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Emaciated Ascetic

The Psychic Sea and is it getting dirtier?

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I feel like this topic probably comes up a lot, but it's something that's not taken as relevant in today's culture of very self propelled effort and progress.

How much of what we are incapable of is actually the fault of the Psychic Sea? So much of the modern spiritual has to do with pushing forward and ignoring the environments affects. There is the odd point though, that so much that we blame ourselves for isn't actually our fault and instead only came up because the Psychic sea could be legitimately dirty and no one knows how to actually fix it. I'm sure there are a lot of pure lights, but they could all be failed attempts.

For me psychic carefulness is making sure that you're the only psychic in the Psychic Sea, it keeps that mass psychic feeling but also individualizes it.  I don't like other people or interaction so I get annoyed with sources that blast bliss and loving lights, as its like a glimmer I can't get rid of.

It leaves me with a feeling of being watched or interactions I did not want to make, some kind of dirtiness or influence that I feel like wasn't always there. Some things stick around for too long, and some problems seem nonsensical with how they start.

Admittedly, this could be my own impurities and blockages. But how much of that is actually blockages and not the result of a Psychic Sea that is getting dirty? I get that some people can counter this and say its perfectly pure, but for someone who's somewhat new to this, I feel like I've been left a dirty plate that everyone is doing their best to ignorant of.

Is it even our fault in the first place, or is there something actually going on? Could it be that our failures with psychic behavior is one of the Psychic Sea being dirty and not one of skill or personal placement...

There's a lot of reasons though the Psychic Sea could feel dirty, so many experts and masters; so many sources of bliss or intelligences that could exist. That along with 8 billion humans with their own minds buzzing about... I imagine it used to be easier, I also think that the mass phenomenon of removing Ego or blaming it as a negative in one's life is disastrous towards psychic phenomenon. These are just my opinions though, could be some distorted angle I'm sitting at to believe these things. Because as far as I'm concerned psychics should benefit from more people being alive and doing things, but for someone devoted to isolation and purity of my own psychic space it feels difficult. I don't see why I would suffer these issues in the first place or why it took so much to feel that I had dealt with them.

Regardless though I think that on some level, we are experiencing not only the psychic sea getting dirtier/separated but also the dwindling of psychic power leading to the effect of the world becoming more mundane and abilities become more neutered. Just like how magical worlds run out of magic, maybe ours is appearing to run out of psychic?

What's everyone's thoughts on the matter?

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:55 PM, Emaciated Ascetic said:

Regardless though I think that on some level, we are experiencing not only the psychic sea getting dirtier/separated but also the dwindling of psychic power leading to the effect of the world becoming more mundane and abilities become more neutered. Just like how magical worlds run out of magic, maybe ours is appearing to run out of psychic?

What's everyone's thoughts on the matter?



Historical evolution takes a long time.


Millions of years for small biological changes to occur.


But in recent times the pace of evolution has accelerated.


The modern human brain is less than 50,000 years old.


Modern science did not begin to advance significantly until the last 200 ish years.


Evolution, progress & consciousness are accelerating (in my opinion) causing the extraordinary to appear mundane.



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On 25.07.2024 at 7:55 AM, Emaciated Ascetic said:

Admittedly, this could be my own impurities and blockages. But how much of that is actually blockages and not the result of a Psychic Sea that is getting dirty? I get that some people can counter this and say its perfectly pure, but for someone who's somewhat new to this, I feel like I've been left a dirty plate that everyone is doing their best to ignorant of.

Is it even our fault in the first place, or is there something actually going on? Could it be that our failures with psychic behavior is one of the Psychic Sea being dirty and not one of skill or personal placement...

People don't reside altogether in the same place or the same physical conditions - some have tidy modern apartments and houses, and some live in dirt and chaos.


It would be a misconception and a mistake to think that if someone experiences the world in a certain way, everyone else feels the same. The world is a multi-layered and complex structure.


Our mental landscape is shaped by the societal circles we inhabit. In some, degradation and self-destruction are prevalent, while in others, rapid development and evolution to a higher state of being are the norm.


There are places where people rapidly develop and evolve to a higher state of being and existence.

