
true names of God(s), Demons etc

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Daniel said:


What else could it be?  What's the opposite of accept vs reject?


To selectively combine -if we remain in the realms of theology and not go eg into experiential practices- but this would require a theology scholar who is happy to take some heat from religious authorities. 

Religious authority implies a canon, and anything outside the canon not being reviewed for theological questions.

There are scholars like this of course, I'm just not aware of anyone who also happened to work on this question.



52 minutes ago, Daniel said:


What else?  Is there another option?  Hiding in plain sight?

There a lot of other options, I have to say this is a topic that's on my todo list for 2 years now and still haven't managed to get it  started.

Another option is that Enoch the person became overtaken by Metatron's Archetype and in a sense became one with Metatron.

But a lot more options exist.



52 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Hmmmmm.   This appears to be the super-set.  But, it's not.  What's missing?

A lot could be missing.

It could also be that Metatron is God or - if ones wants to go into entities stemming from a Monad - that Metatron and the Devil form a syzygy, Metatron is an aeon that's directly aware of God and the Devil is another aeon and lots of other options.

Even more options appear if one wishes to distinguish between a creator God and the Godhead, etc etc.


A lot also depends again on what accounts of Metatron one accepts, if eg a first failed creation is attributed or not to Metatron ( which also rules out Enoch who appeared later than the first creation becoming Metatron ) etc etc.

Edited by snowymountains

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5 hours ago, Cobie said:

heavens, everything that was, is, and will be “

:blink: “heavens” is everything?


Yes and no... It's complicated.

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:

The Lord’s Prayer’ also mentions a plural ‘heavens’!  οὐρανοῖς


It also mentions a ‘heaven’ singular. οὐρανῷ


The same is happening in King Solomon's prayer.  However, fair warning?  This is not 4 year-old material.  This is difficult.


The heavens are described, written, poetically.  There's symmetry and balance.  But it's easier to see it without the vowels.  Lacking vowels is how it would if someone is reading the text from a traditional scroll.


... השמים ושמי השמים ...

... Plural <<>> Singular <<>> Plural ...


Can you see it?  However, it doesn't mean:  Plural <<>> Singular <<>> Plural.  It means:  ( singular ( plural-plural ) singular ).   The plural is included within the singular.   This is a reflected, inverse, nested symmetry.  The nesting is extremely important and yet it is almost always neglected.



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1 hour ago, Cobie said:

:o Wow. Yes, I do love that! 


Me too.


3 hours ago, Cobie said:

I knew that already. :) [ some questions cannot be answered ]


Yes.  Of course you did.  The entire secret is below:

  1. every question is an opportunity
  2. big questions are big opportunities
  3. the biggest question is the biggest opportunity

This, naturally, produces 2 questions:  What is the biggest question?  What is the biggest opportunity?


3 hours ago, Cobie said:

1King 8:27 imo is a metaphor to express God is infinite; not a factual description.


Not factual?  Phooey.  My friend the 4 year old has been dismissed?  May I ask you a question?  Please?


Question:  How does anyone factually describe an immaterial concept? 


3 hours ago, Cobie said:

1 King 8:30 has ‘heaven’ singular, “heaven, your dwelling place”


I see that.  But that's not all I'm seeing.  The word in the verse is Shamayim.  That's the plural form.  But.  It is preceded by a preposition which suggests that it is actually singular.  It looks plural, but it's actually singular?  Yup. That's Jewish.  :D




And then, we can apply the inverse, reflected, nested symmetry... 


( singular ( plural ) singular ). 


Guess where we are in this mini-diagram?  We're in the center.  We are in a realm of multiplicity which is possessed by a grand never-ending singularity.  And that is the correction which Abraham ( at that time Abram ) brings in Gen 14 when he is correcting Malchi-Tzedek.

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3 hours ago, snowymountains said:

Please do ! I am a bookworm when it comes to anything on Shamanism 😎


"Sastun:  My apprenticeship with a Maya Healer" - Rosita Arvigo with Nadine Epstein, Harper Publishing.

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17 hours ago, Nungali said:

Thats it ...


Yes, and thank you.  The ignore feature is not easy to find.  I keep forgetting about it.  You've inspiring me to search for it.





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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, snowymountains said:

Are there any significant figures which you'd classify as warrior-healers ( both at the same time, not one but not the other ) in scriptures?


