
true names of God(s), Demons etc

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Sacred is what we make sacred.  It quiets your mind and gives you a sense of awe.  It can be common or rare. 


Lately I'm working on breath as sacred.  Which for me, is both experiential and traditional.. Jewish.  Ruach as breath, baruch as blessed, breath, God..  










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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Cobie said:

 :blink:  ‘sound’ isn’t even mentioned on the link. 



Read more carefully ; 

I said 'indicate'   I didnt claim  'mention'  .


(Although I hate to negate Daniels  laughter at my supposed 'mistake' and 'confusion' .   :rolleyes:  )


Edited by Nungali
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11 hours ago, Daniel said:


I'll do what I choose.  I am very happy whether you answer or not.  



You would like to do that , I am sure .  But there are rules here .


You might do what you choose  though .... and probably get away with it .

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1 hour ago, Cobie said:

 Instead I would like to ask you to tell me a little bit more about it in your own words. But please, in words that a 6 year old could understand as that’s about my level of understanding.


I can try.  I need to think about it before replying to make it as simple and brief as possible.


1 hour ago, Cobie said:

It reminds me of "… a partnership, of body-and-soul.  The body is the shell.  The soul is its vivifying essence which is filling it.  Both body-and-soul come from The Most High …"


Yup :)

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4 minutes ago, Nungali said:

You would like to do that , I am sure .  But there are rules here .




5 minutes ago, Nungali said:

You might do what you choose  though .... and probably get away with it .


~pats you on the head~   Yes, Nungali.  Your logical prowess is remarkable.  ~eye-rolls~

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43 minutes ago, Daniel said:






Thats it boy , let it all out  ;





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2 hours ago, Cobie said:

But please, in words that a 6 year old could understand


Is there any wiggle room on this?  How about a mature 10 year old?

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2 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Is there any wiggle room on this? …

Sure, feel free to address a 4 years old. :lol:


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1 hour ago, Cobie said:

Sure, feel free to address a 4 years old. :lol:


Yes.  The story begins like this... ahem...


In the beginning God created all of the heavens, everything that was, is, and will be....


... any questions?

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Posted (edited)


20 hours ago, Daniel said:

… In the beginning God created all of the heavens … 

Wow “heavens” is plural!



Edited by Cobie
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Posted (edited)


On 07/08/2024 at 4:01 AM, Daniel said:

… In the beginning God created all of the heavens, everything that was, is, and will be....


:blink: “heavens” is everything?



Edited by Cobie

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2 hours ago, Cobie said:

Wow “heavens” is plural!


Yes.  Shamayim.  It is a contraction.  Literally.  It's two words conjoined. ( You're going to like this. ) It's Fire+Water.  Aish-Mayim.  Shamayim, Heavens.  Plural.


2 hours ago, Cobie said:

How many heavens are there? 


How many?  There are many-many-many-many heavens.  May I tell you a story?


A long time ago, there was a great King named Shlomo ( Solomon in English ).  King Solomon was very wise and had learned many things.  In addition to being wise, King Solomon is remembered for being the one to complete the first great temple in Jerusalem.  After the temple was completed, King Solomon dedicates the sanctuary and offers the very first prayer within its four walls to the Lord-God, The Most High, the creator of the heavens ( plural ) and the earth.


The prayer is interesting, because, King Solomon is a mighty-mighty King.  He has many chariots, many-many horses, and many-many-many ... admirers.  ~blush~


He had a brilliant teacher, King David, the warrior-poet.  And in spite of this, even King Solomon has questions!  Even King Solomon has doubts!  Like a ...(  how old are you?  4?  4 years old?  ) ... Yes, like you.  Like a young child,  like a 4 year old child, King Solomon had question. : Big questions.  Important questions.  Just.  Like.  You.  However, King Solomon knows a secret.  Quite a few secrets, to be honest, but this one is the biggest.  Do you want me to tell you?  Do you want me to tell you a secret?  A big secret? The prophet Jeremiah knows this secret. The prophet Isaiah knows this secret. Christ-Jesus knows this secret ( of course ).  Father Abraham learned it from the All-Mighty. King David learned it … on and off the … … “battlefield” for lack of better words. Christ-Jesus knew it from the beginning. ;) Naturally. :) 


This secret is big. Huge. Possibly one of the greatest secrets you’ll ever learn. It’s the biggest secret I’ve ever heard. I cannot imagine a bigger secret.  I’ll tell you. OK.  Good.  You seem ready. It’s OK. Give me moment.


~turning, looking, to the left~

~turning, looking, to the right~

~checking behind me, over my shoulder~

~looking forward, into the distance, over your shoulders~

~looking, carefully, examining, under the desk~

~looking at you, head tilts left, my right ear is listening to the silence~

~dramatic pause~

~my head returns to center, I lift my nose, sniffing the air, like a dog~

~Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniffSniff, sniff, sniffSNORT!~

( this is where the 4 year old giggles )

OK. I think we’re alone. I’ll tell you. This is the secret: "some questions cannot be answered".