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2 hours ago, Elysium said:

What the hell is Psychic Sea?



It's the reason you need a Knowers Arc.

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6 hours ago, Elysium said:

What the hell is Psychic Sea?


The sea is a metaphor for absolute limitless possibilities.  It has no beginnings and it has no endings.  In order to fully appreciate it, try imagining an endless sea, then imagine yourself under water.  No bubbles.  No surface of the water.  No ocean floor below you.  Only water.  Always water.  Forever water.  Even yourself.  You are also water.  Water with awareness of all the water and nothing else.  That's the "sea" metaphor.


The word "psychic" in this context, is not psychic like psychic powers, abilities, siddhis, etc... Instead it is referring to the "psyche" which is a Greek word including and conjoining, mind, soul, and spirit.  I usually refer to the psyche using the two words, conjoined, "heart-and-mind".  I often include the dashes to indicate they are operating as a unit, as a team, partners.  However, these words which I usually choose do not convey the aspects of the psyche which potentially operate and exist beyond the physical body.


Putting this together, the Psychic Sea is the total nearly limitless interconnected  pool of intellect and emotions including but certainly not limited to what occurs in the human mind. 


Because it is not limited to the physical body, and it is nearly infinite, and it is surrounding and possessing and infused in all of existence, then, it is a medium, just like water is a medium.  It can carry a wave, a ripple, over vast distances.  Someone does a "cannonball" those ripples can be observed or felt if an individual is sensitive and paying attention.


That's the idea.

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On 7/24/2024 at 9:55 PM, Emaciated Ascetic said:

is there something actually going on?


All of it is happening.  All is concurrent, omnipresent, and connected, with one and only one exception.


In the psychic sea there is:

  1. All that was
  2. All that wasn't 
  3. All that is
  4. All that isn't 
  5. All that will be
  6. All that won't 
  7. All.that could be
  8. With one exception ( the source )
On 7/24/2024 at 9:55 PM, Emaciated Ascetic said:

some kind of dirtiness or influence that I feel like wasn't always there


It's always been there and always will be.  You're noticing it.  And it's compelling to fixate on it.  Just like watching a train wreck.  


On 7/24/2024 at 9:55 PM, Emaciated Ascetic said:

It leaves me with a feeling of being watched or interactions I did not want to make


Don't jump in the ocean, if you don't want to get wet.

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A Clean Opinion.

I find that abilities like telepathy and so on are actually things that distance the psychic sea from itself and turn it into a psionic ocean.

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2 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

distance the psychic sea


There is no such thing as distance in regard to the nearly infinite "sea".

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The Psychic Sea isn't infinite nor is it the self, its more built on the psyches and powerful psychics that curve things to their might. The idea that there is individual benefit and gain in a sea that is psychic is corruption. Even bliss, enjoyment, and elevation make no sense in psychic temperatures.

It takes constant might, attention, and various resources to maintain any form of purity that is not limitless.
Have you ever witnessed Psychic Purity that is limited and not an infinite light? The phenomenon of countless shamans exhausting their souls towards psychic temperatures, while not infinite, is an actual effort exhausted and a pure light that is beyond what is limitless merely by its limited nature. These can even do things like make the world more psychic, even while something becoming more psychic in the first place doesn't make sense and appears corrupted.

I can go into the corruptions.

Psychic (no difference of information/only detail)
Ego Sea (Ego needed and allowing the impossible)
Psychic Sea (Psychic not present in certain areas/some are more psychic than others)
Psionic Ocean (Distance and Difference of information are no longer irregular)
Warp/Sea of Souls (Omnipresent forces are reverted to being part of the environment)
Posthuman Era (New Psychic Forces attain the purity of their shell)

It is fair to assume, that in every era and change, it is still the Psychic and that there has been no actual change. But this purity can easily be overpowered, and the changes are not possible to revert. Constant mental activity, powerful scars rendered by large souls/future actions/hive minds which generate psychic power that is separate from the universe.

