
Rapidly cleansing ones energy Or Rapidly Increasing Heavenly Energy

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I've been influenced by a unheavenly spirits without my conscious awareness. I'm hoping to help anyone here who is going through this. I'm hoping someone here has the experience/ knowledge / resources to win this battle of peace, love, and joy using light based, heavenly, celestial resources.


What is your go to practice for purifying your energy?


Edited by Skyy

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38 minutes ago, Skyy said:

This will be  a long post with some details of my life as being influenced by a demons without my conscious awareness.


Hello.  Thank you.  


41 minutes ago, Skyy said:

Hope all is well. Maybe you with experience can help me. This is a long story. I once lived in a orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Midwood Brooklyn NY. I then became very sick while living in that neighborhood and the neighbors 2 doors down reached out to heal me but noticed were practicing demonic rituals every weekend on their sabbath. I would wake up with minor cuts on my body and have no idea how or why until now. Till this day I still have these minor scars.  Once, they made me aware of these rituals, I tried to move because I am light based but was unable too because of court issue with the house and because I was bed bound unable to walk. There was a house fire caused by their influences which has taken my mothers life and I now have permeant burn scars on half of my body. During my time living there, I saw that they were "body jumpers" who would OBE astral jump into others bodies and animals to influence/ temporarily posses people in subtle ways using demonic energy as their means for "cultivating" energy. The things I've seen/heard them do to their daughters, their family members are things I'd never say or do to my worst enemy. I don't think it's right conduct to share the truth of those details as these are things I would prefer people not to imagine and trying keep the positivity throughout it all.


Oh wow.  OK.  It sounds truly awful.  If you don't mind, when was this?   How old were you when this happened?  How old are you now?


43 minutes ago, Skyy said:

They show a lack of love, kindness, and morality for others and the animals on this planet. They recently stopped me from having love by causing argument on they day set up one of the most romantic moments for a woman I was seeing. The moment it turned into love they stepped in to stop the love of another.  They remind me of it daily by bringing up her name as their form of non light based "healing". It seems they have been subtle negatively influencing my love and life my whole life as now I can see their fingerprints on the women I've meet and the challenges of finding warm hearted souls. They jump in other bodies around me to alter the perception of my true nature to keep me from finding everlasting happiness.  Despite my wishes and my kind requests to leave me alone they refuse to leave my soul.. they continue to heal me against my will. It's come to my attention that many others probably have spirits like these affecting their lives and have no clue it is happening like me who was once unaware.


~nodding~  yes.  yes.  Terrible.  This was recent?  When, if you don't mind?


45 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I've noticed I would have crying spells but these weren't my tears. I'd notice tears would be running down my eyes when I'm side not doing a thing.. I noticed my upper energy centers above my head were blocked - it almost felt blackend and that half of my body also had that "blackened" feeling, this has a energy that feels different from mine. It almost feels like its blackened even when I prayer or do any heavenly meditations. It feels like only half of my body is getting the light from my prayers... I've never touched any dark arts my whole life. The only constant is the neighborhood I've lived in which was an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. I've never even fought anyone physically. I try to be kind to all I meet. I'm just trying to find everlasting peace, love, and joy.


Oh boy....  Yes.  I am so so sorry that you are going through this.  I understand.  I really do.


46 minutes ago, Skyy said:

So what have I tried, I've started getting closer to god.. praying to god asking him for blessings, healings, and protections. I've reached out to the ascended masters that I feel the closest to Kuan Yin, Jade Emperor, Jesus, Lord Taiyi, requesting the same. I've been a very positive ( I don't even curse) person my whole life which doesn't make sense why this is occurring. 


Smart.  Makes perfect sense.


46 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I remember once another suggesting Vajra chant having that play non stop. I've tried playing the Vajra chat from the Buddhism but I don't like that way as it feels like I'm using black fires against black fires. It seems foolish of me, not to use that route, as it did show effectiveness but something within me wants a more light based approach.