Unanswerable questions.  Can you imagine?  A question which cannot, under any circumstances, be answered?  Forever and ever and always?  No answer? Never answered?  Cannot? What kind of question is this??!! … ... I’ll tell you. ~leans in~ It’s like counting every leaf on every tree. It’s like counting the drops in the ocean. It’s like counting the stars in the sky. It’s like counting the sand on the seashore. ~nodding, smiling, nodding, tugging on beard~ Yes… it’s like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. ( Genesis 22:17 ) ~big-sigh, deep breath~  Yes.


But wait! That’s not the entire secret. I'm sorry.  No, no, I’m not saying it right. I’m sorry, this is important. I need to say it correctly.  Please.  ~shaking my head~   OK. ~deep-breath~  OK.  Yes. Good.  Here we go. Ready? The entire secret is told like this:


1) Every question is an opportunity.

2) Big questions are big opportunities.

3) The biggest question is the biggest opportunity.


Yes, yes, yes. Now.  That's better.  That is a truly great secret, isn’t it? I think so. I cannot imagine a greater secret. Can you? King Solomon knows this secret, and because of this, when he is praying to the Lord-God, the Most High, at the dedication of the Lord’s first temple on earth in Jerusalem, he asks himself an unanswerable question about God in the heavens.  Yes.  Excellent observation.  You are very good at this.  Heavens is plural.  Awesome.


In his wisdom, King Solomon understands, but he does not know the answer to this question. And when this question is asked in prayer, at that time, in that place, under those circumstances, and for those reasons? King Solomon has been taught The Lord-God, The Most High, will very likely respond. And that, is a very great secret, isn’t it?  How many are the heavens?  King Solomon is asking himself himself the same question that you are asking in a slightly different form.


Here is King Solomon’s secret at the dedication of the temple. 1 Kings 8.





2 hours ago, Cobie said:

Could you give a (very brief) description of each heaven? 


I can.  But should I?  B)

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On 8/6/2024 at 1:19 AM, Nungali said:



I see, a symbol is not the same as archetype, though the two may be related but their relationship is not as straightforward, e.g. The same symbol may correspond to multiple archetypes and sometime opposite ones.

An archetype is a construct that bears some similarities to instincts ( speaking loosely here ).

In dreams an archetype may manifest via symbols.

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23 minutes ago, Daniel said:

He had a brilliant teacher, King David, the warrior-poet.


Are there any significant figures which you'd classify as warrior-healers ( both at the same time, not one but not the other ) in scriptures?


26 minutes ago, Daniel said:

How many?  There are many-many-many-many heavens.  May I tell you a story?



Here is King Solomon’s secret at the dedication of the temple. 1 Kings 8.


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What is interesting is that in some Shamanic traditions the upper world is composed of many layers.

If I recall correctly, the story of Enoch describes a transcendence to heavens, others too.


On a sidenote, the Enoch story it's tricky, whether or not it is Enoch who became Metatron and whether Metatron is the Devil or another entity. Never managed to find some theological analysis on this but anyhow I guess the answer of any theologian will depend a lot on what scriptures they accept vs reject.

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1 minute ago, snowymountains said:

Are there any significant figures which you'd classify as warrior-healers ( both at the same time, not one but not the other ) in scriptures?


Great question.  Moses' disciple, Joshua Ben Nun.


3 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


What is interesting is that in some Shamanic traditions the upper world is composed of many layers.

If I recall correctly, the story of Enoch describes a transcendence to heavens, others too.


~nods~  The Book of Enoch is difficult.  The only extant copy is a translation of a translation twice removed from its author.


I've found that learning about Mayan Healers is a great resource for learning about healing from a Shamanic point-of-view.  There's a few in Belize which are still practicing in the traditional ways.  I have a book ... somewhere.  It's wonderful.  I'm happy to find the title for you if interested.


9 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

the Enoch story it's tricky, whether or not it is Enoch who became Metatron and whether Metatron is the Devil or another entity. Never managed to find some theological analysis on this but anyhow I guess the answer of any theologian will depend a lot on what scriptures they accept vs reject.




See what I mean?

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11 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

accept vs reject.


What else could it be?  What's the opposite of accept vs reject?


12 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

whether or not


What else?  Is there another option?  Hiding in plain sight?


12 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

is Enoch who became Metatron and whether Metatron is the Devil or another entity


Hmmmmm.   This appears to be the super-set.  But, it's not.  What's missing?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Daniel said:

It's beautiful.

It’s from the Public Domain Pictures’.



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Posted (edited)
On 07/08/2024 at 3:11 PM, snowymountains said:

… in some Shamanic traditions the upper world is composed of many layers. …




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33 minutes ago, Daniel said:

There's a few in Belize which are still practicing in the traditional ways.  I have a book ... somewhere.  It's wonderful.  I'm happy to find the title for you if interested.


Please do ! I am a bookworm when it comes to anything on Shamanism 😎



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