All the while, actual psychic might is not natural, it is more than possible to have might and temperatures that go beyond the Universe or creation. Large souls, immortal willpower, and even Psychic Emperors are like irregular anomalies. Compared to these beings there is no stable order in the universe. We are used to "Halflings" or the corrupt being the cause of change, but it is just as easily greater Psychic essences.

We are currently experiencing a Psychic Sea, the division of the Psychic with might and skill only appearing in certain individuals, as well as a Psychic that is different from the environment.

It is fair to say though: the infinite itself does not exist anywhere in psychic and is purely mental activity, bliss itself is exaltation that has no reason or actual benefit, while skills and perfection are like strange boxes that make no sense. But most people compare the might of this undividable single psychic force to some ascetic force, an infinite/lifeless apparatus or one composed of order. This is not the case at all. It could even be that there was no psychic in the first place, and it was just the Ego Sea, or large Ego's which started all of this.

Hence the measuring of distances or things that connotate distance inside of a psychic, are like miracles or irregular events inside a psychic that has no cause or reason for such things. Eventually the Psychic Sea will then be widened into a Psionic Ocean, merely because of measurement.

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16 hours ago, Elysium said:

What the hell is Psychic Sea?

I would think the psychic sea is more of the phenomenon of minds/psyches believing psychic nonsense is happening elsewhere. 


It forms a sea, kind of how like someone experiencing bliss and is enlightened proves that for themselves, it's very metaphysical. Even in worlds where psychic temperatures are not possible and do not exist, billions of souls believing in psychic or the psychic sea somewhat cause it.


The easiest way to access the psychic sea I think is to think about how far away psychic is.

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8 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

I would think the psychic sea is more of the phenomenon of minds/psyches believing psychic nonsense is happening elsewhere. 


It forms a sea, kind of how like someone experiencing bliss and is enlightened proves that for themselves, it's very metaphysical. Even in worlds where psychic temperatures are not possible and do not exist, billions of souls believing in psychic or the psychic sea somewhat cause it.


The easiest way to access the psychic sea I think is to think about how far away psychic is.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

The Psychic Sea isn't infinite nor is it the self,


nearly infinite


17 hours ago, Daniel said:


There is no such thing as distance in regard to the nearly infinite "sea".


nearly infinite


nearly = proximal

infinite = forever expanding


there is no distance in regard to the nearly infinite "sea", because everything, every one, is equally near it.  The nearly infinite is forever expanding in all directions:  forward, backward, left, right, inner and outer.  This expansion is not spatial nor is it temporal, but, these are the words that are used to describe it. A better word to describe it would be forever "including" with 2 exceptions:  the observer and the source.


Going back the metaphor of the nearly infinite sea?  Where ever one goes?  Forward, backward, left, right, up, down?  What is the distance from this individual to the nearly infinite sea?  Has the distance changed with the individual's motion?  If I jump in the ocean?  What is the distance from the water to my skin?  When I pour a glass of water into a cup?  What is the distance from the water to the sides of the vessel?  What is the distance between left and right?  What is the distance between forward and backward?  What is the distance between inner and outer?


I decide to dig a hole in my yard.  I dig down a little bit.  What's the distance between inside the hole and outside the hole?  I dig more.  Did the distance change?  I dig more.  Did the distance change?


See what I mean?  It's like that.  Even though it's nearly infinite, it still has properties which are approaching the infinite.  "Outer" includes almost everything, right?  When I am digging the hole in my yard?  What if I get out of the hole, and I start making a list:  What is outside of this hole?  That's a big list, isn't it?  It just keeps going.  I'll never stop listing, right?  But it's not truly-infinite, because there are things which aren't outside the hole.  Those are the things in the hole.  But "outer" is still nearly infinite.  That makes it magical, in a manner of speaking.  This "magic" is what is defying conventional intuition regarding distance in this context.  That's what "magic" means.  Magic = "defying conventional intuition".  The psychic "sea", is like this.  It defies conventional intuition.  One can go there, without going anywhere.  :)  Distance is completely irrelevant.  It's irrelevant as a natural consequence of being nearly infinite.


Edited by Daniel
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11 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

The easiest way to access the psychic sea I think is to think about how far away psychic is.