47 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I started working on my golden light but as I was doing the meditation they would block my thoughts so I couldn't continue or I would have to start from the beginning.. They then try to use their subtle colors which may not be the right color to throw off the effectiveness of the prayer. I've only been doing it for a few months. 




47 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I've reached out to someone who helps in these situations but they would jump into the body just before the casting was set out to alter/stop the effect.


~big-sigh~  Well... I would be frustrated.


48 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I've reached out to quite a few different lineages but many don't truly acknowledge the existence of real demons. Or many aren't equipped with techniques that bring peace to those affected. Some of said it's in your mind, just be positive,  but the real ones know that isn't enough. Other say maybe you need medical help again the real ones know this is a spiritual thing.  Another issue is because I'm unable to walk.. I have to rely on email and they seem to have a way of stopping or influencing many to not even respond to my emails. 


Right.  I would be even more frustrated.  Again.  I am so sorry you're going through this.


50 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I've reach out to monasteries, I figure they should be able to help right. One out of many did  send me an amulet which I'm grateful for but they are still here. Maybe I didn't find the right one... 


~nods~   maybe.


51 minutes ago, Skyy said:

I'm sure over time practice of the things above will get me to the goal of cleansing and purifying the spirit but, in the meantime, someone who is based in the light and on their level would make this a fair match.


Sure.  But that doesn't change the magnitude of the burden.  Based on what you've written, it's really impressive what you've accomplished so far.


52 minutes ago, Skyy said:

If one wanted help clearing and cleansing ones soul of any negative/demonic/ unheavenly influences is this something you could help with or do you know anyone that could help with this?


I can try.  :)  But I can't say it will be easy for me or quick.  I'm working with 3 others currently.  It's a process.  Each case is different.   One of them seems to wrapping up for now.  One of them is stable, on the mend, and consistently improving but still needs a lot of help.  The third?  We're just getting started.  And I might have a fourth case.  Not sure yet.


There is no charge for my services.  There will never be any request nor expectation for compensation.  Everything I do is strictly pro-bono.  I have a job.  I don't need the money.  My reward is the specific personal satisfaction that comes from helping people when others, for one reason or another, are not.


58 minutes ago, Skyy said:

What you do in this situation?


If it were me?  I would banish those demons myself.  Poof.  The hard part comes from preventing them from returning.  Relatively speaking, banishing is easy.  Preventing the relapse is not.


1 hour ago, Skyy said:

Does anyone know of any monasteries, groups, lineages, practitioners, or prayers  that have had success in quickly removing human demons from ones consciousness/energy field/ soul?


No one that does good work, no.  You may get some temporary relief, but, often there are side effects.  For that reason, I cannot recommend them.


1 hour ago, Skyy said:

Hopefully something here helps another who is in the situation. Thanks in advance for your help and time.


You're very welcome.  If you would like to discuss it further, reply here, or send me a private message.  I am wishing you love, peace, and support in this endeavor and in all of your pursuits now and in the future.











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Why can't you walk?


i have a very good idea of what's wrong with you energetically. 

There are no demons only blockages and imbalances. 

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On 8/7/2024 at 5:45 PM, Daniel said:


Hello.  Thank you.  



Oh wow.  OK.  It sounds truly awful.  If you don't mind, when was this?   How old were you when this happened?  How old are you now?



~nodding~  yes.  yes.  Terrible.  This was recent?  When, if you don't mind?



Oh boy....  Yes.  I am so so sorry that you are going through this.  I understand.  I really do.



Smart.  Makes perfect sense.









~big-sigh~  Well... I would be frustrated.



Right.  I would be even more frustrated.  Again.  I am so sorry you're going through this.



~nods~   maybe.



Sure.  But that doesn't change the magnitude of the burden.  Based on what you've written, it's really impressive what you've accomplished so far.



