Detox ?

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there seems to be a detox process going on for me recently, it’s not simply physical, - else I’d simply throw up, it feels more like having an alleviating period but going upwards in the wrong directing (like wanting to vomit but there’s no material), heat from upper belly/breast region towards mouth…

what helps the process, before I consider classic advice for traditional herb recipies?

Sage? Salvia officinalis? What else?

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It might not be what you're looking for, but I've recently read Perfect Health the Taoist Way by Hua Sun. The book describes many natural positions of the body that help to stimulate the detox process, such as while sleeping or sitting. It also explains the circadian rhythm and how to eat (and not eat) at the right times, and to be asleep at the right times, so as to not interfere with the body's natural detox processes.


It's certainly not the only book on the subject, but it's easy to understand and apply. Here's the table of contents:


1. Introduction


2. What is Tao, and How Can It Help Us?

So what is Tao?

How to achieve the wisdom of Tao?

What is the purpose of practicing Tao?

Yin and Yang

The five elements of nature

The Taoist’s three treasures

Why the training of the mind is the prime business for the Taoists


3. Living to Your Perfect Health

Sleeping the right hours for perfect health

Sleeping on the right beds for perfect health

Sitting to your perfect health

Kneeling to your perfect health

The sun is your best friend

The moon is your best secret friend

Simple changes in living can lead to lifetime health benefits


4. Using Taoist Exercises and Other Techniques to Reach Perfect Health

Standing still is a perfect exercise for health

Slow walking is another perfect exercise for health

Using your back to hit a wall to gain an excellent health benefit

Other exercises that have good health benefits

A footbath is a perfect way for health

Moxibustion is another perfect way for health


5. Eating and Drinking to Your Perfect Health

The Taoist approach to foods

The Yin and Yang nature of foods

The food pyramid

The way to prepare food and drinks

Salt in the diet reexamined

Slow weight loss is the only good way for weight control

Make your own vegetable drink to detox: the detox drink

Make your own drink for weight loss and beauty: the slim drink

Make your own longevity pill—Gouqi pill

Making your own alcoholic drink to combat back pain and aging

Is Bigu worthwhile to pursue?

A list of foods with regard to their Yin and Yang characteristics


6. Sex and Taoism

The growing-up years

Marriage and sex

The Taoist sex practices

Things to avoid in sex

Sex liberation is a major drain on health

The traditional approach to sex has substantial value


7. Avoiding Damage to Your Body and Mind

Why coldness is regarded as the chief cause of diseases

Where does the coldness come from?

How do you know that you are under attack from the coldness

What can you do to get rid of the coldness?

Avoiding damage to your body

Avoiding damage to your mind

Avoiding damage by menopause and retirement


8. Meditation to Your Perfect Health

What is meditation?

The Taoist meditation

Using your life as a way to practice Tao

The Taoist meditation practices

After cross-leg meditation

Ways to help concentration

Other ways of meditation

Do I need a master to learn the Taoist practices?

Summary on Taoist meditation training

Quotations from a Ming Dynasty book


9. Putting It All Together

The easiest way to achieve primary good health

The intermediate way to achieve perfect health

The advanced way to achieve perfect health and beyond

How do I know whether I am on the right path?

What are the signs of perfect health?

A few case studies using the Taoist and TCM principles


10. Some Critical Health Issues of Modern Life

Ten confusions on health

Ten myths on health

Four health trends facing the West…and the East

Ten ways to fight back for perfect health


11. My Own Journey in Practicing the Tao

The Taoist nine-year body transformation teaching

My first year of practice

My first four years of practice

My second four years of practice

My ninth and tenth years of practice

My eleventh and twelfth years of practice

What lies ahead


12. Questions and Answers with Regard to the Tao and Taoist Training




(I'm not a doctor, just a person who read a book by someone who claims to have knowledge on the subject. Please take this suggestion with a grain of salt.)

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