
The Human TORUS and how it relates to everything.

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We all live in a Torus uni sphere and is also known as the body of Christ. Its our creator. THEE creator as in ONLY creator. ( not Jesus Christ )   To start off, we need to understand what a TORUS uni sphere is .  Its an orb of energy that has a set of upper and lower vortices that are spiraling in opposite directions to each other. The cgi torus will give you a better idea and its anatomy . Its flows energy up and out then down and back into itself. When observing the torus from the center looking up it spirals clockwise and when looking down from the center its spirals CCW. Both at the same exact moment in the same moment of time. Its a unified flow that is moving in a SINGLE direction all at the same time and its the basis for unity . The duality is generated by the opposite directions .


the opposite directions are the basis for duality . UNITY and DUALITY are a polarity is their own right .

Here's what it looks like using yin and yang polarity ( +/- )



up /down

out/ in

clockwise /counter clockwise

unity / duality


the words on the left are the + side and its opposite on the - side.


The CGI torus is a 5 dimensional Torus-phere aka torus-unisphere. Its has an inside and outside a top and a bottem and a left and a right side. These are the 5 sides that exist in everything and everyone everywhere.


The yin yang symbol is a flat version of the same thing. The black circle is the - CCW spiral and the white circle is the CW spiral .


White is the color for + and black is the color of - 


The 5 dimensions of a 3 dimensional box and or sphere are the same .



up /down

left /right

top /bottem

out /in         all of them are called  "sides "


every THING in existence has these 6 sides and there are no exceptions.


The box is the 3rd dimension

The inside is the 4th

The outside is the 5th


Ill get to the 1st and 2nd dimensions in the following posts . They are significant in thier relationship to Christ and Satan.





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38 minutes ago, Yang said:

We all live in a Torus uni sphere


I agree with virtually everything you wrote, but, I choose different words to describe it.  My only nit-pick would be that this "life" you are referring to is a material life.  Mortal life.  Corporeal life.  In other words:  I do not limit myself or any others to only their material life.  We are more than corpses and carcasses.  The Torus-uni-sphere model is a closed loop.  A rat-race, so to speak.  A zero-sum-game.  From my perspective, that's the material world.  I am quite sure, we are more than material, there is more than the torus-uni-sphere, if that's the model your choosing. 


That said, it's a wonderful discovery.  Now.  Friend?  What are you going to do with it?  :)

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im using the 5d torus sphere as a basis for polarity and unity. Its both a polarity and a unified sphere. Unity is the meaning for 1. The number 1 and unity are synonymous. Unity is the + pole for duality +/-.


Its the foundation for everything im about to " do with it  " . Im going to continue to build the  " model " as a whole. Its just the starting point.


We are going to use the torus as the foundation . So far all I have done is  DEFINED what the torus sphere is . Im going to show you how it relates to every thing and every one every where.


Thanks for the reply. All reply's are welcome from anyone . + or -  its all good.


We , in human form are 50/50 . Half energy ( we cant see ) and half matter ( we can see  ) We cant smell taste feel hear and speak see  the energy the Torus sphere is made of. Its positive life energy that we use to speak , hear , smell taste feel and see with .


Matter and energy are a spectrum from zero density to solid density . They are two poles of the same item in the same way as males and females are two poles of the same human form.. Or up+/- down left+/-right top +/- bottem out and in .


The white of the yin yang symbol represents positive energy and the black represents negative matter.  Its 50/50


Im also going to show everyone how the TORUS relates to heaven earth and hell as well as God  ( Christ ) our creator in heaven and satan our destroyer in hell.


I guarantee you 100 % , you and many others who read my content will be in AWE but the time im half way through . Its gonna take a few months . Im not cutting and pasting.


when you have a chance , take a look at my content from 2019.  I didn't know then , what I know today . Its been a progressive journey and the journey isn't over by a long shot.