I like it.  I do something similar myself.

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14 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

its more built on the psyches


is there any one without a psyche?

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:


is there any one without a psyche?

Maybe Shamans? It's weird to bring up but I think only Shamans accurately abandon everything to work OK their souls

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Daniel said:


nearly infinite



nearly infinite


nearly = proximal

infinite = forever expanding


there is no distance in regard to the nearly infinite "sea", because everything, every one, is equally near it.  The nearly infinite is forever expanding in all directions:  forward, backward, left, right, inner and outer.  This expansion is not spatial nor is it temporal, but, these are the words that are used to describe it. A better word to describe it would be forever "including" with 2 exceptions:  the observer and the source.


Going back the metaphor of the nearly infinite sea?  Where ever one goes?  Forward, backward, left, right, up, down?  What is the distance from this individual to the nearly infinite sea?  Has the distance changed with the individual's motion?  If I jump in the ocean?  What is the distance from the water to my skin?  When I pour a glass of water into a cup?  What is the distance from the water to the sides of the vessel?  What is the distance between left and right?  What is the distance between forward and backward?  What is the distance between inner and outer?


I decide to dig a hole in my yard.  I dig down a little bit.  What's the distance between inside the hole and outside the hole?  I dig more.  Did the distance change?  I dig more.  Did the distance change?


See what I mean?  It's like that.  Even though it's nearly infinite, it still has properties which are approaching the infinite.  "Outer" includes almost everything, right?  When I am digging the hole in my yard?  What if I get out of the hole, and I start making a list:  What is outside of this hole?  That's a big list, isn't it?  It just keeps going.  I'll never stop listing, right?  But it's not truly-infinite, because there are things which aren't outside the hole.  Those are the things in the hole.  But "outer" is still nearly infinite.  That makes it magical, in a manner of speaking.  This "magic" is what is defying conventional intuition regarding distance in this context.  That's what "magic" means.  Magic = "defying conventional intuition".  The psychic "sea", is like this.  It defies conventional intuition.  One can go there, without going anywhere.  :)  Distance is completely irrelevant.  It's irrelevant as a natural consequence of being nearly infinite.


You may actually be more accurate. Seem like someone who may have actually even dipped into the sea or been able to be active in it. I'm very regressive/not very experienced with trave/navigation.


I also misunderstood your first post, sorry. I have somewhat of a grudge against ideas like the infinite and the self, so I might actually be a bit biased.


I've only been noticed by other forces from inside it/ have experienced the brief connection.


I try to be more psychic, do things like clearing to see or making it lonely where I'm the only psychic in the room. Makes it a lot easier. Inevitably all these practices are likely corrupt and I have to rethink.


I do somewhat agree with your approach. For me, that largeness describes itself in the endless lifeforms and interactions that could exist in the psychic sea. Being noticed more and more is fun for me until I actually am noticed by something eerie at the edges of my consciousness.

Edited by Emaciated Ascetic

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11 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

Maybe Shamans? It's weird to bring up but I think only Shamans accurately abandon everything to work OK their souls


I include "soul" in psyche.  You don't?

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2 minutes ago, Daniel said:


I include "soul" in psyche.  You don't?

I think Soul, Psyche, and Ego are different and separate. I can't handle the separation though and only focus on one in day to day living. I'm curious to hear your opinion though

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11 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

Inevitably all these practices are likely corrupt and I have to rethink.


You're doing fine.  Send me a message or reply here in this thread if I can help or support you.


11 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

do things like clearing to see or making it lonely where I'm the only psychic in the room


Conversely, another way?  Gather your friends, loved ones, animals, plants, colors, melodies, ideas which are in harmony with your own self,in harmony with your own "true-will" as some refer to it.  This is why knowing oneself is often a pre-requisite for the work you are doing.  It makes it a lot less lonely, because, along the way, you will likely make some friends, join a tribe, so to speak.

