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Cold invasion in the kidneys

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Hello Bums,

Few days ago, I went to the chiropractor for the first time to make a few adjustments, I won't go into details about that specifically.

The point is the air conditioner was running next to the "chiropractic table" where I exposed my naked back.
I believe I got cold wind invasion specifically in the right kidney (I got this exact same problem several times in the past from carelessly exposing my naked torso to cold wind, just to get some sun outside...), now it has been 2 days of fatigue/brain fog (a strange one, that I can link to kidney problems) and urine strip test showed some protein in urine.

I pressed manually theses points earlier to try to mitigate the harm, from


Stiffness and pain of the sacro-lumbar region following a Cold Wind Humidity: GV3, GV4, UB23, UB25, UB60 in Harmonization or Moxa.

I think it has helped a bit, but can't help worry that I have damaged my prenatal Jing or something (happened 3/4 times in the past), is it something that the kidneys can fully recover from without losing strength each time ? Can I replenish at some point down the road ? Right now I feel my right lumbar region tender and a bit hot.

Thank you


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55 minutes ago, johndoe2012 said:

How does it feel now? 


Channeled something for your kidneys. 

Hey john,

Right now the tenderness, pain and the brain fog feel better, I don't know if you have anything to do with that but I am grateful for your concern anyway, thank you.

I pray that you enjoy good health for as long as possible and that you may be relieved from any hindrance as well.

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