I apologize.  I should have used Joshua's hebrew name.  Y'hoShua.  Literally:  "The Lord's Eternal Salvation"  Yehoshua is how it is usually transliterated.  His name in full ( legal given name, his true name ) is Yehoshua Ben Nuhn L'matay Ephrayim.  Not Joshua.  Sorry. 


L'matay Ephrayim is "from the tribe of Ephrayim, Joseph's son from his Egyptian wife, which was adopted and considered one of the progeny of Jacob, of the House of Israel, aka, B'nay Yisrah'ayl"


Edited by Daniel
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3 hours ago, Cobie said:

It’s from the Public Domain Pictures’.


I love it.  ... feels like heaven.

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7 hours ago, Cobie said:

Could you give a (very brief) description of each heaven? 


4 hours ago, Daniel said:

I can.  But should I?  B)


3 hours ago, Cobie said:

Yes please. :)


Are you sure?  Why should I?  Why shouldn't I?  When I make a pro/con list, I am convinced that I shouldn't.

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:


I apologize.  I should have used Joshua's hebrew name.  Y'hoShua.  Literally:  "The Lord's Eternal Salvation"  Yehoshua is how it is usually transliterated.  His name in full ( legal given name, his true name ) is Yehoshua Ben Nuhn L'matay Ephrayim.  Not Joshua.  Sorry. 


L'matay Ephrayim is "from the tribe of Ephrayim, Joseph's son from his Egyptian wife, which was adopted and considered one of the progeny of Jacob, of the House of Israel, aka, B'nay Yisrah'ayl"



Thanks - the same Y'hoShua who destroyed Jericho ?

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2 hours ago, snowymountains said:


Thanks - the same Y'hoShua who destroyed Jericho ?


That's the right individual.  You're in the right story, at least.  For pronunciation, the emphasis is on the middle syllable.  y'HOshua.  After that, it's a long "u" sound.  oo.  In english, it's like a shoe.. uh.  ...shoe-uh.

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Posted (edited)


2 hours ago, Cobie said:

Yes. It also reminded me of Laozi on his ox


That one gives a completely different feeling.  Where's the sun?  Where's the grass?  Where's the smile?  This picture is mostly empty.  The other picture was completely full.  This picture is monotone.  The other one was colorful.  And.  It looks like an uncomfortable journey, but at least Laozi is managing OK.


Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Sure. My interest in the picture was that it was a ‘fire+water’ picture (like Laozi, the human is riding on an animal).


Wow.  I didn't notice that on my own.  Thanks.


Edited by Daniel

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Cobie said:

‘fire+water’ picture


I'm curious.  In the pictures, in your opinion, which one is fire and which one is water?


Edited by Daniel

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12 hours ago, Cobie said:


Wow “heavens” is plural!




When it says heavens it means heavens but when it says Gods it doesnt mean Gods     ;) 

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9 hours ago, snowymountains said:


I see, a symbol is not the same as archetype, though the two may be related but their relationship is not as straightforward, e.g. The same symbol may correspond to multiple archetypes and sometime opposite ones.

An archetype is a construct that bears some similarities to instincts ( speaking loosely here ).

In dreams an archetype may manifest via symbols.


I dont get that one ... are you saying its some type of   psychological 'drive'  ?


 and are you using the term in a regular sense  * ( that I dont understand )  or have you adopted it as a term that describes something specific you have discovered ?   ( Eg, I use the term 'soul' that way  and 'spirit'  - one's 'essential essence' , while many see it as some type of 'astral double' ghost ) .



  1. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype.
  2. An ideal example of a type; quintessence.
    "an archetype of the successful entrepreneur."
  3. In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious.


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9 hours ago, snowymountains said:


Please do ! I am a bookworm when it comes to anything on Shamanism 😎




Oh, well then  !


I doubt you will find better than this ;

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11 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Fire above; water below (“pneuma/ruach hovered over the water”)


That' what I was thinking too.  But I struggle with the young child as "fire" and I struggle with Laotzi as "fire".  And I struggle with Laozi's steed as water, unless it is a water-fall, which is crashing back upwards as it is splashing against the rocks and logs at the bottom of the falls.  But the young child's horse is very watery to me.  So that part fits.  

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