
true names of God(s), Demons etc

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50 minutes ago, Cobie said:

To learn, 
One accumulates day by day.

To study Tao, 
One reduces day by day. 


This supports what I wrote.

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In fact, nearly all mysticism,  magic, occultism, and Philosophy is either opinion or fantasy. I've traveled these worlds and it all fails. There's actually very little that is necessary to know and follow.  I can't believe people worship this stuff!

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When it comes to wisdom, all a person really needs to know is that harming someone is bad, and will be punished by law or retaliation. 


Strength and symmetry, and firm color are beautiful to the eye, and humans like these things over weaker and feeble versions. I don't know why that is, it's just innate in our species. Things of this nature get favor, or opposition. 


The rest of philosophy is simply opinion and the esoteric is climbing a tree of knowledge based on the opinions of what I said to be true.

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On 8/19/2024 at 5:04 AM, Cadcam said:

In fact, nearly all mysticism,  magic, occultism, and Philosophy is either opinion or fantasy. I've traveled these worlds and it all fails. There's actually very little that is necessary to know and follow.  I can't believe people worship this stuff!


You dont seem to know much about it or its history .  Then demean it from your modern egotistical know all  cultural viewpoint .


All that is apparent is that YOU failed , and no wonder, with that viewpoint . It was probably a failure based on wrong expectations .


There is a  LOT  to know in those worlds  ... what 'philosophy is fantasy '  ?   I think this is why no one has been interested in engaging with you .   Perhaps you are very young ?   And who says 'this stuff' is being 'worshiped ' .


Did you come here to vent because of your own failures ?

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On 8/19/2024 at 5:14 AM, Cadcam said:

When it comes to wisdom, all a person really needs to know is that harming someone is bad, and will be punished by law or retaliation. 


False .  many times people are acquitted when put on trial for a charge of harming someone ,  due to various reasons , they get no punishment whatsoever.


Strength and symmetry, and firm color are beautiful to the eye, and humans like these things over weaker and feeble versions. I don't know why that is, it's just innate in our species. Things of this nature get favor, or opposition. 


False again. Not all humans do that, only some of them . Regarding color ; yes , some are strong and firm , that is the 2nd level oif color , the 'Queen scale '  the 'commanding colors ' , but there is also the 'Knight scale ' those that scream and yell at you and demand our attention; the florescent , bright and shocking hues ,  ' the shouting colors ' . But many like the soft muted pastels , they are beautiful to the eye as well , 'the Princess scale '  " The whispering colors ' . But mostly we have the 'prince scale' those colors that 'speak to us '  .


Yes, things of this nature do get  favor   or opposition  ...... or ignored .   ;) 


The rest of philosophy is simply opinion and the esoteric is climbing a tree of knowledge based on the opinions of what I said to be true.


And, which you just did above yourself .


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I stand by my statements.  Obviously not every crime gets noticed or punished, and I said philosophy is either opinion or fantasy, mostly they are just opinions. 

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Philosophical observations can be paradigms based on ideas that may or may not apply to the situation, and is therefore fantasy. Though sometimes successful at illuminating truth, it can often miss that goal. Knowledge and understanding are magical tools that creat a web of illusion, when life is simply quiet, and all we really do is sleep, work and eat.

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7 hours ago, Cadcam said:

Philosophical observations can be paradigms based on ideas that may or may not apply to the situation, and is therefore fantasy. Though sometimes successful at illuminating truth, it can often miss that goal. Knowledge and understanding are magical tools that creat a web of illusion, when life is simply quiet, and all we really do is sleep, work and eat.


 Do you see other functions or purposes for knowledge and understanding  other than 'creating a web of illusion ' ?

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So without this it is illusion  ? 


If I read you right - I like it . As I have said a few times ;


Fire is inspiration .  Water is the reception of that inspiration and how we 'feel' about it  ,  "sleep on it ' (run it through our unconscious ), etc . then air is next, how will we think about it , is it even possible,  the intellect works out a way to make it possible .


It can inspire action ..... but things can stop there .  Ya gotta do it ! The process must be earthed .


Thats where I think your 'Create' comes into it . Thats 'earth', manifestation, to actually ground it in physical action and  create 'something new' .


Otherwise, all that I said ( and that process we go through  from  fire to air ) has all just been a pipe dream, an 'illusion '


wafting away on the opium smoke of deluded dreams  ... while nothing happens on the physical .

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On 9/2/2024 at 4:41 PM, Cadcam said:

all we really do is sleep, work and eat.


we also seek, fear, get angry, experience lust, nurture, get sad, we play and lots of other stuff.

The definition you give is a cynical one, it is also unfounded.

Maybe (?) this is an effort to define what we are in terms of behavior, but even within strictly behavioral terms we are not just sleet/work/eat.

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Perhaps I am a little too Cynical.  I feel betrayed by philosophy.  At the end of the day it seems like it all fails. I appreciate my education though.

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8 minutes ago, Cadcam said:

Perhaps I am a little too Cynical.  I feel betrayed by philosophy.  At the end of the day it seems like it all fails. I appreciate my education though.


I've quoted philosophy very little here, only poor ol' Epictetus in a couple of places here and there


This part:


we also seek, fear, get angry, experience lust, nurture, get sad, we play and lots of other stuff.


Is not philosophy, it's affective neuroscience Affective neuroscience of the emotional BrainMind: evolutionary perspectives and implications for understanding depression - PMC (



Brain research supports the existence of at least seven primary-process (basic) emotional systems - SEEKING, RAGE, FEAR, LUST, CARE, GRIEF (formerly PANIC), and PLAY - concentrated in ancient subcortical regions of all mammalian brains.



Edited by snowymountains

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