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It involves using our hand to swipe our Governing Vessel/Meridian 3 times (from front to back) to remove the negative trapped energy or emotion after it is found and the details about it through asking our subconscious through muscle testing/applied kinesiology. But is this safe energetically (and karmically if anyone knows) to do any of this?

The creator is a Christian and said God showed him this healing technique.

Thank you for any advice

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Sounds a bit superficial. 


Deeply seated stuff won't be removed swiping your hands three times. 


I would use use an energy healing system meant for healing instead. Magical Awakening is one such system. 

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On 8/21/2024 at 12:58 AM, Sanity Check said:

Sounds like a variation on "aura fluffing".

Do you recommend aura fluffing and know if it is safe? 

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5 hours ago, Amituofo said:

Do you recommend aura fluffing and know if it is safe? 



The author of Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) wrote about it in his book on Travels.


He wrote about his personal experiences with psychics and spiritualism.


That's all I know.

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On 03.08.2024 at 12:06 AM, Amituofo said:

It involves using our hand to swipe our Governing Vessel/Meridian 3 times (from front to back) to remove the negative trapped energy or emotion after it is found and the details about it through asking our subconscious through muscle testing/applied kinesiology. But is this safe energetically (and karmically if anyone knows) to do any of this?

The creator is a Christian and said God showed him this healing technique.

Thank you for any advice

Every once in a while, a new "gifted" person makes an appearance who is selling casual practices, like strolling out for a walk, breathing, or stretching, as some God-given sacred techniques.

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broo this book hahaha


I bought it like 6 years ago after all those 5star reviews on amazon, tested it a few times but had no result, maybe it can work for you I'm just sharing my experience with it.


About your questions, i think it's super safe because I can't see the energy work there, it's more about suggesting yourself to move in a certain way and the tapping shouldn't do you harm, it's actually used in some systems to bring the energy down after QiGong.


About the karma thing, if you use it for doing good things for others I don't think it can hurt you, if you do good you will receive a good karma.


I've read a book on Taoist Talisman Crafting and there's a part they say that you sould be careful whe helping someone because this energy can backfire to you, their explanation is "the energy is never destroyed it's just redirected so if you help someone and take that energy out this energy needs to go somewhere else". Just giving you another point of view on this subject, this could actually be a whole new thread.

Also there's a thread here in TDB where someone asks help for someone else and people have an argument on these lines.


But personally I don't buy it, if you do good deeds, you receive good karma, simple as this.





  • Thanks 1

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