I can try.  :)  But I can't say it will be easy for me or quick.  I'm working with 3 others currently.  It's a process.  Each case is different.   One of them seems to wrapping up for now.  One of them is stable, on the mend, and consistently improving but still needs a lot of help.  The third?  We're just getting started.  And I might have a fourth case.  Not sure yet.


There is no charge for my services.  There will never be any request nor expectation for compensation.  Everything I do is strictly pro-bono.  I have a job.  I don't need the money.  My reward is the specific personal satisfaction that comes from helping people when others, for one reason or another, are not.



If it were me?  I would banish those demons myself.  Poof.  The hard part comes from preventing them from returning.  Relatively speaking, banishing is easy.  Preventing the relapse is not.



No one that does good work, no.  You may get some temporary relief, but, often there are side effects.  For that reason, I cannot recommend them.



You're very welcome.  If you would like to discuss it further, reply here, or send me a private message.  I am wishing you love, peace, and support in this endeavor and in all of your pursuits now and in the future.












Thanks for the kind words friend. I should mention there were others on that block who helped me immensely  in more ways than one in a completely peaceful manner. I'm grateful for the many blessings have happened, I'm grateful but everyone knows what's wrong or right. Just looking for more light based mentors/teachers to help in the never ending learning journey of a lifetime.



12 hours ago, Gerard said:

Why can't you walk?


i have a very good idea of what's wrong with you energetically. 

There are no demons only blockages and imbalances. 


It's rare illness caused from unheavenly influences. Read many books and stories of people healing from "incurable" things using chi/qigong/ energy. I'm sure I can healing is possible. Just need the looking for the right mentor/teacher who is light based. 


Interesting, I keep an open mind to all possibilities. I'm sure there were/are many blockages and I'm grateful for all healing that has happened.

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My advice for you:


1. Go seek TCM herbal treatment. It will take several years to reverse all the poor lifestyle and diet practices you have been involved with for your entire life. Damp, heat and excessive heart phlegm have left your Spleen (Earth Force) in an extremely weak condition, hence your inability to walk. 

2. Practice daily energy work in the form of either IMA (internal martial arts) or walking meditation and seated meditation or a combination of all these methods. If you prefer a single Qigong practice ask around this forum for specific help. You'll need a real life teacher with sound and proven experience. Careful with quacks here. Stay away from promises of enlightenment and supernatural claims and teachers who demand signing up for online courses, buying several books and investing a substantial amount of money in their methods. A good honest teacher and your own effort and daily discipline is all you need. Teachers based in local parks are highly recommended as they usually practice what they preach.


Good luck!


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2 hours ago, Gerard said:

My advice for you:


1. Go seek TCM herbal treatment. It will take several years to reverse all the poor lifestyle and diet practices you have been involved with for your entire life. Damp, heat and excessive heart phlegm have left your Spleen (Earth Force) in an extremely weak condition, hence your inability to walk. 

2. Practice daily energy work in the form of either IMA (internal martial arts) or walking meditation and seated meditation or a combination of all these methods. If you prefer a single Qigong practice ask around this forum for specific help. You'll need a real life teacher with sound and proven experience. Careful with quacks here. Stay away from promises of enlightenment and supernatural claims and teachers who demand signing up for online courses, buying several books and investing a substantial amount of money in their methods. A good honest teacher and your own effort and daily discipline is all you need. Teachers based in local parks are highly recommended as they usually practice what they preach.


Good luck!


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm aware the organs need strengthening.  I actually eat very healthy, , used to drink plenty of tea,  currently drinking plenty of water, and before yesterday haven't had a drink in about 2 years or so.. I was practicing some basic standard Daoist meditations  daily till last week when a TCM doctor suggested I purify doing Dao Yin before continuing any cultivation practices. He said my mom was in transition and gave a prayer to help her on her way back to the source.

The spirit attachments are real. I've noticed very few people can detect them and I've reached out to possibly 100s of folks. That said, I would love to meet someone from the park as I've always seen them practicing early in the morning on my way to school or work. Thing is I'm unable to walk atm. Any recommendations for a teacher with experience in this realm?

