
Taoist point of view towards sauna therapy

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Posted (edited)

I was trying to find it. Had no luck. 

There are many mentions of sauna on this forum as a good thing but only in a context of a discussion but never as an actual central topic. 

However, what do taoists think about sauna? I saw that M. Chia has a lot of detox methods but does not utilize sauna as method in any of his books.


And searching outside did not help, scholar nothing. Journal of Daoist studies nothing as well. 


I read this book - https://drlwilson.com/articles/SAUNA.THERAPY.pdf based on the inspiration from Varis Ahmad (talking about sauna as a good option to heal oneself of problems caused by toxic methals and whatever toxic stuff we got too much in our body


Sauna therapy might be quite taxing for a body and internal taoist methods like iron shirt chi kung, probably some advanced practices will possible help the body to get rid of crap. 


I think sauna could still be good idea to combine with taoistic approaches. However, I would like to read what do taoist think about sauna, how it works according to them. 


Does anyone know about something? 

Edited by oatisnottao

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