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7 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

I think Soul, Psyche, and Ego are different and separate. I can't handle the separation though and only focus on one in day to day living. I'm curious to hear your opinion though


There's many ways to describe it, but, psyche is an all-inclusive term describing the immaterial attributes for the individual.  These attributes can be broken out in different ways.  If I were to start making a list of all the immaterial attributes which contribute to an individual, I would never stop listing.  That's because individuals are nearly infinite.  That said, this is how I break it out:


Psyche = heart+mind+soul, all three.  The heart and mind are internal, in the body, and are governed by a body+spirit partnership. The spirit is a vitalizing force which produces autonomous biological functions as well as the the creativity of the mind, the emotions of the heart, the desire to express oneself in art, etc.  The spirit is bound in the body.  The soul includes spirit and more.  The soul is bound to the body of the individual but is not limited to it.  It reaches out and connects to all the others in a nearly infinite nested chain of corresponding layers.


The Psychic sea, therefore includes all immaterial attributes of each and every individual with only exception:  the source.

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7 hours ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

I can't handle the separation though


That's a natural consequence of the work you're doing.  You also may have a predisposition, natural inclination towards immaterial exploration.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Daniel said:


That's a natural consequence of the work you're doing.  You also may have a predisposition, natural inclination towards immaterial exploration.

I mostly find it very interesting to form relationships with what should just be Imaginary beings, or distant psychic connections. Or being alive on another planet while still being on this one. Really stretches that psychic appetite. Asceticism has really changed my horizons though, I wasn't disciplined or couldn't keep a straight mind at all before.

Exploration is scary for me, never been a positive experience for me. So many hostile consciousnesses that know separation through malice, just like how we know love as bliss, they know malice as etiquette. It may have been because partial noble origins, but I've always experienced very intense cultures and diet rather than the usual openness or blissful apparatus that most take different planes to be.

Edited by Emaciated Ascetic

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Daniel said:


You're doing fine.  Send me a message or reply here in this thread if I can help or support you.

The first part, I guess there is the urge to become more psychic in the first place. Like as if it was an efficiency or level rather than a state of being.

But being more psychic is a corruption to me, in a sea that used to just be one psychic what does becoming more psychic to psychic even mean? It still does something, but any enlightened junkie would easily scrap a large psychic force without thought.

Bliss and enlightenment don't exactly make sense and provide no benefit. Sleep, meditation, and higher states of being aren't much use to something that is slightly psychic (like having a bigger net that doesn't lose things by not being there). Like I used to be very used to sleep being helpful but I've come to recognize that the benefits of sleep are already collected. Sleep feels like a loan taken out, and having to sleep is the debt that is being paid. 

I know of one psychic practice that only has to do with becoming more and more awake. Like failure in logic even has to do with just needing to be more awake, and one kind of just becomes a luminous ball. But what is being more awake supposed to do? Diversity or any gains in psychic energy are just dubious.

I've somewhat concluded that shamanic practices are the best. But even then its odd. It's still a worthwhile life, if I'm not trying to become enlightened to become more psychic as fruit of my asceticism.

I worry that becoming more psychic won't be possible in the future/ I somewhat want to go against the trend of Psionics just being better. Like how can you even match every human having their minds linked and awakened, forming into a hivemind that isn't even hivemind. I personally don't see how an old age psychic is supposed to match the psionic might of a human species.

I generally follow the route of becoming psychic through craving connection though, kind of like becoming more ascetic and desiring more. Can be wanting to meet with people and so on too. Generally psychic at the end of the day has to do with others, so I try to avoid things that are mine/aren't other organisms to build craving.

There is also becoming Ego-less or finding more environments that lack Ego. But that's weird technology and I'm not sure if there's much more "psychic power"/energy left in the environment that provide this resource. I don't want to become reliant on the environment so much or something that just provides benefit because order.

The former is cool though, because it allows one to still experience Psychic Corruption. Psychic Corruption is one of my favorite feelings even though I know I shouldn't be indulging into it at all, but craving connection really allows it. Like immense agony and so on, can be really pretty psychic colors. Craving also doesn't do anything or cause any event, so its like an alive energy that you keep through your own motion and don't dirty the psychic sea by having. It's hard to keep that craving though, and never fulfill it, I'm not that intense of an Ascetic that I can keep a consistent practice.

Edited by Emaciated Ascetic

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