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So I was sitting here and had a thought. Framing things positively is paramount for me as I feel every word has a thread of power. Maybe, the focus should be on rapidly increasing heavenly energy while purifying anything not shining in the light. If I cultivate the soul with more heavenly energy then only light should exist. 


In theory, that should work right?

Any recommendations on a heavenly meditation or gong for this purpose?

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6 hours ago, Skyy said:

In theory, that should work right?


You seem to be stuggling, and in need of some help.


 Based on that. I will make a recommendation to you, and explain the rationale based on all of your previous postings


You should try to cease all mental activity related to this topic, and anything energetic also. The  thing that you should do right now is lots of physical , tangible work, like exercise,  opening and stretching, walks in nature and so forth (you say you cant walk, more on this below) . Eat plain, simple food and if you need to do a little bit of something to relax yourself, natural breathing with a slight pause on the exhale, and no tension whatsover (you need to just let the breath stop, dont tense any muscles anywhere) keep that pause for about 3-5 seconds. Around 10-15 minutes, no more. You can get an app to program this, and theres loads of sites that discuss this, it is a very common suggestion.


Here is the rationale


"Possession" is a heavily loaded word, with far too much baggage.

The reality is that the various phenomena we associate with it has two mechanisms of action, one is an externally based thing, wheras the other is internally based. I have reason to believe that your case is the latter. Though we do see various overlapping things happening ie, similar symptoms, there are different underlying things at play

It is  a long discussion as to whats actually going on here, however the reason why the advice you see above is helpful, is pretty simple.

Your energetic body is linked into the mental body, and the mental body is where the distortions are most evident in your case (and believe it or not, this is how the "internal" mechanic mentioned above operates). Due to this, trying to do anything at the level of "mind" will be very difficult. It is best avioded. Moreover, trying to work directly with the enegetic, will most likely reinforce the quality of the mind, so thats another option that is likely to end poorly.


The suggestion above, seeks to remove one from the mental/energetic, and instead create change at the physical level. This translates to the energetic body, which in turn will push up into the mental body (where much of this appears to be taking place). This type of change takes quite some time, so be prepared to put months into this. 


What can you do from a "mental perspective" ? Two things really, use willpower and discpline to stick to the above mentioned


You might of course discount the above, but let me explain something else, related to the  chance it is an external based phenomeona (I dont know you, so im not going to discount you, im just giving you a viewpoint based on the information given)


Things in the external are attracted to energy. it is like a lightbulb to them. The mental activtiy of one does not only redirect energy upward, it also sends it to a point where it leakes out far easier (the discussion here is long too). The issue with that is, now such things have a reason to appear and, indeed thrive in situations where they can get a free meal

So either way, you are going to benefit from the above. Youve nothing to lose in that respect


You might be asking as a final gesture, well who am I to speak on such things?


Well, nobody really, though you did mention this



The spirit attachments are real. I've noticed very few people can detect them and I've reached out to possibly 100s of folks


I  (unfortunately) happen to be able to see, feel and in some cases, interact with said "entities". Not some gift or anything, just something that arose as a byproduct of a congenital thing plius internal work. Its honestly, more annoying than anything else

Its not something im open to delving into, beyond the fact that there are members of this site, who have seen  video of that, and would most likely, if I asked them attest to it (though it'd probably be better if they didnt)


That being said,  I mention this only as I do have some experiential understanding of them (it is not theoretical or imagination)


I am not personally convinced they would take away your ability to walk, and I think something else is at play here. My assumption (and it is just that) is indeed as  @Gerard mentioned. Its most likely blockages/imbalances, and unsuprisingly, these almost always arise from mental distortions translating down into the enegetic which manifest physically. You have also disempowered yourself as a result of the shifting locus of control, which could make things far worse


In any event, my parting advice is to start by getting outside, getting out of your head, and into your body, even if you have to lie on a blanket in the park and stretch , be sure to ,do that. If you cant walk? I then suggest you get crutches to help you, or if completely immobile, a wheelchair and really push yourself to get outside, and back to walking, even if its with a crutch or stick.  