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Posted (edited)

The BASKET BALL effect


The basket ball, like the TORUS is also a TORUS uni-sphere that has 3 dimensions. IT spins clockwise at the top and counter clockwise at the bottom while moving in a unified motion ( ALL at one. ) The word ALL like the number 1 is synonymous with the word UNITY+ .  The CW+ and CCW- motions at the top and bottom are synonymous with DUALITY - . ALL three must happen at the same time in order for any of them to happen at all. Its the same rule are the TORUS ENERGY field around our body that we cant see taste smell feel hear etc.


when the spinning ball is observed from the top+ down- , its spins CW+ and when you observe the same spinning ball as it spins CW+ from the bottem- up+ , its spinning CCW- at the same exact moment in time as a UNIFIED+ motion .


cw + / ccw-

up + / down-

top + / bottem -

unity + / duality -

energy + / matter -


The torus (energy) sphere is the +   Its unobservable energy +

The basket ball ( matter ) sphere is the - Its observable matter -


The same rule applies to galaxies in the night sky. Half of them spiral CW and the other half spiral CCW. Depending on POV ( point of view ) 50+/50-  All of them at the same time. Male+ and female -.




Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 06-04-19 galaxies - Google Search.png

Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 06-03-11 galaxies - Google Search.png

Edited by Yang
added a sentence

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The HUMAN Torus effect


Our human bodies, like the basket ball and TORUS SPHERE have the same 3 dimensions . CW+CCW- and unity + ALL at he same moment in time when we are walking and or running,


( Note )

This TOPIC is leading to CHRISTIANITY+  but its closer in relation to Christian science rather than the big 3 religious faiths of Judaism-, Islam+ and Christianity+.  You'll see what I mean latter in the topic. )


Our body has an upper vortex ( arms + ) and a lower vortex ( legs - ) that move in opposite directions to each other at the same time while we move in a single forwards motion . CW +/ - CCW  forwards + , Then CCW - CW+ and forwards +


left +arm+ forwards +

right- arm+ backwards-

left+ leg- backwards-

right- leg- forwards+


notice how all of the above motions are opposite in every single way  ? The SINGLE way is synonymous with unity as well as all at the same time which is also synonymous with unity .






its very noticeable when you run with your arms extended over your head. The shoulders rotate one way while the hips rotate the other way at the same time. Its a SPIRAL motion, not just straight forwards and back, Its up down forwards and back .


Our feet are pointing outwards in the same way as the torus' lower vortex shape as well . Smaller at the top and larger at the botttem. Like an inverted tornado. 


( this concludes today's lesson but there's allot more on the way tomorrow )



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The cycles of the moon and the human TORUS


It all starts with the TORUS ( aka the yin -/+ yang symbol. ) The human torus has the same motion and X shape as the torus. Two arms above and 2 legs below. A spinning basket ball also has the same simultaneous motion of clockwise and counter clockwise rotation as the TORUS and our Human torus body. ( GOOGLE happy people images and you'll see the human torus X shape in action ) All of my content in this thread is leading to HOW THE HUMAN TORUS RELATES TO everything and everyone everywhere. Including the spiritual and physical body of CHRIST our creator in heaven, known to us in the 5th dimension AS the 5th dimension.


Ask me any questions you like as this thread progresses. All are welcome. I'll try to answer them all .


The cycles of the moon shows us how it "walks" in the same way our body's walk . ALL opposite to each other .

They also show us how the cycles relate to the yin yang symbol which is the flat version image is a TORUS sphere.


Here's how, 


 The light colored moon is the + half and the dark colored moon is the - half.


 The upper+ half of the 8 cycles are mostly light+ with a little dark-

 The lower- half of the 8 cycles are mostly dark- with a little light+


 If the human body relates to the torus and the torus relates to everything and everyone everywhere then that ipso facto means the human torus must also relate to everything  and everyone everywhere.


Im putting together a picture using FACTS that anyone can fact check, one small piece at a time like a puzzle. The more factual pieces that are put in place, the more apparent the whole picture becomes. You'll soon see how the human torus relates to everything and everyone everywhere. Its all starts with the TORUS ENERGY SPHERE we are all within right now. The fact is, everything and everyone is related in some way to each other just by the fact of being in the same TORUS uni sphere. Im going to point out other ways that have until now gone un noticed.


The YIN YANG symbol is far more significant than anyone knows.  Its shape and black / white colors are related to everything and everyone everywhere, including the BODY of Christ , heaven earth and hell, earths outer sun and moon , how we walk to how a ball spins, the motion of the stars and allot more. Cyclone and hurricane TORNADOES too.


Im going to present pieces of the puzzle a few pieces at a time that will eventually show everyone the whole picture when its finished.






