
An odd synchronicity

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Yesterday me and my partner were at an ancient site.


The "oddness" started when we smiled at a couple of dogs, the dogs then came to sit beside us, they would not go to their owners. The owners had to come to lift the dogs and carry them so that they could leave.


I found the whole dog incident funny and thought the universe is trolling us.


Then, right after the owners lifted their dogs a guy comes out of nowhere ( neither me nor my partner have a clue from which direction he came ) and starts talking to us about the site, its people, and ..the history of its gods. The discussion become spiritual.


He knew a lot, some of the stuff he said seemed a bit odd but I thought, listen to everything he says, this might be a synchronicity. Normally in this sort of encounter I'd just politely leave but because of what happened with the dogs before, I just listened.


The guy talked to us for more than an hour, he had more to say but we wanted to walk a bit and eat, so we left. 

What was odd is that the guy needed to leave he was looking at his watch the whole time was about to leave right after looking at his watch but instead stayed to say something more because "it's important he says that too".

He also asked some questions and only after he got the "right" answer did he proceed in more detail.


Today both me and my partner woke up very early. A lot of the info he said has *zero* results in Google but... does appear in PhD theses ( which for whatever reason are not indexed by Google ).

A lot of the stuff he said was actually linking some topics we were researching the last year, of course he couldn't have had a clue about this.


Tbh, I believe the guy probably woke up today as perplexed as we are as to why he talked to us yesterday for all that and he was late for 1+ hour to his dinner because he talked to two strangers.

The phenomenological field trolling everyone I guess.


A lot of info to digest and a lot of pointers to explore. I don't take anything he said at face value, actually some of the bits he said I believe to be wrong conclusions of his but some others are extremely interesting and extremely well researched apparently.


It feels like nature conspired so that some info, that we wouldn't had otherwise beer aware of, reached us and now it's up to us to weed which info was that from everything we heard yesterday.


All this did happen after a mini-spiritual event related to archetypes.


If I were to meet him again, I have so much to ask him. But maybe the whole point of the encounter was to generate all these new questions.

Edited by snowymountains
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13 hours ago, snowymountains said:

It feels like nature conspired so that some info, that we wouldn't had otherwise beer aware of, reached us and now it's up to us to weed which info was that from everything we heard yesterday.


Sounds like a beautiful experience. I'd suggest nothing wrong with savoring the wonder and the opening, and seeing how it unfolds. The acquired mind wants to name and frame everything into a fixed story IME. 


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14 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

It's your OWN SOUL. Your higher self.


In deep meditative state; eg. Vipassana retreat or practicing alone away from any human activity (the natural environment is best) you can feel this connection. 




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16 hours ago, snowymountains said:

Yesterday me and my partner were at an ancient site.


The "oddness" started when we smiled at a couple of dogs, the dogs then came to sit beside us, they would not go to their owners. The owners had to come to lift the dogs and carry them so that they could leave.


I found the whole dog incident funny and thought the universe is trolling us.


Then, right after the owners lifted their dogs a guy comes out of nowhere ( neither me nor my partner have a clue from which direction he came ) and starts talking to us about the site, its people, and ..the history of its gods. The discussion become spiritual.


He knew a lot, some of the stuff he said seemed a bit odd but I thought, listen to everything he says, this might be a synchronicity. Normally in this sort of encounter I'd just politely leave but because of what happened with the dogs before, I just listened.


The guy talked to us for more than an hour, he had more to say but we wanted to walk a bit and eat, so we left. 

What was odd is that the guy needed to leave he was looking at his watch the whole time was about to leave right after looking at his watch but instead stayed to say something more because "it's important he says that too".

He also asked some questions and only after he got the "right" answer did he proceed in more detail.


Today both me and my partner woke up very early. A lot of the info he said has *zero* results in Google but... does appear in PhD theses ( which for whatever reason are not indexed by Google ).

A lot of the stuff he said was actually linking some topics we were researching the last year, of course he couldn't have had a clue about this.


Tbh, I believe the guy probably woke up today as perplexed as we are as to why he talked to us yesterday for all that and he was late for 1+ hour to his dinner because he talked to two strangers.

The phenomenological field trolling everyone I guess.