Moreover, spend time with family, friends and loved ones. Do not isolate yourself


The curative factor here, will be largely to do with how disciplined you are in mentally separating yourself from the narrative, and adhering to the above protocol


Of course, you are welcome to dismiss everything mentioned above. I dont mind.  I  do sincerley  wish healing for you (Hence why I posted this) 


Best of luck 

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Posted (edited)

What utter nonsense, in pain or agony one should continue practice. People who preach safety and safety again have nothing left to look forward to but malice, it's the excitement of their life even if they try to point out that they avoid it at every turn.


These people know nothing about how painful self control is to the mind and they exalt 'bliss' as achievement, when in reality bliss is the death of psionic energies.


It is fair to say that the countless humans who basically say bliss is the only achievement with every motion of their bodies, have ruined the psychic sea into some psychotic mess.


These are the same people that say working out is healthy and that meditation is good for your body. Even their buddha only meditated in asceticism and because of his own uselessness, who here would somehow believe meditation is good for the body? Ive also never seen someone lose their essence of psychic domination so easily by working out or falling in line with other humans. Truthfully, I am more impressed as I don't know how removing the rubber casing around wires is seen as healthy or the sign of being advanced here.


If I look at the mind of most of these so called masters with chakras or great foundations, they look like rocks with no psychic noise left. Their genetics have accepted failure at every term, and they have begun worship of consciousness stealers like the self to satiate their happiness.


Ironically, it is these practices that have degenerated what should have been fine human specimen and made the entire species look like a laughing stock. Now and days, there is only benefit in denying human origin because these millions of fools have ruined the psychic sea. How pleasant it feels to deny humanity and take up some other species, because the complete mess humans made of their own psychic abilities. They only seem fascinated in killing themselves and not exhausting any effort, ascetics like me only appear emaciated because I am out of work, even the common man is more of an ascetic than I am and the world doesn't require my services.


Siddhas and psychic individuals make things healthier through their own experience, in contrast I'd be suprised to see someone today who isnt estatic at spreading the taste of rotten meat.

Even if uttered by a great man, there is no use in believing the words of those who appear more ascetic than ascetics.


Furthermore, there is nothing in this world that advises caution, have you seen the meridians of those that advise caution? They taste bliss in the nutrition of a blade of grass and think cake does not taste pleasant.


Though appearing to be happy or fulfilled, their bodies are in agony to their own cancer and they are only known as cowards even to their own minds. Seeking retribution, they turn away their own Ego and mutilate it to redeem themselves. They even turn love into malice, mistaking the sharpness of an arrow to be love. Like a crazed man swinging around their firebrand for the benefit of others, they somehow think that light is more beneficial than darkness and ignorance is the root of evil.


There is a story, on another world, of Heaven taking human form after being corrupted from the worship of humans. Their essence became dirty, their habits became evil, and they themselves accumulated human form. They were in some sense conditioned, but the purpose of the story is that only Heaven was conditioned. Humans had not actually suffered conditioning, they were born the way they were and were what they are.


In fairness, if you wish to make use of Heavenly energies why not become Heaven? Or start as an immortal. Which reasonable man finds progress later, or gold when one no longer has any greed left to be good for the spirit?


Even obsessed with my own torture, I would not make use of psychic energies without being an Psionic Emperor, there is no pleasantness in exalting belongings that are not yours. 


You can probably begin the process of becoming Heaven or believing you are a greater being. Brahman, the self, or other wise creatures; these are not greater beings, they are not even princes.


Or another path/fate that increases your gravitas or destiny. One should never give up or lose faith at failure, their eyes should only look towards brighter stars. Does man become fire to weild fire? No but he is still man, and fire is his. To wield Heavenly energies, is it not better to be Heaven? Work without reward or pleasure without your own familiar gain is not worthwhile. And in fairness as well, even self attitude knows value towards the demons and knowing who you are is helpful in psychic combat.