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Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 08-50-35 moon cycles - Google Search.jpg

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 05-36-21 Yin and Yang.png

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This one has the 8 circles of life like the moons phases on its back . The number 8 is very significant, in that it matches the 8 primary colors of life.


left leg forwards left arm back

left leg back right arm forwards

right leg forwards right leg back

right leg back right leg forwards.


Everything without exception has a set of polarities called +/- . ( aka yang and yin ) Polarity is the torus-phere unified language.


Polarity is basically a set of opposites with a positive half and a negative half. Polarities are a spectrum from 0 to 8 as seem with the 8 primary colors of light.


Polarity on earth is 50+/50- Polarity in heaven is 90+10- Polarity in hell is 90-10+


our creator is 100% +

our destroyer is 100% - I'll show you how so latter on .








yellow and black


These colors will be address in latter content in this thread. The primary colors are a road map to our creator in heaven as well as our destroyer in hell , SATAN. The direction you choose is up to you and makes no difference to me.



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lets take a look at the primary colors of light in nature . There are two sets . The positive set of eight and the negative set of 8


The positive set are white blue green red magenta cyan yellow and black

The Neg set are found in a prism.


these two videos explain how natures colors of light are made of different densities.


Both sets originate from white , however the negative set has no black.


 The 8 colors without black are the asymmetric - negative colors . The 8 primary colors with black are the symmetric + positive colors of light .

Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 14-53-48 colors prisum - Google Search.png

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the additive colors are the positive set and the subtractive colors are its negative set.


Like the cycles of the moon , OPPOSITES are always across from each other.


Duality is opposed face to face and across -

Unity is side by side and un-opposed +


white blue green red are the + colors

black yellow magenta and cyan are the - colors.


The 8 primary colors above are the colors of the torus. 

The 4 + colors are the upper CW colors of the torus sphere.

The 4 - are the lower CCW colors of the torus sphere.


I dont use the 8 negative colors that are missing black . I refer to these as satanic - colors.


Im going to show you how all colors can be separated from the density everyone thinks they are stuck too but are in fact not .


When we look at anything , we are looking at images in the same way you look at a painting or a photograph. Its all flat. The illusion is depth. I will show you how YOU can lift the colors from the density you think they are part of and then put your arm through the colors without coming in contact with the density . Anyone who can, see can do it. Its a simple matter of unifying our eyes into the same space and time.


Sight+ and touch- are a polarity.

Smelling+ and taste- are too .

So is speaking+ and hearing-.


We cant see density but we can feel it

We cant feel the colors we see with out body

We cant taste what we cant smell

We cant speak if we cant hear.


this is how we know they are polarities.


Im also going to show you how our body has 2 brains 4 eyes 2 noses 4 ears, 4 eye brows, 2 mouths and 2 sets of facial hair and 3 gender organs. Men have these and women have these too. If you include both men and women, double it . 4 brains 8 eyes  4 noses etc etc.


You wont find this information in any text books on earth from any authors. My body was born here on earth but my spiritual being is from the 5th dimension. I work for 1 person in the 5th dimension. His name is CHRIST. The Central Sun of inner earth. Or just GOD. Im not gonna lie , I did'nt know it until recently but now that I do I cant un-know it . I dont want to un-know it either. I wasn't supposed to know it until recently.


All anyone needs to do is define every word using opposite words and +/- ( yang/yin ). You'll see the world in ways you've never imagined. I'm here to help you get started doing just that. A head start so to speak.


Im going to show you the full body of CHRIST too . Christ is number 1. A unified spiritual being with consciousness that far exceeds our human consciousness. The term spiritual originates from the dual spirals of the torus sphere.  The upper and lower set of vortices. Im going to show you where CHRISTS thoughts originate from in relation to where were are now one earth and where our own thoughts originate from.


Im going to show you how men and women are a single unit , split into 2 halves.

Im going to show you the simple math that supports everything im saying as factual . I mentioned them back in 2019 on this forum if you take a look youll see them .


they are:






These are the numbers of the torus sphere and Ill show you how they are formulated using multiplication .


Its gonna take a couple months.


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Posted (edited)


On 02/08/2024 at 3:11 PM, Yang said:

… Torus uni sphere … is also known as the body of Christ. …

No, it isn’t. 

I think you should move this thread to your PPD, as it’s entirely unrelated to the Abrahamic religions. 


Edited by Cobie

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