A lot of info to digest and a lot of pointers to explore. I don't take anything he said at face value, actually some of the bits he said I believe to be wrong conclusions of his but some others are extremely interesting and extremely well researched apparently.


It feels like nature conspired so that some info, that we wouldn't had otherwise beer aware of, reached us and now it's up to us to weed which info was that from everything we heard yesterday.


All this did happen after a mini-spiritual event related to archetypes.


If I were to meet him again, I have so much to ask him. But maybe the whole point of the encounter was to generate all these new questions.


Which ancient site ?


maybe it still has 'power'  ?

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16 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:



I always wonder why Shackleton's phenomena was termed that ?


"during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia, it seemed to me often that we were four, not three."[


Should be 'the other man phenomena ' ; sometimes it 2 not one or   3 not 2 .

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15 hours ago, snowymountains said:


Thank you @Taoist Texts, this seems to refer to unseen presence during traumatic moments though. That guy was made of flesh and bones and he popped up during a Saturday night walk next to an ancient site.


Was he ?  Are you sure about that .   A neighbor was equally sure of his father's  physical presence , as his father physically helped him out of his car upside down in the river , and up on to the bridge where they sat . neighbor was contemplating the near 'close call' as he was at one stage stuck in the car underwater .... just as well dad turned up  ... actually, how did dad turn up right then n... actually .... dad died last year !   he turned  to look and realized he was sitting alone on the bridge .


However I realize these stories mean nothing .... until it happens to you .

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1 hour ago, Gerard said:

It's your OWN SOUL. Your higher self.


In deep meditative state; eg. Vipassana retreat or practicing alone away from any human activity (the natural environment is best) you can feel this connection. 





Liked it but I feel its a bit vague  and 'new agey' .  We could do equally simple by using the simplistic term 'guardian angel ' ;  a higher part of our psychic anatomy  that we are endowed with , that mostly works in the 'other world'  but at times 'breaks through' in one form or another .

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12 hours ago, Nungali said:


Which ancient site ?


maybe it still has 'power'  ?


I'll keep my whereabouts a secret 😁

Maybe it does, I have no way of knowing.

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12 hours ago, Nungali said:


Was he ?  Are you sure about that .   A neighbor was equally sure of his father's  physical presence , as his father physically helped him out of his car upside down in the river , and up on to the bridge where they sat . neighbor was contemplating the near 'close call' as he was at one stage stuck in the car underwater .... just as well dad turned up  ... actually, how did dad turn up right then n... actually .... dad died last year !   he turned  to look and realized he was sitting alone on the bridge .


However I realize these stories mean nothing .... until it happens to you .


Yes I'm sure, can't know about your neighbour, lots of possibilities, that guy was flesh and bones though.

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Further synchronicities happened after my first post.


I unwrapped it, it's about an archetype becoming dominant, and per Jung at least, this is a significant integration, and that's the source of synchronicities.


The specifics of what that guy said weren't the most important part. Though it was all super interesting and gave me a lot of future reading to do, some of it will need to happen by visiting certain museums and libraries, a lot is unfortunately un-googleable.


The important part is to fully integrate the archetype.


I also realised today that it all happened next to the grave of someone, who apparently embodied the said archetype millennia ago.


Interesting and fun 😎 

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2 hours ago, snowymountains said:

I'll keep my whereabouts a secret


Does this mean you're not sharing any tidbits or tasty crumbs you gleaned from the encounter?

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2 hours ago, snowymountains said:

The important part is to fully integrate the archetype.


Ok, thanks.


2 hours ago, snowymountains said:

The specifics of what that guy said weren't the most important part


Phooey.  I suppose begging for table scraps won't do any good?

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:


Does this mean you're not sharing any tidbits or tasty crumbs you gleaned from the encounter?


I have a feeling he'd prefer not to advertise the contents and I'd prefer to respect that. At one point he was even worried we're recording him with our phones and had to reassure him we weren't and showed him our phones. Others at some point did stand by and wanted to be part of the conversation but he politely sent them away and talked only to us.


Tbh anyhow I believe his "message" was very tailored to the archetype that surfaced before the synchronicity anyhow ( I literally symbolised it right before the events ) and thus a it probably isn't as useful for others.


