you claimed you put me on ignore and I thought you would not be able to see it .




Yes, we need to remember to do that.



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yeah... that way when you deliver this brilliant   analysis of the Greek word and whatever it leads you to .... you won;t have to thank me for the reference .



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2 hours ago, Nungali said:

you won;t have to thank me


As you wish 

  • Haha 1

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Posted (edited)
On 02/08/2024 at 1:10 AM, Daniel said:

Certainly.  But not now.  I'll try to get to it tomorrow.


:lol:  Which “tomorrow”. :P



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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Cobie said:

:lol: Which “tomorrow”. :P


I'll look at it Monday, PDT.  ( Pacific Daylight Time )



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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Daniel said:



No worries. Also, just a few lines on very basic beginners stuff will be sufficient for me to start with. :)



Edited by Cobie
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Posted (edited)
On 8/1/2024 at 3:52 PM, Cobie said:

 What are these “shells, husks and garments” about?


The idea is this:


All of creation is on-going.  It is not an event which has a beginning and an end.  Creation consists of 4 very general, very large categories of creations:  Objects, events, ideas, and symbols.  All of these creations, everything that can be seen, and everything which cannot be seen, is being created, by the will of The Most High which is creating it all, excluding itself. 


Every "thing" ( objects, events, ideas, symbols ) consists of a pair, a partnership, of body-and-soul.  The body is the shell.  The soul is its vivifying essence which is filling it.  Both body-and-soul come from The Most High, but they take dramatically and opposing "routes", for lack of a better word.  The soul is coming directly from The Most High, in a straight "path",  like a laser beam filling the shell, which is its body.  The shell, takes a convoluted "path" which begins at the lowest of the low and rises.  ( "routes" and "paths" are in quotes because they are not literally "routes" and "paths" ).


The idea is alluded to in Genesis 1, most specifically, in the verse where there is a grammatical anomaly regarding the light which is being created.  The concept, in my opinion, is not difficult to imagine, although, some struggle with the notion that anything other than physical objects consist of body-and-soul / shell-and-essential-vitality.


Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)
On 8/1/2024 at 3:52 PM, Cobie said:

Could you pls write a bit about the connection you expect to find?


If everything is body-and-soul / shell-and-vitalizing-essence, then the law is body-and-soul / shell-and-vitalizing-essence.  It's possible, I think likely, that the author known as Paul the Pharisee was writing from this point of view.  These shells, as I wrote previously, are coming from the "light" of The Most High, but, it is not the same quality of "light" as that which is filling the shell, its essential vitality.  ( "light" is in quotes because it is not literally "light" )


These shells serve several important purposes, not just as containers.  One of these purposes is to provide nourishment for the soul if it is ever cut-off from the source of its essential vitality.  This is known as forbearance in the realm of mercy and compassion.   The Most High knows that we humans will fail.  When we do we will be cut-off, but, there is an opportunity to return.  In order to accomplish that, we need a source for essential-vitality while we are cut-off from the Source.  


On 8/1/2024 at 10:53 AM, Cobie said:

 “by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works”

(Ephesians 2:8-9) 


If the "works" are the shell, and "grace" is the essential-vitality, the author here is telling the reader:


"... feeding off of the shells will never save you.  It's tempting, of course.  And that's by design.  But the works ( the shells ) will never save you.  Return. Literally pivot, turn around, your perspective and mind-set in alignment with the source of grace."


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Posted (edited)
On 05/08/2024 at 2:37 PM, Daniel said:

… If the "works" are the shell …

‘works’ are what a person himself can do.



... and "grace" is the essential-vitality …

‘grace’ is God’s unmerited favour. 



... the author here is telling the reader

“… that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9) 



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