I've never seen a man who is being attacked or locked in a siege against the enemy, who advises giving up or pausing their own aggression.


I should probably leave the forum for a while though, to avoid the aggravation or heartless responses to come. Any place where caution is advised and accepted as the greater form, is not a good place to be.


Edited by Emaciated Ascetic

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13 minutes ago, Emaciated Ascetic said:

People who preach safety and safety again have nothing left to look forward to but malice,



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Posted (edited)

Heaven is so clear, people in the same place do different things. Turning Heaven into confusion does not constitute intelligence, it is just illness.


Now with that being said, how is finding a mace or being cautionary of more sharp objects helpful? Purity is lack of malice not awareness of painful organs.


Cruelty will always illuminate light, but people like you will mistake that as progress.


Is it that difficult to condense Qi? There is not a problem or health hazard that is ignored with quantity or the condensing of Qi. So many people who have mistaken cultivation to be making themselves useless or impassive.


Edited by Emaciated Ascetic

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On 8/9/2024 at 5:16 AM, Emaciated Ascetic said:


I've never seen a man who is being attacked or locked in a siege against the enemy, who advises giving up or pausing their own aggression.







Now you have?

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On 8/7/2024 at 10:37 AM, Skyy said:


What is your go to practice for purifying your energy?




Positive intent attracts positive energy.


Negative intent is a magnet for many types of unwanted negative outcomes.

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On 8/7/2024 at 10:37 AM, Skyy said:


I'm hoping someone here has the experience/ knowledge / resources to win this battle of peace, love, and joy using




Modern war is waged with smart bombs and cruise missiles costing more than $100,000 each.


In the process of waging war it is possible for a nation to inflict more damage on its finances and economy than it does on enemy forces from the use of modern high cost weapons.


It is possible spiritual warfare is the same.


It is not cost effective.


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Posted (edited)


On 07/08/2024 at 10:37 PM, Skyy said:

… What is your go to practice for purifying your energy?



On 09/08/2024 at 3:11 PM, Shadow_self said:

… spend time with family, friends …


That would depend on the quality of your “family, friends”. In some cases it is precisely these “family, friends” that are causing the problem(s). Then it’s necessary to remove yourself from them; and very rapid healing will occur once all contact has been stopped. 



Edited by Cobie

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On 8/8/2024 at 9:40 PM, Skyy said:

If I cultivate the soul with more heavenly energy then only light should exist.


Light is defined by the darkness surrounding it like the stars in the sky.  Lacking all darkness, light becomes oblivion.  It's like staring at the sun.  It produces blindness which is identical to being surrounded by only darkness.  The effect is the same.  


On 8/8/2024 at 9:40 PM, Skyy said:

In theory, that should work right?


Sadly, no. 


A better method is to turn towards the light, and appreciate the darkness for what it is, and it is not evil.  Evil is rare.  Darkness is not.  Literally.  Darkness = "NOT"  ( אין )

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Posted (edited)
On 8/11/2024 at 9:57 PM, Sanity Check said:






Now you have?

I admit I somewhat lost my sanity a bit. I suppose I have stopped. I just don't vibe well with most understandings, I shouldn't take that out on others.

Regardless, I think losing more and more of a resource will turn you more towards it.

Body Aptitude is skipping a step, so in this case losing Heavenly Energy should fulfill everything that the loss of Heavenly Energy does.

What do you spend most of your day losing? Lifespan, Hope, Clarity, most losses have to do with Flesh. You need to lose more Heavenly Energy than every other resource, and that's through obsession.

There is some fairness in the point that a high level cultivator just loses different resources than an ordinary person.

Nothing is going to stop you from just losing more Heavenly Energy, ability to lose a resource when you have none left is considered Purity anyways. 

Edited by Emaciated Ascetic
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