Last year's symbolic dreams now make sense as a progression too.

They made sense individually both in terms of internal and external interpretation.

However, seen in aggregate with the benefit of hindsight, they were also forming a spiritual progression that "unlocked" the emergence of the archetype, which in turn unlocked the recent synchronicities, which in turn "unlocked" a lot of future study and practice.


In retrospect all this was right under my nose just couldn't see the broader background, only the foreground. It places every major decision I took last year into a larger framework.


My partner was rather unsurprised by all this, she told me she had a similar set of synchronicities when an equivalent archetype was "unlocked" for her.

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:

Phooey.  I suppose begging for table scraps won't do any good?


For me the takeaways are

  • follow your heart and take risks when it feels right, maybe the universe conspires so that you can follow your path if you do so.
  • Analysis of dreams, both symbolic and external, forms a unique path and a map for each one of us.
  • For anything missing/gaps synchronicities will go a long way to fill the gaps, when the time is right.

Honestly I believe this is the takeaway from this.

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Sounds like a really special event.  I am so happy for you.  This is great.


1 hour ago, snowymountains said:

Analysis of dreams, both symbolic and external, forms a unique path and a map for each one of us.


Yes! This is huge.


1 hour ago, snowymountains said:

Honestly I believe this is the takeaway from this.


Thank you for sharing.  It's been a true pleasure.


Blessings:  peace, love, and joy to you, your partner, and your mysterious messenger, where-ever ya'll are journeying.

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19 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:


Eh ? 


Are you saying Shackleton's phenomena got the term third man as someone else wrote some thing else 'inspired' by it  , using a third man , while quoting Shackleton as saying  it was a forth man ?


The inspiration seems confused ;    the counting is 'you and I together'  but when looking up the road , the other is not together with the observer , but up ahead with another   ?  Eh  ? 


Maybe been out in the snow too long ?

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11 hours ago, snowymountains said:


I'll keep my whereabouts a secret 😁

Maybe it does, I have no way of knowing.


There is a way of knowing .

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6 hours ago, snowymountains said:


I have a feeling he'd prefer not to advertise the contents and I'd prefer to respect that. At one point he was even worried we're recording him with our phones and had to reassure him we weren't and showed him our phones. Others at some point did stand by and wanted to be part of the conversation but he politely sent them away and talked only to us.


Tbh anyhow I believe his "message" was very tailored to the archetype that surfaced before the synchronicity anyhow ( I literally symbolised it right before the events ) and thus a it probably isn't as useful for others.


Last year's symbolic dreams now make sense as a progression too.

They made sense individually both in terms of internal and external interpretation.

However, seen in aggregate with the benefit of hindsight, they were also forming a spiritual progression that "unlocked" the emergence of the archetype, which in turn unlocked the recent synchronicities, which in turn "unlocked" a lot of future study and practice.


In retrospect all this was right under my nose just couldn't see the broader background, only the foreground. It places every major decision I took last year into a larger framework.


My partner was rather unsurprised by all this, she told me she had a similar set of synchronicities when an equivalent archetype was "unlocked" for her.


Can you explain what 'unlocking an archetype ' means ?

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4 hours ago, Nungali said:

Eh ? Are you saying Shackleton's phenomena got the term third man as someone else wrote some thing else 'inspired' by it  , using a third man , while quoting Shackleton as saying  it was a forth man ?

not me, wiki


Lines 359 through 365 of T. S. Eliot's 1922 modernist poem The Waste Land were inspired by Shackleton's experience, as stated by the author in the notes included with the work. It is the reference to "the third" in this poem that has given this phenomenon its name

4 hours ago, Nungali said:

The inspiration seems confused ;    the counting is 'you and I together'  but when looking up the road , the other is not together with the observer , but up ahead with another   ?  Eh  ? 

my understanding is that the traveler talks to his mates in turns, each time seeing a third stranger who is together with the team, walking just slightly ahead, maybe next to another teammate.

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On 30/07/2024 at 2:19 AM, Nungali said:


Can you explain what 'unlocking an archetype ' means ?


An archetype coming to the surface/awareness.

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